Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 8, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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Nailed It: Chapter 7 Playing Rough

Indeed the night was still young. After Clay had cleaned up Sean's cock he thought he'd be let loose since the game was done. "Sean can yo..."

Sean grabbed his face with this left hand and raised his right hand to strike. Instead of striking he spit in Clay's face and used his right hand to smear his spit around. "Did I give you permission to address me boy?" Clay was stunned!. He felt a tinge of fear. He had trusted Sean. Tears began to well in his eyes. Sean saw the confusion in his boyfriend's furrowed brow. He stroked and caressed Clay's face. "You've been a very good boy, so far. There is so much more I hope to show you tonight baby. You can trust me not to harm you. But your submission to me is your gift. You can stop me anytime by saying `Uncle!' Do you understand?"

Clay thought a moment. "Sean likes to play rough. Can I take it?" Then he looked at Sean and said, "Yes Sir!"

Sean beamed!

"Such a good boy!" he said as he stood up and got behind Clay. He used his gloved hands to lightly touch and stroke Clay's back. Then he fondled his balls. Moving on he moved his hands down to the muscular thighs, on to the calves and finally the feet. Clay squirmed. His feet were very sensitive. Sean began tickling the soles. Clay squirmed. He moaned, he giggled, he laughed, but he did not speak.

Sean came around to Clay's wrist restraints and switched the clips on each wrist so that he could flip him over. Then he moved to the foot of the bed to do the same with the ropes attached to the ankle restraints. "Get on all fours," Sean commanded. Clay complied. Sean pulled the duvet and pillows out from under him. "Lay down." Again Clay complied. "Roll over to you left side and lay flat." Clay reposition himself onto his back. He felt the wrist restraints being pulled into a new position and moved his body accordingly. "Good boy!!" Sean praised him. "You're getting the idea." Sean then adjusted the ankle restraints to move Clay into the spread eagle position.

Starting with the right leg, Sean continued lightly touching and stroking Clay's legs with his soft leather gloves. He noted how hard the QB's prick was as he approached it. As he finished the right leg he moved to the left. Clay's breathing was getting louder. When he got to the groin Sean blew his hot breathe from the balls to the prepuce but never touch Clay's cock. The restrained quarterback's sharp intake of breath told Sean he was doing a good job teasing his buddy. Leather gloved hands moved up the solid 6 pack of Clay's abs tracing the small groves marking the muscle groups. Finally he reached the nipples. Soft touches were now mixed with little pinches. Clay twisted in his restraints and moaned. He bucked his hips helplessly. After a good 10 minutes of teasing those pink nipples, Sean continued up to Clay's neck, ears and face.

"Open your mouth," Sean ordered. As Clay did so, Sean inserted just a gloved thumb. Like a baby on a tit, Clay started sucking. Sean was delighted. After a few minutes of Clay sucking his thumb, Sean reposition himself straddling Clay's chest facing his feet. Then he lowered his ass to Clay's mouth. Immediately Clay's tongue reached for its prize. He wanted Sean to feel as good as he had made him feel. Sean was not disappointed. He pressed his ass down giving Clay complete access. His cock leaking copiously onto Clay's hairy chest matting the red hair together. Sean marveled how quickly Clay learned from his own rimming to change things up. He decided to change things up himself. As he raised his ass up from the probing tongue, Clay tries to follow raising his head. Unable to stay with his prize his held fell back to the bed. Sean scooted back a few inches and once again ordered, "Open up! Wide!" Clay stretched his mouth open as if he were in a dental chair. Sean lowered his scrotum into the waiting mouth. It took Clay just a second to realize the gift he had been given. He gently laved at the huge nuts in his mouth. He noted the suppleness and smoothness of the shaved ball sack. He heard Sean tell him he was a "Good boy!" He felt proud he was pleasing Sean. As Sean began removing his balls Clay once again raised his head up as long as he could before releasing the balls from his mouth.

This time as Sean reposition himself it was his cock he was presenting. Clay wasted no time swallowing as much as he could. Sean let him adjust a bit then dropped his hips shoving a few more inches into Clay's mouth and throat. Clay gagged. Sean yelled, "Breathe through you nose." That helped. Then Sean pushed the rest of his 9" inches his boyfriend's throat.

After just a few seconds he withdrew to just above Clay's uvula. Sean counted to ten then plunged in to the hilt again. He repeated the process repeatedly until he felt Clay's body relax at the thrusts.

Sean repositioned himself so he could get to Clay's leaking prick. Then he ordered Clay, "Face fuck yourself with my cock!" Clay started slowly. He soon discovered he could take Sean's cock all the way into his throat. Sean on his part was pleased at what a fast learner Clay was. He was becoming an accomplished cock hound.

As a reward Sean grabbed Clay's cock at the base, angled it so he could take it correctly and engulfed it in one swoop! The, "Hmmm, hmmm" sounds resonating on his dick told him Clay was a very happy boy. As they sucked each other off their balls began to boil over. Sean played with Clay's balls and sent him over the edge emptying 7 thick ropes of cum into Sean's mouth. A few minutes later Sean returned the gift with 7 of his own.

Sean realized he needed to piss. He thought to himself, " Clay did lose the bet." He smiled wickedly as he released the carabiners on Clay's ankles then his wrist. "Keep the mask on and come with me." Sean helped him stand. Clay could tell when they entered the bathroom. Sean helped him into the tub. "Sit down and give me your hands." Clay complied. "Open your mouth." Again he complied. Moments later he felt the hot acrid stream of urine enter his mouth. He shut his mouth but still managed to swallow some of the piss. Sean continued playing his stream on Clay's face, watching it drench his chest hair. When he finished he ordered Clay to be still. Perturbed Clay sat still. Then he felt the restraints being removed from his wrists followed by his ankles. He heard the water turn on and the first rush of cold water followed by warmth. Sean helped him to his feet, closed the shower curtain and switched from tub to shower. Sean took the first blast of cold water on his own back. He leaned in and kissed Clay insistently pressing his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth.

Clay initially resisted, but finally fell into the kiss. Sean pulled at the back of the blindfold, released it, removed it and tossed it over the shower curtain. Clay blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. As Sean came into focus he had an angelic smile and sparkling eyes. "I am so proud of you! Now you know I like to be kinky. And if you'll still have me; I'd be honored to be your boyfriend."

Clay felt a thrill surge from his heart throughout his whole body. He lifted Clay off his feet and hugged him to his chest. As he put him down, Clay said again, "I truly love you!." Another hug and a kiss followed. "Can we rinse off and go back to the bed?"

After finishing their shower and toweling off, the duo returned to the bed. Sean retracted the ropes and put the pillows and duvet back in place. He lit more incense and a few t-lights. Then he cuddled up with Clay.

"Dawg, that was intense," Clay confessed. "I got frightened a few times. I almost told you to release me so I could leave."

"I'm sorry man. You had to know what I'm into before another day passed. I am so proud of the way you handled it."

"Is that going to be a daily part of a relationship with you? Am I going to be like your bitch?"

"Clay, did I refer to you as a bitch at all tonight?"

"Not that I recall."

"But speaking of bitches, I'm not that fond of being called Dawg," Sean continued.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. What nickname do you want me to call you Sean?"

"Not Dawg, I know that much!"

"Let's just see how things develop. So far -so good. Now it's time for a more serious discussion. I want to know what happened this morning. I am here to support you. Promise to always be honest with me Sean and I promise the same to you," Clay stated as he picked up Sean's hand and kissed it.

Sean took a deep breath, "I promise." Taking an even deeper breath he continued, "My roommate left me a nasty note this morning. He threatened to have me thrown out of the apartment. I beat him to the punch by going to Campus Housing first thing this morning and I took the LGBTQ liaison with me. Long story short there's a hearing Thursday at 10."

"That son of a bitch!" Clay roared. I'll beat the shit out if him."

"No my love you won't."

Clay stopped and stared at Sean. "Did you mean that? What you just said?"

"Of course I did! I don't want you touching him."

"No silly, the first part."

Sean thought just a moment before he responded, "Yes, I do love you. I've been careful not to throw the L word around. Yet with you it comes so naturally."

Clay jumped on top of Sean and started kissing and tickling him lightly. "I'm so happy!" He planted a wet sloppy kiss on Sean's forehead while pinning his hands down. Then he began licking all over Sean's face. Sticking his tongue into his ears while laughingly whispering, "Wet Willie!" He continued licking down his neck while Sean squirmed in delight. Then he went for the left armpit and sucked on the short hair he found there before switching to the right pit. Clay continued down to the right nipple and licked and sucked on it before nibbling on it drawing a loud moan from Sean. Clay continued to the left nipple while rubbing and pinching the right.

Sean's cock head was very near Clay's hole.CLay teased at it but lifted his ass over it and slid down further. He continued giving his lover a tongue bath going from abs to groin, to legs to toes. Then he hoisted Sean's legs and pushed them back exposing his hole. He dove in again getting his lover wet and open. The need both were feeling was building. Sean was letting Clay take the lead. "Chief, you said that I was someone you might let fuck you," Clay began. "May I breed your fine ass Chief? I really want to feel you surround my cock."

"My lovely farm boy l'm happy to let you nail it."

Clay gently slipped into Sean, moving slowly as if he might hurt him. Sean sighed and gasped as Clay's cock hit his prostate and continue deeper into his body. When Sean felt Clay's balls hit his ass, he looked at his lover and said emphatically, "Fuck be Farm-boy!"

"Yes Sir, Chief" and Clay pummeled Sean's ass for the next 20 minutes. Sean uses his muscles and slight changes in position to draw the most bang for the fuck. In one of those rare moments of karmic unity they both came at the same time.

Tired from the day's events Clay lay beside Sean who spooned into him holding him tight. They both fell asleep dreaming of each other and what may lay ahead for The Chief and The Farm Boy.

Next: Chapter 8

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