Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 17, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 54 Home on the Range

Clay awoke at 5 AM. He smiled as he looked down on his sleeping lover. His Chief had risen to the occasion three times to satisfy a very demanding Farm Boy. They had 69ed. Clay wanted fucked like a dog. Halfway through that fuck, Sean tried a new position with the quarterback on his side with one leg in the air. Finally Clay rode Sean's cock before Chief said they needed to rest. All of that occurred before 1 o'clock. Clay headed to the bathroom

Sean came in at 5:30. "We're going to say goodbye to your sisters. "

"Yeah we are," Clay said as he wiped his ass with toilet papers then flushable wipes. "You really nailed it good last night Chief! Thank you,"

Farm Boy washed his hands while Sean did his morning deposit. After he washed up Clay threw him and extra robe and they descend the stairs to the main level went outside and walked to the main house. Martha was in the kitchen with Leon who was dressed in bib overalls. The boys hugged and kissed them both.

"I'll fix your coffee Chief. Have a seat."

"Have you been working Leon?" Clay asked as Hannah entered the kitchen.

"Morning all," she greeted.

Leon scolded her, "Daughter o' mine, what have I told you about checking your oil."

"I checked it Pa before I left Tallahassee."

"Well we are going to need to find out why you're down two quarts."

MaryLiz came in, "Morning everybody! Mom you're cooking already!"

"I made your bacon and egg sandwich. Sissy has her omelet. I packed you each a pulled pork sandwich and an orange, plus a water bottle. "

Sean offered, "Hannah, Morfar took his cars to Red's in Havana to be worked on. Tell him Melissa Lund's son recommended him. You'll get great service at a reasonable price."

"How do you know about Havana, Sean?" Hannah Jane inquired.

"I was born there. We were at my grandparents' house for Morfar's 60th birthday. I wasn't due for 6 more weeks. Mom's water broke and before they could get her to the car I was born on the living room floor. Mormor told Mom the more you have the easier they pop out. Morfar suggested I be named Johan after him since I was born on his birthday. Mom suggested John. Dad offered Sean as a compromise so I became Sean Andreas.

"What happened to their place after their untimely deaths?" MaryLiz asked.

"We still own it. Mom goes up there 3 or 4 times a year. She's very attached to it. It sits on a lake. I wouldn't be surprised if she and Dad retire there."

"Sissy we need to get a move on. I want to get a few beers in at the tail gate before the game." Hannah stated.

MaryLiz finished the last bites of her sandwich. Hugs and kisses were exchanged by all and everyone walked out front to wave the girls off. "Are you two ready for breakfast?"

"If you're cooking Mom I'm ready," RJ said from the family room doorway.

Robert Joseph Reed you get that thing covered up. You know better than to come in here with your needle pointing the way.

"Oh Mom, you're such a prude!" Martha chases him down and swatted his bare ass with her hand. RJ hurried back to his room. He returned a few minutes later with a pair of green shorts.


His mother gave him the look. Sean smiled. Seems the two brothers were alike in a lot of ways.

"RJ go check the coops please, I'm running low on eggs this morning."

"Yes Mom. Sean you want to see our chickens?

"Sure RJ." Sean followed RJ outside and around to the back of the garage. There was a chicken coop with about 12 hens pecking away in the yard.

"We keep Rhode Island Reds. They're not as aggressive as others. Mom and I come out and fuss with them a couple times a day each. The more you're around them the more they trust you." He opened a feed canister and they all came running. Just take a handful and scatter it."

Sean did as instructed. RJ put feed in their feeder and moved out of the pen. He washed his feet in a water pan and instructed Sean to do the same. The teen walked to the side of the coop, opened it and started pulling eggs from the nests. He found 10. RJ led the way back to the side door of the house. Stepping in another water pan he asked Sean to open the door. "We found 10 Mom!" RJ shouted. "Sean's a real Florida Cracker! He walked barefoot through the coop and didn't say nothin about stepping in chicken shit!" The lad laughed. Clay roared and Leon and Martha chuckled.

In the 10 minutes they'd been gone, Martha had fried up a pound of bacon and a large ham steak. Home fries crackled in the bacon fat as she cooked them. She had a pot of water boiling and instructed Clay to poach the 10 eggs. Leon was working on toast in a four slice toaster. It was just a few minutes later that the five of them sat at the breakfast nook table to eat. Martha told RJ to ask the blessing.

Everyone joined hands as RJ prayed, "In a world where so many are hungry, may we eat this food with humble hearts; in a world where so many are lonely, May we share this friendship with joyful hearts. Amen. Dig in everybody!"

Leon said, "I'd like to show you some of what we're into on our ranch after breakfast, if you're interested Sean."

"I'd like that Dad," Sean replied.

"Clay you think you have a pair of overalls that will fit Sean?" Martha asked.

"I'll rustle up something Mom. Dad, are we taking Irish or riding the horses?"

"Dad, please ride the horses. I'll ride behind you." RJ begged.

"The only way I'm letting you away from the house is with a chastity belt on," Martha stated. Clay looked at Sean and blushed.

"Ah Mom, I'll be with Dad."

"Let him come Mother. He has to leave his cell phone home though."

"Dad!" he whined.

"There are consequences for dipping your wick. Just because you can doesn't mean you should," Leon lectured his youngest child.

"Mom this was an amazing breakfast!" Sean complimented his future mother-in-law. He stood up and carried his plates and utensils to the sink. Clay followed suit.

"Chief let's go see what I've got that will fit you for riding," Clay said as he led Sean back to his room.

After the couple left RJ said, "Those two kept me up last night. If they nailed it once they did it three times. I never knew Junior had such a dirty mouth!"

Leon clipped him on the back of his head. "Watch how you talk in front of your Mother boy. Now go get dressed and give Mother your cell phone."

RJ pushed his phone over to his mother. Martha powered it off and put it in her apron pocket. Her youngest cleared the rest of the table and ran along to get into his overalls.

Martha said, "This visit has gone very well. As I told you last night, the family seems to accept him. This morning the girls certainly treated him like a brother. RJ seems to take to him too. Are you going to broach the subject today?"

Leon replied, "I'm going to play it by ear. I think he's going to be surprised at what we're into here and what we hope to get into. Let me go get my ass dressed." He kissed his wife's forehead and headed upstairs.

Clay pulled out a couple of old DeSoto HS Bulldogs t-shirts, tube socks and overalls. He was more worried about Sean's boots. "Try these old shit kickers Chief. They should not pinch your feet."

Sean pulled them on. He stomped and walked around in them. "They'll work for a few hours," he told Clay. They headed downstairs as RJ came out of his room.

"Don't forget hats you two. The sun is bright today!"

Clay ran upstairs and grabbed two straw hats. He tossed one down to Sean as he donned his own.

"We should take these for the photo shoot," Sean whispered.

"Sounds like a plan Chief."

They met Leon at the garage. He led the way behind it and past the chicken coop. Another 300 feet along the path they came to the stables.

"Morning Pablo, how are they this morning?"

"Morning Señor Leon, all three are ready for you. They could use a good ride. Ace is really frisky."

RJ introduced Sean to their three horses. This is Nancy. She's the oldest. This is Ace. He sired Dolly by Nancy. He had to be gelded to settle him down. He still gets ornery from time to time. Since he's frisky today Dad and I will ride him. You take Nancy and Clay can ride Dolly." Clay glanced at Sean as he blushed hearing the names he has so recently been called.

The quartet mounted and Leon led the way to the other side of the house. They trotted along about a mile from the house when they came upon a large open tract of land filled with solar collectors. Leon explained, "This is one of the ways we power our house. There are 5 acres of collectors here that track the sun. Diego Gonzales, is my chief engineer. He's assisted by Henry Arnold and Jethro Douglas."

"Morning Leon, I see Junior's back."

"Morning Diego, yes and this is his partner Sean Walls." Diego offered his hand and Sean shook it firmly.

"What time is FPL due today?"

"Sometime between 1 and 3. I told them the earlier the better because I'm leaving at 3 to pick up my daughter."

"Yeah don't let them jerk is around."

"I won't Sir."

They continued on past the collectors to the cattle range Sean had seen from Clay's bedroom. Leon explained, "We have 300 head on Ona White Angus here."

"I've only heard of Black Angus. What's the difference?"

Clay answered, "Lower internal temperatures. We could do Black Angus because of all the oaks in our pasture land. But the Ona Whites are better adapted to the heat."

"This is our breeding herd," RJ informed Sean. These cows are either pregnant or soon will be." A ranch hand rode up. "That's Vernon Kohl coming towards us."

"Morning Leon! Boys!"

"Morning Vernon! How's the herd this morning?" Leon inquired.

"Doing well, Sir. The guys brought in three cows this morning. They're in the breeding stocks waiting. Bernie is bringing Hugo into the barn to breed them. We'll try to do it natural."

"If he bulks again, milk him dry. He's been a good breeder but it may be time to retire him," Leon commented.

"I'll let you know Monday. Have a great day."

They rode for a half hour through pasture land and a pine wood. The land cleared again and Sean saw 10 windmills. "This is our latest endeavor. There are no wind farms in Florida yet. But as citrus dies out due to climate change we need to be prepared to replace it. These are the latest turbines. They're produced up in Pensacola. But we're trying a German scheme to reduce bird deaths by painting half of each blade black. It's worked in Germany. So far it has worked here. Diego oversees this as well. What's left of our citrus production, some 509 acres lay out there."

They turned back toward the house. Another twenty minutes brought them to a concrete barn and fenced area. "This is our hog farm. Pork is not a big industry in Florida. These are red wattle hogs. Morning Vicky!"

"Hey Leon! Junior's back! I saw the news reports. Sorry for your troubles."

"Thanks Vicky! I appreciate that. I'd like you to meet my partner, Sean Walls."

"Pleased to meet you," Sean said.

"Likewise," she replied.

"Leon I got a query from Pretty Meats up in Longwood about hams for next Easter. Do you think we can handle another specialty market?"

"Crunch some numbers for me about last year's demand and we'll discuss it Monday to see if we can supply a fourth market."

"Will do boss."

They turned toward the house. "Clay you can see why I asked you to minor in business. I've got good people heading the divisions. Real Estate is doing well and citrus is holding its own. One day you'll be called upon to head it up. Sean you need to be aware as well. If I drop tomorrow Martha knows the ins and outs."

"Dad I told you I'd at least take some courses."

"If I may, most of us here know where this thing between Clay and I tends to be going. We also know where our current career paths are aiming. I think that Clay and I need to discuss what will be needed in the future to ensure the continuation of a family business. Having seen my grandparents' businesses partially die with them, I can identify with your concerns Leon."

"You nailed it on the head Sean. All that we're asking is for Clay to be prepared. If your current paths get tied together you'll need to be just as prepared Sean."

RJ piped up, "You two getting hitched?"

Clay looked at his brother and said, "I haven't been asked and I'm not asking."

The rest of the ride was silent.

Back at the stable the guys handed the horses off to Pablo. RJ gave them each a carrot. When they arrived at the house all four men stripped off their clothes. Leon showered at the outside shower as the three boys ran for the pool. Martha brought ice tea out to the covered porch for the boys. She went back inside to talk with Leon who gave her thumbs up as he went upstairs to dress.

Martha made a simple cold lunch of chicken salad and tomatoes. They had left over Crumb pie and Ostkaka. When they finished eating they cleared the outside table and loaded the dishwasher for Martha. Then they went back to pack. Clay retrieved their work clothes from their ride. He put then in a garbage bag as they smelled of horse and hogs. He took things out to his trunk and pulled the car out in front of the house.

He found Sean sitting in RJs room playing a video game. "I hate to interrupt, but your parents are expecting us for cocktails."

"Oh I know. I'm becoming an old home body. RJ maybe we can play remotely sometime."

"Oh I've done that with a few friends, especially when I'm grounded. Just don't tell Mom and Dad."

"Oh I know when to keep my mouth shut. You need to learn when to keep things to yourself. Like about last night! Dad told me we kept you up."

RJ blushed. "Sorry bro. I'll do better next time!"

They all headed to the main house. Martha has made them a care package for the trip. After another round of hugs and kisses the duo left for Orlando, retracing their drive through the center of the state and talking about the future of Reed Enterprises.

Next: Chapter 55

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