Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 22, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This particular story is drawing to a close. Watch for the prequel as well as the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 59 Taking a Knee

At 7AM the blast arrived from the Coaching Staff to make sure the team was up. Clay rolled over to embrace Sean who was still asleep. Rather than wake him, Farm Boy kissed his forehead and carefully moved out of the bed. He headed for the Locker Room to do his morning duty.

Sean woke up to an empty bed. He heard the shower running across the apartment. He did his morning toilet and washed up. He went to the kitchen and laid out a pound of bacon on the grilling pan and popped it in the oven. He pulled out two skillets melting butter in each. He grabbed two cartons of liquid eggs from the refrigerator. Chief poured a carton in each skillet. He added a cup of shredded Italian Cheese Blend to each with a dash of poultry seasoning.

Clay came out of the Locker Room to see a naked Sean making scrambled eggs. Having learned his lesson about sneaking up on his boyfriend in the kitchen, he said, "Morning Chief!"

"Morning Clay!" Sean said turning to smile at his partner. "Please start a pot of coffee and set the table. Toast needs to be started as well." Farm Boy set time work.

At 7:45 the doorbell rang. Clay answered and was surprised to see Eduardo standing there. "Welcome Eddie, please come in." Eddie entered carrying several small albums.

"Sorry for the surprise visit but I was so excited I just had to share." He came inside.

Sean greeted him from the kitchen, "Morning Eddie! Care to stay for breakfast?"

"Will you have enough?"

"Sure, Clay please get a folding chair and set another place. House Rules - no clothes when it's just us guys Eddie. You can put your clothes in the Locker Room."

Clay showed Castillo into the Locker Room and went to set a place for him at the table. Eddie walked over and placed the albums on a desk. He noticed his two prints on the wall. He smiled. He stripped and placed his clothes on top of the albums. Castillo was about to leave when Larry and the rest of the guests walked in to strip. They exchanged greetings. Eduardo noticed the four nature prints of his above the futon.

Coming out to the table Eddie stated, "I didn't know you collected my work. I'm honored. Permit me to sign them each for you."

Sean was bringing the toast to the table. "Eduardo that is marvelous! Let's get everyone fed. Big game today!" The guys joined in at the table. "Antonio, would you ask the blessing please?"

Antonio took Larry's and CJ's hands as the guys formed a prayer circle. He said, "Buen provecho , que Dios bendiga sus alimentos y que sean de agrado a sus cuerpos."

Eddie and Sean had first dibs. They took what they wanted then the football players divided up the rest between them.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your company this morning?" Steve asked.

"Oh I have a little business to do with Sean and Clay," Eduardo replied. "Speaking of business, what did coach think of the calendar idea?"

Larry responded, "He likes the idea. He even suggested a team shot in jock straps. He said we'd bring the idea to the other coaches first. If they back it too; he'll ask for a meeting with Knox, and Administration."

"Well that puts the ball in their court," Eddie stated.

"Larry, I would suggest that you involve Stephen Randall, Dr. Lee, and President Clarke as well in your discussions," Sean commented. "Perhaps include the President of the Alumni Association as well."

"Thanks Sean. Let's focus on that after today," Larry said as he finished his plate. "Remember guys, Coach Higgenbothan wants all of the quarterbacks to report at 10 today. Sean, thank you for breakfast, I hate to eat and run but I need to take care of a few things before I head out." He carried his dirty dishes to the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later the guys had cleaned off the table, loaded the dishwasher for Sean and left to get ready. Eduardo went into the Locker Room and came back with the albums. I've been working on the shoots. These are my favorites from what we did together." Each album had a label Farm Boys, Water Boys, Home Boys, Jocks and Tied Up. "I'm going to leave them with you. I'd like to see you both for dinner Thursday so we can decide which, if any, images shouldn't be included. These will become the individual books for sale. Then I'll select the images for the show from those."

"There must be two hundred images in each book Eddie," Sean said.

Castillo smiled, "Between two and three hundred actually. Oh by the way, here are your sitting fees." Eduardo handed them each a check for $13,000.

"Oh Wow! That's quite a check!" Clay exclaimed.

"You two earned it," Eddie replied. "You understand I'm going to make a fortune from the shows and books. You two are worth every scent. Oh and the all taxes have been taken out and paid on it as well."

Sean asked, "Would you send the info on it to me by email Eddie. I'll give it to my CPA."

"Sure I'll have Dougherty send it to you."

"Wait, you use Dean Dougherty?" Castillo nodded. "I do as well. He's the best."

"Indeed he is. We should both tell him to pull your records. Clay do you use him as well?"

"I haven't needed an accountant before. Sean and I will need to talk about it."

"I'll see you both at the game," Eddie said as he retrieved his clothes and dressed. They hugged each other and parted for the morning.

"Chief, I have to get ready to leave. I'm all keyed up about the books, the game, the shows, and my new minor."

"Clay you listen to me. You need to keep this head," he tapped his boyfriend's head, in the game. There are only two things to remember; I love you and you are an excellent football quarterback.. You are going to nail it during the game."

Clay puffed out his chest. "Knowing you love me and believe in me is all I need to know. I'll let you take care of the rest." He embraced and kissed his lover. Clay finished getting dressed. He kissed Sean and headed out the door.

Sean sat down on the couch. There were three hours until he left for the event which would change his life forever. He picked up his phone and called Master Will.

Will answered on the third ring. "Sean, how are you my friend?"

"I'm well Master. I wanted to chat a few minutes if you have the time."

"Of course I have time my boy. What's on your mind?"

"We'll how did you know Arn was the one?"

"Ah, to tell the truth I didn't recognize it at first. However every sub I utilized after I met him bore some resemblance to him. It took a friend of mine in Ft. Lauderdale to point that out to me. Arn was partnered and I respected his commitment. When Wally died, I started hanging around. It was Arn who called dibs. It took another year for me to move in. It's been 23 years now."

"Do you ever look back and wish you didn't commit?"

"If you are asking if it's been easy, I'd have to say no. Every couple has ups and downs. You just regroup and work it out. Would I still choose Arn? Yes. Now it's my turn. Are you thinking about committing to your boy?"

"Yes Sir, this afternoon at half time."

"It's only a decision you can make. Once you dive in keep your commitment. Hope I've helped."

"You have Sir. As always I appreciate you. My compliments to Arn."

"You are welcome Sean. I'll pass the word to Arn when he gets back from getting his hair cut. Bye for now."

Sean retrieved the rings. He opened the two engagement rings. He closed the boxes and gathered the laundry and got it done. He showered and shaved and dressed in his black and gold. He took the band uniform out and put it in his clear game bag. Mr. Langford was meeting him at 12:30 to admit him into the stadium with the bag. He would hold onto it until Sean came to him at Halftime. He drank a protein drink and left for the stadium at noon.

At 12:30 Langford met him. Took the backpack and handed Sean another pass. It was a security pass to get him to the band and the field. Sean tucked it under his shirt. He headed for the FWBs section. He looked over and saw Clay and his families had arrived. All the ladies were sporting the corsages he had ordered.

"Corabeth, Gina would you like to meet my folks?

"It would be a pleasure Sean. Where are they?" Corabeth asked.

"Two sections over. Come on." Sean led the way. When they reached the seats the two families greeted him. "Everyone I'd like you to meet two of my friends, Corabeth Morgen and Gina Olivera."

Helene quipped, "They're women!"

Sean shot her a bird. "He then introduced all of Clay's and his families.

"It was a pleasure to meet all of you. The band is lining up to take the field. We better get back to our seats. Sean and Clay are very dear to all of us." Corabeth said.

Gina added, "They make the cutest couple. Enjoy the game."

The trio made their way back to their seat as the announcer introduced the teams. "Ladies and Gentlemen our worthy opponents in today's contest the Tulane Green Waves!" as the Tulane Band played "Roll on Tulane." There we're polite applause from Stallion fans and cheers by Tulane fans.

"And now welcome our very own Golden Stallions," the announcer stated. Wild cheering and horn blasts filled the stadium as the band played "Stallions Charge On" The band marched onto the field and members of the Orlando Gay Chorus took to their risers.

A few minutes later the announcer said, "Ladies and Gentlemen we invite you to stand for our National and State Anthems. Sung today by the Orlando Gay Chorus under the direction of George Strickland and accompanied by our own Marching Stallions."

The "Star Spangled Banner" and "Florida, Where the Sawgrass Meets the Sky," were performed. The field was cleared and the officials gathered at the center of the 50 yard line. The team captains and co-captains came out. They shook hands. The coin was flipped. Tulane called heads. Heads it was. Tulane opted to receive.

The first quarter neither team scored. The defensive lines were equally matched. During the second quarter Larry was sacked once. The Stallions scored first and the extra point was good. Tulane also score a touchdown and extra point. On the Stallions' next possession, Larry was sacked again this time fumbling the football. Tulane recovered it. They scored again but failed at the extra point. At the Half the score was 7 -- 13 Tulane.

Sean had excused himself after Tulane scored their first touchdown. He pulled out his security badge and made his way to the band section. Mr. Langford gave him the uniform and helped him get dressed. He'd appear to be the Director's assistant to casual observers.

The TUMB (Tulane University Marching Band) took the field. They featured 4 pieces, "Buckjump," "Do Watcha Wanna," "When the Saints Go Marching In" and "You Are My Sunshine."

In the locker room Coach Lee was chewing tail. "This is homecoming. We would love to win in front of these the most avid of fans. Your coaches will review plans for second half. I need to take the 4 quarterbacks up for a halftime presentation.

After they left the coaches told the team they were going up to witness the event. If Coach Lee laughed, they should laugh. If he cried, cry, if he clapped clap. Just emulate the Head Coach and keep both heads in the game.

The Marching Stallions marched onto the field to a drum cadence. They played through their first pieces. "Somewhere over the Rainbow," that involved all 48 members of the flag team. Their next piece was "YMCA," also done with a flag routine.

Coach Lee returned the field with the 4 quarterbacks. They stood near the section where Clay's family was seated. His sisters called out, "JUNIOR!" Clay turned and waved.

The flags came off the field. The members gathered in groups of 12. Sean pulled out Clay's ring and looked at before closing the box and positioning himself near the last group of flags with a portable microphone. The band played their third piece, "It's Raining Men" as the Stallions came out and filled their bench. Coach Lee sent each quarterback to stand in the middle one of the flag groups. The flag teams moved to their positions on the field.

At the end of the piece the announcer said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, today as part of our halftime program we have a special presentation."

"Each of our quarterbacks have taken the field and are surrounded by the colors of the rainbow." Sean walked out onto the field in the band uniform.

"Mom, isn't that Andreas?" Helene asked.

"You may be right but the hat makes it hard to tell." Melissa replied.

Sean knelt. That was the signal the band was waiting to see. The band knelt. Coach Lee knelt followed by the rest of the team."

All the quarterbacks could see were flags The flag team knelt. The first team lowered their flags revealing Steve. The second team revealed Antonio, the third team revealed Larry, and then the fourth team dropped their flags revealing a kneeling figure in front of Clay.

Martha turned to Melissa, "This is it." She grabbed Leon's hand.

At first Clay didn't recognize his Chief in a band uniform. Sean brought the microphone up to his mouth and said, "Clay, we first met you asked me what my gut told me about the two of us. I told you I did feel something. That something is love. A love which my gut, my heart and mind tells is real. Leon Clayton Reed IV would you do me the great honor of being my husband." He opened the ring box and offered it to Clay.

"Yes, a thousand times YES!" Clay shouted as Sean stood. The band rose and began playing "I Can't Help Falling in Love." The flag team and band formed two wedding rings and guided the couple to the center of the field.

"Sean, you've made me so very happy! I'm sorry to say I can't put the ring on right now because I'm taped up. As soon as the game is over meet me at the gate."

"I'm going to put mine on when I get off field. I think the all the parents are going to want to see me. Just do me a favor, win this fucking game!" The song ended and Clay and Sean ran off the field to thunderous applause. As Sean got near the bench he said to the team, "Beat their asses!"

Sean ran to the band section. He thanked them all for being in on the biggest moment of his life. The flag team formed a screen for him to change out of the uniform back into his black and gold. He took out his ring box and put his engagement ring on his left ring finger. He went to return his security pass. Mr. Langford said, "Keep it. It's only good for today anyway. Congratulations Sean!"

"May I?" Sean asked.

"Sure." Langford replied and Sean hugged him.

Sean walked along the edge of the football field and climbed up over into the FWB section. The ladies all wanted to see his ring. Sean told them, "I'll be back; I think the parents are going to want to see me." He ran up the steps and along the aisle. Total strangers were congratulating him along the way. All 29 members of his family were waiting. He led through the tunnel to the vending area. Everyone in boyj families hugged and kissed him.

Xander said, "I thought it was marvelous! Well done little one! Well done!"

Martha and Melissa we're still crying. The four sisters wanted to see the ring. The grandparents were talking about how much things had changed since they were young. The two fathers were standing proudly next to each other smiling.

There was a sudden shocked cry from the stadium and then quiet. The group hurried back in to see coaches and trainers gathered around someone on the field. The Stallions had taken a knee again.

Antonio had been sacked by two members of the Green Wave. There were flags on the play. The first player had tackled Antonio low just above the knees. The flag was thrown when the second Tulane player tackled above the waist and in the opposite direction. By some miracle Antonio had kept hold of the ball. Sean and his now extended family returned to their seats.

Five minutes elapsed and Antonio was helped to his feet. He walked off the field to applause from around the stadium.

Clay was sent in. The plan was to fake Arcadia 3 times and if necessary implement the fourth time. He would actually be running a Left Right Left passing game.

The O-line positioned themselves for the Arcadia play. Tulane fell for it and Clay's pass was complete, first down. They repeated the play this time going right. The third time Clay saw the Tulane defense had positions to intercept a pass. He called, "Up 1," as the ball was snapped.

Reed fell back to pass as the center eluded the Tulane middle linebacker and headed toward the end zone. Touchdown! Arcadia has worked! CJ made the Extra Point.! 14-13 Stallions.

The FWBs insisted Sean sit in the middle of the group. He had to show off his ring. Gina said, "You know you're one of the few people that have landed a Stallion so fast."

"Gina you just show him who's the boss! But truthfully, Clay caught me. That yes you heard has been waiting for the right question 41 days. It only took my grandfather 30 to propose. Guess I'm more cautious."

Tulane scored a touchdown. Their effort for 2 points was held off by the D-Line. 14 --19 Tulane. The score remain the same through the rest of the third quarter despite each team having possession of the ball once more.

Sean went to get a smoothie. Along the way he encountered Danny and Joel carrying recently purchased hot dogs and sodas.

"Congratulations Sean, Guess you got the right answer," Danny quipped.

"Thanks Danny, I can't wait till he puts the ring on after the game."

As Sean stood in line other fans recognized him and came up to shake his hand and congratulate him. By the time he got back to his seat the score was 20-19 Stallions. Tulane had possession of the ball and was working it down the field. The made another touchdown. This time the kick was good for the extra point. 20 -- 26 Tulane. The Stallions were down by 6.

Larry took command of the field. They set up for Arcadia but Larry wanted to pass Center, Center, and Left. No huddle. The strategy worked. His third pass was completed and run in for a touchdown. The extra point kick missed. The game was tied at 26 to 26. So it remained at the end of regulation play.

The officials brought the team Captains back onto the field for the overtime coin toss. Tulane called Tails as the coin spun in the air. It had landed Heads up. The Stallions opted to receive. Five minutes was put on the clock.

The two teams battled back and forth through the first two overtime periods. Beginning in the third overtime periods they were required to try for a two point conversion. Coach Lee sent Larry back in. His first two passes were completed, but he was getting tired. He signaled for coach to use his time out. Larry came off the field and Clay came in. In the huddle he told the O-line to muster their strength and score for Larry. At the snap Clay faked a handoff to their fullback who ran to the right. The Stallions' wide receiver Jennings Colby evaded the Green Waves' outside linebacker and cornerback. Clay threw the football just before one the ends tackled him. The pass was completed and Jennings ran it in for the touchdown.

In the huddle Clay looked at Reggie Clinton. "You guys need to get me in the end zone. We're going to bulldoze in and Reggie you make sure I get in there just like you did Antonio in Tampa! Stallions!"

"Run Wild!" The O-line shouted as the punched their right hands into their left palm. They advanced on the line of scrimmage. The ball was snapped. The line coalesced around Clay and drove through the Green Waves' equally determined Defense line. It was a battle of wills.

Reggie bellowed, "NOW!" The O-Line Renewed their push and Clay's right foot crossed the line into the end zone. A moment later his left foot made it into the end zone. The Two-point Conversion was complete. The crowd went wild. 34 - 26 Stallions!

Clay was telling his line how great they were and thanking them. They rushed from the field. Tulane had one possession left per overtime rules.

Specials teams used CJ who usually kicked for the extra point to return the ball to Tulane. CJ kicked the ball which was caught at the one yard line. Instead of taking a knee the Tulane quarterback stepped back to pass the ball. Tight end Joey Davis sacked him in the Tulane end zone. A safety was called and the Stallions won 36 - 26!

"Stallions Charge On!" sounded in the stadium. Fireworks were set off around the stadiums perimeter. The two head coaches shook hands at mid field. Players from both sides mingled and congratulated each other on a tough and well-played game. The Tulane Quarterback, Garrett Moore sought out Clay, congratulated him on his victory and engagement. He also found Larry and Steve. Antonio had not returned to the field.

It was 4:48. Sean used his pass to go down onto the field. He skirted along to where his family were standing and mingling. "He'll of a game! Did you see my man shine?"

Favorable comments flowed from one and all.

"Dinner reservations are at 6pm at Geno's." He handed out the address to the 10 drivers.

"Andreas were eating Italian!" his grandfather shouted.

"Yes, Papu it's Italian. Clay took me there for our first date. We'll see you there at 6. I love you all."

He darted back onto the field and headed for the team locker room. Security stopped him to check his badge. He entered to pandemonium. The team was still celebrating in various stages of undress. Reporters were interviewing players including the half-dressed Clay. Sean retreated into a training room.

There he ran into Antonio being checked out by the doctor once more.

"Congratulations Sean, I'm really happy for you and Clay," Rios said.

"Thank you my friend. How are you doing?" Walls inquired.

"I think I'm doing ok, right Doctor Levy?"

"Antonio, I'm going to send you for x-rays and an MRI. I want to make sure nothing is fractured. So you're med listed until we see the results," Levy replied.

"Damn!" Antonio commented.

"It is what it is Antonio. Wait till the test comes back," Sean counseled.

Clay walked in with a trainer. "Hello my dear fiancé!" He hugged Sean. "I'll be ready for my ring in two shakes of a lamb's tail."

The trainer started removing the tape on Clay's hands and body. Clay held out his hand. Sean said, "Go get showered you stink," as he pinched his nose. Clay stripped off his jock and socks and headed for the showers. "I'll see you outside hurry that bubble butt up!" Clay wiggled his ass at Sean.

Ten minutes later Clay exited the locker room dressed in his black and gold. He found Sean talking to Corabeth and a few of the other FWBs. Sean took at the ring box and knelt again. Clay extended his left hand and Sean slipped the ring onto his finger.

Next: Chapter 60

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