Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Jun 8, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 72 - Things Aren't Always Bigger in Texas

The Stallions were flying to Houston for their final game of the season. They had already accepted a Bowl invitation and would be paired with Brigham Young. So 3 days before Christmas and two days before closing they'd be in South Florida for the Boca Bowl.

Sean made reservation to fly to Houston the same day as the team. He even coaxed eleven members of the FWBs to go along with him. He arrived at OIA and cleared TSA and was on his way to the gate. As he approached Cora Beth Morgan saw him and squealed, "It's Sean everybody!"

Sean turned toward them when he heard his name. It was quite an impressive group all wearing the team colors and sporting their hot pink FWB sashes. In addition to Cora Beth, Rita Magleone, Gina Olivera, Joan Crowley, Dora Hungerford, Ashley Frank, Sally St. John, Bridget Marsh, Lisa Bonnett, Lourdes Mirror, Erica Leif and Gail Windom were greeting Sean as if he were Queen of England.

"Thank you very much ladies! Let me get my sash on,"Sean commented as he pulled it from his backpack.

"This is just amazing! I'm surprised no one ever thought of it before," Lourdes gushed.

The group settled down and Cora Beth sat next to Sean. "So how did you pull this off?"

"To be honest, it was a trip that almost didn't happen."

"Do tell Baby. Mama Morgan wants to know."

"It started over the weekend with Clay deciding he wanted me on the road trips. We'll pay for our room and my travel. Monday at practice Clayton informed the coaching staff that he would be staying in his own room with me on our own dime. Coach Higgenbothan raised an eyebrow but he and the other coaches all said nothing. After practice there was a note on Clay's locker to see the Athletic Director Tuesday before practice.

I was waiting for Clay as he came out of the locker room at the stadium. We embraced and shared a quick kiss before heading for the trams for the ride to our apartment complex. As we walked Clayton shared the note that he was to see the athletic AD.

"I bet she wants to see me about what I told the coaching staff, "Farm Boy told me.

I responded, "You're probably right. I'm going to come with you to that meeting."

"We continued on to our apartment making plans as to what they would say to the AD the next afternoon. We arrived at our apartment building to find Eddie was sitting on the steps leading up to our place. But that's another story for later. Anyway we made our plans for Roberta and spent the evening studying."

"We finished our finals, had lunch and headed to the Athletic Director's Office. She was in conference with Coaches Lee and Higgenbothan when we arrived. After a 20 minute wait we were admitted to her conference room.

"Mr Reed, I see you brought your boyfriend. This doesn't involve him." Roberta stated.

"You mean my fiancé and if it concerns me it concerns him," Clay informed her. "Besides you brought in the coaches."

"Very well, we'll get straight to the point. Your request to have him stay with you on overnight away games is denied. "

"That's unacceptable."

"She raised her hand to stop further comment. "If you persist you will be suspended for the rest of the season and your scholarship cancelled. "

"This is the good part. Clay leaned back and relaxed in his chair. "Done! As you know I don't need the scholarship. So that was an empty threat. Sean please send out that blast to the news media."

"I pulled out my phone to send the text which I had already prepared calling a news conference regarding Quarterback Clayton Reed. Cox asked me to hold up.

"What are you going to say, you didn't get your way?"

"Oh no, it's more than that. I'm going to tell them how the Athletic Department covers travel expenses for staff spouses to away games. I'm going to tell them we were going to cover my fiancé's travel and hotel expenses. And I'm going to tell them a coach on this team fondled me on the team bus. Plus some other juicy info."

"He stood up and headed out the door. I followed him out. We were out in the main hall when Roberta caught up with us.

"Gentlemen, would you mind coming back into my office?" Roberta requested sweetly.

"You made you position known when we arrived. I'M OFF THE TEAM!! We've acknowledged your position and it's our turn to make ours known to the whole community," Clay stated loudly in order to attract attention of a small group of students and professors and staff members who were nearby.

"Gentlemen, let's not be too hasty, or public, in our discussion. I'm sure we can reach an accommodation. Please come back to my office?" the AD pleaded. She motioned toward her office. Clay looked at me and winked.

"That was my signal to enter the fray." I said, "Ms. Cox, we were being reasonable. Everything regarding staff travel, albeit contrary to policy and law, would have remained in place. I would pay for my own travel and hotel expenses and my fiancé shares my room. You said no and if we persisted Clay was suspended from the team and his scholarship cancelled. I don't see what there is to discuss."

Cell phones were being held up and the confrontation was being filmed or live streamed. I'm surprised you didn't see it. "

"I would have jumped on it had I seen it. You know it's that kind of horse trading that got beer on this campus back in the 1979s,"Cora Beth noted. "The administration is stonewalling the Senate on a few other items. I still might use it to make some gains here."

"Well obviously we went back into her office and all was agreed to as we proposed. They did offer to pay for me but I turned it down. What they don't know though is that Clay is going to tell them in January he refuses further scholarship money from them."

"Last half of his sophomore year is on us as is his the rest of his education."

"Southwest Airlines flight 1762 is now boarding at Gate 103. Passengers please report to your assigned boarding positions."

"See you on board." Sean picked up his backpack and Cora Beth grabbed a large purse and a carryon bag.

"Cora Beth it's just for one night!" Sean said good naturedly.

"Baby, you think all this happens without some help!" She gestured to her hair and face giggling.

Sean was the first FWB on board. He asked the flight attendant, an older blond woman, if he could save the last two rows for his traveling companions.

"Honey, I saw your group when I arrived at the gate. You tell Karl back there I said to block off the last two rows for your group."

Karl was a twenty something flight attendant with auburn hair and beard with deep blue eyes. Sean felt a twinge in his jeans as soon as he saw him. He relayed the message and Karl looked to the front of the plane. He got the high sign from Monica and he took a position at the third row.

"Hope you don't mind seeing my back while we board," he commented.

"Oh I'll enjoy the view," Sean said giving Karl a flirtatious wink as the man glanced back and smiled while licking his lips. Sean was enjoying the view. The tight pants showed up the muscular bubble butt beautifully.

Karl only had to insist one passenger not go beyond where he was stationed. When the man insisted Karl looked at him and stated, if you really want to sit in a group of college girls splitting them up, go for it, but you've been warned." The guy backed off and actually sat three rows closer to the front of the plane.

Once the flight was boarded and the cabin doors sealed Monica began preflight instructions.

"Ladies and gentlemen do us a favor today," Monica suggested. "Sit back. Relax. Enjoy our hospitality. Or you can sit up and be tense, that choice is yours."

She then launched into a song, "We love you. You love us. We're much faster than the bus. We hope you enjoy our hospitality. Marry one of us and you'll fly free."

The passengers erupted in laughter.

"I stole this routine from a fellow flight attendant," Monica admitted.

Today Gilda is caring for our patients, oops passengers in mid-cabin while Karl is servicing the rear end of the plane. I'm your head-liner, oops again, Head flight attendant, Monica."

"Please take a moment to look at our safety information card. It has loads of pretty pictures. I particularly find it useful when I'm having one of my hot flashes."

"For those of you who are old enough to have driven a car without seat belts we will now demonstrate how to use them."

"In the event of a water landing you will need your teeny weeny yellow bikini top located under your seat. You put it over your head and pull the red tab to achieve that Dolly Parton look. If it doesn't inflate you use the red tube to blow them up."

"You may have noticed the rather quiet group of Golden Stallion Fans traveling with us. They all demand Free Wine and Beer! Sorry to say that is not SW's policy. "

The FWBs and other Stallion fans cheered loudly at being mentioned.

Monica concluded her safety instructions regarding exiting the plane as well as how to use the masks in event of loss of cabin pressure.

The pilot, Amanda Snow, greeted us next. "Thank you for flying Southwest Airlines. Yes you have a female pilot. Be assured that if we get lost on our 2 hour flight to Houston, I will stop and ask for directions." More laughter ensued from the passengers. Many wives on board either poked or looked at their husbands.

Sean was sandwiched in between Cora Beth and Gina. After the flight took off Gina took a nap.

Cora Beth looked at Sean, "You we're going to tell me about Eddie."

"Oh yes, great news on that front. When we got to the apartment he was sitting on the stairs waiting. He ran over to us, hugged us tightly and announced his news.

"I just came from the printers!" the photographer stated enthusiastically as he waved something in his hands. "The program for the Grand Opening of your exhibit is hot off the presses. I thought you'd like to see it."

"Cora Beth the program is beautiful. There are only three images in the whole thing. The cover is me with a come hither look in my eyes and my jeans open down to the third button. You can see the treasure trail and it's suggestive enough that you know what I want."

"Inside on the cover us a portrait of Eddie, all business you know. Cameras displayed around him. The program lists the title and subject of the 100 prints to be displayed. The back cover features Clay looking back over his shoulder. His bare torso with a side view and his jeans pulled down over his buttocks. Once again its suggestive but not obscene."

"If you want to see more you can come to the Grand Opening, I believe it's $250 per person for the chance to meet us in the flesh and view the art. Guests can buy the books of the more intimate images. They can pay for our autographs on prints and the books and posters. Or you can wait for the general public where admission is over 18 only and $25 per person."

"I'll wait Sean.Are guys making some money on this or his Eddie making it all?"

"Cora Beth, Clay and I will be millionaires, each in our own right when the world tour is completed. We're over halfway there just in sitting and image fees."

"Ooo Eee! You're one lucky man. Hope it doesn't change you guys."

"You know we were both born with silver spoons in our mouths?"

"No, I mean I know your folks are doctors and all."

"Just know we are plain folks. Life changes everyone. I hope more money doesn't change me. I love people too much to stick with only A-listers. You'll excuse me I need to stretch my legs a bit." He stood and exited his row. He walked into the back galley near the restrooms. Karl was fixing coffee for a beverage run.

"May I help you Sir?" he asked politely.

Just stretching I was cramped in the seat.

"I can see that." Karl noted as he nodded to the bulge along Sean's left thigh.

Karl secured the coffee pot and nodded to the bathroom door. He picked up the intercom. "Monica I need to use the head badly. I shouldn't have had Mexican with you and Gilda last night." He listened a few moments, laughed, hung up the phone and said, "Follow me."

Karl entered the bathroom and sat down on the seat. Sean ducked in and locked the door. Karl quickly undid Sean's pants and pulled his 9" beauty into the air. Within a few seconds Karl was proving he was an expert cocksucker.

Sean leaned against the door and let Karl have his way. The attendant worked the glans with his tongue before resuming deep throating the massive prick. With one hand he stroked Sean's balls and with his right index finger he teased the outside of the passenger's anus. Sean massaged and pinched the flight attendant's nipples through his shirt. Appreciative moans vibrated along the cock fucking down into his throat. Sean felt the tip of Karl's finger push into his asshole and the sensation sent him over the top. Rope after rope blasted down into attendant's gullet.

Once Sean's orgasm subsided Karl teased the head one more time before helping Sean get his pants back up. They unlocked the door and Sean made sure the coast was clear before heading to his seat. Karl straightened up. Rinsed just mouth and popped a tic-tac in his mouth. He stepped into the galley and donned his apron hiding the wet spot on his trousers. He rolled the cart to mid cabin and started serving the passengers.

Cora Beth snickered as Sean returned. "I see you belong to the Mile High Club."

Sean blushed slightly, "I'm sure you're a member too."

"I'll never tell," was the only response Sean received as Cora Beth went back to reading her magazine.

The rest of the flight was uneventful until the landing. The plane hit the tarmac hard. The captain came on the PA system.

"Sorry folks for the hard landing. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't the first officer's fault. It wasn't the plane's fault. It was the ASPHAULT!"

Laughter rolled through the cabin. Then when we reached the gate Monica announced, "I want you all to pretend like I was your mother when you turned 18. Remember when she said, "Get your stuff together and get out! Have a great evening in Houston."

Karl slipped Sean a note. "Thanks for the sausage. I'd love to try it again sometime either here in Houston or in Orlando. Karl 555-321-1234"

As the FWBs arrived in the main terminal they spotted a huge 6'6" man dressed in black jeans a cowboy shirt and a black cowboy hat. He was holding a sign FWB. Sean walked up to him and reached out to shake the man's hand.

"I'm Sean Walls. You must be the driver for the FWBs. Please to meet you."

"Yes Sir, I'm Noah Sebastian, owner and today a driver for Trails Transportation. Is your group all present?"

Sean did a quick head count. "We're all here Noah. "

"We'll head to baggage claim then."

"Ladies, does anyone need to go to baggage claim?"

There was a chorus of "No's."

"Right you are then. This was to the bus." Noah led the way.

Sean was surprised to see a modern shuttle bus. He had expected a van. Noah helped each of the ladies step up onto the bus. Sean was last. He noted that each time Noah helped one of his friends up he always looked back to see where Sean was located. When Sean finally was the last passenger to board Noah gave him the once over. His eyes stopped on the outline of the cock in the jeans. He involuntarily licked his lips.

"Did you play sports in college?" Sean inquired.

"Yes Sir, a linebacker for the Cougars. Busted up my knee at practice my senior year and that was all she wrote. I finished up my degree and when into business. We're spread thin with this game tomorrow. Lots of Alumni and visitors are coming into town. The driver I assigned you is at the hospital with his wife. They should be having their first baby sometime today. But y'all are my last run. I'll also shuttle you to the game tomorrow and then afterwards back to the airport."

"Nice to know you provide such personal service."

"I aim to please Sir. I learned early how to please people and get ahead." He followed Sean up into the bus. "Days Inn University of Houston here we come. Giddy-up horses," he called starting the engine. He started his music track with the Cougars fight song.

"Cougars fight for dear old U of H For our Alma Mater cheer. Fight for Houston University For victory is near. When the going gets so rough and tough We never worry cause we got the stuff. So fight, fight, fight for red and white And we will go to victory."

That was followed by "Texas, our Texas" and "Yellow Rose of Texas."

Sean again noted Noah glancing back at him in the mirrors as he navigated toward the hotel. "I might get lucky again before the team arrives," Sean thought to himself.

"Days Inn - U of H ladies and Gentleman!" Noah announced pulling into the motel.

The ladies got off the bus and Sean followed last. They bundled into the lobby while Sean settled with the driver for the first part of their travels.

"You know, I should put you over my knee and spank you for that display of partisanship with all those Texas songs." Sean stated while handing Noah the money order from the FWBs.

"Yes Sir, I do deserve to be spanked. You sure you're a big enough man to do it?" he quipped back.

I'll call you after I'm in my room. Then you'll find out how big I am."

"Noah flipped over his business card and wrote his cell number on it. I look forward to your call Sir." He hopped on the bus and headed back to his lot which was only two miles away. His mouth was watering and his ass was itching."

Sean checked in and headed to his room. It was on the same floor as the other quarterbacks and most of the team. He unpacked. He had brought lube to use on Clay's ass but no condoms. He'd have Noah pick up a box and he repay him for them. He dialed the number.

"Noah here. Please leave a call back number and I'll be right back with you as soon as I can."

"This is Sir. I guess you get an extra 20 for not answering. Its 7:05 you have until 7:20 to return the call. After that I'll see you when you pick us up for the game."

Five minutes later Sean's cell rang.


"Sir, sorry Sir I was douching out in case you wanted more than to spank me Sir."

"You're a very perceptive boy. Stop at a pharmacy for a box of Magnums. I'll reimburse you once you're here."

"I'll be there in 10 Sir. May I have your room number Sir?"


"Yes Sir on my way Sir."

Sean sent a text to Clay. "We're in 218. There's one king bed and a siting area with coach and chair. Room looks real nice for just $95. I found some possible entertainment - aformer Cougar linebacker. They sure grow them big here in Texas. Wait till you see this guy. Love you. Chief"

As he had promised Noah knocked on room 218 at 7:23 exactly 10 minutes after he had ended their call. Sean answered dressed only in his jeans. Noah's eyes widened at the beauty of the man before him. He fell to his in the hall and bent over to kiss each of Sean's feet.

Sean stepped back from the door as Noah crawled into the room.

"How much were the condoms?"

"Nothing Sir, they were my ex's brand. He left two boxes when he left me for a woman."

"Well thank you. Strip and let me see this big Texan I'm going to spank and fuck."

Noah was quick as a jack rabbit shucking his clothes. He expertly folded them and set everything aside in one pile. Then he crawled over to Sean, who was seated on the couch.

"Assume an inspection position."

Noah jumped up and spread his legs. He put his hands behind his head. Sean rose amused. The bottom before was big, muscular, his nipples were like large erasers. His buttocks were muscular and firm. Yet despite having large feet and hands his erect penis was no more than 3 inches hard.

"What the fuck is this?" Sean suppressed a snicker.

"That's what earned me my nickname Sir. It's Tiny. I refer to it as my clit."

"Were you the only one that small on the team?"

"No Sir, one of the quarterbacks was smaller. He's gone on to get married and has three kids. I heard he came in a cup and the eggs were fertilized in a petri dish."

"Amazing guess he's spreading the micro dick Gene. It makes one wonder if all the males in his family run small."

"I don't know Sir but football runs in their blood. His Daddy played for Texas A&M and now his brother has followed him as a Cougar. Y'all will play against him tomorrow."

"Well you're getting your ass beat tonight. Get over there and kneel on the floor with your body on the bed. If you reach back to interfere with a swat at any time I start over. Twenty for each of the three songs is 60 swats."

Sean picked up his belt, doubled it over and swung. Without being told Noah said, "Sir, one Sir Thank you Sir." Sean wondered who had trained him. So it went until swat 58. After that swat Noah tried to stop stroke 59.

"You fucked up Noah! We start again." Sean didn't see the smile on Noah's face or the cum stains on the bed spread where the bottom had shot his load after the 12th and 50th swats.

This time Sean finished all 60. "It's time to show your appreciation boy." Just then they heard a key card being inserted and Clayton walked into the room. "Hold that thought boy." Sean rushed to embrace Clay and the couple kissed passionately.

"I've missed you love," Sean opined.

Clay grinned, "We had lunch together, but I see you've kept entertained."

"Clayton Reed meet Noah Sebastian, former..."

Clayton completed the sentence, "former linebacker of the Houston Cougars. It's an honor. You were one of the best out there. I remember when you got hurt. My Dad said it was a damn shame to lose such talent."

"You were a Cougars fan?"

"More of a football fan. We'd sit on a Saturday and watch games and Dad would tell what he saw that was good or bad. You did a lot of good in Dad's book. Now it looks like you just got your ass beat."

"Oh yes! Sir is wonderful! I was enjoying myself a lot. You'll need a new bedspread." He moved showing the remains of 5 cum shots.

Clay roared laughing. Sean just raised his eyebrows.

"I don't recall giving you permission to cum. Normally, I'd spank you but since you get off on that we'll try something else."

"Chief, I've been itching for you inside me all day. Can you fuck me please now!!"

Sean pulled Clay's t-shirt up over his head and used it to secure is forearms. He shoved him face down on the bed, pulled off his trainers, socks and shorts. He left the jockstrap on. He unbuttoned the last two buttons of his own jeans letting them fall around his knees. Jerking his cock a few times to get it ready he spit on Farm Boy's bussy three times. Sean used his cockhead to rub the spit around his fiancé's anus before slowly pushing inside.

Clayton sighed in contented bliss. Chief gave him just a moment to adjust before he plowed the field. Noah watched in awe as Sean's nine inches disappeared and reappeared.

""Play with my balls Tiny," he ordered.

"Yes Sir!" Noah answered as he crawled next to the copulating couple. He reached in to stroke the velvety skin of the scrotum housing a set of large balls.

Chief laid down on top of Clay's back. He reached under to play with the quarterback's nipples. That got Farm Boy bucking, eager to get both himself and his Chief off. Between Noah's hands stroking his balls, Clay's bucking his ass and squeezing his shaft with his ass muscles Sean erupted in 5 massive burrs of seed into the hot steaming ass under him. The first burst of seed into his ass triggered Clay's own orgasms in both his ass and his cock.

The couple lay sated in their lust for one another. It was only after a few minutes, when Noah coughed did they remember there was someone else in the room.

Sean pulled out of Clay and rolled over on the bed. "Pull off my jeans Tiny. Then start with my toes and clean me up. When you finish me you can clean up Clay.

The big muscular Texan went to work. He sucked and licked each toe swirling his tongue around each digit. His tongue swiped at the sole of each foot before switching back and forth to the top of each foot. He alternated between left and right shin. Next he licked the knees and finally the thighs.

Noah noticed the couple were holding hands and staring lovingly at each other. He opted to show imitative and started on Clay's feet giving him the same attention to detail as he had provided Sean.

As he reached Clayton's groin he said, "Sir, May I remove your jock strap?"

Clay smiled, "Yes, please do boy, but no hands. Just use your teeth."

Noah set right to work. As the waistband cleared the cockhead it was easier to pull it down. As the jock came off Clay's legs the phone in the room rang. Sean answered.

"Hello, Sean speaking."

"Evening Sean, Coach Higgenbothan here. I'm doing bed checks on the team. May I please speak with Clay?"

"Sure Coach, let me hand him the phone." Sean handed the receiver to Clayton.

"Hi Coach! What's up?"

"Just bed checks Clay. Glad you're in your room. Remember we have an 8 am bus."

"I'll be there on time and ready to play Coach. Have a good night. Bye." He hung up before hearing the Coach wish them the same.

"I've an idea," Clay revealed. "Let's lay balls to balls and permit him to suck both our cocks together."

"Sounds like a plan. You want your legs over mine or mine over yours?"

"How about we do one of each? It might work better. Last time we did a DP I think I got in further than you and you kept slipping out. It might be more even this way." The two men laugh as they struggled into the new position.

"Alrighty there, cowboy! Clean up these dicks, get raincoats on them then go for a ride!" Clay whooped.

Noah started with Sean's cock and gave it a thorough laving. He switched to Clayton's and was just as thorough. Then he stuffed both giant mushroom heads into his mouth and teased at them with his tongue.

Sean tossed Noah two Magnums. The Texan expertly ripped them open with his teeth. He rolled one on Sean then one on Clay. He jacked both cock's separately. He then lubed them up and using his own hand lubed up his own hole.

Noah positioned himself in a squat over the two men's dicks. Sean held their pricks together as Clay helped guide Noah down onto them.

Noah's ass lips touched the tips of both cocks. He wasn't sure if they'd both fit but he was damn sure going to try.

Clay coached him on, "You're in a good position. You can lower yourself more. I can feel mine sliding in. Sean are you doing well?"

"Yeah I'm a bit behind you but he's opening up well."

Noah lowered himself further and felt both cockheads clear the anal ring. He was sweating profusely from the effort but he really wanted to feel these two guys in him. He lowered further and Sean and Clay got their hands out of the way.

"Ride `em Cowboy!" Clay whooped as Sean slapped Noah's ass cheek. Noah began riding the two dicks stretching and filling his ass. Within minutes he was resting his ass on their groins. He had their full nine inches in him.

Clay started working Noah's nipples while Sean flicked at his balls and the dicklet that passed for Noah's penis.

Noah changed the pace of his ride. Sometimes he would fuck up and down slowly. Other times he would fuck himself very quickly. He was very surprised how much his ass was stretching and the depths these two hunks of man flesh were reaching in his body.

Without any warning Noah had an anal orgasm. It took him completely by surprise and he sunk all the way down on the two pricks penetrating his body. His anal muscles and sleeve were grabbing the two dicks and pulling at them. The sensation sent Sean followed closely by Clay into their blissful releases.

Noah slowly disengaged himself. He positioned himself near the mirrored closet doors to see his stretched hole. He let out a long low whistle.

"Bet I could handle two fists after that."

"Yeah but Ive got a game tomorrow. I need to rest."

"Yes you do," Sean agreed. "Noah if you're ever in Orlando let us know. You are one fabulous sub bottom."

"Yes Sir, I've got your contact info shaved on my phone and at the office." The Texan pulled on his clothes. "I'll be here bright and early tomorrow." He gave Sean a wicked grin. "Just to handle any last things that comes up after your boyfriend heads out."

"I'll keep that in mind," Walls chuckled. "Oh and you said the current quarterback for the Cougars has a brother that has a dick is smaller than yours?"

"Yes Sir. It looks like my little finger but not as wide."

"Probably should be in Ripley's Believe It or Not!" The three men laughed and shook hands. Sean showed Noah out while Clay started the shower.

Sean picked up the phone and dialed the operator. "Please connect me with Larry Schultz' room please. He's a Quarterback for the Stallions. Yes, I'll wait."

"Showers ready Chief."

"Be there in a second. Antonio, is Larry awake. This is Sean Walls." A few moments later Larry was on the phone. "Would you like some ammo to get under their quarterback's skin?"

"What ya have for me?"

"His brother was the quarterback 7 years ago. Apparently his dick is smaller than a pinky finger. I got the info from a linebacker who played on the team with him."

"Gotcha, we'll see how it plays at coin toss. Thanks."

Sean hung up and joined Clay in the shower. They washed each other and then toweled off. They pulled off the cum stained bedspread and piled it on the couch. Then they crawled under the sheets. Clay spooned back into his Chief. They were lights out at 10:39 for a 6:30 wake up call.

Game Day was its usual hectic self as the pair arrived in the lobby at 7 am for breakfast. They were halfway through their meal when Noah Sebastian walked up to their table.

"Mind if I join you two men this morning?" He asked as he sat down. "I have a surprise for you Florida Folks."

Sean and Clay looked at him waiting for the surprise.

"As I was leaving the hotel last night who do I run into but Cooper Draws, Mr. Micro Dick himself. Anyway he didn't get tickets for the game. He thought he had but you know what thought did don't you boys? So I invited him to my Loge Box. It ain't the fancy suite stuff but we got us a table and 4 chairs out of the sun. I thought Sean here would like to meet him. I think that because his breath smelled of cum as he we chatted. What do y'all think?"

"Gee whiz Noah, that's a sweet invite. But what do I tell the other FWBs? We usually sit where our partners can see us."

"Tell you what. We can rotate the ladies up each quarter."

"Noah Sebastian is that you sitting there with the enemy?" Linda Johnsen called from two tables over. She got up and came up to them.

"Linda, how are you?" Noah asked as he stood to kiss and hug the big busted tall blonde woman. "These are clients from Florida. Sean Walls and Clayton Reed, one of the enemy quarterbacks"

"Well I hope you're sussing out their strategy for this game."

"Well I was just inviting Sean to join me in my Loge Box but he's with eleven women from the college. We're trying to work it out."

As if on cue the 11 FWBs entered the dining room.

"There they are!" Gina called as she led the group to surround the party now at the table. Sean introduced his friends and fellow FWBs to Linda and Noah.

"I was just telling Linda we were trying to work out how to get y'all to experience a Loge Box during the game."

"What the hell is a loge box?" Cora Beth demanded.

"Mind your manners CB," Rita Magleone reminded her friend.

"Rita you know I'm not a morning person, especially after the gab and booze session we had last night. Sorry, what is a loge box?"

"We have them on both sides of the stadium. They reserved seating under cover with a table and 4 chairs. Of course mine is on the Cougar side of the field."

Gina spoke up, "We're here to support our men. We sit as close to them as we can get!" Sally and Lisa nodded in agreement.

"No offense was meant ladies. I was just trying to reward Sean for setting up this trip for y'all."

The girls' boyfriends were gathering now.

"Ladies, I'm Linda Johnsen, President of the Chamber of Commerce. I'm so impressed that y'all made this trip in support of your boyfriends. It's obvious to me Noah that you can't split up this group." She spotted someone at a nearby table.

"Chase Nugent! Would you please step over here a second please." She waited for Chase to come over. They shook hands and kissed each other's cheeks. "Chase this is a group of ladies..."

"And one man," Gina added.

Linda smiled, "...and one man from Orlando that came all this way to support their team when they lose to the Cougars today. "

The FWBs groaned.

"Could you arrange to have them introduced before the game? Then afterwards, if they don't mind sitting on our side of the stadium, I'd like the woman to be my guests in the Chamber of Commerce Suite."

"What about Sean?"

"I believe he has a previous invitation," Linda smiled.

Sean jumped in, "We accept. The Golden Stallions FWBs will appear on field. Then the ladies can enjoy the hospitality and free food in your suite while I share Noah's Loge Box. It will be great. And you Stallions don't mind where we sit do you guys."

"Just knowing you're here is enough for me Chief," Clay chipped in. The other Stallions nodded their agreement. Linda shook hands and kissed each of the FWBs.

"Chase will set this all up. I'll see y'all in my suite." She returned to her table.

The FWBs paired off with their boyfriends for breakfast.

"That couldn't have worked better if I had planned it!" Noah sighed in relief.

At 10 of 8 the coaches started ushering the players to the lobby to get ready to board the buses to the stadium. The FWBs kissed their partners and sent them on their way.

The FWBs gathered outside to wave off the team, band and cheerleaders.

"What do we do for four hours?" Sally asked.

"Nap, shop, go swimming, use the spa, get a manicure," Noah suggested.

"We'll find something to do. Check out is noon so let's see what we can do round here, Gina stated.

"I'm going back to my room. I still have wedding stuff to handle back home. You ladies enjoy," Sean shared as he headed to the stairs." He nodded and winked at Noah.

Sebastian waited 10 minutes for all of the FWBs to clear the lobby before heading to Sean's room. He knocked and a naked Sean pulled the door open immediately.

"Strip bitch," he ordered.

"Out here?"

"Yep all these rooms were for the players. Nobody is around."

Noah nervously complied. He handed each piece of clothing to Sean. Finally he was standing fully naked in the hall.

"Now hands behind your neck. That's right. Do a slow 360." The Dom watched this big assed muscled Texan take his orders. Now down on all fours and enter my room."

Noah crawled into the room.

"Stop there boy." Sean put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, closed and safety bolted it. He walked to Noah, stood beside him, lifted his left leg and straddled the sub. Then he sat down on Noah's back.

He grabbed his belt from the bathroom doorknob. He inserted the end through the buckle, placed it over Sebastian's head and tightened it around the sub's neck. "Giddy-up Horsey." The human horse carried its burden the length of the room. A tug of the belt to the left to directed him to the side of the bed. A tug backwards stopped him in his tracks.

Sean stood up. He undid the belt and positioned Noah on the bed. "Count," was his only order just before the belt hit Noah's buttocks.

"One Sir, thank you Sir," Noah stated. He kept counting until Sean stopped at 225. His ass was burning and was bright red. Sean retrieved the hand lotion from the bathroom and poured the contents of the small bottle onto the tender hot flesh.

"Sir, thank you Sir. It loves a good beating. It'll feel this one for a few days."

"Oh I'm not done," Sean commented. "It's time for your tip." He grabbed the Magnum package and lube. He prepped his cock by rolling on the condom. Then he smeared lube on the condom and put a dollop on Noah's chocolate starfish shining brightly between the red ass cheeks. He rolled Noah on his back. "Pull those legs back and apart." The muscular Texan complied. Sean positioned his cockhead on the starfish and pushed in all the way to the hilt.

"Fuck," Noah moaned.

"I plan to," Sean responded as he set up a rapid thrusting.

Noah began working his ass muscles to show his appreciation. He kept up his moaning while alternating with short phrases. "Fuck, Harder, Oh God" and oh yeah that spot" peppered the room for the next half hour.

Sean grabbed Noah's legs and brought them together and pushed them backwards. It opened the ass before him even more. He plunged in deeper than before. Just 3 thrusts later the Magnum was filled to bursting with 6 massive blasts of man juice.

Sean pulled out of the steaming asshole and carefully removed the condom. He handed it to Noah, "Wear it inside or out"

"Both," Noah said as he sipped cum from the open end before dumping the rest on his hand and rubbing it on his little dicklet.

Sean jumped in the shower. When he came out the Texan was gone. He finished dressing packed up his belongings ,put on his sash and headed downstairs. It was 11;50 when he arrived in the lobby. The rest of the FWBs were already there. They were watching for their bus when a huge white stretch limousine pulled up in front. Noah Sebastian got out of the driver's door, popping the trunk using the button on the door panel.

He opened the back passenger door and bowing to the group in the lobby motioned for them to come out and get in. The FWBs grabbed their luggage and hurried outside. Noah helped each woman into the back. When the last woman entered he shut the door. Sean looked at him. "You're upfront with me Sir." He opened the door and Sean got in. After closing the door Noah loaded the luggage into the spacious trunk.

In the back the women were in sensual overload. The smell of the leather mixed with the scent of yellow roses. The soft sounds of a mellow jazz number by Fourplay playing.

Noah climbed into the driver's seat and buckled up. He lowered the divider between them. Turning around he hollered, "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!" in his best imitation of Jim Nabor's Gomer Pyle.

The ladies all laughed and started to all talk at once thanking him.

"Just enjoy," he stated as he raised the barrier between the cabin and the driver. Noah engaged the gears and began the short drive to TDECU Stadium.

Sean stated, "You've made this a really special time in more ways than one." He patted Noah's leg.

"Thank you Sir. But there's a method to my madness. I did receive a rather large tip today." Both men laughed.

Chase Nugent met the limo at the VIP Drop off near the Bellow Club Gate. He had emailed the special passes and instructions to Noah right after breakfast. As the limo came to a stop Guest Services Representative approached the car and opened the doors. The FWBs had already been told they couldn't bring things into the stadium. Each already had their Stallions clear bags.

Each FWB was welcomed by Chase with a yellow rose and a clear gift bag. They each received a Cougars sun visor, keychain and drink cup. Chase and two guest service reps escorted the group through the stadium to a pregame holding area Green Room.

The UH Mancorps we're warming up for their performance of the National Anthem. A Santa Claus was waiting to make his appearance at half time. His 10 gallon red cowboy hat trimmed in white fur. Several other special guests were waiting as well.

Chase explained, "Your group will be introduced at 12:50 so you will be escorted to the field at 12:45. Afterwards a guest services rep will take Sean to his Loge Box seat and two others will take you ladies up to the Suite. Please relax here. The rest rooms are just there," he pointed." Please help yourself to the light refreshments there on the bar. I'll see you in just a few minutes." He stepped out.

"Sean this is amazing!" Rita stated.

"I agree. I never expected any of this treatment. Just goes to show it's both who you are and who you know. Let's eat while we can," he commented heading to the refreshment bar to get a sandwich and a bottle of water.

The rest of the FWBs followed. A few freshened up in the ladies room and Sean drained his lizard in the men's room. After washing up he came out to find Chase and three guest services reps waiting for him. The ladies were already lined up.

"You may leave your bag there Sir," a guest rep said. "It will be safe." Sean nodded and got in line. Chase led the way. A few minutes later they were on the field.

The Stadium Announcer stated, "Cougars we have a special group of Stallions joining us today. Please give a warm Texas Welcome to the FWBs of the Golden Stallions!" The stadium erupted in mixture of cheers and jeers. The UH Band played "Suwanee River" the State Song of Florida. The FWBs waved at fans as they did a 360 turn." Then it was over and they were led off field.

Back in the Green Room they gathered their belongings. Chase said, "It's been a pleasure. I hope you enjoy the game and will visit Houston again soon." Two women asked the ladies to follow them up to the suite."

"Where will we meet Sean?" Gina asked.

"I'll ask Noah and text you."

"Sounds like a plan," she responded and set off with the other ladies chatting about the experience of being introduced.

A well-dressed young man approached. Sean immediately appreciated the way the tight pants and shirt framed the athletic body before him. It showed a nice enough package in front and a well-muscled bubble butt. "Are you ready Mr. Walls to join Mr. Sebastian?"

"Please call me Sean. Yes, I'm looking forward to the game and meeting the brother of your quarterback," he noted as he walked with the young man.

"Coops here! Sweet! Jayme will be delighted. He's missed most of the games this season; messy divorce in progress. We'll take this ramp Sean." He kept up a constant banter about the Cougars as they approached the Loge Boxes.

"Here we are Sir, I mean Sean. Mr. Sebastian, your guest."

"Thank you princess, you are a sweetie." He patted the young man's bottom. "Will you be at the gathering tonight?"

"Oh I wouldn't miss it. I hear they're going to have three porn stars demonstrate a DP."

"Really, who?"

"Drew Dixon, Romeo Davis and Seba Equss I think."

"Wow, I hadn't heard that. I will be there for sure. Thanks princess."

"You're welcome Tiny. And my answer is Yes." He winked at Noah. Noah winked back before turning to Sean.

"Welcome to my humble box. Cooper should be here soon. He's probably with the team."

"I didn't know Princess was family."

"Oh yes 18 and a half, fresh off the ranch and out of the closet. We belong to the same club. I'm mentoring him on bottoming."

"Well I'd fuck that for sure."

"You might get the chance. I'll explain what I have in mind. Depending on the score at half time we'll adjourn to the limo for a little fuck and suck. Princess said , "Yes" to joining us. So it would be you and three bottoms."

"Three! Who's the third?


"The guy with a wife and three kids?"

"Yeah, I got the low down when I got here. First game he's been to this year. He's involved in a messy divorce. She caught him being fucked by the gardener. I think I told you I smelled cum on his breath last night. I bet he leaps at the chance to see that prick up close and personal."

"How's your ass by the way?"

"I'm still standing aren't I?"

Laughing Sean added, "I should have guessed."

Just then the UH Mancorps began a splendid rendition of the National Anthem. Everyone stood. Hats came off and hands went over hearts. Some people sang along but most listed to the beautiful blending of the men's voices.

As the anthem ended the captains and co-captains from the two teams approached center field. As they were shaking hands Jayme Draws grabbed at Larry. His teammates pulled him back. Sean knew immediately the cock comment was used. As he chuckled to himself the subject of the ploy walked up to them.

"Noah it was so kind of you to provide me a seat for the game. I've not seen Jayme play in person this season at all."

"My pleasure Coop. I usually have a few empty seats anyway. Coop I'd like you to meet Sean Walls, the fiancé of Clayton Reed."

"The Stallion's sophomore quarterback," he said extending his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled broadly and his dark eyes sparkled. His well-groomed black hair fell in curly ringlets over his forehead. He was dressed in team colors. He turned to pick up a drink before taking a seat. Sean did the same. Finally Noah picked up his drink but remained standing.

"You standing the whole game?" Coop asked.

Noah smirked, "I have my reasons."

"Oh, do tell."

"I'll do better than that. I'll show you. Come with me." The two sat their drinks down and Noah led Coop around the corner to the men's room. Sean laughed into his drink.

When they returned Noah did sit, if somewhat gingerly in his padded chair.

Cooper Draws looked straight into Sean's eyes. He said softly, "Tiny showed me his 225 reasons. Part of me is horrified but part of me is intrigued." He laid his hand on Sean's left thigh. His fingers were trailing along the length of the lengthy cock outlined by the tight cloth. Of course there are others reasons I'd like to learn about."

Just then there was a groan from the crowd around them. The Stallions had intercepted the pass Jayme had just thrown.

Sean covered Cooper's hand. "I might be able to provide you 9 reasons you'd enjoy my company." He turned his attention to Noah. "The ladies want to know where we should meet"

"Tell them that two Guest Services reps will bring them to the VIP gate. We'll meet them with the limousine. I've arranged it already."

"You're trying to earn another tip Noah?"

"Oh I want the whole 9 inches not just the tip." The three men laughed.

Just then the Stallions scored. The Marching Stallions played the fight song which was answered by the Cougars fight song.

The food Noah had ordered arrived and the three men watched the game. The sexual innuendo ran thick in their comments. Noah would stand and rub his sore ass. Coop was licking his lips involuntarily each time he looked at Sean's crotch.

The first quarter the Stallions and Cougars each scored twice and entered the second quarter tied. Then the Cougars started making mistakes. Penalty flags flew throughout the quarter. By halftime Cougars we're 13 and Stallions 30 thanks to several interceptions and sacks.

"My brother is really off his game. He's going to be pissed afterwards," Coop commented.

"He's appeared jumpy since the coin toss Coop. Being his last regular season game I thought he'd go out with a bang. Maybe it's the pressure of the upcoming Ticket City Bowl."

"No way. He was fine when I left him in the locker room. I'll find out later. We're having dinner tonight."

"Our guys can be brutal with on field banter. Perhaps something they said struck a nerve," Sean offered.

"That's a possibility, but a slim one. He's got a mouth on him that usually gets to others."

"Gentlemen, May I suggest we adjourn our gathering to the limo. We can still listen to game, drink and bullshit without being overheard and hopefully with far less clothing."

"I'm up for that!" Cooper said looking directly at Sean. "Think you get it up for that Sir?"

"Well if I can't I'm sure you two would enjoy trying to get it up!" Sean chuckled.

Princess arrived at that moment.

"You're just in time Mike. Would you carry this stuff to the limo for us?" Noah requested handing the bags of left overs and a few unopened bottles they had ordered.

"Sure Tiny, anything for you."

Noah led the way out. Sean walked behind Noah and Mike appreciating the view of the bubble butts he was going to tap that afternoon.

At the gate the guard commented, "You know you can't come back in once you leave guys. I know the game isn't going our way yet, but you never know."

"My shift ended at halftime Mac," Mike replied to the guard. "and yes we know things could change. We all want to see Mr. Sebastian's new stretch limo." He leaned in close to the ebony skinned guard's ear and whispered, "He dropped $100k on it."

"I'd want to see that too. I knew they cost but not that much."

"Me either. I'll tell you about next time I visit," he winked as he ran to catch up with the three men.

As they approached the limo Noah unlocked and started it from about 10 feet away. The A/C was already blasting when they got into it. Sean took immediate control.

"You guys are going to strip - shoes first." The men yanked off their shoes. Mike started on socks and Sean corrected him. "You just earned 5 swats for taking off that sock."

"Sorry Sir." He pulled off the other sock and flashed five fingers twice at Sean.

"Very well you earned 10. Now off with the shirts everyone." Within a few moments the shirts were off. Coop had large eraser nipples but Noah's were larger. Mike's were tiny. Sean rolled and pinched each between his fingers eliciting moans from all three bottoms.

"You two, off with the socks." They were removed and set aside. "Pants, not underwear, next. " Noah was going commando, his thick little dicklet sticking as far out as possible leaking precum. Coop was wearing tightly whities and Mike wore a pair of bright hot pink panties. "I see why the call you princess," Sean commented. "Princess, you and Tiny use your teeth to strip those tightly whites off Cooper."

Both men were at Cooper's waist using their teeth to grab his waistband. Once they had it they dragged the underwear down and off his legs. His finger boner was about 4 inches long and resembled a pinky.

"Ok you two it's the Princess's turn. Same deal; take them off using your teeth only." The two older men wrestled Mike into position and grabbed his panties with their incisors and dragged them from the young man's body while Mike giggled and wiggled the entire time. Sean noted the ticklish reaction and the 5" cut cock on the boy.

"Now let me see the dicks first." Cooper blushed as Sean fondled his prick first before moving on to Noah and Mike. Next he pinched and massaged their nipples again. Each man was hard wired. All three pricks bobbed when the nipples of their owners were played with.

"Mouths open and tongues out," Sean ordered. The three nude men opened wide and stuck out their tongues. Noah had the largest mouth. Of course Sean already knew he could handle 2 cocks at once. Mike and Coop had smaller mouths, but they each had a very long tongue. Noah tongue was wide and short.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Now turn around and show you main asset to me." The three men turned around. Leaned on the back seat and spread their ass cheeks to show off their buddies. Sean spit on each one. As he touched Noah's, the bottom tried to push back. He got his as smacked for his efforts. Mike giggled when his rosebud was circled. Cooper moaned and his body shook from the light contact Sean's fingers made with his asshole.

"Thank you for the halftime show. Now Princess you're going to be in charge of removing my shirt. Coop you get my pants off and Noah socks and shoes. Go!"

Princess got the shirt off first. Folded it and set it aside. Noah got the shoes then anklets off. Cooper had to wait for them to finish before stripping down Sean's pants. He whistled as the full glorious nine inches were revealed.

"Now what I'm looking for gentlemen is a tongue bath. Everybody gets a section and you work together. Princess you get to lick my chest arms and pits, Coop gets my navel to knees and yes that includes my cock and balls. Noah knees to toes. Begin."

Each of the subs thought they had won a prize. They each went to work on Sean's body as he lay there being serviced and adored by these men. After a few minutes he called a time out.

"Time for me to turn over. First person to finish their area will be rewarded.

Coop thought it was him as he called out, Done," just a few seconds before Noah said the same. Mike continued working until he finished.

AT that point Sean announced. "Ok in first place was Noah and in second place was Mike. You didn't finish Coop so you lost." Sean got on all fours and presented his ass to Cooper. You forgot this part. Now get busy."

"Sir, Yes Sir," he shouted as he happily began eating out Sean's ass. Sean moaned as Coop's long tongue worked its way around and into his hole. He'd expected Coop had developed oral skills to compensate for the tiny penis. He was glad he was right.

"Noah, as winner you get to pick if you rim Coop or Princess. Princess you'll be rimming Coop or Noah. Get to work."

"I've wanted to rim Coop since college. Let me in there you jock." His wide tongue laved the shit hole before him.

Princess went to work on Noah's.

The Stallion's fight song played as yet another touchdown was scored. Sean needed to move this along. He rolled over again and presented his cock to Coop. "Time for those 9 reasons."

Cooper dove down on the massive tool. He admired the strong cording and the delicate skin. He thought about the two guys he had blown last night. Both were Arabs with rough skin maybe the deserts of Saudi Arabia had toughened them.

Noah repositioned himself on his back and slid under Cooper do he could suck the finger dick. Princess decided it was as good a time as any to sink his cock into an asshole so he began fucking Noah bareback.

Sean saw Clay on the screen. He apparently had thrown a great pass which was run in for a touchdown. He noted to himself to be sure to compliment him on his game performance. Then he went back to skull fucking Cooper.

Princess shot his load quickly in the muscular ass of his mentor. Coop shuddered as he shot a load into Noah's insistent mouth. Tiny just shot another load without touching his cock as he was so mind fucked by the session.

Sean pulled out of Coop's mouth. He grabbed a condom. "Coop rim Princess and get him ready for me. He tossed the magnum at Noah, "Roll it on me."

Mike was squealing from Coop's tongue work as Noah ripped open the golden foil to pull the condom out. He rolled it down the cock he remembered plowing him earlier. "Mike is in for one hell of a ride," he thought. He whispered in Sean's ear, "He's never had one as big as yours." Sean nodded.

"Oh Princess!" he called. "Does one want sodomized gently or roughly?" he inquired in a mock British accent.

Catching on Mike responded, "One prefers to be taken to the hilt, rode hard and hung out to dry."

"On your back here on the floor."

Mike got in position. Sean lifted the budding adult's legs up resting the young man's heels on his shoulders. He positioned his cock at the boys puckering hole. "On 3 right?"

"On 3 Sir"

"One," Sean smiled at the boy who smiled back why touching Sean's face gently. Sean knew he was about to rock this little man's world. "Two three," he shouted and rammed into the upturn ass to the hilt.

The princess shuddered, gasped but didn't scream. "Oh Sir I'm so full," was all he said as he continued to stroke Sean's face, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of adoration, lust and love.

"Get Noah ready, he's next Coop."

"Time to felch your ass you old whore."

"Who you calling old you bitch," Noah laughed as he positioned himself over Cooper's mouth and started squeezing Mike's load from his ass. Coop lapped it up and rimmed Noah deep.

Just as Mike shuddered for what seemed the hundredth time from the pounding Sean was giving his ass the boy shot his load. Sean called out, "Time to switch."

He lay on his back and told Noah, "Ride it cowboy!"

Noah ripped off the used condom and rolled on a new one. Then he sat on Sean's saddle horn and rode it. The Texan hollered, "Yeehaw," a few times as he rode up and down. He was making sure his love button was being hit.

"Princess get Coop's ass ready." Mike pushed Copp over the back seat and was rimming the former quarterback's ass like it was his last meal.

Sean felt the dribble of cum that was Noah's orgasm. He marveled how the small dick just leaked out its loads rather than shooting.

"Tiny, get me ready for Coop's ass." Noah got off Sean's cock and removed the old condom expertly. Noah sucked the cock clean and licked up his own spunk which had leaked onto Sean's crotch. He rolled on the third Magnum and lubed the outside.

Sean did a parody of the song "Come Here Lover boy," from "Dirty Dancing."

"Oh Cooper!"

"Yes Sir."

"How do you call your lover boy?"

"Come here Sir!"

"And if I don't answer!"

"Please fuck me Sir!

"And if I still don't answer?"

"I simply say, Sir, oh Daddy, my study big dicked Daddy, you're the one. Come and fuck my wet bussy.

"On your back Coop, just like Princess." Coop quickly was in place. He pulled his legs back. Sean rubbed his cockhead on the wet anal lips and plunged in. Cooper shot his first load immediately. "Glad you enjoyed that but I'm not done. Noah you lick up the ass juices as they come out with my dick. Princess you feed Coop your dick."

His orders given the orgy began in earnest. Sean fucked slowly at first. Then he'd sped up. Then he did deep thrusts in and out. After 20 minutes of pummeling the ass beneath him Sean felt the first signs of an orgasm. He picked up speed again and true to form after another 5 minutes he shot 7 hot steaming wads of man seed into the Magnum.

The four men untangled. Sean removed the condom. The nipple at the end was full and there was a good inch of semen in the tube. "You boys share this." He handed the condom to Coop who tipped it to his mouth. Princess drank next and Noah drained it. Then he inverted it and sucked it dry.

"I need to piss. Where can I go?"

"Right here!" Coop and Mike said at the same time.

Cooper flopped back down and positioned his mouth under Sean's meat. The head of Sean's dick rested on top of Cooper's perfectly white teeth. The Dom let go a stream of piss mixed with seminal fluids. After a few minutes of pissing, Sean halted the flow. It was Mike's turn. Princess assumed the same position and showed how adept he was at swallowing a load of puss. He too didn't lose a drop.

Noah pulled out a packet of Dude Wipes. Clean up guys. Games almost over and judging from the traffic, things aren't going well for the Cougars. "

They looked out the window and saw a steady stream of cars were backing up to leave as more fans fled the stadium. The four men wiped themselves with the Dude Wipes and started dressing.

Princess stated the obvious, this place reeks of sex. Noah pulled out the Fabreeze and sprayed the whole cabin of the limo. Then he pulled out a leather scented air spray and sprayed it as well.

The men then turned to the game. It was indeed bad. The game ended 30 to 58 Stallions had won. Sean and Cooper pulled out their cellphones to send texts!

"You we're awesome. Especially that pass! Can't wait till I see you at home. Love, Chief"

"Sorry about the game Bro! I'll see you at you apartment at 6. You can tell me what threw you off today. I saw your reaction during coin toss. Love you, Coop"

"So Coop you ride in back this time. Princess will be up with me. Coop,which lot is your car in?"

"It's not here. I took a cab. Just drop me at the Bellow Club gate."

"Or squeeze in the front with us and we'll drop you off."

"I'll take that deal. Thank you. And thank you guys for a great afternoon of entertainment."

"It's not done yet. There's the matter of Princess's 10 swats. Cooper hold his arms; Noah hold his legs. I opt for tickling over swats," he announced as he grabbed Mike's sides and started tickling. The boy's shrieks and gales of laughter could be heard by those near to the limo.

Sean sat back with a drink in his hand. Noah kissed his shoes and got out of the limo. Mike followed his mentor's example. Cooper on the other hand went straight at Sean's mouth and snaked his tongue in.

"Man I heard about the DP you and your partner did with Noah. I might need a double injection myself real soon. I'm not staying in Texas after the divorce is final. Florida is looking rather good at the moment. Thanks again." He planted a softer kiss on Sean's lips and head for the front seat.

Noah maneuvered the limousine into the pickup cue. He flashed his special pass at the guard. It took 20 minutes but when they finally got to the gate the FWBs were waiting. They piled in the back and Noah started for the airport.

They dropped Cooper at the Airport Hotel at which he was staying before going on to passenger drop off. As Noah held the door for the FWBs they each gave him a kiss as they left the vehicle and retrieved their luggage.

"Sean, I want to thank you for being an amazing client! I sincerely enjoyed every moment spent in your company yesterday and today. "

"The feeling is mutual. And based on what the ladies had to say this is a trip to remember. I know I'll be calling you at least twice more for the same kind of service in the coming years. Should you decide to join your team in Orlando, please plan on staying with us "

"I might take you up on that offer. By the way, Mike wants to speak to you a moment."

Sean went to the passenger side window and Mike smiled at him. "Sir Sean, this boy was looking at Full Sail as an alternative to getting a business degree here. If I choose to go there I hope Sir would consider me for a training collar in Orlando."

"Wow Mike I'm honored. First let me say this. Make your decision on what is best for your future. If it's Full Saul then it's Full Sail. Finding a Dom or Master to train you is secondary. But if you were a local I'd consider it."

Mike pulled Sean's hand inside a kissed it with great affection.

"Thank you Sir Sean. Travel safely."

Sean stood up and walked to join the line for TSA. When he had cleared security and arrived at his gate Lourdes summed up the whole experience, "This was the most awesome trip I've ever been on Sean. It was just fucking awesome!"

"You nailed it Lourdes! You fucking nailed it! I will always recall this trip with great fondness."

Erica asked, "I learned a lot about Texas on this trip. I might want to live here someday. Did you learn anything on the trip Sean?"

"Yes, yes I did Erica. I learned that while things aren't always bigger in Texas; the size of some things just doesn't matter. It's the heart that is behind them. The Texans I've met have a lot of heart.

Twenty minutes later they announced over the PA system, "Southwest Airlines 1880 Nonstop to Orlando is preparing to board. Please assume your boarding position and gave your boarding pass ready."

Next: Chapter 73

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