Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 19, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 56 Saturday Night Photo Shoot

The barn was much as they had last seen it. Eddie began adjusting the light umbrellas to give the stall in which he planned to shoot a warm glow.

The duo removed their clothes and laid them over a chair. Eddie came over and said, "Don't wear any shoes." The two remained barefoot as they donned t-shirts, overalls and straw hats. The smell of horses and hogs filled the area. Castillo posed the two together in several shots telling them to think about they would like to be doing to each other. That ignited their spark. The look of want and desire grew between the lovers.

Eduardo pulled Sean out first. "Tell Clay what you want him to do Sean."

"Recreate your routine from the bus but do a strip tease first."

As Eddie snapped away, a wicked grin crossed Clay's face. His eyes took on a mischievous look as he stretched his arms above his head and struck a classic pose. He stuck out his tongue and drew his right index finger across it. With his left arm reaching upward toward the hay loft he started in its palm and traced down the center of his forearm, to his bicep, to his arm pit with his spit slicked index finger. He shifted his pose with the right arm reaching towards the loft. His left index and middle fingers were sucked into his mouth then used to trace down the right arm until it reached his shoulder. He slowly moved his hands down his body over his pecs to his abs. Then he brought his left hand up to caress his face while his right grabbed his crotch. He did a few pelvic thrusts. Never once did his eyes leave his lover's face.

"Switch out!" Eddie ordered.

Sean was not going to be undone. He walked to two bales of hay and lay on his stomach. He slowly rolled over to lie on his side. He leaned up on his left arm and cocked the straw hat so it covered more of his face. He drew his right leg up into the air as far as he could before bringing his right foot to rest on his left knee. He grabbed his crotch and did a pelvic thrust. He moved to a sitting position with his legs spread wide. He grabbed his groin again. He placed his hands on his knees and slowly drew them toward his groin where he crossed his arms and drew his hands up his sides up to his shoulders where he hugged himself. Sean slowly raised his head and lewdly smiled at Clay. He tilted the hat back so more of his handsome face was showing. He caressed his face with his right hand and undid the snap on the left side of the overalls. He repeated the process with the left hand ending with the right snap being undone. The bib fell forward. Sean caressed his pecs through his tee shirt then pointed at Clay. Turning his hand so that his fingers were curled up he motioned for Clay to come to him by pointing to him then to his crotch.

"Stop!" Eddie ordered. "Fuck this is so hot! I could do a whole show just on Farm Boys. Refasten your overalls. We will take a water break.

As the shoot restarted, Eduardo had repositioned lights and was shooting from behind Sean. He had the blond stud drop his bib and resume his spread leg position. The camera rested on a tripod in front of Sean's crotch. Eddie directed Clay to get on all fours just beyond the light. "Tilt your hat back Clay. Yes, great look. Just a reminder you've just been summoned. You're going to focus on Sean's face then crotch then face. Just think what you are about to get to do."

Clay didn't just think, he hoped he'd get to suck on his lover's cock. Eddie was using a new remote feature on his camera to see what the camera was seeing as he ordered it to shoot Clay's forward progress capturing the lust in his eyes and his tongue licking his lips in anticipation.


Eddie switched cameras and was right behind Clay. He directed, "Sean look at Clay and think about what you want him to do and act accordingly."

Sean threw his own hat away then knocked off Clay's. He reached down for the hem of his shirt and pulled it slowly up and over his head. He pulled Clay's head to his crotch and let his Farm Boy feel his hard cock through the denim.

Clay crawled up from the Sean's crotch, sniffing the fabric as he went. When he got to Sean's exposed skin his tongue darted in and out like a snake's lightly flicking here and there. When he was level with Sean's pecs he flicked at the left nipple a few times before kissing it and finally suckling on it.

Sean undid the snaps on Clay's overall and let the back and front fall.

Eddie instructed, "Clay remove your shirt slowly." The quarterback did as requested revealing his nipples standing at attention amid his red hair.

The two lovers entered into their own world of desire for each other. Castillo kept circling them as their hands explored each other's bodies and overalls were dropped and kicked to the side.

The two kissed passionately and Clay slid to his knees and kissed his Sir's cock head. He kissed along the shaft. He kissed each ball. He bent over and kissed Sean's left foot and then his right.

Sean offered his hands to help Clay stand. He spun him around and spooned into his back letting his cock nestle in his boy's ass crack. He nibbled lightly along Clay's neck.

Eddie spoke up, "No marks!" It was a reminder they were not alone. Sean licked the right side Clay's neck and ear. His hands played with his nipples drawing little squeals of delight.

Sean's right hand reached for the hooded prick of his Farm Boy. He ordered Clay to spit into his Sir's left hand. As Sean's right hand pulled the skin of the prepuce back exposing the sensitive engorged head, his left hand polished it using the spit from Clay's mouth. A loud groan of need from Farm Boy filled the stall and his sexual flushing glowed ever brighter.

Sean spun him around and ordered him to grab his ankles. As he stretched his body into position he spread his legs apart to give his Chief access to his itching hole.

"Freeze. Back away Sean." Eddie directed as he took images of Clay in his most vulnerable of positions. "Resume."

Sean needed no additional prompting. He attacked Clay's asshole as if he had the eaten in days. Clay moaned in ecstasy. "Eat it Sir! Munch on your Farm Boy's ass! Stick that tongue in Sir! Oh Yes Sir!"

Sean sat back on the bale of hay; Clay backed into him and squatted down. He could feel his Sir's prick at the entrance of his ass. He eased himself onto the cock. Eddie documented the beatific smiles crossing both men's faces.

"Stop! That was perfect!"

Clay growled, "What do you mean stop. I need fucked!"

"Fuck on your own time. You two are working! Come on the next scenes are going to be outside."

He led to horny men back through the house to the pool area. In a corner near the entrance to the master suite a rock grotto had been built. Inside was a rainfall shower. Eddie turned on the concealed lighting and the water adjusting it to warm. "Sean we will start with you. Just shower as you would at home."

"Do you have a wash clothes?"

"Sure they're over here. Here use this yellow one." Eddie tossed him the cloth and Sean showered as Eddie snapped away. "Switch," Eduardo called. He handed Sean a towel and Clay a bright pink wash cloth. Clay too washed as he would at home while the camera documented his private ablutions.

"Step out a second Clay and dry off. I want to talk about the joint shower." Clay turned off the water and took the towel Eddie offered. "Come in for a break and something to drink. We have water, apple or orange juice, sodas or tea?"

Sean and Clay both chose apple juice. They took seats at the breakfast bar. Eddie chose an iced tea.

"In the next shower scene I'm going to turn up the water temperature. There will be steaminess aside from the interaction between you two. My intent is simply to show the intimacy between you as you shower. Given you're horned up I guess we'll see erections as well. Sorry to say you won't be getting off this time either. However, if you're up for another set tonight it can culminate in an orgasm for at least one of you."

"You're a sadist!" Sean quipped.

"Actually I'm a masochist, but's that's another story." Eduardo laughed. The trio finished their drinks and returned to the outdoor shower.

Eddie turned up the water temp. Given the coolness of the evening the area steamed up quickly. Sean and Clay entered the shower. This time a bright red wash cloth was tossed to Sean. He started the shower with a kiss. He spun Clay around and spread him eagle against the stone wall.

"Sean step out of the way." Eddie snapped several images. "Continue." Sean walked up and kissed the back of Clay's neck before he went back to washing Clay's back and his ass. "I'm so glad the bruising is gone," Castillo commented. "OK, back to washing him.

Sean started on Clay's front again. He was gently cleaning up his boy as they kissed and touched each other. As he finished, Farm Boy took the wash cloth from his Chief and washed him. Eddie did Sean's spread eagle pose in the center of the shower so that he captured his full front.

Eddie announced, "That wraps the shower. I think we've got the right vibe flowing here guys. I'm so thankful you told Gordon how you felt about last Sunday. Take 15 minutes to rehydrate get some fruit or cheese. The next segment is in the pool. I'm going to have you put baobab butter on to prevent drying out your skin.

The partners went into the kitchen. They hadn't noticed the cameras Eddie had placed there. Motion activated they caught the couple in a very relaxed and natural state. Getting food, drinking juice, touching and giving each other affectionate pecks. The cameras caught Clay's mischievous look as he started to horse play with Sean. The cameras also caught Eddie coming in to reveal his subterfuge.

Pool side Eddie provided the baobab butter. He snapped away as the two men coated their bodies head to toe with it. Castillo caught great images of them doing each other's backs. Eduardo had them put on swimming trunks: Clay wore a navy blue while Sean wore holiday red.

Sean went into the heated pool first. He was instructed to swim 3 laps then to do a breast stroke for 3 more. Eddie had him get out and Clay did the same.

Eddie donned a snorkel and mask. I'm going to shoot a few underwater. Each of you will swim the same pattern please.

Since Clay was still in the pool he went first. Eddie took a few shots. Sean jumped in and repeated his efforts.

Eddie came up and asked Clay go over to the edge deep end and for Sean to join him there. "This time gentlemen it's a 3 lap race. Winner gets to strip the loser and we'll go from there."

"Wait Clay called. Define a lap."

"One lap is swimming the length of the pool twice; so back and forth 3 times. Ready? On three: Uno, Dos. Clay dove in. When he turned he saw Sean and Eddie laughing at him. "You see what happens to cheaters!" Eddie called. He pointed Clay's swim suit which had come off and was floating in the pool.

Clay swam over and retrieved his suit. Getting out of the pool he slipped it back on and tied the string tightly.

Eddie started to count as he aimed his camera at his two subjects. "Uno! (pause) Dos! (Long Pause) Tres!" Castillo caught the diving form of both men as Clay entered the water slightly before Sean. While Clay went deep Sean went shallow and was a half a body length ahead of Clay. This was a competition and both men poured themselves into it. Sean maintained the slightest of leads as he finished the second lap. Eddie had moved out of the pool to catch the winner in a photo finish.

It was neck and neck the entire way. Eddie snapped the picture."

"Who won?" The two men inquired simultaneously.

"You'll have to see it to believe it!" Eddie's laughed. He brought his view screen to them. They had touched the wall at the same time since Clay's arms were about an inch longer than Sean's.

"So who gets to decide?" Clay demand.

"Since you cheated to start with Sean decides," Eddie proclaimed.

Sean got that glint in his eye. "Follow me Farm Boy."

Just the tone of Sean's voice got him hard. "Yes, Chief."

Sean swam to the shallow end and sat on the top step. Eddie was documenting the action. He captured a great image of Clay swimming up and in between Sean's legs.

"Use your teeth to remove my trunks," was the command. Clay began by finding the draw string and pulling on one end. Sean had only tied it in a bow so it was easy to undo. Clay grabbed them wet suit with his teeth and pulled. It moved easier than he thought possible until he realized Sean and lifted his own rump from the seat to help Clay out. Farm Boy got them half way down the Chief's thighs. He smiled at Sean, "I removed them!"

"Really! Why are they still on my body?"

Clay's smile vanished. He bit into the material and pulled. Sean was no longer helping. He tugged the trunks to his Chief's knees. Using the trunks he pulled Sean's knees closer together. Then dunking under the water he pulled the trunks to his lover's feet. He came up for air. Eddie was there to document the moment when the suit came off. He also captured Clay kissing Sean's left foot then his right. Clay held up the suit as he emerged from the water.

"Well done Farm Boy! Come claim your prize."

Clay tossed the Sean's red trunks to the cool deck then got out of his own which also wound up on the deck. Farm Boy's hands lightly touched the end of his Chief's toes as he began lightly tickling his way up his partner's body. Eddie was getting it all on film.

Clay's hands approached Sean's groin, but never touch his balls or cock. As his hands moved higher up Sean's body Clay stood exposing his own prick to the air. He moved over Sean's body touching and caressing him until face to face with his Chief. The two kissed passionately.

"Got it!" Eddie cried. He stepped from the pool and retrieved robes for the three of them. "You guys are terrific. You really nailed it tonight. I'm going to print a few images tonight and run contact sheets."

"Let me show you to your room." He led them to the stairs and to the second floor. He told them the Master Suite was on the first floor. He was sleeping there. He said each bedroom had its own bath. He gave them a room overlooking the pool. Kissing them both he winked adding, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He left them to their own vices.

Sean said, "Come with me, just in case there are cameras like the kitchen." He took Clay's hand and led him to another bedroom. He closed and locked the door. He dropped his robe and undid the sash on Clay's. Getting on his knees he sucked one his Farm Boy's balls into his mouth. He tongued it roughly and sucked on it putting pressure on it until Clay groaned. Sean released the first ball and repeated the torture to the second. Then he nibbled the heavily veined underside of Clay's cock. The quarterback's motor was running on 8 cylinders. Boy honey was pouring out of him like water from a faucet.

Sean pulled back the chenille bedspread and the floral top sheet. "Lose the robe Farm Boy and assume the position." As Clay put his feet behind his shoulders, Sean grabbed the sashes from the bathrobes. He secured Clay's arms and legs in place. "You look so helpless and vulnerable. I'm going to enjoy the hell of this."

Sean went to one of the artificial arrangements in the room and grabbed a flower from it. He came over to Clay and started with the toes on his right foot used the plastic tipped wire to trace the outline of the toe. At first Clay was confused. By the time Sean started the middle toe he was amused. When Chief came to the tip of his fourth toe Farm Boy was feeling the tickling begin and as Sean rounded the bottom of the fourth toe and started up the big toe he was squirming. The sole of his right foot was next. He was now giggling and chuckling. As his leg was outlined he couldn't contain his laughter. Sean drew the wire all the way to the bottom of Clay's asshole.

Sean moved to the left foot. This time the experience was more intense. Sean was in no rush but as the wire approached Clay's ass the boy was pleading for him to touch it. Instead he circled it three times and proceeded up the perineum and traced around the Farm Boy's cock.

"Fuck me Sir! I need your cock REAL BAD SIR!" Clay cried. Sean scooped up some of the Boy Honey and tasted it. He scooped up more for Clay to taste. Chief scooped up even more and dribbled it on Clay's quivering rosebud.

The flower stem traced back and forth across Clay's abdomen. It was drawing closer to the sensitive nipples that were hard wired to Clay's cock and ass. As the stem hit the first tit a squirt of boy honey flew from his cock. Sean laughed. "I will need to remember how much flowers get you going." He traced across his captive's chest where the touch of the stem produced another equally impressive burst of precoital fluid.

Once more Sean collected the fluid and dribbled it onto the now winking hole. "I'm itching to have your cock in me Sir! Please Sir! Please fuck me and fill my ass with your seed! PLEASE!

Sean displayed his cock in front of Clay's face. "Is this what you're after Farm Boy? You want my man dick in your boy hole?"

You know it Sir! I NEED IT SIR!. I'd rather have your cock in me more than anything else in the world!"

Sean rested his cock on top of Clay's rosebud. The boy tried to angled his body to grab the Chief's prick.

Sean pulled away. Clay pleaded and begged. Sean adjusted his angle and poked the head of his prick into his Farm Boy just a fraction of an inch.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself SIR! You're sure not doing anything for me! Clay snapped. "UNCLE" he yelled.

Sean blanched. He backed off of Clay. Both stopped talking. The Chief realized he'd over played his hand. Sean released the two sashes. He grabbed his bathrobe, walked out of the room and down the stairs. He found a small den hidden under the stairway landing just past a small powder room. He went inside, closed and locked the door. He lay down on the couch, pulled his bathrobe around himself and went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 57

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