Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Jan 7, 2021


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 68 Final Week Stress Release

Tuesday morning found the two men sound asleep. Clay had left his phone in the Locker Room and missed his morning run. As he awoke he rubbed his eyes. He realized he had slept in. He also felt his morning wood rubbing against Sean's. He kissed the tip of his lover's nose. No response. He kissed his lover's chin, again no response.

Farm Boy moved stealthily on the bed. He slowly kissed his was down his Chief's body until he reached Sean's nine inch prick jutting from his curly blond pubes. "I wonder if he let me trim them back to the T?" Clay thought to himself. "I don't think he's trimmed them since the photo shoot."

Carefully he took Chief's dick into his mouth. He slowly worked it down into his throat. "I'm getting pretty good at deep throating a cock," Clay thought to himself. He began a slow skull fuck.

Sean awoke to his cock be expertly sucked and deep throated. He lay quietly letting Clay play with his prick. After a few minutes Farm Boy was slowing down. Chief grabbed his boy's ears and actively skull fucked him.

Sean grabbing his ears had startled Clay for just a moment. He relaxed his jaw and breathed through his nose. His fiancé wasted no time increasing the rapidness of his cock fucking the welcoming throat. Within minutes he blasted one blast of semen into Farm Boy's gullet.

Pulling out of Clay's mouth, Sean pulled his lover up into a tongue probing kiss. "Thank you for my wake up call. I'm going to count down from 100. You have that long to get off. 100, 99, 98..."

Farm Boy began jerking off. He stared intently into his lover's eyes as he continued counting down.

"75, 74, 73..."

Clay imagined Chief's cock entering his ass, spreading his ass lips and rubbing his prostate.

"43, 42, 41..."

Sean began playing with Clay's nipples sending shudders through Farm Boy's body.

"27, 26, 25...."

The Quarterback picked up his speed. He recalled the taste of Sean's spunk as Chief pulled his cock from his throat a few minutes ago. Clay's breathing became harder and more rugged. He slammed his fist to the base of his cock as three blasts of cum spurted from his cock head. "Ah, ahh, ahhhhh," he panted as his eyes rolled back into his head.

"Very good Farm Boy! You shot at 9. So next time we'll start at 90. Go get the shower going." Sean pushed Clay's torso up from the bed. The jock sat up then got up and headed to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and adjusted the temp. He then used the toilet and flushed before calling his Chief.

Sean came into the bathroom. Clay was kneeling in the tub waiting on his fiancé. Chief stepped into the tub. "Open your mouth." Farm Boy obeyed. Sean aimed his stream of piss into the jock's mouth. "Drink it."

Clay swallowed his Sir's piss. He thought, "It's saltier than last time." He continued opening his mouth then swallowing until Chief had emptied his bladder. Sean leaned over and kissed his boy tasting the saltiness of his own piss on Clay's lips.

Sean helped Clay to his feet. They helped each other shower and dry off. They laughed and kissed as they tenderly touched each other. Heading into the kitchen they prepared breakfast together.

As they settled into their meal of waffles, eggs and bacon they discussed the day ahead.

"I've got to head out by 8:30 for my first final. It starts at 9. Then I'll grab a quick bite at the cafeteria before my 1 o'clock final. I'll go straight to practice from there."

"I'm studying today. I'll try to be at practice for you at 3:30," Sean stated.

"Do you think we'll hear today on our offer?"

"We just have to wait and see. If they really are motivated we should hear today or tomorrow. Are you excited?"

"Yes and no. I'm excited to be starting our life together. I'm anxious about the money though. I know we're making money from Eddie, but it still doesn't register."

"Well we're each getting checks for $675,000 next week just for the pictures in the books. We can pay for the house and redecorate it just with that money alone. That doesn't include what we've already been paid nor the money from calendar and book sales. Add in the tour money and we don't have any worries at the moment."

"See I can't wrap my head around that. We're going to be millionaires in our 20s."

"Honey, you do realize I am already one several times over. My parents are as well. And while I'm not privy to your family finances, I would not be surprised if your folks are too."

"Guess you're right. I need to get a move on. But text me if the offer goes through." Clay cleared the table before heading to the bedroom to dress. "Any particular way Sir wants me to dress today?"

"Yes, I want you all in blue, but wear blue shorts."

"Yes Sir!"

Five minutes later Farm Boy knelt in front of his Chief and kissed both of his feet. Then he kissed the head of Sean's cock before standing to kiss his fiancé on the mouth. "See you later Sir."

"Count on it boy."

Clay grabbed his stuff and headed out the door.

Sean loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. He headed into the Locker Room and booted up his lap top. Opening his email he found a copy of the offer Bixley was sending. Bixley's second email was a copy of the signature from the courier service showing delivery. Now they just had to wait.

Waiting was easier said than done. Sean found his mind wandering during his study time. It seemed he was waiting for a signal to indicate he had received an email.

At 11 Clay sent a text letting Sean know he had finished his final and was heading to lunch. He met up with Larry in line. The two loaded up their trays and picked a table away from the other students.

Larry inquired, "Have you heard the game this week is being scouted?"

"No, which teams are sending reps?"

"Lots of rumors on that score: Titans, Patriots, Steelers, Jaguars and Ravens. Who knows for sure? I can't believe they're looking at me. My money is on you."

"Me! Hell, I've got two years of school ahead of me, maybe three if I go for the Masters."

"Doesn't matter, they may just be getting a first report on you."

"Perhaps or perhaps they're looking at Coach or someone on the other team."

"That's a long shot but it could be coach," Clay admitted.

"Has Coach decided who starts on Saturday?"

"We may know tomorrow but most likely it will be Thursday."

"We will just do what we always do, our best."

"You got that right."

The rest of their lunch was filled with banter about possible plays.

Sean took a break from studying long enough to eat a sandwich and drink a protein drink. As he sat down to study he received an email from Bixley.

"Sean they countered with $725,000. Do you want to counter or accept?"

Sean took a deep breath. He sent a text to Clay seeking his input.

The response was almost immediate, "Go for it."

Sean acknowledged the text and emailed their instructions to their attorney. Bixley responded that he would prepare the acceptance and send it in with the earnest money check. He also advised Sean that he was sending a law clerk with an authorization to draw the necessary funds from his accounts. All Sean needed to do was sign and return it.

A half hour later there was a knock at the door. Sean opened the door to see one of the a very stunning young man with black hair and dark brown eyes, his bright white teeth showing in his broad smile. He stood at last 6'2" with broad shoulders tapering to a thin waist. His legs were long and led to an obvious bulge in his crotch.

"Hi, Mr. Walls, I'm Cameron Horton, Mr. Bixley's law clerk."

"Oh yes, Cameron, I was advised to expect you. Please come in."

The clerk eyed the nude blond Adonis as he passed into the apartment. He thought to himself, "I wouldn't mind tapping that bubble butt.".

"Please have a seat and I'll be right with you," Sean said showing Cameron the way to the table. He returned to the bedroom to grab his bath robe. Coming back to the table he noted the clerk had removed his coat and loosened his toe. Taking a seat Sean asked, "What do I need to sign?"

Cameron opened his briefcase and drew out a legal folder. He took out three documents. "Mr. Bixley prepared three copies for your signature: one for the office file, one to instruct Mr. Dougherty to withdraw the funds and one for the fund's records." He scooted his chair closer to Sean so that his left knee made contact with Sean's right knee. He flashed a smile at the blond beauty before him. He made sure he touched Sean's hand as he passed him the first document.

Sean smiled to himself. He knew the clerk was flirting with him. He just had to decide if he should fuck him or not. By the time he had signed the third document he had decided to go for it. "I want to thank you for bringing these out for my signature. I'm flattered that you've been flirting with me."

Cameron wasn't sure how to respond to such a direct acknowledgement that he had been flirting. His hesitation gave Sean the chance to give him an order.

"I know you want to have sex with me. Go in my bedroom, strip and stretch out on my bed."

Cameron thought for only a second before heading to the bedroom. He stripped from his clothes and lay atop of unmade bed.

Sean entered and removed his robe. He climbed onto the bed straddling Cameron's legs. His cock getting stiffer as he slowly slid up the clerk's legs.

Cameron thought Sean would sit on his cock. "Don't forget to suit it up."

"Oh yeah, condoms are on the night stand. I'll get one when I've got you horned up." Sean smiled wickedly. His hands stroking the unsuspecting clerk's thighs, balls, and cock. He moved atop the 6 inch cut cock pressing it into its owner's body. His own balls resting on Horton's cock head. Sean's hands continued to work up Cameron's body through the thick hair which covered his torso to the large nipples that poked through the fur. As Sean flicked and rubbed the sensitive nips he felt Cameron's cock pulse and push our precum.

Sean knew he had him. He worked up the sides of the torso lifting Cameron's arms above his head while leaning in to kiss his prey. As their tongues fought against each other's Sean expertly snapped on the set of handcuffs!

"What the fuck?" Cameron hollered. "Let me loose immediately! I'll have you arrested for unlawful imprisonment!"

"Really? Who came to my home and started flirting? Who touched my knee and caressed my forearm and hand? Who stripped himself and crawled naked into my bed? Who lay there with an erection before I even entered the picture?"

Cameron scanned the room. He wondered if there was a hidden camera. "Are we being filmed?"

"For me to know bottom boy. Now you just relax and let Daddy make you into what you secretly have always wanted to be." He leaned over and kissed the captive clerk's forehead. He rolled off the bed as Cameron kicked at him wildly. "Ah now why did you have to go and do that?" Sean grabbed the clerk's right leg and quickly attached an ankle restraint to it. Then he secured the left ankle. "Daddy has to punish his boy for kicking at him."

Sean retrieved the clippers from the bathroom.

"Nooooo! Please not my hair! I'll be good Daddy!"

"Oh you're going to be beyond good. You're going to be awesome. Now let's get rid of this nasty hair that's hiding your body," Sean said as he clicked on the clippers. He started at the clerks's shoulders and expertly removed the heaviest of the hair on the chest, armpits and crotch.

Cameron sobbed as his luxurious black pelt was shorn from his body. Sean brought in shaving cream and a straight razor. He lathered the left arm and arm pit and dispatched hair from Cameron's fingers, hand, and arm before clearing away the stubble in the arm pit. He repeated it on the right side.

"You get to make a choice now boy. You can knock off the crying and let me finish removing your hair neck down or you can cry and I'll remove your eyebrows and that beautiful mane on your head. Tell me your choice."

The crying stopped. "I choose neck down. I'll stop crying, Sir."

"Good boy, just relax you've got another 30 to 40 minutes left before you get to suck my cock and I get to enjoy your fine ass."

The shaving continued. As the blade skimmed over Cameron's cock and balls the clerk held his breath. He hated to admit it but there was something erotic about the blade touching his body. He felt his cock starting to plump. Sean noticed it too as he finished the cock and balls.

Sean made quick work of the rest of the body hair on the front side of Cameron's body. "Ready to be turned over boy?"

"Yes Sir Daddy." Cameron responded while his mind quickly wondered where the response had come from. "Could it be I'm a bottom or a switch?" He thought to himself. His cock was erect and he was reveling in the body contact.

Sean quickly reversed the ankle restraints and flipped the law clerk over. Cam's bubble butt came in to view. The electric clippers removed the bulk of the hair on the boy's back, buttocks and legs. Sean lathered each section and removed the remaining stubble with careful precision. He left the ass crack for last.

Loosening the ankle restraint ropes he ordered, "Get on your knees."

Horton brought his knees up. Sean piled pillows under the flirty stud. Sean's phone rang. He looked over and saw it was Henry. "Be good boy. Henry how are you. Thanks for sending Cameron. ... Yes he's volunteered to help me with some things. Just charge his time to me. ... Yes I'll send him straight on to you when we're finished. ... He's got his hands full at the moment. OK. He'll call when he leaves, Right Cameron?"

"Yes, Mr. Bixley. I'll be along when Mr. Walls is finished with me."

"Goodbye Henry. Thanks again for sending Cameron." He ended the call. "Very good boy! I'll have to reward you, but first the rest of that hair. Relax your body and let it rest on the pillows."

As Cam let the pillows hold up his ass, Sean reached under and pulled the stiff cock back so it pointed straight at the bed. He lathered up the hairy ass before him. He made quick work of the crack and perineum. He gingerly slid the sharp blade around the anus removing the last of the black hair. He smiled as he watched the denuded pink anus wink at him. Cam was itching for the fuck.

Sean, being the sadist he was grabbed rubbing alcohol and splashed a bit into his hands before rubbing it on the hole, balls and cock. Cameron left a low sharp whistle. Sean rested his cock in Cam's ass crack as he rubbed more alcohol on the studs back, armpits and onto his nipples. Leaning over the flirt, Sean began massaging. Pinching and teasing the nipples. Cam moaned and involuntarily ground his ass back towards the cock resting against it.

After a good ten minutes of nipple abuse Cam begged, "Please Daddy fuck your boy!"

"When I'm ready boy. But first you need your reward for being food while I was talking on the phone." Sean worked his way back and spread the freshly shaved ass cheeks. He watched the pink hole pulsing awaiting his cock but first his tongue would taste the rosebud.

The tip of his tongue had barely touched the pink rectal iris when Cam howled, his body shuddered and he shot a massive load. "No one has EVER done that to me!" Sean continued licking and sucking on the rosebud, opening it for the 9" thorn it about to prick it fully open. "Oh Sir, is this what I've been missing?"

"It appears so boy. Don't you rim the boys you've fucked?

"No Sir, I either get a BJ, hand job or they're already lubed for me to fuck."

Sean rolled a magnum o to his dick. He stroked Cameron's cock and gathered some of the clerk's cum and precum the cock had produced. He rubbed it around the anus with his finger. Again the boy howled.

"Let me guess first finger too."

"Yes sir, first tongue, finger and cock. Take my cherry Daddy."

Sean added more lube to the hole before him. He spread the boy's legs apart to adjust the angle and placed the mushroom shaped co knead at the hole's entrance. "Ready boy?"

"Please Daddy breed my ass."

"On three boy. You count."

"Yes Sir Daddy. One...." Sean lunged in balls deep. Again Cameron howled. Sean gave him a few minutes to adjust to the fullness he knew the clerk was experiencing. He could feel Horton's rapid heartbeat through his engorged cock. As the heart rate slowed Sean began fucking the virgin ass. He took his time. He altered the depths of his thrust. He toyed with the prostate He reached under and played with the sensitive nips. He played with the cock and balls under the no longer cherry hole. Cam's breathing was becoming deeper. His neck and upper back were reddening as his sexual desire heightened.

Sean noticed all the signs and focused on getting off himself. He picked up his thrusting action, long dicked the bottom under him. From somewhere within Cam's psyche he started squeezing his anal sphincter to tighten it around the invading prick. It took only a dozen more thrusts and both men were shooting their loads. Cam's 4 shots of jizz landing on the bed and Sean shot 5 spurts into his condom.

Sean collapsed onto Cameron's back, both of them sinking onto the bed. Sean withdrew his spent cock and pulled off the full condom. "Want to taste me boy?"

"Oh please Daddy. I'd like that. "

Sean released the ropes holding the ankle restraints and Cameron flipped over on his back. He opened his mouth like a baby bird ready to receive a worm. Sean poured his ejaculate into the waiting mouth. Cameron swirled the liquid around his mouth before swallowing and smacking his lips. "Sweet with a hit of saltiness."

Sean laughed. "The cum conisier! You best shower the sex stank off and get back to the office. Thanks for the fuck."

Cameron headed to the bath, turned on the shower rinsed off while Sean stripped the bedding and shook the hair off it outside over the balcony railing. Cameron dressed and retrieved the paperwork. He called the office.

"Mr. Bixley, I'm leaving Mr. Walls now. ... Yes Sir I helped him move furniture. ... Yes Sir I should have called you first. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Goodbye. " He looked at Sean. "We moved all the furniture right?"

"Right," Sean responded.

Cameron walked up to him and stared into his eyes. "Thank you for showing me what I was missing. Can we do it again sometime?"

"How about a three way with my fiancé and me tonight at 8PM?"

"Damn I can't tonight. I'm working with Mr. Bixley on case files."

"Another time then. However, stop at Walgreens and buy an enema bag so you can keep yourself cleaned out."

"I will Sir. I should be free this weekend."

"I'll have to let you know. If we do play I want you to show up in shorts and a t -shirt. Flip flops will be fine."

"Yes Sir. I'll remember Sir. Just let me know."

Sean showed him to the door. He remade the bed with fresh linen. After showering himself, he dressed and headed out to the practice.

Clay finished his second final early. He thought about going home and surprising Sean but opted for spending time in the whirlpool in the training room. When he arrived he found Coach Lee just settling his naked body into the whirlpool.

"Hi Coach! I was hoping to soak before practice but you beat me to it. I'll hit the sauna instead."

"Sorry Clay, I won't be too long. I've been in budget talks all day with the AD and VP for Finance. Just need some stress released."

"I'm the same coach. Finished up my second final early and I need to release the stress. See you at practice." Clay headed to his locker, stripped, grabbed a towel and headed to the sauna. After pouring a ladle of water onto the lava rocks he laid his towel on the upper bench to the left of the door and stretched out. The steam and heat felt wonderful as he began sweating.

Being by himself Clay decided to play with his nipples, balls, and ass before stroking his dick lazily. As he focused on his dick he didn't hear the door open and close. He continued toying with his nipples and balls. At one point both his hands were pinching his nipples when a hand grabbed his cock and guided it into a waiting mouth. He started to protest but the cocksucker covered Clay's mouth and forced him back down. Taking the hint the quarterback laid back and enjoyed the blow job.

Clay reached his hand and fondled the cock of the guy blowing him. "Let me blow you too," he whispered. The man didn't have to be asked twice. A nice plump 7 inch cut cock slid into Clay's throat and he started sucking on it.

After a few minutes, the unknown man stopped sucking on Clay's prick. He carefully withdrew his own cock from the quarterback's mouth and got down from the upper bench. "I have been wanting this since I first saw you play in Arcadia. Get down here and fuck me."


"Get down here and fuck me."

"Coach I promised Sean to always wear a condom. "

"I thought of that." Coach Lee reached to where his towel lay on the bottom bench. He picked up the foil pack and tossed it to Clay. "Suit up! You got an ass to fuck."

Clay ripped open the foil packet and rolled the condom over his prick. Kurt bent over the bench and waited for the sophomore to position him to gain entrance to his hole. The quarterback grabbed the coaches hips and maneuvered them to the correct angle. Lee spread his legs to brace for the fuck.

Clay moved his cockhead into the soft anal lips. Once he felt his cockhead was firmly grasped by Coach's ass lips he plunged balls deep into the older man's ass drawing both a gasp of surprise and a satisfied groan.

He started by long dicking the head coach. Sweat was pouring off both men. Clay varied his strokes making sure to hit Lee's prostate.

Kurt rested his chest on his towel on the bench and reached back with his left hand to feel the jock cock opening his hole. With his right hand he jerked himself off. Bringing his left hand up he sniffed the funk from the slime his ass was leaving on the latex clad cock working his ass. The Coach felt his balls tighten as he sniffed his fingers before sucking them clean. His senses now on overload he shot three volleys of cum onto the floor of the sauna.

The coach's orgasm tightened his ass with each of the three bursts. Clay picked up his pacing and with a final lunge deep into his head coach's ass shot 6 volleys of jock seed into the condom.

Coach Lee took over. He gingerly pulled off the spent dick in his ass. Turning around he deftly removed the shit stained condom and poured its contents into his mouth. "That is so good boy! It's everything I've fantasized about being your bottom. Thank you for releasing my stress."

"Ah you're welcome Coach. Anytime."

Lee smiled, "I doubt this will happen again. You hit the showers while I clean up in here."

"I understand Coach. But if you want to try two nine inchers I bet Sean would be up for it." Clay grabbed his towel and exited the sauna.

Coach Lee was startled by the suggestion of the three-way. He started fantasizing about taking two nine inch pricks - one nestled in red hair and the other in blond pubes. His little soldier sprang back to attention. The Coach wanked out another load imagining being neat in the middle. Afterwards he used his towel to wipe up the separate loads he had spent on the sauna's floor. He grabbed the condom and wrapper before heading to the private shower in his office. He watched a third load hit the wall and slide down the wall into the drain.

When practice started all appeared normal. Sean watched from the stands as Coach Lee hollered at Clay for screwing up a play. One would never had known the intimacy the two had shared.

After practice Dwayne Smith entered the sauna. He came back out to yell, "Someone has been fucking in the sauna again! It reeks of shit and cum."

Clay hollered, "How do you know what cum smells like?" The laughter that followed help hide the slight blush Farm Boy exhibited.

On their ride back to the apartment both Clay and Sean simultaneously said, "I have something to tell you." After a good laugh Sean nodded at Clay to go first.

"I had sex with Coach Lee in the sauna," he whispered. He blushed.

"Kewl glad you nailed it! We can share details at home. I nailed a law clerk. Guess we both needed to let off steam."

The couple kissed. Their phones buzzed.

"Contract executed, the earnest money in escrow and the Closing set for December 24 12 noon. Henry."

They kissed again. Negotiations complete.

Next: Chapter 69

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