Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on May 25, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

Sorry for the delay. I fell in February and fractured my skull. I'm on the mend and will be writing more often. I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 71 - Welcome Home

Sunday morning found Sean sound asleep in his bed with Cameron sleeping on the rug covered with a sheet. As the rising sun illuminated his bedroom he roused from slumber recalling the activities from the bar and at home the night before.

Stonewall caters to the LGBTQI community in Orlando and is located near the Amway Center. He and Cam were eyed up by a number of the other clientele there to drink and watch the game. He was amused by the guys feeling up the law clerk's ass and locked cock. The Stallion fans roared their approval of the Stallions and booed the Tigers. He had selected 9 of his friends and acquaintances to feed their beer induced piss into Cam's willing mouth. He also permitted 3 others who wanted blow jobs to skull fuck the sub while he watched them in the bathroom stall. When the Stallions lost the game, a groan went up from the crowded bar. Sean settled his bar tab and took Cam's leash and led him slowly toward the exit so others could fondle the sub's ass one last time.

In the car Sean asked, "OK Cameron take a few minutes to reflect on your Stonewall experience. When we get on the 408 you can start sharing."

Ten minutes later Sean noted, "Time to share."

Cameron swallowed, "If you had told me 10 days ago I would be bottoming and delighting in it I would have said you were full of shit. Now I can't imagine doing anything but. When I was drinking piss I was able to tell the differences in taste. I would have thought piss is piss but everyone I've tasted has been different. Oh and the skull fucking! I had no idea what a turn on it is to be used so forcefully. Add the fact that I can't get an erection due to the cage I'm horned up for you to fuck me. You will fuck me won't you Sir?"

"Never know pussy boy. I decide as I go." The rest of the drive back to the apartment was in silence. Closer to the university Sean pulled through the Wendy's Drive Thru to pick up dinner. They climbed the four flights of stairs to the apartment. Cameron carried the food while Sean led the way holding the sub's leash. It didn't bother Sean as they passed 5 other people going down the stairs. Cam on the other hand was red faced as he heard the giggles of the women and snide remarks of the men they passed.

Inside Sean fixed the dog bowl for Cameron and put it on the floor next to the table. He unwrapped his food and took his seat. "When you finished your meal pup I'll pour your soda into it. Now eat up while I plan my evening's entertainment" Both men ate silently. Each was thinking about the playtime which lay ahead.

Clayton took his seat on Bus 2, put on his earbuds and started listening to Kenny Chesney, a former football player turned country music star. He sent a text to Sean.

"Hi Chief, I'm missing you really bad. I can't wait to get home. I'm going to try to sleep once we get going. Love you, Farm Boy"

Sean replied, "Missing you too FB!!! I'll pick you up at the stadium. Text me when you're an hour out. Sleep well. All my love, Chief"

Farm Boy turned toward the window pulled his team jacket around his torso and got comfortable. He tried to shut out the buzz of activity and chatter. He thought he heard Coach Lee but decided it was just him checking in before the buses left for home. Shortly afterwards the buses pulled out for Orlando. The two drivers would switch out at 6 hours.

After the bus was underway Clay sensed someone had sat down beside him. He feigned sleep to avoid having to talk. The driver turned off the dome lights and the Stallions settled down.

Clay thought he was imagining it but he thought he felt a hand on his thigh. Then definitely felt the hand move up toward his crotch. He turned to confront whoever was feeling him up only to find his mouth covered by one hand while his crotch was groped by the other hand. He found himself staring into a shit faced Coach Lee!

"Hush now boy. Just be quiet. I wanted to talk with you," he whispered as he removed his hand from Clayton's mouth while he continued groping the quarterback's packaged goods. "I just wanted to apologize once again for George screwing up our playtime. I'll be back after everyone's asleep to really apologize." He patted Clay's boner.

"Coach, don't touch me again," Clayton responded turning away from his Coach.

Lee, shocked and saddened, walked down the aisle and dropped into another empty seat to compliment another player on his performance.

Back at the apartment Cam had douched 5 times before the water ran clear. Sean used rope to truss Cameron up in kneeling position his hands behind his knees -shoulders and knees on the floor.

The Dom began by began lubing the exterior of the sub's anal ring. He slowly circled it as the law clerk's asshole puckered and unpuckered in response to the light touch. Walls was also using his left hand to stroke the perineum and ball sack of his boy. Cameron concentrated on the pleasurable sensations radiating from his scrotum and taint.

Sean slowly moved his index finger into the rosebud he intended to fully open. He slowly twirled his finger both lubing the muscle and pushing it back. When he felt the muscle relax he shoved his finger into the warm moist hole and hit Cam's prostate.

The bound clerk moaned his delight. He managed to get out, "Thank you Sir," as he felt his cock spurt a bit of precum. He was aware of it sliding down his thighs.

Sean withdrew his index finger and permitted Cam to suck it clean. Next he dipped two fingers into the lube he had poured into a cup and began the same tease of the asshole before him. After 25 minutes Sean had 4 fingers and his thumb nestled to the knuckles in the boy pussy before him. Cameron was breathing hard and begging to be fucked.

Sean lubed his hands and clustered his fingers together tucking his thumb into his palm. He inserted his hand into the gaping anus up to the knuckles. He placed the fingertips of his left hand at the knuckles of his right hand. "Bear down like you're taking a dump," he ordered.

Cameron complied and Sean moved his right hand inside the welcoming hole, his left hand slipping in as far as its knuckles. "Congratulations Cam! You've earned a red hanky! You've taken my fist. I'm very proud of your efforts. Ready to be fist fucked?" the Dom inquired.

"You've got your hand inside me!" Cam moaned. "Thank you Sir! I never thought I could do that. Yes Sir! Please fist your bitch."

Keeping his left hand still, Sean advanced his right hand into the receptive cavity. He opened his fingers a bit so Cam could tell it was a hand. Then he withdrew his right hand slowly. As his knuckles came back in touch with the fingers of his left hand, he started moving it down into the shoot. Cameron's asshole was loosening to accept the action. The clerk's brain was on overload processing the sensations.

Sean set up an alternating pattern pushing his hands in and out of the willing quivering hole before him. Cameron was moaning in pleasure. His asshole relaxed further. Walls joined both hands together and double fisted Cameron. With both hands inside the sub, Sean stopped moving his hands.

"Cameron you are fucking amazing. Do you realize both my hands are inside you!"


"Both! You just earned your scarlet hanky."

He opened his hands once to let Cameron feel the fullness even more. Piss poured out of the restrained sub. As Sean removed each hand separately Cam shuddered violently and shot a huge load of cum through his locked cock. His orgasm was so powerful he fell over and started sobbing.

"Are you alright," Sean asked as he untied his sub.

"Sir, I'm more than alright. I've never had an orgasm like that! My whole being was on fire. It started with my ass lips and flowed up my gut! My tits tingled and my mind spun. My eyes rolled in my head and then my balls snapped up to my body. I don't know how it came out of my cock but it was intense!!"

"Wow! Glad you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed training your hole."

"Sir, I think I am a faggot bitch bottom sub."

"Well I'm glad you know what you enjoy. Don't worry too much about naming it. Let's go shower." Sean released the sub from his bindings.

Cam crawled into the Locker Room bath and started the shower. He adjusted the water temperature. He called out, "Sir, the shower is ready."

Sean had been seated at his desk. He grabbed a condom packet, rose, entered the bathroom and joined Cameron in the shower. The two washed each other. When Cam turned to rinse his face, Sean pushed him against the wall. He started rubbing the sub's asshole. "Stay put." He used his teeth to rip open the Magnum foil. Extracting the condom he rolled it down his pulsing prick. "Your hole is still lubed." He pulled Cam's hips back to position him and sunk his prick into the wreaked hole.

"Oh fuck Sir! You know just what I was missing!"

"Well hope you enjoy it" Sean began rapidly thrusting in and out of the as he had just finished wrecking. He worked two of his fingers into Cameron's mouth and the boy suckled on them. Cam moaned loudly as he accepted the full length of Sean's prick deep into his bowels.

When Sean removed his fingers from Cam's mouth the sub moaned loudly. "Fuck me hard Sir! Make me you fuck toy, your bitch." The turned on bottom started leaking out more of yet another ruined orgasm as his Sir fucked with abandon. Within a few more minutes Sean unloaded 6 spurts of man juice into the Magnum.

The two finished their shower and dried each other off. Sean led the way out into the living area. He turned on the stereo and started some smooth jazz. He pulled Cam in for some cuddle time.

"Sir, this is really nice. I feel cared for."

"That's right boy, you gifted me your submission. I value your gift. It's time to turn in though."

"Sir, May I sleep with you?"

"No you may not. However you may sleep on the rug beside my bed. You may get a blanket and pillow from the closet in the Locker Room. Then meet me in my bedroom. Cam scampered off to retrieve the items. Sean went into his bedroom bath to piss and brush his teeth. Cameron came in with the bedding.

"Which side of the bed Sir?"

"There on the left."

"Sir, yes Sir." Cam put down the pillows and spread out the blankets. Sean turned off the bathroom and overhead lights.

"If I need to piss tonight I'll be waking you up."

"Sir, yes Sir." Cameron kissed Sean's feet. "Sleep well Sir."

"You too boy," Sean responded as he crawled under the duvet and switched the night stand light off. He only woke once overnight to drain his bladder into the human urinal next to his bed.

"Yes a very good night," Sean thought as he finally reached over and played with Cameron's hair.

"You need to piss again Sir?"

Sean pulled his hair and hauled the sub up onto the bed. He positioned the clerk's head on his cock and said, "Drink!" He released his morning piss slowly. "Don't lose any of it." Cam slurped and swallowed as quickly as he could. When Sean finished he held Cameron's head as his cock swelled. "Blow Job time boy, do a good job."

Cameron's chest swelled with pride knowing he had earned another load is cum from Sean. He fucked his skull up and down on his Dom's prick. Every few minutes he would slow down, stop and tongue the head. After 15 minutes Sean grabbed Cam's head as he shot 5 thick loads into the eager gullet.

Sean enjoyed his orgasm and the minutes cuddling afterwards. He finally roused and said, "Fix my coffee and breakfast. I should be hearing from Clayton soon."

"Sir, Yes Sir!" Cam stated as he crawled to the kitchen to begin his tasks. Sean chose to dress in leather pants and a black leather tank top. He chose military boots to complete his look. His phone rang as he finished lacing his boots.

"Sorry my love, I just woke up. We're 30 minutes out."

"No problem. I'm dressed and I'll see you soon. Bye for now." Sean walked out of his bedroom to find his coffee and breakfast waiting. "Have you fixed yours?"

No Sir.

"Good eat mine. I need to go pick up Clay. When we come in I want to find you ass up on the floor in front of the door. Be cleaned out. Understand?"

"Sir, Yes Sir."

"Good boy." Sean drank his cup of coffee while he watched Cam eat from the dog bowl into which the sub had dumped his Sir's plate of food. It amused him to see how quickly this former top had taken to be a sub bottom. He thought, "I'll need to share this one with Master Will very soon."

As he finished his coffee he remind Cameron, "Cleaned out and ass up when we come through the door." Cam responded correctly and Sean left.

Cameron finished the food in his dog bowl, washed dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. He headed to the Locker Room bath where he evacuated his bowels. Then he got into the tub, started the shower and used the sure shot to give himself the first of three enemas.

Sean arrived at the stadium to find a number of the FWB already there. The other members welcomed him into their group.

Cora Beth commented, "Aren't you the hot to trot stud muffin," as she ran her hands over leather tank top.

"Thought it might get my man's juices flowing."

"Well it's got a few of ours flowing Sean," Rita and Gina said in unison before giggling.

The group caught up with each other for a few minutes before Joan yelled, "The first bus!" Sean walked over to a nearby bench and put his left foot up on it. He knew it would outline his cock and balls for anyone paying attention. Shortly thereafter the rest of the buses pulled in behind the lead bus. Bus two stopped right in front of Sean.

Inside Kurt Lee was looking out the window. His ass twitched as he saw the hot leather man standing there. He noticed the bulge and the length of meat outlined against the left thigh. He licked his lips involuntarily. As the bus doors opened Stallions began pouring out. Quite a few caught a good look at Sean in his leather. More than a few of them secretly envied Clay and the hot times he would surely be having when he got home.

Clayton was the fourth man off the bus. He ran up to Sean and threw his arms around him before planting a deeply passionate kiss on his man.

Several of the Stallions hollered, "Get a room!" before laughing good-naturedly. Sean grabbed Clay's hand and led him to his car. After another kiss he started the engine for the short drive back home.

"Chief, I've really missed you! I'm glad you're coming to the next away game. I'm going to tell the coach that I'll be staying in your room."

"Well maybe ask first Farm Boy. You don't want to push too far."

"After him having the nerve to feel me up on the bus! Hell no not asking shit. I'll do what I'm told at practice and games. I'll display leadership and political correctness on campus. But sleeping, if they can sleep with their spouse on the university's dime I can sleep with mine on our own dime."

"Wait he felt you up."

"Yeah he did. I told him to never touch me again."

"Well but that aside now. I have a surprise waiting on you upstairs." Sean stated as he pulled into the parking space. "I hope you're going to like it."

"Is it that bottom?"

"It's more than a bottom stud man. It's a full fledge bottom bitch faggot pig. Can't get enough cock, cum, piss, fucking, fisting and plain old abuse."

"Sounds like you've been busy, maybe too busy to miss me."

"You're always in my thoughts Farm Boy. That's why I said I'll be at the next game. I miss waking up to feel you beside me at night." He grabbed at Clay's ass as they walked up the stairs. Farm Boy smiled and giggled as his Chief pawed his body. At the top of the stairs he quickly knelt and kissed Sean's boots. Then he stood up and kissed him swapping tongues passionately. Breaking the kiss he got out his keys and made the short walk to their door.

Inside Cameron was laying on the floor in front of the door. When he heard the key insert into the lock he scrambled into his place. In addition to having his ass up and head and shoulders on the floor; he had reached back with both hands to pull his butt cheeks apart to fully reveal his freshly douched boy pussy. He was so excited his hole was opening and closing in anticipation of what lay ahead with two men to serve.

"Well I'll be!" Clayton exclaimed as he saw the sub on display before him. "Just look at that asshole winking at us Chief! Seems it's ready to be put to use. But I want to piss first."

"No need to rush to the bathroom when you have a urinal right here." Without being told Cam popped around to face Clay and opened his mouth. The quarterback unzipped and hauled out his nine inch snake. Placings it's head in the proffered mouth he began releasing his bladder. The piss flow was strong and the piss boy was swallowing as fast as he could. Small amounts leaked from his mouth and ran down his face puddling on the tile floor below him.

Clay finished and pulled his dick free. Cam got down and licked and sucked up the precious body fluid from his superior male. Then he kissed both men's feet in greeting before saying, "Welcome home Sirs!"

"Babe you were right. This one seems eager to please."

"He is indeed. He's accomplished a lot in a short period. I figured you may want to nail his ass to relieve the stress of the trip. Then we can both take him. I'm sure he's hoping to feel both our pricks in his ass."

"Sounds like a plan Chief. OK piss boy start by undressing me and putting my clothes in the laundry."

Cameron rose and without looking into his better's eyes removed the Stallions T-shirt and laid it down. He undid the belt and loosened the catch on the shorts. Since Clay's cock was still protruding obscenely through the opened fly the shorts dropped away.

Kneeling Cam asked, "Sir would you place your hand on its head for balance and lift your left foot please Sir." Clay and Sean grinned at each other. Clay placed his hand to steady himself and lifted his foot. Cam quickly pulled the shorts free before wresting the shoe and sock from the foot. He turned a bit and Clay switched hands and lifted his right foot. Once again Cam worked swiftly to remove the clothes. Then he put edges of the shirt, shorts and socks together. He bit down on them and crawled into the bedroom to place them in the laundry hamper before returning on all fours to his Sirs.

"Very well done bitch!" Sean patted Cam's head. "Being a sub doesn't mean you can't think creatively."

"Yep hoped you liked smelling my dirty socks as you hauled them into the laundry boy."

Cameron felt a sense of pride with the compliments being directed his way. He crawled to Clay's feet and started tonguing them as a thank you.

"Hold up boy, you can continue in a minute." Clay walked over and sat on the couch. "Come on fella, let's see how your tongue rates in my book."

Cam embraced the left foot and jammed the toes into his mouth. He slobbered and ran his tongue between the toes. He relished the odors and the saltiness of the skin and the coarseness of the red hairs. After finishing the left foot he did the right. He was aware that a fully clothed Sean was seated next to Clay and the two were making out.

Cameron continue licking up Clay's calves and shins, careful to let his tongue caress every inch of the hot stud's skin. Past the knees he licked up the muscular thighs while eyeing the 9" prick nestled in red stubble.

As Cam approached Clay's balls, Sean broke his kiss with Farm Boy. "Alrighty Farm Boy, this bitch is yours for whatever you want to do with it. When you finish with it send it home. Then come and find me. I'm heading out for a Publix run and another errand. Have fun!" With that Sean stood up, adjusted his cock in his shorts, walked in the bedroom to grab his wallet and keys and he was out the door.

Clay looked bewilderingly as his lover left him to use the sub he had been training all weekend. He was confused not sure if he or the sub had done something wrong. He quickly refocused as his right nut was sucked into Cam's mouth.

"Follow me bitch," he ordered as he stood and walked into the Locker Room. He opened the futon and stretched out fully. "Get busy bitch, I haven't showered since the game ended."

Cameron picked up where he had left off with Clay's hefty ball sack, a quick bob up and down on the meaty cock, then licking along the Adonis belt keeping the 8 pack abs for last. Next he sucked the nipple of the right pec white gently rubbing the left. Clay moaned in pleasure. Cam switched to the other nipple.

Clayton raised his arms above his head. The law clerk switched to licking the quarterback's arm pits while savoring the odors and feeling up the massive biceps. He switched back and forth several times between the pits. On his fourth pass he attempted to kiss the sensuous lips. As he did he found himself suddenly on the floor with an angry athlete toweringabove him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Did I give you permission to kiss me faggot?"

"Sorry Sir. It's a worthless piece of shit Sir. Sir this faggot took liberties Sir. It is very sorry Sir."

"Damn straight! You're nothing but a faggot here to service me." Clay laid down on the futon. He adjusted himself so his head and back were supported. He spread his legs wide and lifted them into the air. "You wanted lips faggot. You can French kiss these."

Cameron wasted no time in kissing Clay's ass lips. Since he had been ordered to French kiss them he drilled his tongue into the musky orifice.

Clay hummed and moaned in pleasure; his 9" prick getting harder and harder. He was enjoying having this sub see his control. He wondered if this was the same feeling Sean had in controlling him. He repeated called Cameron faggot, shit eater, pussy wipe, cock sicker and other names to debase the clerk. He became engrossed in the name calling and in thinking about the power he felt dominating this willing subject. He was so deep in thought he didn't realize the faggot had been rimming him for half an hour.

"Get on all fours, head down and ass up!"

"Yes Sir!"

Clay walked out into the living area and grabbed a magnum from the bowl of condoms in the end table drawer. He ripped it open and rolled it down his throbbing member as he strolled back into the Locker Room. He missed the music playing on the stereo. He admitted to himself that Sean had trained this guy well in just a few sessions. He knelt behind the prostrate sub and spread its ass cheeks. The asshole looked like a swollen cunt. Once more he thought of Sean's expertise and admired how this once tight hole was now a gaping pussy to be bred. He collected spit in his mouth and ejected a hawker onto the hole before him. Then without ceremony he rubbed his dickhead in the spit and plunged in.

Cameron had felt the spit hit his asshole. He was enjoying the dick being rubbed around spreading the wetness over his hole when the quarterback plunged in. He felt the wind knocked out of him as he saw stars from the rapidness and depth of the first plunge. A small yelp escaped his lips.

Clay slapped both ass cheeks simultaneously. "There's something to Yelp about!"

Cameron had already regained his composure. He started to use his ass muscles to squeeze and massage the cock teaming out his ass. Clay pulled the sub's legs back flattening Cam to the floor. He puts his own legs on either side of the sub's and plowed away.

Clay laid on top of the sub. He grabbed the faggot's hair and pulled his head back. Cam was panting heavily with the rapid in and out strokes. Clay used his left hand to cover the faggot's mouth. He realized his was unleashing the anger that had built up since Friday night at Coach Lee was being taken out on the piece of meat beneath him. He acknowledged to himself he didn't care.

For his part, Cameron knew he was being ridden and used harder than he had expected. There was a part of him that was enjoying the abuse. He'd have to reflect on that later though as for now he was enjoying being fucked. He felt his own locked cock oozing precum and could feel his balls tightening in his scrotum.

Sean returned to the apartment. After he had put away the few things he had purchased he peeped in on the two having sex in the locker room. He heard Clay berating Cam calling him a shit-eating fairy. He saw how he was grabbing the sub's hair and throat. He thought, "I've not seen him like this before. Maybe he's still hyped from the trip."

Sean selected Stevie Nick's "In Your Dreams" disc and popped it into the CD player. He turned the speakers on in the bedroom so he could listen while he bathed. He grabbed the roses he had picked up and broke of the petals strewing through the bedroom and over the bed. He lit candles in the room and in the bathroom. He ran a bath for himself and added Epson salt and a bath oil. Stripping he tossed his dirty clothes in the hamper, closed the bedroom door and then the bathroom door. He sank into the tub, put a damp washcloth over his eyes and relaxed.

The scene in the Locker Room was nearing its inevitable climax. Cam had his first multiple anal orgasms. His rectum gripped and pulled on Clay's cock as each orgasm rocked his body.

The velvety tightness of Cam's ass gripping his cock finally pulled Clay's load from his body in 4 mind blowing spasms which over filled the magnum threatening to burst it. The two men lay there utterly drained, panting from the exertion and the ecstasy of sexual release. Cam felt cramped in his chastity cage but slowly became aware he was lying in a puddle of his own spunk.

After a few minutes, Clay stood and pulled his spent dick from the well-used ass. He pulled off the condom, leaned over and squeezed its contents into Cameron's hair.

"Well done bitch! It'll be sure to tell Sir how well you did. But it's time for you to hit the road."

"Sir, May I say goodbye to Sir Sean before I leave?"

"No you may not. You heard his order. Where are your things?"

"They're by the door Sir, but what about this device?"

"Sir must want you in it. He didn't say to remove it before I send you home. Let's go." Clay led the way to the door. He picked up Cam's clothing and sandals. Before Cam knew what was happening Clay opened the door, threw the clothes into the breezeway and shoved Cameron out the door. He quickly slammed the door shut and locked it.

Cameron stood in the hallway reeking of cum. He pulled on his shorts and finished dressing. He looked wistfully at the door for a moment before heading to the stairs leading down to his car.

Clay opened the bedroom door. His eyes grew accustomed to the candlelight. He stepped on the first of the rose petals as he walked toward the bed. He could tell it was empty. He moved toward the closed bathroom door, He knocked.

"Chief, May I come in?"


"Are you mad at me Sean?"

"I don't know. Go shower and clean out in the Locker Room. Let me know when you're finished."

Clay walked slowly back through the empty apartment. The strong odor of sex assailed his sense of smell as he entered the Locker Room. "Fuck," he thought to himself, "this place smells of cum, shit, and man funk. It really is a locker room." He picked up the room before he sprayed Fabreeze to freshen it up. Then he entered the bathroom and started the shower.

Grabbing the Shower Shot he began the first of four enemas to clean out his gut. He thought, "I'm glad to be back in my routine. I hope Chief wants to fuck me tonight."

After his enemas he stepped into the shower to scrub himself clean. He hummed to himself as he toweled off. He did wonder why Sean wouldn't let him into the bathroom with him. He had strewn rose pedals and lit candles. He obviously wanted a romantic evening. He brushed his teeth and gargled with mouth wash.

Clay padded softly back to the bedroom. He closed the door softly. The bed was still empty. He walked to the bathroom door and knelt. He knocked.


"Chief, I'm showered and cleaned up and out. May I come in now?"


Clayton opened the door. Sean was still in the tub with a washcloth over his eyes. He walked over to the tub on his knees. "Chief what's troubling you? I've never seen you like this before."

Sean lifted the washcloth from his eyes and turned his gaze upon his lover. "You asked if I was mad at you. I'm not. If I'm mad it is at myself." He let a deep sigh as he used his toes to lift the toggle to drain the tub. He then stood up and reached for his towel.

"Why would you be mad at yourself?" Clay asked as he stood to try to help towel of his fiancée.

"When I came back I got things put up in the kitchen. Next I spread the rose petals and lit the candles. Then I came to check on what you and Cameron were up to in the Locker Room. I watched you fucking him. But it wasn't fucking. You were trying to demean him with your words while hurting him with each thrust. I had to wonder if that's how you picture Dominants are supposed to be. If that's how you view me." He hung up his towel, went into the bedroom and crawled into bed pulling the sheet over his body.

Clayton followed him and sat beside him on the edge. He took both of Sean's hands in his and looked him directly in the eyes. "You listen to me Sean Andreas Walls. I was not imitating you. I was not trying to be a Dom. I was taking out my frustration and anger on a very willing hole. He never said anything to slow me down or stop me. You my love are a very generous and caring lover. You've never taken me anywhere I wasn't willing to go. Are we good?"

Sean stared into his lover's eyes a few moments. He pulled him down and kissed him hard and deep, their tongues battling each other.

"I have missed you Clay."

"And I you. You're coming to every away game from now on." He reached one hand down and grabbed Sean's cock and balls under the sheets. How about nailing me for a proper welcome home?" He cocked his head to the right, winked and gave Sean his goofy grin.

"Just tell me how you want it."

"Let's just see where it goes," Clay stated as he ripped the sheet back and crawled on top of Sean for a heavy make out session. After which Sean nailed it just as his future husband had asked - hard and deep.

Next: Chapter 72

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