Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Oct 14, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 63 Thanksgiving

Tuesday and Wednesday flew past quickly. Eddie didn't return the call Sean had placed to him Monday after they had been asked to leave Oak Haven. They couple were in Bartow when Castillo finally called back.

"Hello Sean, I'm really sorry for not calling back sooner. I've been in the hospital having my appendix out."

"Sorry for your troubles. Are you home now?"

"No, I'm here at Robert's. Lawrence told me about finding you guys fucking. He thought it was funny. Robert didn't. I've explained it all and everything is copasetic."

"Thank you. We're halfway to Arcadia for the holiday. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving."

"I appreciate it. Thank you. Are you still interested in the property? The inspector was here today."

"We haven't talked about it. We're waiting on Moira's report."

"Ok Sean, Let me know. They're anxious to sell."

"Ok Eddie, Happy Thanksgiving." Sean ended the call.

"What's the story Chief?"

"Eddie had an appendectomy. Boy Lawrence was amused but his Master wasn't. Moira inspected the place. They want to know if we're interested."

"OK, you have to admit it was both embarrassing and funny to be caught fucking by them."

"I'll stick with embarrassing. What do you think about the property? Would you want that as our first real home after the apartment?"

"I wouldn't mind living there. It certainly is big enough. I'm concerned about updating it. Some of the work we could do. My big worry is the condition of the water and the water pipes. You know I don't recall seeing a pump house. It can't be on city water way out there."

"I didn't see one either. We will ask Moira. I loved the master suite; the sitting area in the dressing room. Then there is that outdoor shower with the rock. I can see us having a ton of fun in there. We'll have a report to review Monday. I also want to go over the wedding dinner with you."

"Well I'm right here. Shoot."

Sean reached into the back seat and pulled out a folder. "I had no clue about what my sister's wedding cost. Going with their cheapest package we're looking at $47k."

"What the fuck!" Clay exclaimed as he pulled to the side of the road. "I had no idea weddings were so expensive! Are we locked in at The Mission?"

"Yes, they have their deposit. We would be out that money."


"My parents told me they plan on covering a chunk. Let's just go with what we want and see where we go from there."

"Alright, you're the boss," Clay noted as he pulled back into traffic.

"I also brought the proof books. I know we looked through them yesterday but I think we need to review them again."

Clay responded, "Taking a second look is a good idea. Once we give them back we lose control."

"Oh I sent flowers to both mothers for Thanksgiving," Sean noted.

"What did you send?"


"Oh yeah, they usually have fruits in them."

"Do you think we'll make "use" of the pool?"

"Depends what you mean by use?" Clay asked grabbing Sean's upper thigh.

"Behave yourself, remember you're driving. At least that's what you told me last time I tried to get you going in the car."

"Yes, Chief, you're right. Read the menus to me please." Sean read all of their choices for cocktails and the wedding banquet. By the time he finished the extensive list they were at Reed's home. It was just after 3:30 and nobody was home.

Grabbing their stuff they headed directly to Testosterone House. They dropped off their things in the loft, stripped and headed to the pool. They dove in and started horsing around. RJ came home from school. He dropped his books and clothes on a pool chair. He jumped into join the guys.

"Why are you getting home so late?" Clay asked.

RJ pursed his lips, "You're going to find out anyway. Connie and I got caught fucking in the school parking lot. We both got 30 days of detention. Dad took my car keys so Mom picks me up. Connie and I had our phones taken from us. Then Mr. Driggers moved me out of the three classes we had together."

"Oh man you're in deep shit. Dad did warn you. How are you handling it?"

"I've become very good friends with Rosie and her sisters. In fact I need to relieve some stress before Mom comes out and puts me to work." RJ got out of the pool with his 8.5 inch prick pointing to the sky and ran off his to his room.

Martha opened the side door, "RJ get started on your chores! Oh Junior, Sean you're here."

"Hi Mom," both boys called.

"Did RJ pass by?"

"Yes Mom he's in his room."

"Would you get him for me please?"

Clay got out of the pool. Sean watched his stud jock walk toward the boys' wing, his muscular ass moving invitingly. Sean got out of the pool and headed into the house. Clay and RJ were having a shouting match through a locked bedroom door. "Well if you get in more trouble it's on your skinny ass!" Clay shouted. He spotted Sean as he turned and followed his Chief upstairs to the loft.

Sean pulled out the 5 albums marked with sticky tabs. He started with Farm Boys and Clay started with Jocks. They looked at each image and asked if it could be viewed as art or porn. Sean would tab in Yellow and Clay in blue. If an image got both it was out. If it got one they would discuss it and decide.

Five minutes into their project Martha burst into the house. "Robert Joseph Reed," she hollered. RJ's door opened. "Did Junior tell you to report for chores?"

"Yes Mom, but I was..."

"Playing with yourself. All you think about is sex. Well you get to your chores. I'm going to clean your room."

"Yes Mom." RJ left to start his chores.

"Junior, Sean would you both help me please? The guys headed downstairs. "I already have his laptop. Please disconnect the TV and remove it from the wall. He can watch TV out here in the living room or at the main house. I'll be sitting with him when he uses his laptop." It didn't take long to remove the TV from its mount. Clay carried it out of his brother's room and to the main house.

When RJ came in with the eggs he saw his TV on the floor and his laptop on the table of breakfast nook.

"You can do your homework here from now on," Martha told him. "Your bedroom is for sleeping."

"But Mom a guy's got needs."

Martha turned on him, "If Connie turns up pregnant because you didn't wear a condom, you will have needs alright. You will need a wedding ring a preacher, a job and a place to live."

RJ sat at the table and booted his laptop. He started on his homework.

Clay and Sean went back to the loft. Sean commented, "Guess RJ has really stepped in it this time."

"Yeah, he's stupid. I'm sure Dad had the same talk with him as he did me. He gave me a box of condoms on my 13th birthday, explained if I was going to have sex, make sure it was with a condom on."

Thirty minutes later RJ came in and hollered, "Mom says to come to dinner."

Leon was seated at the table in the breakfast nook. The guys greeted him as they took their seats. Martha had made spaghetti and meatballs for their evening meal. Salad and breadsticks completed the dinner. For dessert she had made a peach cobbler. Over dinner Junior shared his surprise at the cost of a wedding.

Leon said, "I've set aside $50 thousand for each of your sisters. I wasn't planning on that much for you and RJ."

"Leon you know I don't like business discussions at dinner," Martha commented. Dinner topics turned to how their classes were going. MaryLiz and Hannah arrived in time to join in the meal and discussion at the table. Clay started clearing the table. RJ joined his brother.

MaryLiz asked, "Andreas how much of the wedding is planned?" Sean looked to Martha.

"I think we would all like to hear what y'all you two have planned," Martha stated. "RJ please finish cleaning up."

Clay came and sat next to Sean. "Well things are still early on. We have the date and the place. The wedding is outside, followed by cocktails, dinner and dancing. We have sample menus we're reviewing. We have to select the cake, music, flowers and minister."

"We are also limiting the guests to 400 people," Clay added.

Hannah asked, "When and where again?"

Clay answered, "February 7 at The Mission in Howey in the Hills. It's in Lake County. "

Leon commented, "That might limit guests from coming as it is out of the way."

"It may but it was the only venue available for the dates we picked. We also got a discount for having it on a Sunday," Sean added.

MaryLiz asked, "Do you have best men?"

The guys looked at each other. "Guess we better look into that," Clay answered.

"What will you wear, suits or tuxedos?" RJ asked.

"No clue," Junior admitted.

"What colors?" Hannah inquired.

Martha intervened, "OK, I suggest we all write down things Junior and Sean might want to consider."

Sean added, "Plus write down two songs you'd like to hear played for the reception."

Clay added, "We are going to excuse ourselves. We have to review some things for Castillo."

"Alright son, let us know if we can help with anything," Martha said.

The two lovers went back to the small house and up to Clay's bedroom loft. They went through each of the five books explaining why they each wanted an image removed. In the end they eliminated between 60 and 75 images in each of the four larger books and 35 in the smallest.

RJ came back around 9pm. "Junior, Mom and Dad said good night!"

"Thanks RJ! Goodnight to you too bro!" Clay called.

Sean said, "Goodnight Little Bro!"

RJ surprised them by coming upstairs and jumping on the bed with. "Do me a favor guys, please keep it down tonight."

Clay smirked, "Like you know how to keep it down," pointing at his brother's uncut dick.

"What can I say it's a pussy seeker!" RJ laughed. He gave both men a hug and headed downstairs.

Sean packed up the five albums for Eduardo while Clay ran a bath in the Roman tub in his bathroom. When he entered the bath Clay was already seated in the tub soaking. Andreas joined him. The water rose as he sat flowing over the recessed seat into the adjacent shower. It was an ingenious design.

The two lovers embraced and kissed as they soaked in the tub. Their hands caressing and teasing each other's nipples, cocks and balls. They knew this would be a romantic mating rather than a rushed fuck. After twenty minutes of foreplay Clay rose from the tub and moving to the shower started and adjusted the water. He opened the tub drain then helped Sean move into the shower. They took turns washing each other's bodies, both paying special attention to the other's anus.

Once they finished and had toweled off, Clay led the way to the window overlooking the cattle range. He pulled a duvet from a linen chest and laid it on the floor. He went to his stereo system and played a CD of Andrew York, a classical guitarist. Lowering the lights, Farm Boy invited his fiancé to join him on the duvet.

The two resumed their heavy petting. Clay changed his position and began licking his Chief's balls and perineum. Sean returned the favor while running his fingers lightly against Farm Boy's ever receptive asshole. The started to suck each other's cocks while finger fucking each other. Clay was moaning and sending vibrations through his Chief's dick as Sean repeatedly massaged the jock's prostate.

Farm Boy finally found Sean's prostate and massaged it. Chief unloaded down Clay's throat in 7 rapid volleys of churned up semen. Farm Boy pulled back a bit so he could taste some of his fiancé's load. The sweet saltiness and his Sir's talented mouth had him shooting 4 pulses of jock juice into Sean's mouth. They switched to a passionate kiss swapping cum and salvia between them. The two fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms as the afterglow of their sexual union faded.

Morning light and the crowing of a rooster woke the pair early on Thanksgiving Day. "Good morning Chief!" Clay greeted his lover. "Hope you slept well; I sure did!" He flashed his beautiful smile as Sean.

"Yes, I slept soundly knowing you were right here with me."

"Come on, it's tradition that Dad and I help Mom make the stuffing for the turkey."

"Do we need to dress?"

Clay looked at him quizzically. "Why? You already know we're a family of nudists. We won't dress until the family starts arriving."

The two hurried into the house. Martha and Leon were already up and working. A 32 pound turkey was soaking in a tub of salt water. Martha was chopping onions and celery. Leon was boiling gizzards and hearts. "Good morning boys!" Martha greeted the two young men.

"Morning Mom and Dad." they said in unison.

Clay turned to Sean, "You choose, help Dad grind gizzards or pull the dry bread apart."

"I'll grind gizzards!" Sean stated.

Clay pouted, "You picked the fun job. He's all yours Dad." He went to the breakfast table and started pulling pieces of bread apart and tossing it into a large kettle.

Leon brought the bowl of gizzards over to the island where an old hand grinder was secured. "This was my great grandmother's grinder Sean. We use it every holiday. I'll add the gizzards and you grind them."

The two men started to work as Martha added the onions and celery to the melted butter in a huge cast iron skillet. She added poultry seasoning to the mixtures as well as salt, pepper, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. After the vegetables softened she added in the gizzards Leon and Sean had ground up.

Sean went to help Clay finish the bread while Leon disassembled the grinder and cleaned it.

"Junior I'm about ready for the bread."

"We just finished Mom," he responded. He carried the kettle over to where his mother was working.

Martha added a cereal bowl filled with diced apples and raisins to the bread. Then she spooned in the gizzards and vegetables into the bread and began mixing it. When she had it mixed she added some of the broth from the pot Leon had used to boil the gizzards.

Leon pulled the turkey from the vat in which it was soaking and rinse it off in the sink. Plopping the bird on the island Martha began stuffing it. While the turkey was being prepped Clay motioned Sean to help him with the vat. It took both of them to lift it and carry it outside without spilling the water on the kitchen floor. They poured the water into the grass.

Inside Martha was putting the turkey in the oven and getting ready to start breakfast. Clay wiped down the table and set it. Leon was making toast. Sean decided he'd fill the juice glasses. This morning they were having apple juice.

MaryLiz and Hannah Jane arrived. Sean had to remind himself to look at their faces. He blushed in embarrassment.

"The parade preshow should be on," Leon commented to the girls. The sisters headed to the family room and turned on the TV and found The Macy's Parade coverage on NBC. RJ came in to check if breakfast was ready.

Sean noticed cum dripping from the teen's dick. He quickly embraced the boy and whispered. "You're dripping cum."

"Morning to you too bro," he replied in a normal voice, then whispered, "Thanks." Using a normal tone he asked, "Mom, what's for breakfast?"

"Food," she responded chuckling. "I swear he has two things on his mind sex and food." Everyone chuckled.

Hannah came up and kissed RJ.'s blond crew cut. "What's the matter RJ having Connie withdrawal issues. Oh pun intended bro,"

MaryLiz harassed him, "No he's having in and out issues." She knuckled her brother's head. He swatted her hand away.

Girls help get breakfast on the table please. We're having a houseful this year and the trestle table needs to be set up."

"Who is coming Mom?" MaryLiz inquired.

"Granny Reed and all four of your father's sisters and their husbands will be in attendance. My parents, your Uncle and Aunt and all 3 of their children are driving in. Pehr is bringing his wife and newborn son. Marion is bringing her beau and Erik may have a plus one as well.

A full country breakfast of ham and eggs, home fries and toast was laid out on the breakfast table. After the meal, the three women cleared the table and prepped the kitchen to start cooking the rest of the feast. The four men went out to the garage and started moving the pieces of the trestle table into the house.

Once the pieces were inside, Clay and Sean moved the couch to one side. They set up the 8 saw horse style trestles and began attaching the 4 table tops to them. Leo and RJ were placing the 18 chairs from the dining room and kitchen tables. RJ brought the 6 chairs from the small house and Leon brought 4 wooden folding chairs from the garage. Clay sprayed the table with Orange oil and polished it. He also wiped off each chair.

MaryLiz and Hannah spread four white lace table cloths along the table. They fit perfectly. The girls set the table with the family china which had belonged to their great - great grandmother. It was a simple white designed edged in gold. RJ had started polishing the silverware Monday and it was now given the final touch before being set out. Water and wine glasses completed the setting.

MaryLiz went in to help her mother as Hannah started folding brown and orange linen napkins into turkeys. Martha brought Sean's cornucopia centerpiece to the table. MaryLiz added two silver candelabras. Leon went upstairs to dress. Martha and the girls followed. Clay kissed Sean, "Let's go shower and dress."

Guests started to arrive and hour later. Leona and Vernon Sass were first. She is the youngest of Leon's four older sisters. Leon arrived with his mother. Granny Reed was all smiles as she greeted her family. Arlene and Barry Rutland were next. She was the oldest of the Reed girls. Arlene was followed by Bea and Joe Stokes and Clarice and Marvin Mapleton.

RJ was watching ESPN in the small house when the men arrived. "Hi uncles!"

"Hi RJ, what times the first game?" Uncle Barry asked.

"12:30 Barry," Joe answered his brother-in-law.

Marvin added, "Dinner will interfere with that one. We might be able to see the Steelers at 4:30."

"I might get to see the Cowboys at 8:30 if I can get Leona to leave by 7:30," Vernon commented.

Leon invited his brothers in law to help themselves to a beer. "Junior, are you and Sean joining the rest of the men?"

"Be right down Dad."

Sean started down the stairs followed by Clay. Every eye in the room was upon them. Leon introduced his future son-in-law, "Sean Andreas Walls I'd liked to introduce you to my brothers in law, Vernon Sass, Barry Rutland, Joseph Stokes, and Marvin Mapleton."

Sean shook each of their hands. "I'm pleased to meet you." Clay hugged each uncle.

"What's your favorite football team Sean?" Vernon asked.

Without batting an eye Sean responded, "Jaguars. I grew up in Jacksonville."

"Nothing like a loyal fan," Joe stated. Clay brought Sean a beer as they moved to the couch. They talked about the match ups that were on TV for Thanksgiving, a little politics, and what they were doing with their jobs.

Albin arrived with Pehr, Eric and two other men. He greeted everyone. "You all remember my sons, Sgt. Pehr Carlsson, Erik and his boyfriend Tommy Farrah and my future son-in-law Hunter LaCroix." He then introduced each of the men.

There was a knock on the door. Leon answered it. MaryLiz came in. "Sean you're wanted in the main house," she announced. Sean stood up and Clay moved to join him. "Sit down Junior. Mom asked for Sean," she stated.

"Good luck boy," Barry said.

Sean went with MaryLiz who held his hand as they walked to the house. "You'll do fine," she told him.

As he entered, Martha stood and made room for him to sit next to her. "Ladies, I'd like to introduce Junior's fiancé, Sean Andreas Walls. Sean you already know Granny, Aunt Becky and Mormor. This is Marian, Becky's daughter."

Sean kissed Granny, Becky and Mormor. He went to shake Marian's hand but she stood and kissed him. This is my nephew Pehr's wife, Hildegard and their son, Karl Albin.

"Guten tag Frau Carlsson," Sean said. "I'm afraid that's the extent of my German." He kissed her on both cheeks then the top of the baby's head.

Martha continued, "These are Leon's sister Arlene Rutland, Beatrice Stokes, Clarice Mapleton and Leona Sass. Each rose to hug and kiss Sean as well. He sat down beside Martha.

Arlene jumped right in. "We understand you are Norwegian and Greek."

"Yes, my grandparents were and are from those two countries."

"Your parents are doctors and 3 of your four siblings went into medicine. Why didn't you?"

"No interest in it. I prefer designing things. May I ask if you went into ranching or citrus?"

"Well no, my husband is a banker."

"I warmed you Auntie A, he knows how to hand it back," Hannah said. "He shut MaryLiz down when they first met."

"Sean you can call me Bea or Auntie B, how are the wedding plans going?

"Bea we have the date and place. We're inviting 398 people. The rest is up in the air. Clay and I were reviewing menu choices earlier."

"Sean I'm Auntie Lee, are you leaning to a buffet or plated?"

"Auntie Lee I can tell you the wedding is outside. The cocktails are also outside. The dinner and dancing will be indoors. We're are leaning toward plated but nothing is set in stone."

Clarice commented, "I'm Auntie C Sean. Would you care to share the when and where?"

"I'm sorry. February 7 at The Mission in Howey in the Hills."

Bea commented, "I was at a wedding there a few years ago. It's a beautiful setting."

A buzzer sounded in the kitchen. Martha stood, Sean you go ahead back to the small house. We ladies have to put our finishing touches on our various dishes. We'll see you in about 30 minutes. Hannah, go wake your grandfather. The ladies started moving around. Sean left and walked back to the testosterone house. As he entered he saw the men focused on the game. Clay was pacing behind them clearly worried. He stopped pacing and smiled at his lover.

Leon noted Sean's arrival. "Looks like you survived Sean. Have a beer you earned I'm sure."

"Thanks Dad. Mom says probably a 30 minute warning."

"Sean, our kitchen is big but when you put that many cooks in it," he chuckled, "it will be closer to an hour." Sure enough 65 minutes later Hannah knocked on the door summoning the men to dinner.

Sean noted that place cards had been set out along the table. He was seated to Martha's left, with Clay next to him.

Leon stood at his place and began, "Today we gather to give thanks to God for the past year's blessings and ask Him to stay with us in the next. As is our custom we will each thank God for one of our blessings from this past year. Since our youngest family member, Karl doesn't speak yet we'll ask Robert to begin."

RJ said, "I'm thankful that I have a new big brother to look out for me." Sean blushed. Each person on RJ's side of the table expressed their thanks.

Martha stated, "I'm thankful for Junior's quick recovery from his trauma." She wiped away a tear.

Sean commented, "I'm thankful for being accepted by my new family."

"I'm thankful Sean and I met," Clay said simply. The rest of their side of the table expressed their thanks bringing everyone's attention back to Leon.

I am thankful to have you each in my life and the loving devotion of my wife. Come Lord Jesus be now our guest and let this meal and our family be blest."

"Amen" sounded a rounded the table. The men sat down and all the women headed to the kitchen. Each returned carrying a dish for the feast. Last to enter was Martha carrying the huge turkey. She placed it in front of Leon who began carve it. Dishes were passed around the table. The food was delicious and the conversation lively. As the meal ended Leon raised his wine glass for the annual toast.

"I propose a toast to our great republic and to all those who came before us who made it possible for us to enjoy this day and each other. Gone but not forgotten."

"Gone but not forgotten." the family responded as one.

The men cleared the table while the women went to the living room to relax. Leon, RJ, Clay and Sean took down the trestle table and returned chairs to their proper places. Sean and Clay put the family room back together. Then they went to the small house.

In the kitchen the men had split up leftovers into take home packages. They did the dishes by hand not trusting the family china to the dishwasher. When the kitchen was cleaned up Erik mopped it while the others joined Leon and the boys.

The rest of the evening passed in good natured comradery. The ladies sent word with Hildegarde that coffee and dessert would be served on the patio. The men joined the ladies sipping coffee and enjoying pumpkin pie or Apple Betty.

They all watched the sun set together. People began to take their leave. It took close to an hour for everyone to hug and kiss each other and depart. Hannah and MaryLiz took Granny Reed back to her apartment at Arcadia Pines. Martha and Leon finished cleaning up from dessert. The boys returned to testosterone house and caught up on the second game.

Sean brought down the menus for the reception. Clay and he sat at the dining table while RJ watched recaps of the first two games.

Clay commented, "Today was the most formal we get. I'm not sure a plated sit down is the way to go. I do like the idea of stations though.

"Alright so that means we go with their Stations Menu," Sean agreed. He pulled the Stations Menu from the package. "First decision we get to pick four hors d'oeurves." He shared the list with Clay. They picked Raspberry preserves and Brie in Phyllo cup with Blackberry garnish, Shrimp and pineapple skewers, smoked salmon bruschetta and olive and sun-dried tomatoes tapenade on toasted baguette.

Next the selected the four stations to be manned by servers. The American Station featuring grilled chicken, the Island Station featuring blackened salmon, the Southwestern station would serve flank steak and the Italian Station would serve Tuscan vegetables with pastas.

Clay figured the cost at $300 for the four servers. With 400 people at $140 a head they would be looking at $56,000. He whistled which got RJ's attention. "What's up Junior?"

"Just figured up what feeding 400 people is going to cost," he replied. RJ came over and looked at the math. Robert whistled too as Leon, Martha and the girls came in at the moment.

"What's up RJ?" MaryLiz asked.

"Junior and Sean are dropping $57000 just on food for the wedding." Leon and his daughters all whistled at the figure. Sean realized that it was something the kids had learned from Leon.

Martha asked, "What have you decided on?"

Clay shared the menu with everyone.

RJ inquired, "Can we go to more than one station?"

"I would hope!" Clay commented, "But we will clarify."

Sean added, "I know a couple of DJs that are on the approved list. I'll try to cut a deal with one of them. Clay how would you feel Miss Tina tailors our tuxedos for the wedding?"

"Oh yes, if she's not too expensive."

"Why not rent!" Leon asked.

"We are going to need them for the openings of the Castillo exhibit," Sean explained. "So they will be tax deductible as a business expense."

Hannah commented, "Sounds like you have made a lot of progress since dinner."

Clay responded, "We work well together and made compromises."

"That's as it should be," Martha affirmed.

"Game time!" RJ announced and the family moved to watch the TV. The Cowboys were on fire. They scored first in the quarter. They recovered a fumble and scored again. When they did it a 3rd time in the first quarter everyone lost interest. The TV was turned off and everyone wished each other a good night before retiring to their rooms.

Clay and Sean sat by the window and held each other`s hands. They talked about the day and how everyone had responded. They were particularly happy for Erik and Tommy.

"I wonder if we look at each other the way Erik and Tommy do?" Clay queried.

"Probably, Mom says she can see were in love. So does Dad." Sean stated. "Let's turn in."

That night Clay woke RJ three times with his moaning and cries each time he had an orgasm.

Next: Chapter 64

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