Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Dec 7, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 67 The Offer

Clay was up at 5 am. He inserted his Hush device and started his run. He had almost finished his 5 miles when Sean sent the signal activating the device. Farm Boy smiled as the Hush worked his prostate and ass. His Sir was awake and thinking about him. He picked up his pace.

The smell of bacon and coffee filled the apartment as Clay arrived home. He was glad that Sean and he could both cook. He stripped off his clothing and crawled into the kitchen. "Good morning Sir! Thank you, Sir for turning on the Hush." Sean turned around smiled. Farm Boy advanced and kissed his feet. "Permission to rinse off Sir?"

"Yes, you stink Farm Boy. You've got like 5 minutes before breakfast is ready." Sean reached for his phone and turned off the Hush. Clay hurried to the shower. He returned just as his Chief set the last of the food on the table.

"What's your day look like Sir?"

"First final is today at 10. I'm glad it's not cumulative but just the info from the past three weeks. Then home to start to study for the big one on Wednesday. What about your day?"

"Last classes for me. My finals are on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and next. Practice 3:30 to 6 Today thru Thursday. Our bus leaves for Tennessee Friday morning at 9. I wish you could come."

"I'll try to make practice with the FWBs. Just depends how studying is going. My final Thursday is 3 to 5 so I won't make practice. I can always fly up then Uber or Lyft to the game."

"Thank you but we have a lot of expenses coming up if we buy the house and all the wedding planning."

"Well we have more than enough money with what Eddie is paying us, whatever your folks chip in for the wedding, plus what my parents gave us. Then there is my own nest egg."

"I know, I know, I just can't grasp numbers like that when it comes to my own money."

"I think we were both raised not to flout our wealth and possessions in others' faces. We should get the house review today as well."

As if on cue their phones signaled an incoming text. It was a notice telling them their report was being scanned and would be emailed to them by 1pm.

"Guess I'll start reviewing it when I get it," Sean commented.

"You know my concerns. Just let me know. I have to get my happy ass in gear."

"I thought it was always in high be fucked!"

"Only for your cock Chief!" Clay picked up the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Sean went to the bedroom to dress.

When Farm Boy came in he grabbed Sean and dropped them both onto the bed. The quarterback kissed his lover and rubbed their groins together. Breaking the kiss, Clay jibed, "Thought you'd like to know what it feels like to be sacked!" They both laughed.

"Wear the white running shorts with the red wife beater and your blue high tops. You'll be very patriotic," Chief ordered.

"But Chief, it's chilly outside and my nips will poke through the cloth..." Sean shot Farm Boy "The Look." "Yes Sir. As you wish Sir!" Clay concluded.

Farm Boy was right. It was a brisk 63 degrees in Orlando that morning. The wind from the Northwest was especially chilly. Sean glanced at Clay as they rode in the back of the shuttle to the University. Farm Boy's nips were indeed hard and clearly outlined by the thin red cloth. Chief tweaked the right one and laughed as the jock's cock twitched in the almost opaque white shorts.

"Sir, you're going to start something we can't finish till this evening."

"Just checking to see if your ignition switch was working."

"You already know they are both hard wired to my gear stick," Clay jibed.

"Yeah, I do," Sean agreed.

Giving his Chief a quick kiss and a grope, Farm Boy got off the tram near the Math Building. Sean continued on until his stop at the General Classroom Building five minutes later. He hated finals but was thankful this class would be over.

AS he entered the classroom the professor handed him his final. Sean noted the cover sheets for each of the tests were color coded. He had a yellow cover on his. He scanned the test quickly and noted it was not as bad as he had feared. He started answering the questions.

After his final, Sean rebooted his cell phone. There were 24 texts from Clay about how horny he was and how slutty he felt. He also commented that three guys offered to blow him and two others commented how fuckable he looked. Chief responded, "Hope you enjoyed the blow jobs. I don't recall you asking permission to be fucked."

"I didn't do either. We need to discuss how I get off when you're not available Sir," Farm Boy responded.

"We can have that discussion later tonight. I need to scoot," Sean responded.

As Sean walked into the apartment he received an email notification on his cell phone. It was the appraisal and housing report.

Going into the Locker Room he booted up his lap top. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a protein drink and a glass of tea. He sat at his desk and opened his email.

The summary listed the appraised value at $924, 526.00. So $750,000 was a steal. Sean opened the full report. It was 157 pages. Thankfully, they had included a Table of Contents.

The house had been re-piped 4 years ago. The roof was 10 years old. It had 5 to 10 years to go before it would need replacing again. The septic tank and drain field were redone 8 years ago. The pool was resurfaced 3 years ago. There was a 100 gallon storage tank for the well and an 80 gallon storage tank on the Reverse Osmosis system. Sean sent a text to Clay.

"Appraisal and report are all good. I think we go with it. Love you. See you tonight." He got a smiley face emoji back from Clay a few moments later.

Sean hit the books. As he studied and reviewed his notes he lost track of time. He was startled when he heard the front door shut and Clay hollered, "Honey! I'm home!"

"I'm in the Locker Room!"

A nude Farm Boy entered the room, knelt, kissed his Chief's feet then stood and hugged him tightly. "I missed you today! I am so glad to be home with you. What's for dinner?"

Sean laughed. "I'm happy to see you too Farm Boy. How about Pizza?"

"OK by me," he responded as he headed into the bathroom to piss.

Sean called, "Hi Joe! Is Vic working?" He listened before responding. "Yes, that's the correct address. One large meat lovers please. Yes, cash when he gets here."

When he finished draining his bladder and giving his prick a couple of quick yanks, Clay went to his desk and signed in to review the report on the house. He was amazed at the details. All electrical outlets needed replaced due to age. There was some dry rot on the back of the stable. He was absorbed in all the details when the doorbell rang. He hurried to answer. It was Vic with the pizza.

"Man I wish every dude would answer the door nude!" Vic stated as he reached for Farm Boy's dick and started stroking it. Clay grabbed the pizza and stepped back as Vic followed him into the apartment kicking the door closed. "Time to give me my tip big boy!" he cried as he fell to his knees and started blowing the ginger beauty before him.

Sean walked out and laughed. "Started without me I see." He took the pizza from Clay and put it on the table. "I'll eat first before I fuck him," he announced as he sat down and pulled out a slice of pizza.

Clay grabbed Vic's ears and started to skull fuck the delivery man.

All Vic did was moan his delight. He unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it from his torso. He began pinching his own tits. He undid his belt, unclasped and unzipped his shorts so they fell around his knees.

Clay pulled his cock out of Vic's throat and mouth. He slapped the delivery man's face with it repeatedly before once more shoving down the cock hungry mouth before him.

Sean wiped his mouth and hands with a paper towel. He got up and retrieved a condom from the bowl in the living area. After ripping open the package he rolled it closely down this hardening prick. After kissing Farm Boy passionately a few minutes he walked behind Vic and without hesitation plunged into him balls deep.

A loud "Humph!" escaped the hungry bottom's cock filled mouth.

The two college studs went to work. They coordinated their fucking actions. Clay lowered himself to the floor so that Vic had to lean over further to continue the blow job. With his ass up in the air it gave Sean a new angle to plunge his cock into the steaming hot ass under him. Farm Boy began playing with Vic's tits.

The moans from Vic's mouth told Clay he had made a good choice. Slowly he rotated his body, finally bringing his mouth into contact with the dripping clock head of the delivery man. Vic paused a moment so Farm Boy could get better positioned. The two began sixty-nining. Clay had a great view of Sean's cock plunging in and out. Vic began playing with Farm Boy's balls and running a finger around the quarterback's anus. Farm Boy moaned around Vic's cock.

The jock moved his hands to play with his Chief's balls. He felt them move up signaling an impending load. He focused on the sensations around his own cock and ass.

Vic was getting close. Clay's mouth on his dick and Sean's prick working his ass we're getting him to the precipice of his orgasm. He smeared some of his drool, which had collected around Farm Boy's balls, onto two of his fingers. He pushed his moistened fingers into the jock's ass.

The effect was immediate - Clay howled around the dick in his mouth and unloaded 5 blasts of semen into Vic's eager mouth. Hearing Farm Boy's howl pushed Sean over the edge. Six bursts of his seed landed in the condom. The delivery man delivered his jizz into the quarterback's mouth.

Sean pulled his spent cock from Vic's ass. Carefully removing the condom he asked, "Anyone want this?"

"I'll take it!" Vic cried rolling off Clay. He sat up and took the semen loaded Magnum from Sean. He expertly tied a knot in it. "I'll save this for later," he stated licking his lips. Getting up he pulled on his clothes. "This pizza is on me guys. Thanks for the tips." Grinning at the two college studs he opened the door and left.

Sean offered Clay his hand helping him up from the floor. "Let's take a quick shower then eat."

"Ok Chief! It was fun way to start our evening."

"Yes, Vic is always up for a fuck." He slapped Farm Boy's ass. "I still plan on plowing your field later though." They laughed as they entered the Locker Room bath. After rinsing off the funk from the three-way they toweled off and sat down to eat the now lukewarm pizza.

"What's your recommendation on the house Chief?"

"It appears to be a steal at $750 but let's see if we can get them to come down. I suggest $700. If they accept fine if the counter below $750 we saved a few thousand. If they hold firm we still buy."

"How do we make the offer?"

"Normally it would be an agent. Since we don't have tone I'll have our attorney draw it up and submit it to them. I'll tell Eddie we're interested so he can relay it." Clay nodded his assent.

Sean called Eddie first.

"Sean, how are you man?" Eddie said as he answered his cell phone.

"We're both doing well. How about yourself?"

"No complaints. I've been busy on the books and the show."

"We've been working on the wedding and have made a decision about the house."

"That's great! I'm at Oak Haven right now. Want me to put you on speaker?"

"No, I don't. We're going to submit a formal offer through our attorney. Please tell them our offer is coming and ask them if they have a fax number or if we should have it delivered."

Eddie relayed the information. "They asked to have it delivered. "

"I'll call our attorney now. Bye Eddie."

His next call was to Henry Bixley. "Good evening Henry. Hope I haven't caught you at a bad time."

"Evening Sean. No I'm still at the office. How can I help you?"

"We need you to prepare an offer to buy a piece of property. I'll email you the details. But the offer is for $700,000 cash. They pay the closing. The offer needs to be delivered to them tomorrow by courier. If they accept the offer I'll give them a $7000 earnest money check."

"Must be a huge place Sean. I'll start on it tonight. Theresa, our housing specialist, will review it tomorrow and we'll get it out to them. Send it along now if you can."

"Will do Henry. Thank you. Goodbye." Sean went into the Locker Room and rebooted his laptop. He forwarded the property details, appraisal and inspection report to Henry. Then he retyped and sent the offer so Henry would have it in writing as well.

When he came out of the Locker Room he found Clay napping on the couch. He quietly moved the end table away from the coach being careful not to wake his lover. Then he backed up to the arm of the couch and sat down so that his ass was in Clay's face.

The startled jock woke and after a moment of confusion realized what Sean wanted from him. He opened his mouth and began eagerly rimming his Chief.

After a few minutes of having his ass licked, probed and suck Sean stood up. "Lube your ass and follow me to the bedroom Farm Boy," he ordered.

"Yes Sir."

Sean walked to the bedroom and lay down in the middle of the bed. Clay crawled in a few minutes later having lubed his ass as directed.

"Get up here on the bed between my legs and facing away from me."

Clay complied with the order. Chief tucked each of the quarterback's calves under his thighs. He positioned his cock at the well lubed hole. "Sit on it boy."

Farm Boy nudged his ass slowly onto his lover's cock. Sean reached up, grabbed the jock's hips and pulled him down until his ass was nested in Sean's blond pubes.

"Now Farm Boy, this is about me tonight. You work your ass and get me off. If you shoot too that's great. If you don't you wait until tomorrow. Got it?"

"Yes Sir!" Clay responded as he began fucking himself of his blond lover's prick. He bucked. He rocked. He rotated his hips. He raised himself up and down. He played with his tits and stroked his own dick. Twenty minutes later Sean grabbed Clay's hips again and pulled him tight as he blasted 4 loads of spunk into Farm Boy's well plowed ass.

As Sean came Clay groaned as he felt his lover's orgasm flood his ass and he shot 4 loads out onto the bed. As he relaxed from the orgasm he disengaged from Sean's prick and lay beside his lover. The two kissed. They whispered their love for each other while tenderly touching each other's bodies. They fell asleep curled together after a long eventful day. Their discussion on how Clay would get off when Sean wasn't available wasn't happening that night.

Next: Chapter 68

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