Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Oct 2, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 62 Homeowners

Monday morning Clay did his run with his Hush inserted in his ass. He was disappointed Sean didn't turn it on. When he got home he found his fiancé sound asleep. He began making coffee for his Chief. He took the cup and set it on the nightstand and went back to the kitchen.

Clay fried up a half pound of bacon. He placed the fried bacon in the toaster oven to keep warm. He diced a small onion and added it to the bacon drippings to fry then opened a can of sliced potatoes. As the onions softened he added the potatoes to the skillet to fry. Farm Boy ran a pot of water and placed it on the stove to boil.

Sean woke up the smell of coffee and bacon. He reached for the cup he knew would be there waiting. It was made perfectly as usual. He sipped his coffee and headed to the bathroom for his morning toilet.

Clay heard the toilet flush and smiled to himself. He started poaching the eggs and finished the toast. By the time Sean emerged from the bedroom Farm Boy had set the table and was bringing the food to the table. "Morning Chief! Breakfast is served, God aptit!" He got down and kissed his Sir's feet.

"Good morning Clay! You take such good care of me. Breakfast looks and smells delicious," he said as he kissed his lover and sat down. Farm Boy poured more coffee for both of them. "I've got a busy day today, Clay. After my classes, I need to call Eduardo and arrange to see the house this afternoon when you get back from your classes. I'll also line up a house inspector to take a look at it. Then we need to find a location for the wedding and the reception."

"How many people do you think we should expect?"

"Dad told me he planned for 800 for Nicole's wedding and wound up with 400. We need to decide what we want so I can do the research."

"My folks send 200 Christmas Cards tops. I doubt our list will be as big as your folks."

"Still, if we have 100 and your folks have 125 and my folks have 140 we could still be 800."

"Where was your sister's wedding?"

"The wedding was at St. George's downtown. The reception was at the ballroom of The Caribe. We can pair it down."

"Can you find out how many of the people invited to Nicole's wedding showed up? They automatically get an invite. That might help pair down the list."

"Great idea Clay. I'll ask Nicole. I need to get ready for class."

On the shuttle ride Sean called Eddie but got his voicemail. "Eddie, this is Sean Walls, Clay and I want to see the house this afternoon. Can you meet us there at 3. We also can't do Thursday dinner. Saturday night works though. Heading to my morning classes talk to you later."

Only half of Sean's first class was present. The professor thanked them for showing up; then covered the material from the syllabus. After class Sean listened to the voicemail Eddie had left him.

"Sean, sure see you at 3 pm. I understand about Thursday. Saturday works. Talk more this afternoon."

Only 4 students showed up for Sean's next class. The professor noted the names of the four, thanked them for their dedication and promised to add 1 point to their final average for the class. Then the class was dismissed. On his way home Sean sent a text to his sister.

"Hi Nicole! Yes this is an actual text from SA! Please don't faint! I hope you're doing well today. Mom gave me her list for the wedding. Do you have a list of who actually showed up? It would help me make some choices. Say hello to DJ for me. Thanks, SA"

Nicole's response came just as Sean reached his apartment building,

"Andreas, I was surprised to hear from you. I know what you and Clay are facing. I'll send you my RSVP list when I get home this evening. Hang in there. N."

Sean went into the Locker Room and booted the laptop. He began searching for house inspectors. One of listings offered both an inspection and a market appraisal. He dialed their number.

"JEP Consultants, how may we assist you?"

"I would like to schedule a house inspection and appraisal this week if possible."

"One moment please." Sean was placed on hold. Less than a minute later his call was picked up.

"Good morning Moira Windsor speaking. I understand you are trying to schedule for this week."

"Yes, Ma'am the buyers are motivated to sell."

"Do you have a signed contract on the property?"

"No we have not."

"The owners will need to consent to the inspection. We can provide an appraisal based on public records which can be adjusted after the inspection."

"I understand. I'll ask Mr. Castillo to contact them to arrange for permission."

"That will be satisfactory. May I have the address please?"

"Oak Haven Ranch on N Christmas Road, in Christmas."

"The cost of the appraisal is $350 and the inspection would be $450. How would you like to pay?"

Sean provided her a card number for his main account at PNC. Then he gave Eddie a call and asked him to get the owners to authorize the inspection. Then he turned his attention to venues.

He didn't want to use the same venue as his sister. He was becoming frustrated as every large venue was booked for their preferred date and the two backups.

He finally found one in Lake County. The only issue was that the guest list was limited at 400. Sean made the decision to limit the guest list and booked it for Sunday February 7. The wedding would be outside and the reception in the main banquet hall. The best part was they had wedding coordinator. He provided his card number to cover the necessary deposits. The wedding planner then asked for his email address. She told Sean she would send him menu options as well as approved venders for music, flowers and the wedding cake.

"Do you have a list of officiants. We'd like a religious service?"

"Which denomination?"

"Greek Orthodox."

"Sorry that won't happen for same gender marriage. However, we had an Independent Catholic Bishop preside at a marriage here a few years ago. He incorporated crowns into the service. I'll look up his name and info and send it to you."

"Thank you. Your name again please?"

"June Snowe, Mr. Walls and congratulations on your upcoming marriage."

"Thank you June, please call me Sean. I look forward to your emails."

He sent a text to Clay.

""I've booked the largest available location for our wedding for Sunday, February 7. Tell you more when you get home."

His phone rang in his hand. He let it go to voice mail.

"Hello Mr. Walls, Moira Windsor with JEP Consultants. I just wanted you to know one of the owners called me and granted permission. I'll be going out Wednesday. I'll have your report ready by next Monday. Please call me if you have any questions."

Sean thought, "That takes care of that."

He sent a text to Martha.

"Mom is there anything we can bring for Thursday?"

"I don't think so, just yourselves son," she replied.

"Ok, we'll be in Wednesday night sometime and leaving Saturday morning. Oh the wedding date is set. Feb 7. I'll know more details by the time we arrive."

"We finished the guest list. Do you want me to email it or wait until you arrive?

"Please email it. I'll combine it with what we've started."

"I'll go do it now. Love you both. Bye."

"Love you too. Bye Mom."

Sean crossed the apartment to his bedroom. He lay down for a nap. The next thing he knew he was being licked all over his face by his very playful Farm Boy. "Down boy, you are slobbering all over me," Chief laughed.

"I tried to wake you by calling your name. So I had to try something else," Clay laughed. "We need to head out for the ranch."

"What time is?"

"It's a little after 2. How long have you been sleeping?"

"Close to 2 hours I guess."

"Wow you must have been exhausted," Clay stated as he changed cloths. We will take the mustang today."

Sean dressed quickly and accompanied Farm Boy to his car. Thirty-five minutes later they pulled in to Oak Haven. Eddie was putting a suitcase in his trunk.

"Hi guys, Gordon called to remind me I have a 4 o'clock appointment with a client. Here are the keys, just lock up when you're finished."

"Sorry you can't hang with us."

"I am too. I wanted to talk about the exhibit and books. But have to make hay while the sun shines," Eddie said opening his car door. I left a map of what's included on the breakfast bar." The photographer got in his Porsche and headed to his studio.

Sean and Clay unlocked the door and entered. They retrieved the paperwork Eduardo had left and went back outside. The house was 1500 feet from the road. To the left of the house was a detached 3 car garage with a covered walkway to the kitchen door. To the left of the house was the horse barn where parts of the photo shoot had taken place.

The couple turned to look at the house. It was 2.5 stories with 7000 square feet of living space. The entrance hall was open to the second floor. The stairs rose to the left of the door and featured two landings before reaching the upstairs hall which ran the length of the house.

The couple took the stairs. They went to the far bedroom which they had occupied. The bed had been made but the room still had the odor of cum. The rug was old and would have to be replaced. All the artificial flowers and plants would need to go as well. The paint would need updated. The bathroom fixtures were also dated. Clay mentioned about the cost of re-piping a house. Each of the four bedrooms were in similar states, well-appointed but dated.

Clay opened a door he thought was a closet. Inside was a circular stair way to the attic above. He flipped a light switch and went up the stairs. He had to bend over as the ceiling height was only at 6 feet. The attic was filled with stuff from suitcases to boxes of Christmas decorations. He took a couple of pictures and sent them to Sean before going back down the stairs.

It was time to explore the downstairs. The formal living room was to the right of the entrance hall. The formal dining room was divided from it by a small alcove which contained the door to the Master suite. The suite took the entire far end of the house. The room was furnished with golden oak four poster bed, dresser, highboy and nightstands. There were two craftsman style leather chairs forming a sitting area near the bay window at the front of the house. Two eight foot closets ran on either side of the chairs to form the dressing area. The bath had a large Roman tub. Double sinks and mirrors formed the wash area. There was a door that led to an outside rock lined shower similar to the one that served the pool area. The toilet and bidet were in a smaller closed off area.

"What's that for Chief?"

"Drop your pants I'll show you." Clay dropped them and smiled. His cock was starting to stiffen. He sat on the bidet and Sean hit the flow control. Water washed over Farm Boy's cock, balls and asshole. Chief handed Clay a towel and left the room.

"Chief I was hoping for a little play time," Farm Boy stated.

"Keeping hoping Farm Boy! Keep Hoping!" The rest of the house was familiar to the couple. They did check out the pantry and laundry areas before heading to the backyard. In addition to the basketball and volleyball areas there was also a tennis court. Walking back to the house the noticed the covered outdoor kitchen.

When they reached the pool, Sean stripped and jumped in. Clay was just moments behind him. Once again Clay tried to initiate sex only to see Sean swim to the pool ladder at the deep end and get out of the pool. He grabbed both sets of their clothes and headed into the house. At the door he hollered, "Come and find me if you want fucked Farm Boy!" before disappearing into the house.

Clay climbed out of the pool and ran to the house. Inside he found their clothes had been dropped on the floor and Sean was nowhere in sight. He quickly checked the pantry and laundry. On the way to the master bedroom he saw a wet footprint heading toward the entrance hall. There was another heading toward the stairs. Just as he was about to mount the stairs he heard a noise behind him.

Before he could turn, Sean tackled him pushing him down onto the stairs. Chief used his belt to secure Farm Boy's wrists behind his back. Shoving his boy's legs apart he began rimming the pink rosebud in front of him. Clay groaned in pleasure.

"Eat my ass Sir! Get it ready for your cock!" Farm Boy begged. His Chief obliged him delving into Clay's pucker with his tongue and fingers repeatedly for over 10 minutes.

"Oh fuck your Farm Boy Sir!" Clay whined.

Sean stood, spit on his hand and ribbed the spit on his cock head. He slowly entered his boy's burning hot ass feeling the heat of Clay's lust surround his dick. The sigh that escaped the jock's lips left no doubt Sean was meeting his needs. He started to long dick Farm Boy's ass.

"Faster Chief! Harder Chief!" Clay called as his need to be fucked overcame him.

Sean increased his pace. Each of his thrusts were being met by Farm Boy pushing back and gripping his lover's prick with his anal muscles. It was a team effort. Both men were pushing the other to their orgasm.

Clay shot first depositing 5 spurts of semen onto the wooden stair treads. Chief followed with 5 of his own blasting deep into his quarterback lover's ass. As they panted and basked in the afterglow of their tryst they heard a key being inserted in the front door and saw the door open. Before they could disengage the door opened and a bald white man with a salt and paper beard entered the house.

"What the fuck do we have here! Lawrence, get in here."

Sean pulled out of Clay and unfastened the belt holding his boy's hands in place. He quickly put two and two together. Ignoring his naked state he greeted the homeowner, "Master Robert, my compliments Sir. I'm Sean Walls. I am a member of Master Will's family This is my boy Clay."

Clay took the hint and went to Master Robert on all fours and kissed his shoes. He backed up and stood behind Sean with head bowed and hands behind his back. Boy Lawrence, younger than his Sir and with a crew cut, assumed a similar position behind his husband and Master.

"That doesn't explain you two fucking in our house," Robert growled.

"Sir, Eduardo Castillo was to have shown us the house today. When we arrived he threw us the keys as he forgot a previous appointment. We got carried away and relieved our sexual tensions. Farm Boy, clean up your mess and go get our clothes." Clay knelt and licked up his semen before he hurried off to retrieve the garments and shoes!" When Farm Boy returned the two began dressing.

"I'll take my keys now." Sean pulled them from his pocket and gave them to the aggravated home owner. "I will talk with Eddie about this later. Please finish dressing and go." He turned away from them and entered the living room. Boy Lawrence stood at the door and watched them until they left the house. He closed the door behind them.

Next: Chapter 63

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