Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Mar 4, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 70 - Blowin It

Despite the noises from Kurt and George in the next room Clayton managed to sleep. He was annoyed when the hotel wakeup call came in at 7 AM. He took his morning dump and piss, showered, shaved and brushed his teeth. He packed up his clothes and grabbed his phone, airbudes and his wallet before he headed down to breakfast.

Larry, Antonio and Steve had saved him a seat. They always ate together when they were out of town for a game.

"Well does Coach Lee snore?" Steve asked.

"Hell if I know, his husband showed up. So I had my own room all to myself," Clay snapped.

"Whoa boy!" Larry injected. "Get a grip on it. Get your head in the game."

"Sorry guys the headboard banging my wall woke me. I'm afraid I didn't sleep as well as I do with Sean." The waiter came for his order. "I'll do the buffet, orange juice, milk and coffee to drink please." The waiter left and Clay headed to the buffet.

When he returned to the table the other quarterbacks were reviewing the game strategy Coach had shared with Larry on the ride up to Memphis. He followed the play book Larry was reviewing.

Clay was fully absorbed in the play book review when he felt a tap on his shoulder. A deep husky baritone voice said, "Excuse me, I believe we might have disturbed your rest last night. I'm very sorry about that."

Clay turned to face George Meade. He stood up and trying to maintain his control spit out, "You fucking should be. Don't you know to fuck sideways on a hotel bed?" He sat down and returned to his meal and the playbook review. Awkward was the ideal word for the moment. George returned to his table where Kurt was seated with the other coaches.

"That was awkward. I wish I had kept my mouth shut," he whispered to his husband.

"What did you do? I thought you were at the buffet."

"I apologized to your quarterback if we had disturbed him last night. He schooled me on how to fuck in a hotel."

"Oh, he's got a lot riding on this game." The Coach focused again on the table discussion.

The four quarterbacks finished their breakfast. The others went to retrieve their overnight bags while Clay walked out into the lobby. The buses were just pulling in. He sat for a moment in one of overstuffed chairs. A balding gentleman sat down nearby and started up a conversation.

"Are you one of the Stallions?" he inquired.

"Yes Sir, I'm Clayton Reid, one of the quarterbacks." He offered his hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Clayton. I'm Archie Harrison," he stated as he shook the proffered hand. "I scout for the Ravens."

"Oh, I'm very pleased to meet you. Are you scouting Larry or one of our coaches today?"

"Well if that's not right to the point! I like that. To be honest we're taking a look at everybody on both teams today. I believe it's the same for all the scouts here for the matchup. I'll even tell you, you've caught quite a few looks this season."

"Wow, that's kind of you to say so. I want to finish my degree first."

"Not a problem, but I would like to know if you see yourself as material for professional football after college."

"I wouldn't be opposed to it. My fiancé and I have talked about the possibility."

"Smart gal."

"Nope he's a smart guy. I would have thought my being out would have made the rounds by now after the rape case."

To be honest I do recall some mention of it. But you weren't on the radar till after that point. I do know we have a few gay players across both leagues that are still in the closet. Who knows what the future might bring. Anyway have a great game. I hope to see you in action today."

"Thank you Sir. Enjoy the game."

Coach Jones started moving guys to the buses. Clay took his place on bus 2 and popped in his air pods and turned to look out the window. He was trying to figure out why he was in a mood. His didn't happen often but he was in one today.

Dwayne sat down next to Clay who reluctantly turned to face whoever had disturbed him. "Hey Clay, I saw you with that old guy in the lobby. What's his story? He hitting on you?" He lightly punched Clay's shoulder.

Clay fought off the urge to tell Dwayne to fuck off. "He is a scout for the Ravens. He told me there are a number is scouts here today to look at both teams."

"He scouting you?"

"Not particularly. He said they're always looking for talent."

"I will need to make sure I show off my moves today," Dwayne said as he gyrated his hips in the seat. "Thanks for the info!"

"Just play like you always do D!" Clay turned to look out the window and Smith headed to his seat and to spread the news about the scouts.

Five minutes later the busses pulled out for the stadium. In short order the players were disembarking and heading to the locker room to prep for their matchup. Clay stripped and headed naked to the buffet line. He noted the small gathering of male and female reporters clamoring for interviews and ignored their calls. He filled his plate and headed back to eat in peace.

Coach Higgenbothan was on his ass as soon as the first forkful of eggs was in his mouth.

"Why the fuck are you spreading rumors about scouts at the game!" Higgenbothan shouted at him.

"Fuck you! Larry knew earlier in the week and you guys never told any of us. I didn't spread anything. I answered D's questions about the guy interviewing me at the hotel. So go fuck yourself. I'm going on sick list today. He pulled on a pair of shorts, picked up his plate and headed to team doctor.

The team stood staring at Coach Higgenbothan. A few others called out, "I don't feel too good, maybe I shouldn't play today." It was clear there was sympathy for Clay. Higgenbothan went to find Coach Lee. As he came in one of the team trainers followed.

"Coaches, all four quarterbacks are sick to their stomachs. I've closed the buffet." He turned and head back to his station.

"What the fuck!" Kurt hollered. "All four!" He headed to see them.

"Hold up Kurt. I think I started this when I jumped Clay about the scouting rumor," Higgenbothan explained. Just then the AD walked in.

"What's this I'm hearing about a forfeit?" Roberta Knox demanded.

"I've not made that call," Kurt responded. He glared at Higgenbothan. I'm going to see about the quarterbacks bows.

"I'll tag along," Roberta stated.

"No you won't. I need to find out what's happening before I involve you." Lee headed out leaving the AD with the rest of coaching staff.

As he entered the trainer's room he saw all four quarterbacks in the clinic side along with several other players. There was a line of other players standing outside the door holding their stomachs. Coach walked over to the 4 quarterbacks.

"You four don't look sick! What the fuck is going on?"

Larry, as Senior, spoke for the four. "This team is built on being truthful with one another good or bad. Every Coach demands it. So when one of us is attacked by a coach for being truthful he attacked us all. We're sick about it but that's the skinny. We're too sick to play."

"That's bullshit," Kurt responded.

"No it's not Coach!" Steve yelled. "You guys bust our balls all the time. You've know about the scouts all week. You guys talked about within earshot of both Larry and me. Now you send Higgenbothan to jump Clay for answering D's question."

Kurt stood and stared at the four men. Antonio returned the stare but Clay simply listened to his music with a cold towel over his eyes. "If we forfeit you guys will be responsible for blowin it for the team in front of the scouts.

Antonio was on his feet and in Kurt's face. "Hijo de la gran puto! This is on you for not being honest with the team. Get away from us."

Kurt had never seen Antonio that angry. He turned and went back to the Coach's office.

"I need the office. Roberta we need to chat." The other coaches walked out and closed the door.

"We have a full scale mutiny on our hands. We didn't share the scouting news with the team but we were overheard talking about by both Larry and Steve. The scout from the Ravens spoke to Clay at the hotel. When he was asked he told the truth. Billy jumped him for spreading rumors. The team is backing Clay."

"We can threaten canceling scholarships," Roberta suggested.

"No, that would backfire. Antonio is the only one that really needs one to finish. The others come from families that can pay their tuition. I'm afraid I'm going to have to suspend Billy if not fire him in order to play this game. Your thoughts?"

"Suspend him for one game. If that doesn't work forfeit. We'll deal with the players back home. This is just so much BS."

"We built them into being a unit. We failed them by not being upfront. I'm going to admit that to them and see if I can coax them to play. If not I'll suspend Billy." He opened the door and blew his whistle, "Gather up healthy or not!"

The team gathered. Specials team and Defense were first. The entire O line was now on the sick list and straggled in from the trainers' area.

"As you may be aware the entire O line is sick. We can't play without them. If we forfeit we all lose the opportunity to play before scouts for the leagues. Yes I said scouts. The coaches opted not to tell you so as not to make you nervous. But the word got out anyway. Earlier you witnessed Coach Higgenbothan confront Clay about the rumors. He is not the source. The truth is we, the coaching staff, failed you by not telling you the truth when we knew. I apologize to each of you for not being honest with you. I am suspending Coach Higgenbothan from this game only and asking all of you to play as if your lives depend on it. What say you?"

To a man the team turned to the quarterbacks. Larry looked at his three comrades. Antonio winked his assent. Steve and Clay nodded their assent. Larry spoke up, "We'll play as long as Coach Billy coaches."

"But lie to us again, scholarship or not, I won't play for you," Antonio spoke up. The entire team nodded their heads which both Knox and Lee noticed.

"Then get your asses ready to play! Stallions!" Lee hollered.

"Run Wild!" The team shouted. The trainers and coaches resumed getting the team ready to play.

In Orlando Cam had been awakened by Sean as he was ungagged around 9. The Dom tugged at the sleep sack to reposition him so he could skull fuck him delivering his morning cum in a rather quick 5 minutes. Repositioning the still restrained sub Walls then gave the clerk his morning piss.

Cameron thought, "This is much stronger and saltier."

Minutes later Sean deflated the balloon holding the catheter in place in Cam's bladder. He snapped off the blindfold. His subject's eyes slowly adjusted to the little bit of sunlight filtering into the room from the window shades and door.

"Looks to be almost a liter pussy boy," Sean said holding up the catch bag. "Now you can taste your own." He secured a urinal gag in Cam's mouth. The wide eyed man watch as his own piss was slowly poured into the funnel for him to drink.

"Mine is even saltier and more acrid than Sirs!" was the only thoughts he had as he swallowed his own piss.

"Now it's time for breakfast. You'll be fixing bacon and eggs with toast and jam along with coffee and orange juice." He undid the ropes holding the sleep sack together and unzipped it. He assisted Cam from the bindings.

Cameron knelt and kissed Sean's feet before crawling on all fours to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. While he cooked he kept wandering what could be next. He had been shaved, fucked, drunk piss, including his own, been flogged, had his balls beaten and his tits worked.

Sean was thinking about what to do Cameron as well. He went through his list of favorites: caning, sounding, edging, anal toys, chastity, diapers, humiliation, and objectification or even whore him out. So many decisions before he had his coffee. He picked out the dog bowl and carried it to the kitchen.

"Put your breakfast in this dog bowl bitch."

"Yes Sir."

Sean took his seat at the table. Cameron placed his Sir's breakfast before him. Then he retrieved his own breakfast from the kitchen.

"I'll take that," Sean said. Cam handed it over and his Sir placed the bowl on the floor near his feet. "Enjoy your meal - no hands." He snapped a picture of Cam trying to eat with just his mouth.

He sent the new picture in the text to Clay. "I'm thinking of you this morning. I missed you and am sending my love to you. I'll be watching you play later today. I'm looking forward to having you home. I'm going to go to the next away game. This is the sub that will be waiting for you. Love you Chief"

"It's been a weird morning. I'll explain when I see you. Love, FB"

"We're going out today bitch. I'll dress you the way I want when it's time to go."

"Yes Sir," Cameron replied. He instinctively knew not to ask questions. He returned to finish licking his bowl. "May I clean up the breakfast dishes Sir?"

"Yes pussy boy you may while I finish my coffee."

Cameron busied himself with doing the dishes and putting the kitchen back in order. "Sir, May I empty the garbage?"

"Yes boy, the trash shoot is at the end of the hall to your right."

Cam was about to put on his shorts when Sean stopped him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Dressing to take out the trash Sir."

"If I wanted you dressed I would have ordered it. Now get your ass down the hall and get back. I have plans for you."

Cam unlocked and opened the door. He stepped out and headed quickly to the trash shoot. He dropped the bag in and turned around to head back when Lori and Rick Snyder came out of their apartment. Cam blushed and hurried past them into Sean's apartment closing the door. He blushed crimson as he heard Lori say he had a nice cock and balls and a cute ass. He only heard Rick call him a faggot.

"Done boy?" Sean asked from the live seat.

"Yes Sir"

"Come here on all fours and get in front of me." Cam complied coming up and facing his Sir. "Not facing boy - sideways. You're going to be my footstool. Cameron took the position and Sean put his feet up on his sub's back. Then he read his emails on his phone as he ignored the breathing foot stool under him.

Cam's knees were not happy but he stayed still. He spent the time hoping Sean would fuck him again. He liked the way he felt when the full nine inches was erupting inside him and knowing his tight ass got his Sir off.

Sean put his iPhone down and patted Cam's head. "You've done well. Stay here. I'll be back in a few." He went into his bedroom and looked through some of his speedos and found a dark blue one he thought would fit the bottom. Then he picked out a small red tank top. Going back into the living room he tossed them to the sub. "Put these on." While Cam was getting dressed Walls grabbed a Holy Trainer and several rings. "Let me see how you look boy."

Cameron struck a pose. Sean knew he'd be getting a lot of attention on their travels today. "Very good, pussy boy. I have a reward for you. Drop the speedo." Walls discarded the first ring as too large and pulled the sub's cock and balls through the next ring. Then he fitted the useless cock into the device and locked it in place. "You're in chastity until I decide otherwise."

Cam looked down at his locked cock. He started to get hard but the device put a painful end to his arousal. "Thank you Sir."

"Sit on the floor. I'm taking you to the Parliament House to walk the great gray way. Anyone who wants to fuck you or get a blow job gets one while I watch. We'll take condoms with us. We need be at Stonewall by 2 for the game. While there same thing will apply with the addition of being a urinal." The final touch was a dog collar and leash. "Time for me to dress." He went back into the bedroom and came out in jeans, leather boots, Stallion's shirt, and leather vest.

"You look HOT Sir! Sorry for speaking without permission, Sir."

Sean smiled. "Thank you pussy boy. You're going to get a lot of looks today. While I hold your leash you walk to my right and a step behind. You speak only with my permission. Understand?"

"Yes Sir."

Sean led the way to his car. The trip across town was slowed by all the Christmas shopping going on. He parked in the dirt lot and the pair got out of the car. Walls took the leash in hand and Cam followed a few steps behind.

At 11 AM the great Gray Way was just stirring from the previous night's partying. "In a bit we'll walk the gray way. For now go inside there and get us each a cup of coffee. You already know how I take mine,"

"I know Sir, half coffee half milk one Splenda."

"Very observant pussy boy. Now wiggle your ass along." Cam did swish his way into the restaurant to buy the coffee with money Sean and slipped into the Speedo. The Dom scanned the balconies and noted 3 rooms on the West side had their drapes and doors open and 2 on the South side were in the same state. The one room on the West side had a sling in it Walls recalled.

When Cam returned he handed Sean his coffee. "Squat here with your face toward me as you drink your coffee." Cam complied. Sean took a sip of his coffee and continued, "We're going to walk the great gray way. Some guys like to show off having sex. They keep the curtains open. If they are open to playing the door is left open. We get to choose who or if we want to play. Questions?"

"No Sir, I understand you will be making the decision. I'm ready to go whenever you are Sir." Sean nodded.

A young man approached but stood about 6 feet away from the pair. He lowered his head and stood silently a few minutes. Sean looked him over. He was dressed in a short sleeve leather shirt, leather chastity shorts, white socks and military boots that needed spit polished. He wore a leather baseball cap. He had no hair showing from under the cap and his eyebrows had been shaved.

"Sir, May this disgusting faggot approach, Sir?" The young man asked in a deep baritone.

Sean signaled his assent by raising and lowering his right hand slightly. The sub approached, knelt and kissed the Dom's boots. "Sir, this disgusting faggot would be honored to serve you and your faggot."

"Why should I accept your service?"

"Sir, my Master, Atticus, and this disgusting faggot are visiting from Palm Springs. He has order this disgusting faggot to find another superior man to make use of me this morning, Sir."

Standing up, throwing his empty coffee cup away, Sean took the half-finished cup from Cam and poured it out in from of the kneeling faggot before him. He tossed the cup into the trash receptacle. "I hate seeing coffee go to waste. You two lick it up."

The faggot on his knees started licking at the spillage. Cam got down and joined in cleaning up the liquid. Several guests walking by laughed at the two subs as they worked.

When they had finished Sean said, "Lead the way to your Master."

The faggot jumped to his feet. Half bowing he raised his hand to indicate the way to their room above the Bear Bar. Sean followed with Cam walking behind on the leash. When they arrived the door and blinds were open.

"Master, your disgusting faggot slave has returned with another Sir and his sub Sir."

"Strip bitchl" Atticusbellowed. His slave moved quickly to remove all his clothing. Cam was surprised at the speed at which the boy removed folded and placed his gear on the table before going to kneel at his Master's feet. There wasn't a hair on the slave's body and his penis was locked in the smallest chastity device.

"I'm Atticus. Whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

"I'm Sean from here in Orlando. I am a Sir in the Household of Master Will."

"I saw Will do a fire scene in St. Louis a few years back. Dry shaved the sub head to toe. Poured the alcohol on its back and set him aflame. Fucking awesome display! He followed it up with ice torture."

"I've had that treatment as well. Frankly, it's beyond my current skill level. We have someplace to be by 2. What you have in mind for your slave?"

"Whatever you want to do to it short of snuffing it. What can I do to yours?"

"He's not collared. This is a training tour. No blood, scat, shaving, unsafe sex, or permanent marks."

"Let's see what it's got."

"Strip boy," Sean ordered. Cam stripped, not as quickly as the faggot but quickly for him.

Atticus circled Cameron as if he was inspecting meat. The burly master unsnapped his leather jock revealing an uncut 10" horse cock. "Get under the seat," he ordered. Cam positioned himself under the rim seat and Atticus took a seat. Cam began rimming the hole presented to him.

Sean stripped from his opened his jeans and summoned the faggot. "Start polishing bitch," he directed. The faggot crawled over and started licking the head of its superior's cock. As his cock stiffened the Dom grabbed its ears and began a rough face fuck.

Cam was reveling in the hairy asshole he was rimming. The texture of the hairs and the funk were both heavier than his previous experience. He was so excited he reached for his cock even though it was locked in chastity.

Master Atticus swatted the sub's hand away before punching the boy's balls hard three times. At the same time he ground his ass down into Cam's mouth and farted.

Cam screamed into the asshole being shoved into his mouth. The muffled sounds alerted Sean to his sub's distress. "Whoa there buddy! What the fuck did you do to him?" Sean had stood and assumed a stance ready to defend his sub.

"The faggot was going to fondle its junk. It didn't have permission."

"I told you he was new. If you didn't tell him up front he would not have known. You've blown it. We're done. Cam get dressed." The couple dressed and let without another word. As the door closed they could heard Atticus hollering and his faggot screaming in pain. Sean dropped by the office and suggested they have security check on the screaming coming from the room.

Sean and Cam sat in the car and talked about their experience with Atticus. "Cam share with me your thoughts about what just happened."

"First, I wish to thank you for defending me. My feelings are mixed. I really enjoyed the feel, smell, sight and taste of his ass. I was really turned on! Just wish I could take a ball busting."

"So that's an area we can focus on if you want to continue training with me. If you were on your own you should always insist on a safe word to end play. Do you remember mine?" Sean added.

"Yes Sir. Your safe word is uncle. As far as training I'm not sure. I was put off by the way that other sub referred to himself as a disgusting faggot. Let's see how the weekend goes. I'm hoping your fiancé likes me. I'd like to try both your cocks at one time. "

"I'll be sharing with Master Will my experience of Master Atticus. You can have a sub, slave or whatever you want to call it without deflating its humanity. Will believes a true Master values his property and cares for it. I don't think what we saw was a healthy situation. Let's go watch the game and see what comes up." Sean started the car and headed to Stonewall.

The game was a true back and forth between the two teams. Fans were certainly getting their monies worth as they cheered or booed various plays. At half time the two teams were tied 13 to 13. The third quarter was scoreless. Larry had played the first 3 quarters. Early in the 4th he was sacked. Antonio entered the game.

The change in quarterbacks mixed up the game enough that the Stallions scored and took the lead 19 to 13. The Stallion's defense held firm while the Tigers had possession. Their attempt at a field goal failed. Antonio was sacked during the second play of the Stallion's next possession and Clay entered the game.

Initially, Clayton proved very successful. His first pass attempt moved them 30 yards down the field and earned them a first down. His second pass was incomplete. As he searched for a player for his third pass attempt he was sacked and the ball was knocked free. It was recovered by the Tigers.

The Tigers turned their possession into a touchdown and they added the extra point. The score was now 20-19 Tigers with one minute left in the game. Clay came back in. He knew they were expecting his trademark Arcadia play. Instead he used one from Larry's playbook. The pass was completed and the receiver stepped out of bounds.

Clay's next pass was incomplete. Coach Billy signal for a play the Stallions usually made on 3rd downs. The pass was completed but the receiver was tackled before he could step out of bounds. Coach Lee called a time out. While they hustled to set up a field goal the clock ran out before they could complete the kick. They had blown their chance to beat the Tigers.

Back in the visitors' locker room the mood was very subdued. The team which had been riding high for weeks on their victories was sullen in their loss. Clay was just out of the shower and was toweling off at his locker when Archie Harrison walked up to him.

"Great game, Clay!" Harrison emoted as he slapped the quarterback's shoulder then shook his hand. Archie gave the sophomore's body a once over. He thought to himself, "That cock and ass would be mighty popular in the Leagues." Then he walked off to see the coaches.

The other plays looked at Clay then Archie and back to Clay. They started slapping him on his back and ass congratulating him for catching the eye of a scout.

"Thanks guys, but we all played a damn fine game."

A sense of liveliness returned to the locker room as the team finished dressing and prepared for the long trip home.

Next: Chapter 71

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