Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 20, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 57 Seek and You Will Find

Clay pulled the sheet and bedspread up over himself. He tossed and turned in the bed. He couldn't sleep. He thought, "If he thinks I'm running after him he's nuts. I've been horned up in three different photo shoots and then a fourth time by him here in bed. I need to fucking get off." He pushed off the bedding and started jacking his prick. He couldn't get his prick hard. Frustrated, Clay pulled up the bedding back up and fumed until he went to sleep.

Gordon arrived Sunday morning to bring breakfast. Eddie was spread out over the breakfast nook table going over contact sheets. "Good morning Eddie! How did it go last night?"

"Morning Gordon! I could build three shows just off what I shot last night!" He drained his coffee cup. What's for breakfast? I'm starving and want to catch some of this morning light."

"Nothing fancy just breakfast hash from Bleu's. I picked up corn bread muffins too."

"We will sit at the bar," Eddie said. "Would you please go upstairs and wake them. They're in the bedroom at the head of the stairs."

Gordon rolled his eyes. He thought, "I will wind up being the gofer all day if I stick around. Lucky for me he promised it would just be the three of them." He knocked on the door. There was no response. He cracked the door open and peeked inside. He found the bed made and the room empty. He dialed Eddie's number.

"Castillo," Eddie said as he answered his cell phone.

"Boss there's no one in that room."

Eduardo dashed upstairs. He looked at the room and began checking the others. In the bedroom at the far end of the hall he found Clay stretching and yawning as he woke.

"Good Morning!" he smiled at the two men. He remembered Sean and he had fought and had slept apart for the first time in 35 days. "Is Sean up?" he inquired.

"You mean he's not here?" Eddie said as he checked the bathroom.

"We sort of had a fight."

"A fight! You had a fight! You two were supposed to come up here and fuck your brains out! Gordon was his car still here?"

"The Emerald Supra? Yeah it's out there."

Clay was now concerned. He jumped out of bed and wrapped a robe around himself. The three men checked the living and dining rooms. Eddie checked the barn while Gordon and Clay searched the nearby grounds.

"I found him!" Gordon yelled. Eddie and Clay joined him in the front of the house. Through a window they could see Sean's legs and feet on a couch.

"Where the hell is that? Did they make a room I didn't know about?" He pointed at the house counting windows: kitchen, pantry, laundry room and that. They went back in through the side door to the kitchen. The three men walked through the pantry and into the laundry room. There was no door to another room.

Castillo raced around to the entrance way. He walked under the stair landing and saw that what he had always thought of as wood paneling was actually an odd shaped door. He turned the knob. It was locked. He pounded on the door!

A startled Sean woke up! He wrapped his robe around himself and opened the door. "What the fuck! Is the world ending?"

"We didn't know where you were Chief." Clay went in to kiss his partner. Sean stepped back. He wasn't over last night's rebuff.

Ignoring Clay, Sean said, "I'm sorry to have alarmed you Eddie. I need to use a toilet." He pushed past the three men and entered the powder room under the stairs.

"That was cold!" Gordon said as Eduardo and he walked back to the kitchen. "Wonder what happened?"

"Let's set up breakfast on the lanai. See if we can recapture the mood from last night."

Clay sat on the floor outside the powder room. He heard the toilet flush and the faucets turn on. He got up and thought about kneeling. He decided against it.

Sean opened the door. "Let me pass please." he ordered.

"Not until we talk," Clay replied.

"You made your position and opinion clear last night," Sean replied in his best snarky bitch voice. He tried to push past.

"So did you." Clay pushed Sean back into the library and closed the door with a bang.

"They're at it again," Eddie commented. "Let's get them apart before they do damage to themselves or the house."

"Let them be Eddie. I don't think they'll hurt each other physically. Whatever happened last night has got to be talked out between them."

Clay was boiling on the inside. "I guess by making me sleep alone you thought you were teaching me a lesson. What it taught me was I can sleep just fine on my own."

"I learned the same lesson. I also learned that you want what you want when you want it just like a spoiled brat."

"Well you showed me I was just a thing to be played with last night. I burned for you for hours during those shoots yesterday. I tried to tell you how much I needed to be one with you. But you just ignored me and took your sweet time to live out one of your fantasies. I am not an object to be used like a flesh light! I thought I was your lover!" Clay spit out the words. "I realized I was wrong and had only one way to stop myself from being used. I don't regret calling uncle. What I regret is falling in love with you."

He turned and started for the door. Sean pulled him back and pushed him down onto the couch. Clay balled his fists and stood up ready to strike.

"Clay, will you please listen to me for a few minutes? If you ever really loved me just give me a few more minutes." Clay moved to the overstuffed chair in the corner and sat down. Sean sat on the couch. He didn't speak right away.

"You are correct. I treated you badly. I didn't listen to you. I read all your body's signals and I ignored them. I forgot everything I was taught a Dom owes to his submissive. Much less what one lover owes to the other. I pushed you too far and you were right to push me away."

After a deep breath Sean continued, "People say, `Love is never having to say you're sorry.' I don't agree. True love requires one to express their sorrow when they have hurt the one they love. That is especially when that one has been so generous with bestowing their love in return."

Swallowing hard he looked Clay in the eyes, "I am sincerely sorry Clay. I can understand your wanting to end our relationship. I'll tell Eddie he will have to build his show with what he's got. Then I'll take you back to the apartment. I'll pack my things and move to Mom and Dad's. You can keep the apartment and the furniture. I'll regret pushing you away for the rest of my life." A single tear ran down from his left eye.

Sean took a few moments to regain his composure then stood up. Clay stood too and took Sean's hand. He sat down on the couch and pulled Sean down beside him.

"We made it 35 days together. You and I have faced and survived more things than couples who have been with each other 35 years. I share your sentiment that when we hurt each other we need to apologize. I accept your apology and I ask you to forgive me for driving you away last night."

He paused just a moment before continuing, "I really don't want us to end our relationship. In fact," he flashed Sean his cheeky grin, "Can we go upstairs and finish what we started last night?"

Sean threw his arms around Clay and hugged him tightly. Both had their goofy grins on their faces. Grabbing Sean's hand Clay led the way back upstairs to their bedroom.

Forty minutes later they walked naked into the kitchen. Eddie was pouring over contact sheets circling images which he thought might pair well for the exhibit. "Gordon had to go. He put your breakfasts in the warmer over there. Are we feeling all better?"

"Makeup sex is pretty damn hot Eddie," Clay joked.

"Yes, Gordon and I heard you howl when Sean nailed it earlier!"

Clay blushed. He remembered how enthralled he was as Sean's cock sank into him. His delight came out in a howl that he had held in from the moment they left for Sean's parent house. Normally he ejaculated when he had an orgasm. Today was different. As Sean's prick slid into his eager bottom he experienced multiple anal orgasms. They rocked his world, not once but 8 or 9 times which produced his howl. He jizzed later during their intercourse, but that anal orgasm was one he'd always remember.

Clay looked at Eddie, "Mr. Castillo," Eddie put down his magnifier. "Sean and I are prepared to model for you today. However, that chemistry you see between us has to be addressed. We cannot hold off for hours on end as we did last night. Especially after the weekend we've had. We hope you understand."

"Mr. Reed and Mr. Walls, I understand your need and will work with you to accommodate you. Now eat your damn breakfast so we can catch some of this morning light!"

The two men grabbed their plates and listened as Eddie described the day.

"Since we lost first light this morning, I'm going to reserve the right to schedule an early morning shoot of you two sprouting morning wood. We can do it here, my place or your own bedroom."

"I looked at the stuff you brought; I think we can use it all in outdoor settings, except for the leather. We'll do the leather in the barn. Sean I've got a particular photo in my head of Clay roped to one of the walls. Clay, I hope you have a lot of flexibility but it will be what it will be."

Castillo continued, "Dress out in jocks, underwear and onesies. We're going to start at the volleyball pit. We'll use the other underwear, jocks and socks on the basketball court. After lunch we will do the leather."

Eddie explained that they would be playing strip volleyball and strip basketball. For each point scored the loosing player removes an item of clothing.

Clay gave Sean a wicked smile. "Guess who played basketball in high school lover?" I'm not half bad at volleyball either!"

"How did you know I played basketball in high school?" Sean shot back at Clay. have also played a lot of beach volleyball. So this is going to be fun."

Eddie got his cameras ready. Clay insisted on a coin toss. Eddie tossed the coin and Farm Boy called tails. It was heads and Sean served first. The first shots were individual shots of the duo in relaxed poses walking around the net and the sandy court. Now it was time for the action shots.

Sean served first. Clay returned the ball but put too much effort into it sending the ball out of bounds. Point to Sean and Farm Boy removed his onesie. Sean gave a cat call whistle as Clay stood there in the trunk style underwear.

Sean served again. Farm Boy's return was better placed. Sean returned to him. The back and forth ended when Clay spiked the ball. Sean lost his onesie.

Clay botched his first serve when it hit the net.

Sean's next serve landed outside the line. Clay's serve was good. After a few back and forth shots across the net Clay spiked the ball again Sean was reduced to his jock.

Clay served again and once more hit the net. Sean served and Clay returned the ball. This time it was Sean's chance to spike the ball. Farm Boy dove for the ball but missed and ended up with a face full of sand. He took off his underwear.

The two jocks in jocks continued their game. This time, Clay tripped over his own feet. He surrendered his jock. "You win Chief," he said.

"Games not over until you're both playing nude," Eddie corrected him.

Sean served again. They returned the ball back and forth a few times before Clay once more leapt up to spike it. Sean removed his jock. This time Farm Boy did the cat-call.

Eddie suggested they just swat the ball back and forth a few times. He got the images he wanted. "You two can take a 69 break now or a water break."

Sean looked at Clay, "Your call babe. You horned up enough to get off or do I need to beat your ass at basketball too?" He shot Farm Boy a lecherous grim.

"Oh this is so on! We'll do the water break. Winner of the basketball game gets to call top or bottom."

Sean raised his eyebrow, "Agreed." They walked back to the house to get water. Sean grabbed his backpack from the car and brought it in. He pulled out the Ōura ring sizing kit and showed to Clay. "I'm an 11 what about you?" Clay tried the 11 but it was too small. The 12 fit him perfectly. "I'll order them and we can track our steps and sleep."

"Can we think about that more Chief? I'm not much of a jewelry person. Except for the necklace you gave me, I own a watch and my senior ring from high school. I don't even wear that anymore."

"Sure Clay, I won't order it yet. I'm heading to the powder room, back in a bit."

"Mention my name and you'll get a good seat!" Clay laughed at his own joke. He didn't see Sean roll his eyes.

Inside the powder room Sean sent a text to his friend Danny, the custom design expert at The Smithy Jewelry Shoppe on Lee Road in Orlando. "Clay wears a 12."

Danny responded with the thumb up emoji "I'll have them ready Thursday."

Sean acknowledged Danny's text then deleted the exchange. He flushed and sprayed air freshener to give credence to his subterfuge.

Castillo was ready to resume. The couple put on their jocks and underwear. They carried their knee high socks with them to the court.

The Court was only a 30 by 30 concrete slab with a basketball hoop and backboard mounted on a pole at one end. The models pulled on their white knee high socks. Sean's pair had a red bar highlighting his calf while Clay had a light blue bar for his calf.

"This is a game of pickup guys. The last person to remove his sock wins."

"He also gets to decide top or bottom." Clay reminded Sean. Eddie just laughed. He took some individual images then posed the two men for the jump ball shot. He took the shot then tossed the ball into the air. Eddie doubled back quickly and started snapping pictures. This game was more physical as the two men jockeyed for positions and shots. Clay got off the first shot at the basket. His shot bounced off the rim. Sean caught it on rebound and did a lay-up which went through. Clay peeled off his underwear and threw them at Sean.

Chief joked, "Ooooh so competitive!" He tossed the underwater to the edge of the court.

Clay retrieved the ball and the game was on again. Sean tried to block him but Clay made a hook shot into the basket. Sean shimmied out of his underwear tossing them to the side. Clay did a cat-call whistle for which Sean shot him a bird. Sean made a jump shot that arced beautifully into the net. Clay lost his jock.

Eddie saw the change in both men through his lens. Their playfulness was replaced with a serious competiveness. They were both in it to win it.

Clay's cock and balls bounced wildly as he dribbled toward the basket and made another lay-up shot. Both men were down to their socks.

As Sean dribbled the ball Clay blocked him and dislodged the ball. Recovering it quickly he made a jump shot that sailed into the net. Sean was down to his last sock.

Showing off his own prowess at basketball Sean launched a shot of his own, which would have been a 3 pointer in a regulation game. Clay removed a sock. Clay had the ball and was dribbling it. Sean tried to block him but failed. Farm Boy whooped and hollered as he slam dunked the ball.

Sean drew off the last sock. Then he ran up to Clay and jumped up wrapping his arms and legs around him, "What's it going to be big boy top or bottom?"

Clay's mischievous smile crept across his face as he answered, "Both! I'm up for a flip fuck if you are!" Clay put Sean down, grabbed his hand and with cocks already hardening ran back to the house. All captured by Eddie's camera.

Once in the bedroom, Chief and Farm Boy started a frenetic 69. Clay rolled off Sean. "Get your ass in the air so I can eat it Chief!" Sean turned over and got on his knees. Farm Boy started munching on the Chief's pucker like a starving man. He licked. He sucked. He probed with his tongue and fingers.

Sean encouraged him. "Yeah boy, eat that at ass! Slick it up good for me. I want that nine inches sliding all the way in nice and smooth. Munch on it! Yeah, that's it fucker, make Daddy feel real good!"

Clay upped his game! He played with Sean's balls and cock. He heard Sean's moans become more guttural and knew it was time. He mounted his partner doggie style and plunged in. Chief gasped. Since Clay hadn't positioned him for the fuck Sean's torso slid forward on the bed. Farm Boy found himself fucking his giggling lover while lying on top of him.

"What's so funny?" Clay demanded.

"Nothing," chuckled Sean, "Everything!" He laughed.

Clay pushed his Chief's legs together. He fucked with abandon. He pulled out and pulled himself into a fuck ball position and yelled, "Fuck your Farm Boy Chief! Let me feel you cum in me!"

Sean spit on Clay hole and finger fuck him to loosen him up. Spitting in his palm, he rubbed spit on his cock head, then entered Farm Boy's ass slowly pausing as he felt his glans hit Clay's G spot; rubbing back and forth across the quarterback's prostate caused loud moans to come from Clay. Satisfied that Farm Boy was enjoying the fuck he plunged the rest of the way in."

"Fuck Chief! I've missed that!"

"Missed it? You had it earlier today. I'm happy to give it to you as often as I can." He began to piston in and out. Farm Boy was panting.

"Chief! CHIEF!" he bellowed as she shot rope after rope of cum onto his abs, chest and face.

Sean picked up his pace and fucked with abandon. Clay's orgasm was strong but short. It took the Chief another 5 minutes of plowing to finally erupt in one mind blowing gush of sperm deep into Clay's chute.

The couple lay spent in the bed. They touched hands, kissed, whispered endearments to each other until they heard clapping coming from a slipper chair near the door. Eduardo was applauding them!

"Hell of a show! You two should go on the porn circuit!" Eddie announced.

"You didn't film us did you?" Sean demanded.

"Actually, I only saw the last 10 minutes. You two have been up here an hour. Gordon is here with lunch from Jimmy Johns. Take a quick shower and come on downstairs."

Clay quipped, "Our taking a shower together may take another hour!" He shot Castillo his smart ass grin.

"If you two aren't sitting at the table in 10 minutes, I'll put you live on cam dudes!" Eddie threatened.

Sean and Clay headed for the bathroom and the shower. Ten minutes later they were seated at the table as requested. Gordon put their sandwiches and chips in front of them.

"Eduardo tells me you two have been awesome again today. I'm glad you worked out your issues this morning."

"Thanks. We are having fun doing these shoots. I just hope he's getting what he needs for the show," Clay stated.

"Oh, he hasn't told you. I'll let him surprise you then. I need to get going. I'll be back at 5pm with dinner. Do you want anything in particular?"

"If you're willing to go to Thai Villa on Aloma Avenue, I'd like their duck," Sean said.

"I have never had Thai. What should I get Chief?"

"Gordon, please get him Pad Thai with beef. Clay I'll share my duck with you and you share your Pad Thai with me."

"Sounds like a plan Chief. Thank you Gordon for keeping us fed."

"Not a problem. I'll see you at 5!" Gordon took off. Sean and Clay finished their sandwiches and chips. They were putting their dishes in the dish washer when Eddie came in carrying more contact sheets.

"Gordon left already? I wanted him to get dinner."

"He's going to get it from Thai Villa. He said he would be back at 5," Clay informed him. "You should text him."

"Oh he knows what to get me," Eddie responded.

"We hear you have a surprise for us," Sean announced.

"Someone has a big mouth!" Eduardo said. "Yes, I want to amend the contract. Instead of one book I want to do more. One book that will only cover the photos for the show; then one for the Farm Boys, one for Water Sports, one called Jocks and if I'm any judge of what you will be doing this afternoon one entitled Tied Up. You'll get the same percentage for each of the books as for the show's book. I've already asked my attorney to draft the language and fax it to Mr. Bixley. Plus I'm sweetening the deal by offering you each a signing bonus $20K!"

"Holy shit Eddie!" Clay cried.

"Trust me boys, Eduardo Castillo is going to triumph with his next exhibit. The individual books will go like hot cakes to the niche groups they're targeting. And these will be pics they can't get on the internet. I have a whole company that watches for copyright infringement."

"What's next Eduardo?"

"It is time for the leather of course. Sean can you to a mixed rope weave?"

Sean nodded, He thought, "Arn had taught him well."

"Can you do a suspension harness?"

"No problem at all."

"Let's get out to the barn and get your leather on. Clay you get dressed. I'll shoot you removing it. Sean I'm shooting you getting dressed."

Eddie used an empty stall for the dressing room. He clicked away as Sean donned his leather jock carefully tucking in his cock and balls. The leather kilt was next. After the kilt was Sean's Gladiator harness with pauldron. He attached his flog to its holder on his left hip. He added his leather sporran. Tube socks and military boots followed. Eduardo wasn't sure if he wanted the cover or one of the masks. He had Sean try on all three. Castillo opted for Sean's leather half mask over Sean's full face mask or his cover. Eddie remarked, "I like the manner in which the feathering of the leather helps focus attention on your eyes."

Clay was having trouble with the Y harness. He placed the cock ring over his flaccid penis and fitted his balls through. Sean had previously adjusted the straps to fit the harness to conform to his athletic body the week before. He was having trouble trying to attach the thong strap to the waist buckle. While he waited for Sean to help him he put on his tube socks and work boots.

He sat in a folding chair and quietly watched Eddie photograph his Chief getting dressed. As Eddie finished with Sean he spotted the partially dressed Clay. "Is something wrong?" Eddie asked.

"Not really. I just can't get this one buckle done behind me," Clay replied.

Sean came over to help. He suggested, "The next time you have to put it on, undo one of the top two straps and fasten the thong. There you go, you can finish dressing."

Clay gave Sean a kiss for helping him out. He put on the supple leather shorts. Sean pulled the back zipper up and secured it with a lock. Clay remembered where his hands belonged and assumed a waiting stance.

Eduardo led them into the dungeon stall. It had a wide assortment of implements hanging on one wall. There was a metal box in the corner. A sling hung from two chains just waiting to be connected to be attached to two more. One wall had various rings attached at different heights and widths.

Clay froze. He began his breathing exercise. Sean heard the deep inhale and turned to see Clay in distress.

"Eddie did any of this stuff belong to you know who?" Sean demanded.

Castillo turned and saw Clay as well. "No Sir, my friends wouldn't let him play here in their dungeon. Master Robert and his boy Lawrence didn't approve of my marriage. Clay you can relax. Do you need a drink of water or some time before we begin?"

"Can I have some time alone, please?"

"How about 15 minutes?"

"That would be great. Thanks Eddie."

Sean said, "Come over here Farm Boy," as he opened the Boy Box. "Get in and rest your neck against here." Sean pointed to a padded space on the board. Once Clay was squeezed into the box, Sean slid the next board into place. The third board went into place and Sean directed, "Place your wrists in the cut outs." Clay complied and Sean inserted the next board enclosing Farm Boy's wrists with his hands exposed above the cage. He then secured the last board with a locking pin. He set a timer for 15 minutes and placed it on the Boy Box so that Clay could only hear the ticking but not know how many minutes remained. "I'll be back. Enjoy your time."

At first Clay wasn't sure he liked being caged. As he thought about it, he realized it wasn't that uncomfortable. The ticking timer was annoying as all get out. Farm Boy spent his time doing his breathing exercises and looking at all the dungeon equipment in the stall. He wondered what Sean had planned for him.

The buzzer went off and Eddie came in with his cameras. Sean gave him a few minutes to get his cameras ready. As Sean entered he walked up to the cage. Clay thought Chief's eye color had become almost a steely blue. "Are you ready to serve me boy?" Sean demanded in a deep tone of voice which was even more commanding than Farm Boy had ever heard before.

"Yes Sit, this boy lives to serve you Sir." Clay thought to himself, "Where did that come from?"

Sean unlocked the pins holding the lid boards in place on the Boy Box. He removed the first board freeing Farm Boy's hands before going to sit in a leather wing backed chair on the opposite side of the stall.

Clay removed the two remaining boards and stood up. He stepped from the Boy Box and got down on his knees and hands. He crawled to Sean and kissed his left boot then he kissed the right. He knelt before his Sir, head bowed and hands behind his back.

Sean stood and stepped forward, Grabbing Clay's head he pushed it back and growled, "Open up!" Clay opened his mouth and Sean spit into it, released his sub's head and said, "Lose the boots, socks and shorts." Clay scrambled to obey, shedding his boots and socks, which were put inside the boots.

"Sir, this boy needs to be unlocked in order to comply with your order, Sir!"

Silently Sean produced the key to unlock the chastity shorts. Clay removed them and carefully folded and placed them on top of the boots. He returned to his position to await the next order. Sean approached and blindfolded him. Taking Clay's hand he ordered, "Stand Up!"

Farm Boy stood. His Sir instructed, "I need your right wrist." Clay extended his right arm toward his Sir. Sean took the rope he had prepared and began make a Burlington Bowline looping the bight double length just above Clay's wrist. Next he took the bight, and turned it at a right angle over the initial two wraps. After making sure he had enough bight, Sean pulled the bight beneath the wraps.

Sean fondly recalled Sir Arn saying, " of the benefits of having a line or loop go beneath the wraps actually prevents it from tightening down, preventing loss of circulation, bruising, abrasion, and painful rope marks. It's an essential thing in ANY single column tie."

Sean now held the bight in place and used the "working end" of the rope to create a simple loop with the free end of the rope dangling to the inside of the loop. He took the bight and pulled it through the loop and pulled it under the wrap once more. Pushing the bight back through the loop he has made he pulled the working end taut securing the rope in place. "How does that feel Farm Boy?" Sean asked.

"Sir, it feels fine, Sir!"

Sean repeated the process on Clay's left wrist before doing the same with each ankle. Grabbing His boy's stiff needle Chief led Farm Boy to the Saint Andrew's cross and secured his ankles and wrists. Sean began flogging Clay by gently using the leather strips to lightly run over the quarter back's shoulders and back before beginning their impact play.

Chief worked with a single flog for 15 minutes before grabbing a second flog. He began rotating between flogs so that Farm Boys back was given little respite from the impact of the two. After another 15 minutes Sean stopped. He touched Clay and told him he was a very good boy. He ran the leather strips lightly over his sub's back. Farm Boy made a ound that reminded Sean of a purr.

Farm Boy wasn't sure if it was the touch or the words which caused his cock to spasm and bubble out precum. Chief released him from the St Andrew's as Eddie called for a break.

Eduardo wanted Clay naked for the next part. Sean said, "That won't be easy given that erection."

Castillo replied, "Oh I'm sure he can endure a little pain."

"Sir, this boy can always use a blow job Sir," Clay commented as he got down on his knees. Sean and Eddie both laughed.

Chief ordered, "Stand back up." He handed Farm Boy a bottle of water just before starting to unbuckle a few straps to release the harness. In short order the harness was released and only held on Clay's body by the cock ring. Sean began by tugging some of the ball sac's skin through the limited space. "Take a deep breath and hold it!" he ordered. Clay did as ordered and Sean pushed the left nut through the small gap. Clay released his breath from the pain and gasped.

"Again!" Chief ordered. Farm Boy took a deep breath and just as he started to hold it, his right nut was pushed through the ring. He exhaled quickly. Sean lifted the cock ring up the still stiff prick. "You did very well boy! I'm proud of you," Sean said as he put the harness with the rest of Clay's clothes. Farm Boy's cock oozed more boy honey and his ass itched.

Sean had Clay stand again with his hands on his head. He then began the vest harness he would be using by positioning the bight at the center of Farm Boy's back; he wrapped the rope once around Clay just below the pecs and drew the working ends through the bight. Chief made sure the part that crossed over was in the middle of the back on Clay's spine. The ropes were snug, but not so snug that his lover couldn't breathe.

Next he brought the working ends back around the front of Clay's body, this time going in the opposite direction to insure that the rope would stay tight and will not fall off the body. When Chief returned to the center of the Farm Boy's back he pulled the working ends up through the loop he had just created on the opposite side of where he had pulled the side with the doubled-over rope. He made sure the ropes were not crossed and lined up neatly.

Sean reversed direction again and brought the working ends around the body one more time, this time above the chest, wrapping the working ends underneath the rope stem (in this case, the section of rope that went vertically along Clay's spine).

Chief reversed direction around the body one last time, making sure the ropes were above the previous wrap of ropes and lay flat and neat. Then he brought the working ends through the loop created by reversing direction -- the side with the doubled-over rope.

Sean took the working ends and brought them over Clay's shoulder to his front and brought them over the top ropes in front then down and under the bottom ropes. He pinched the bottom ropes together so they didn't lose their shape while he reversed direction with the working ends. Chief brought them back up and under the second top ropes. Then he made sure the knot was in a comfortable place for his partner.

Sean brought the working ends over the other shoulder and around to the Clay's back. He passed them over the top right ropes, and up diagonally between the top left ropes and the left shoulder rope.

Next he brought the working ends over both shoulder ropes, and under the right top ropes. Chief made a half hitch on the stem by making a loop in the working ends, bringing the ropes over the stem, behind the stem, and back through the loop. He pulled to tighten it He wrapped the excess rope around the stem.

Sean created the hip harness. Burlington Bowlines were created on both thighs just above the knees.

Chief attached Farm Boy's wrist ropes to two chains hanging from the hay loft. He grabbed a spreader bar and attached it to Clay's feet and a smaller one between his knees. He pulled out a stand that looked like it held a microphone and place it of front of Clay. Then he mounted a Magic Wand vibrator to it and positioned it so it would work his sub's perineum and balls.

Sean switched it on. Farm Boy gasped then moaned. Chief then started sucking on Farm Boy's left nipple. Clay's sexual flush brightened along his neck and upper chest, Sean started jacking his boy's nine inch dick. Within minutes boy honey was pouring out of Farm Boy's piss slit. Sean was rotating between sucking and nibbling on his boy's nipples.

Chief stopped and increased the speed of the vibrator to maximum. He positioned himself behind Clay and returned to jacking Farm Boy off with his right hand. His left hand began playing with his quarterback's asshole.

Clay was panting hard. He felt the churning in his balls. The vibrator was a new tease he had not experienced on his balls. He thought to himself, "Chief is pulling out the stops today. I'm going to explode soon."

Sean whispered in his boy's ear, "You have my permission to cum Farm Boy. Make it a good one."

As if on cue, Clay shuddered and shot 5 bursts of cum across the dungeon floor. Castillo caught the eruption on film.

Sir Sean turned off the vibrator and removed the spreader bards. Eduardo called, "Time Out. Water break!"

Chief let Clay down and removed his blindfold. Eddie brought back bottles of water for them. He got a folding chair for each of them to sit on.

"Guys, I've got some marvelous stuff here. I was going to ask you to do a body weave on his chest or back. I now think that might be an artsy shot for another time. I'd like to move to the suspension on the wall and whatever your devious mind can devise for torture your boy."

Clay said, "Chief that was some hot shit you were doing to my body. I loved the flogging you gave me. I know now what Happy meant when he said he needed a good flogging. It gives you a real rush. What was that thing you used on my balls? I mean, I know about what the Hush does but was surprised by today's play."

Sean pointed to the Magic Wand, "There it is Farm Boy. It's just an ordinary vibrator with a fancy name."

"Regardless, it was new to me and really added to the play. I want you to know that was the first time another man's hand brought me off too." Farm Boy stated.

Eddie told Clay, "I was in just the right position as you shot. I think I caught each blast of cum rocketing out of your prick. They're going to be great prints! Does anyone need to piss?"

Sean asked, "Eddie can you get us some cheese and fruit. This next part I'm going to need a little food to keep up my energy levels."

"Sorry, it is in the fridge here; I just forgot." Eddie moved off to get the fruit and cheese tray. When he returned they each munched on it before finishing their water. If you guys are ready; I am as well."

Sean put Clay's blindfold back into place. He guided Farm Boy to the wall with `O' rings embedded in it. He linked the chest and hip harnesses and ran a working end through a ring about 7 feet above the floor. He hauled Clay up a few inches so he was standing on the balls of his feet. Next he position the arms so they were help up on either side of the quarterback's head. Then he linked the left ankle and thigh ropes and raised left leg up and out. He did the same for the right.

Farm Boy was splayed on the wall. The front of his body fully open to whatever Chief wanted to do. "How you doing boy," Chief asked.

"Sir, I'm hanging in there Sir," he quipped. Sean picked up a tickler. It's a device than spins feathers or other items used in tickle torture.

"Think you're funny boy? Let me see if I can get you to laugh." Sean traced the feather around Clay's face, down over his body to his groin and up his left leg to his foot. Turning on the machine so that the feathers spun he applied it to his foot. Next he moved down the leg to Farm Boy's groin and up the right leg.

The quarterback gave Sean his smart ass grin and quipped, "Sir has to be better than that to make this boy laugh, Sir!" Chief took the challenge, turned off the machine and dug his fingers into Clay's sides. The laughter was immediate. "Ss,Ssir! Yoou Winn, Ssir!" Farm Boy managed between laughs. Sean went for the athlete's pits, then his Abs and his inner thighs. The athletic quarterback was laughing so hard years ran down his face. Sean went to the feet. "Ssir! Pleeease Nnoooo Ssssir! Clay begged. Chief didn't stop. He continued until Farm Boy pissed himself. The sophomore was panting from the exertion of laughing so hard for so long. He was embarrassed he had lost control of his bladder.

Sean went to the equipment table. He selected two matching objects. As he approached Farm Boy, Chief tapped the objects together so that Clay would know he had something metallic in his hand. It worked as his restrained partner's face had a quizzical look upon it. He wiggled in his rope harness.

Sean stared at Clay. A wicked smile crept across his lips. He stopped 12 inches from the boy, tapped the two 9" hunting knives in front of Clay's face. Sean slammed the two knives into the wooden wall. He lifted Clay's blindfold long enough so that he could see his Chief removed the two blades from the wall and wave them in front of his Farm Boy. Clay knew what they were instantly. He used similar ones to skin rabbits and squirrels. The color drained from his face. His cock wilted. Sean lowered the blindfold back into place.

"Don't move a muscle!" Sean commanded as he brought the blades up to either side of his lover's face. "Learn to place your trust in me." Clay closed his eyes behind the blindfold and swallowed hard.

Chief used the tip and spine to trace along the sides of Farm Boy's face from the temple to the jaw, along the side of the neck and to each shoulder. He placed one knife on a nearby metal stand. Using one blade he started with Clay's right elbow and traced to his arm pit. From the pit he traced down and along the peck to his boy's sensitive nipple. Sean used the tip to prick at it lightly. Farm Boy's cock jumped and his ass twitched. He then took the knife and did the same to the left side.

Farm Boy's mind was reeling as he reacted to the danger of the knives and the sensations his body was experiencing. His cock reacted by rising to its full height and starting to ooze precum. Eddie continued to snap away.

The knife caught the light as Sean continued to trace down Clay's body. He brought the second knife back into play as he traveled toward the suspended Farm Boy's dripping dick. Circling the cock and balls he drew the knives up each of the boy's legs onto his sensitive feet. Chief switched back to one knife. He slid the spine between each toe as Clay squirmed and giggled. Then he traced the sensitive sole which started Farm Boy laughing. Sean switched to the other foot and Clay laughed harder.

He put a low stool in front of Clay. Chief picked up both knives. Smiling wickedly up at his boy he took a seat. He brought the tips of the two knives together on the far side of Clay's anus. Farm Boy stopped laughing.


"Did I give you permission to speak?"

Clay remained silent. Chief drew the knives forward over the anus. Farm Boy drew a deep breath. As the knives traced over his perineum Clay's ass twitched and more boy honey oozed from his stiff prick. The knives continued around the quarter back's balls and finally reached the very erect and throbbing cock. Sean slowly drew the knives up the sides of Farm Boy's cock. His boy moaned at the sensations the two blades were creating. Then the knife play stopped.

Sean stood and reached under his kilt and released the two catches holding his leather jock in place. It dropped to the floor. His 9" cock tented his kilt. He sat once more and began playing with Clay's ass, balls and cock. Farm Boy moaned. Chief pulled the prepuce down exposing the glans. Boy honey oozed rapidly from the tip. Sean covered the tip with his mouth and licked the salty liquid. The athlete's moans grew louder. Sean started to raise himself up. As he did so he licked the sweat that had formed on Clay's abs. When he reached the left nipple he gingerly nibbled on it while rubbing the right nipple between two fingers. He switched sides. Farm Boy was wiggling and moaning. Sean could see his boy was almost ready to be fucked. He stood up and kissed Clay as he fingered both nipples.

Sean grabbed some lube and lubed up his cock. He fingered lube into Clay's ass. He took aim and sank his cock into Farm Boy's furrow producing a low guttural groan from the football quarterback. Sean fucked in earnest. He needed to get off.

Eduardo had documented it all. He quietly left the stall so they could enjoy their union privately.

Sean need was great and he didn't last long. He erupted in 7 shots of hot seed into Clay's bowels finishing just as Clay shot another massive load of his own onto his Chief's chest.

Sean stepped back, sat down and looked at his lover hanging on the wall. "Man I wish I could keep you just like that!"

Eddie stepped back in and took a picture of the well fucked lad and his hole. He took a close-up of cum oozing out from it. Castillo helped Sean release Clay from his bonds. The shoot was complete.

Next: Chapter 58

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