Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 27, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 61 A Home of their Own

Back at their apartment the couple stripped before putting away the food Ethel had sent along in their care package. Sean called in the food order to the Pizza Place and asked for Vic to deliver the order at 7pm. He ordered 13 pepperoni and 12 double cheese pizza. 10 pounds of pasta with meat sauce, and10 dozen zepolles. Larry had already purchased the keg for them. They changed the sheets and Clay took the laundry to be done. Sean started tidying up the apartment for visitors.

After tidying up, Sean started a spread sheet for wedding invitations. He listed: Eduardo Castillo plus 1, Danny and Joel Higgins - Flowers, Stephen Randall, Will and Arn Davis - Johnson, Sammie Urkis, Dr. Christine Velez plus 1, Gabby Yeltzin +1. Then he stopped. He realized he knew lots of people but was close to relatively none of them.

Clay returned with the laundry already folded and socks paired. "It's all done Chief. You want to help put it away?"

"Sure I'll help." Sean went into their room and helped. His phone rang and he moved to answer it.

"Hello Sean," Eduardo said. "I have some news I thought you and Clay might be interested in."

"Hi Eddie, let me put you on speaker. OK we're both here."

"First Congratulations on your engagement. The news I have comes from Master Robert and Boy Lawrence who own Oak Haven. They are putting it on the market. They offered it to me, but I am content with my condo. I thought you might be interested as it comes complete with the dungeon."

"Wow, so they're playing to a niche market. How much are they asking?"

"They sold off part of the land so it's the main house and 25 acres for the amazingly low price of $750K!"

Clay whistled. "That's a little steep Eddie. We haven't even started on the tour circuit yet."

"When do they need to know Eddie?" Sean queried.

"They're coming home for Thanksgiving to pack what they want. House goes on market in December. They need to be at their new jobs in Berlin January 2."

"Let Clay and I discuss it. We will give you an answer Friday. Do you still want to do dinner a Thursday even though it's Thanksgiving?"

"If you don't mind and it doesn't interfere with your family."

"We'll let you know tomorrow. Talk to you then," Sean said.

"Sean we can't af..." Sean held up his hand. Clay stopped talking. Chief took his fiancé by the hand and led him to the table.

"We need to have a serious discussion about financial matters," Sean began. "We both come from well off families. I am what some would refer to as a TFB - Trust Fund Baby. When my grandparents died, they knew I wasn't going to go into medicine. They wanted to be sure I had the resources to start my own business. So the year before the accident they changed their Wills. I received 51% of their estate and my mother received the other 49%."

"So you're rich. Are you going to tell me you want a prenup?" Clay asked in a snarky tone of voice.

"Don't get snarky with me Junior. If I had wanted a prenup it would have been done already. I'm simply saying if we want the house I can write the check today and not miss the cash."

"Do you want the house?"

"Property is always a good investment. I think we should look at it. I'm in school for 2 to 3 more years as I finish my bachelor and master degrees. You've got two more years yourself. I think we look at it. We hire someone to check it out thoroughly and then make a decision. What are your thoughts?"

"We'd be 35 minutes from school and you know what parking is like on campus. Other than that I have no objections. I'll let you deal with it until we need to review it. Perhaps we should look it over once more for ourselves."

"That is a good idea. For now though I need your help on our portion of the guest list. When I started putting it together; I realized I don't have a lot of actual friends."

"Chief you know all sorts of people."

"That's true. I know hundreds of people. How many are friends I'd want at our wedding? Not that many."

"Well, I have a suggestion. I was going to invite the whole football team, which picks up all the FWBs. Let's see how many of the guys stick around until we arrive at the party."

"Do you think we should let them know we're coming down to party with after everyone that has seen the apartment?"

"I'll ask Larry to send a blast to the team telling them that. You ask Gina or Corabeth to tell the FWBs." Both sent a text asking their friends to relay the message.

The couple had 2 hours before guests started to arrive. Sean suggested, "Let's go cuddle on the futon in the Locker Room."

"Just cuddling! I'm in the mood for more," Clay winked at Sean and flashed his pearly whites.

"You are a pushy bottom! Remember when Al moved out the girls could smell the cum in our bedroom. If you don't mind them knowing we fucked in here today, I'm fine with it," Chief gave his Farm Boy a wink of his own.

Clay got out of his chair dropped to his knees. He bent over and nuzzled Sean's knees pushing us legs apart as he pushed forward to claim his prize. He sucked Chief's flaccid dick into his mouth letting his tongue toy with it. Sean's prick rose to the occasion by snaking its way into Farm Boy's throat. Clay deep throated the cock a few times before pulling off it, "Looks to me like you're ready to go to work!" Clay got on all fours and wiggled his ass at his lover as he crawled to the rug in the entertainment area.

Sean followed along chuckling at Clay's antics. He opened the end table drawer and took out the lube which applied to his cock and Farm Boy's rosebud. He fingered Clay which drew moans of desire from his lover.

"Fuck Chief, how many fingers you got in me?

"Just four, you want the whole five?"

"Fuck your Farm Boy Sir! Give me your cock!"

Sean started singing "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, "...I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want. So tell me what you want, what you really, really want. I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want; I want to fuck your tight, hot jock ass!" as he slid in balls deep."

Clay squealed like a pig and pushed back against the cock in his ass squeezing his sphincter tightly. After a few minutes Sean pulled out and repositioned Farm Boy's ass propping it against the couch so that the quarterback's legs were in the air. Clay's cock was pointed at his own face.

Sean sat on the couch, stood and angled his cock down into his partner's hole. He grinned as he watched Farm Boys expression of delight as he bottomed out in his lover's ass.

"Chief, oh Chief you're hitting the right spot!"

Sean fucked a few minutes in that position before changing it up again. He left Clay in the propped up. He straddled Farm Boy's ass facing the couch himself and leaned over. He entered his boy's ass again and pounding away.

Clay had a great view of his Chief's ass Sean fucked him. He started fisting his own cock. Without warning the horny quarterback shot his load in an unexpected single load which hit him in the face. The tightening of his ass muscles was just what Sean needed. He thrust deep once, twice and on the third one he unloaded three volleys of cum into Farm Boy's ass.

Chief stayed lodged inside ass as his cock softened. Clay coughed, "Ah Chief, do you mind. It's sort of uncomfortable!" He smiled up at his love.

"Sorry, I just needed a few," he explained. Sean slid out of Farm Boy. Clay's ass made a loud plopping noise as it filled with air. Farm Boy scooted away from the couch and sat up. Laughing Chief offered Clay his hand and helped him to his feet.

"What's so funny?"

"You look like a frosted quarterback," Sean chuckled.

Farm Boy headed into the Locker Room bath farting as he walked. He laughed out loud when he saw his reflection in the mirror. His face was covered in cum. He started the shower.

Sean sprayed frabreeze then lit a few apple and cinnamon scented candles. He heard the shower turn on. He grabbed two of their older towels and joined Clay in the tub.

After they had cleaned up the guys dressed in jeans with polo shirts. Sean chose his sandals while Clay donned moccasins. They put their damp towels on the chair on the balcony.

The doorbell rang. "Wonder who came early?" Clay queried. He left the bedroom to answer the door. "Mom and Dad! What a wonderful surprise! Please come in. Sean your folks are here."

Chief came out of the bedroom. "Mom and Dad, this is a pleasant surprise!" He embraced his parents. "Have a seat," he said motioning to the couch.

Melissa said, "We're sorry to surprise you, but we figured we get these to you now." She handed her son a thumb drive. "These are our recommendations for the wedding invitations and announcements."

"Announcements?" Clay interjected.

Alex answered, "Yes Clay, announcements. They are sent to let people know of your marriage. Typically, they are mailed out the day afterwards."

"That's interesting Dad. How many people are on your lists?"

"I can answer that one Clay," Melissa said. There are 100 invitations and 490 announcements."

"Mom is there anyone you didn't invite?" Sean asked as Clay blinked in astonishment.

"Sean Andreas Walls you know what we went through to pair the list for Nicole's wedding. As a matter of fact we left off over 400 others."

"Yes, Mom I do know. Clay and I were talking about our list earlier."

"Mom and Dad," Clay began, "About how many people should we plan on for our wedding?"

"We've done this 3 times. The boys were easy, they married out of state. So we only issued less than 25 invitations and the rest were all announcements. Nicole on the other hand was right here in Orlando. She had 500 people at the wedding and reception. She had 130 invitations from our list and David's family suggested 100. Then they had their own list of around 100 or so. So I think we ordered 400 invitations," Melissa shared.

Alex added, "I was prepared for 800 guests."

Sean stated, "That was a typical Greek wedding. This one won't be that big. Thank you for the list though and the announcement idea."

"I shared it with Martha as well this afternoon when she called to thank us for our hospitality"

"Well since you're here let us show you the changes since your last visit. Well start with what we call the Locker Room." He led the way and placed the thumb drive on top of his desk.

Melissa commented, "A great use of space SA. Study, work out and guest room all in one. I didn't realize you collected Castillo."

"I only paid for the two over the desk. The four images there and the two in the living room were gifts from him."

"Yes, I noticed the revealing nature of the images of Clay and you," Melissa commented raising an eyebrow.

"Mel, you know we had a lot of trouble getting him to keep his clothes on as a toddler!" Alex quipped. "He's going to do what he's going to do."

Sean led the way out and past the dining area back around the entertainment area to the bedroom.

"The decorating is very well done Sean. Whose idea was the David?"

"That would be me, Mom," Clay spoke up.

"It suits the room. Michelangelo's would have been too stark. My only suggestion boys would be to move your two nudes from the entertainment area to your bedroom."

"Now Mel, we have three nudes at the house too."

"But they're not of us," she snapped.

"OK Mom, that's enough, you made your point. I'll tell you though, when Castillo's new exhibit opens there is going to be a whole lot of me on display."

"Don't forget me, I'm the one hanging on the wall," Clay added.

"I preferred his nature prints," Sean's Mom replied.

"Overall you approve our redecorating?" Sean inquired.

"Yes, very masculine but comfortably so," she responded.

"I'm glad you like it. We find it very functional," Sean stated.

The doorbell rang. It was 7:05. "That must be the first tour," Clay commented as he went to answer it.

Alex said, "We will leave you to your guests. Your Mom and I plan on paying for a hefty part of your wedding. We did it for the other three as well. After Thanksgiving you two come by the house and we'll look at a budget."

Sean hugged and kissed his parents goodbye and the walked out of the bedroom as the first group was going into the Locker Room. "Drive safely. Love you both."

"We love you too!" his parents said as they started down the stairs.

The tours went quickly and the 10th group was finished by 8:30. Clay and Sean headed to the party. There were only 70 people left. The food was almost gone and the keg was drained.

Larry said, "It was like the buffet at games. The locust descended." The guys fixed a plate and mingled with their guests.

Farm Boy whispered to Sean, "Besides our buddies it's only FWBs and their significant others. That just shortened our list." The Chief nodded in assent.

By 9:30 all the guests had departed. The six friends cleaned up the Club House Room and took the trash to the dumpster.

Larry put the empty keg in his trunk to return. Sean slipped his friend enough money to cover the keg, gas and then some. "Sean this is too much."

"Larry you helped us out big time. Just keep it please," Sean stated.

After saying goodnight the guys returned to their own places.

Once back at their apartment the guys stripped. Sean started his lap top to check emails and load the list from his parents.

Clay was rummaging around in one of the storage closets. He found a huge roll of plastic wrap. He carried it into Sean and asked, "Why do we need so much plastic wrap?"

"Would you like me to show you or explain it to you?"

"Show me."

"Spread your legs." Clay followed the order. Sean began wrapping each leg with the plastic wrap. After the legs were done he wrapped each arm. "Stand here beside the futon and bring your legs together Farm Boy."

Chief started wrapping the plastic around Clay's leg. As he approached his lover's erect prick he moved the plastic around it so the prick was left uncovered. As he started wrapping Farm Boy's torso Sean ordered Clay to raise his arms. Chief ran the wrap over the shoulders and across the pecs several times. "Cross your arms over your chest."

As his lover complied Clay's arms were sealed into position. Sean continued wrapping. "Open your mouth." Farm Boy opened his mouth. Chief wrapped the face and poked holes so Clay could breathe. Each time he covered the mouth and nose the holes were made again.

Sean grabbed Farm Boy's shoulders and laid him back onto the futon. "I'll be back in a minute, don't go anywhere," Sean quipped as he flashed Clay a grin. He went to his night stand and retrieved a Wartenberg Wheel.

Farm Boy was wiggling in his wraps when Sean entered the room. "Going someplace Clay?" He rolled the wheel up his lover's sensitive left foot and down the right foot. The jock stopped squirming. The wheel was run up and down Farm Boys legs and around his abs. It came to rest at the base of Clay's cock.

"No Chief, please not the......" the wheel rolled up Farm Boy's cock. In response boy honey spurted out the tip. Clay yelped and Sean smiled. He continued to roll the wheel around his boy's body until he finished on top of the ginger's head.

Chief crawled on top of Farm Boy and placed his dock in Clay's mouth. The athlete started sucking eagerly.

Sean positioned himself and started sucking on Farm Boy's prick. The boy honey flowed thickly. Clay was really horned up. He tried to thrust his cock deeper into Chief's mouth without success. Sean set up a nice slow skull fuck. He kept teasing Farm Boys cock head with his tongue causing the jock to moan. Chief picked up his pace on both ends, deep throating his fiancé as well as skull fucking him.

Clay unloaded four ropes of cum into Sean's throat. Three minutes later Farm Boy received 5 blasts of seed from his Chief. As the couple slowly recovered, Sean could feel the heat radiating from Clay's body.

Chief went to his desk and pulled a pair of scissors from his center drawer. Returning to Clay he carefully cut the plastic wrap away from Farm Boy's face and head before removing it from the rest of his body. When he had finished Sean asked, "Did I answer your question?"

"Yes Sir, you nailed it! Let's go to bed."

Next: Chapter 62

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