Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 16, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 52 Two in One

Wednesday flew by. Clay got to the locker room at 3:45. Sean joined him at 4 already in gym wear but with dinner clothes in his gym bag.

Coach Lee asked, "What are you doing here Sean?"

"Clay said I could do some exercising with the team before drills. Is that a problem?"

"Technically, yes, just don't make a habit of it."

"Thanks Coach. It's just today and tomorrow."

Coach nodded and told the team to get their laps in. The locker room emptied and the work out began. After the 5 laps around the field the players formed up as Larry led the routine.

1 - Linear knee raise. Reps 15 each leg.

2 - Walking lunge with rotation. Reps 15 each leg.

3 - Carioca. Distance 10 yards.

4 - Inchworm. Reps 15.

5 - Squats. Reps 15.

6 - Calf stretches. Rep 15 each leg.

7 - Leg swings. Reps 15 each leg.

8 - Thoracic spine rotation. Rep 15 each leg.

By the end Sean was wasted. He sat on the bench with 2 guys on the med list and drank a bottle of gator aid and 2 bottles of water. The three associate coaches ran drills for their squads while the head coach and his three assistants evaluated the various players' performances. At 5 Coach gathered the team around him.

"Gentlemen, you showed some good effort today. Tomorrow I want to see a great performance from all of you. Quarterbacks, I need a word, the rest of you hit the showers." The team took off. CJ came over and sat with Sean.

"I wonder what that's about," Sean stated.

"Coach is probably giving advice. They'll tell us later."

Coach was crouching and drawing something on the ground. The guys were nodding and commenting. After 15 minutes the coach dismissed them. They headed for the showers.

As they were stripping Coach Lee walked up to Larry. "The AD wants the coaching staff in her office. Here's the spare key. Lock up when you guys are finished. I'll lock the outer door as we leave. See you tomorrow guys."

The 6 men headed to the shower. CJ and Steve started soaping up each other's bodies. Larry walked over to Clay on the other side of Sean and started soaping up his cock and balls. Antonio started on Sean's. After quick rinses Larry, Antonio and Steve were on their knees serving the three cocks in front of them while warm water cascaded over them. Sean saw what Larry was doing prepping himself to be fucked.

"Antonio, use the soap to get your ass ready to be fucked." Sean ordered. Antonio hummed on Sean's cock and grabbed the soap and started on his ass.

Steve has heard the order and followed through on his own pucker. Five minutes later Clay started fucking Larry doggie style. Sean had Antonio crawl under and suck Larry. Then Sean took Antonio's ass in one plunge causing Antonio to moan loudly around Larry's dick. CJ had standing with Steve impaled on his cock. Steve had his legs wrapped around CJ' waist and his arms wrapped around CJ's neck. The groups were working their way toward rewarding orgasms.

Steve shot first. His anal spasms caused CJ off into shooting 4 massive bursts into his boyfriend's ass. Larry was next, dumping jazz into Antonio's mouth causing both Clay and Antonio to shoot. Sean was last as he both felt Antonio's ass spasm and watched his lover's face contorting as Clay shot his load deep into Larry.

The guys disengaged from one another. Clay commented, "We should be the last ones out more often." The group laughed. They finished their showers and dressed. Larry rode in Clay's mustang. Antonio accompanied Sean in the Supra and CJ drove Steve following behind Clay. They arrived at Eddie's condo just before 7.

Eddie buzzed them in and met them at the Elevator. He was dressed in white linen shirt and pants. He hugged and greeted each of his 6 guests. "Please come in. Dinner is almost ready. We will be eating family style. I'll give everyone a tour after dinner." He led his guests to the dining table. There he poured everyone a glass of Coquito and proposed a toast, "To new friends!"

"To new friends!" the men replied.

A timer sounded and Eddie hurried into the kitchen. While he was gone Antonio explained Coquito was usually reserved for Christmas and very special occasions. Sean got up and went to see if he could help Eddie.

"Thanks Sean. If you take those two bowls I'll bring in the entree." Eddie and Sean placed the food on the table.

Eddie explained the repast before them. "This is Arroz con gandules. It is considered Puerto Rico's national dish. It's white rice cooked with pigeon peas, olives, capers, tomato sauce, seasoning, and sofrito. Next we have mofongo. Mofongo is made from green plantains seasoned with garlic and salt. I have added vegetables to it this evening. Our entree tonight is pernil." Castillo lifted the cover from the serving tray revealing a pig with an apple stuffed in its mouth. "Pernil is roasted pig if you haven't guessed."

Antonio excitedly stated, "Eddie this is just like Christmas at home. Where did you roast a pig on the 4th floor?"

"I have specially built barbecue pit on the lanai. I'll show it to you after dinner." Castillo then carved the roasted pig.

After the meal was consumed Antonio helped remove the dishes to the kitchen. Eduardo prepared Cafe con Leche for everyone then brought out flan for dessert.

Dinner conversation had been light and easy. Eddie's work, the Stallions' season, upcoming holidays and the well prepared meal received numerous compliments.

Sean and Clay cleared the table after dessert, setting everything near the dishwasher. Once all were back together Eddie explained his layout. "I had these installed last week." He walked to a panel near the sliding glass doors. Opening the cover he pushed the bottom button. The sliders began retracting and opened up the entire living and dining area to the balcony patio. "This section here is hidden by plants so I can enjoy breakfast outside without dressing. You can see my barbecue pit for roasting a small pig over there in that corner. The rest of this side is for entertaining." As they entered the house again Eddie pushes the top button and the windows slid back into place.

Eduardo showed off his kitchen. He explained, "He who shall not be named, designed the kitchen. It was great for small or large gatherings. As they started down the hall he indicated the guest bathroom. The next room the group came to was equipped with a desk, executive chair and two side chairs.

Clay spoke quietly, "This is where it occurred guys, the rape." Everyone was silent. "Where was the camera?" Clay inquired.

Eddie tapped a wall. "There used to be an exercise mirror here."

"Ah, ok." Clay took a deep breath. "Where were we when you found us?"

"About where you're standing now," Sean answered this time. The others silently observing. Clay walked around the room trying to remember but still drawing a blank. He thought to himself, "Thank goodness I can't remember the details. They're probably worse than the police summary." He smiled at everyone. "Eddie shall we continue your tour?"

"First, I have your checks," Eddie stated as he went to the desk. He sat and unlocked a drawer, withdrew two envelopes, relocked the drawer and handed the partners their checks. "Thank you again for finding the cache of cash." Sean and Clay each thanked Eddie again as each of them folded their envelope and stuffed it into a pants pocket.

The group followed Eddie out of the office and into his studio. Eddie was very animated talking about his studio and dark room. He suggested to Larry that the Stallions could produce a Football Calendar as a fundraiser for the team's program. "Tell your coach I'll donate my services. We won't do full nudes but will be as skimpy as we can get. It will be a big hit on campus and all the proceeds can go to your program. At $25 a pop you'd be making $20 for each one sold."

Larry looked at Eddie for a moment dumbfounded by the idea then grinned. "Can you do 5 mock up shots of us that I can show them?"

"Sure, I can do digital for the sample and print it right now. That is if you don't mind stripping."

The 5 team members stripped out of their clothes. "Sean look in that storage closet for props we could use, please." Castillo requested.

Sean opened the closet. The red settee from Clay's shoot was there. He found a football helmet and shoulder pads, then he found two footballs, an orange water cooler, and in the very back was a saddle. He hauled the items out.

Eduardo had smeared black makeup under the eyes of each player like that which they wear for games. Castillo then paired them up with props. He put the saddle in front of Antonio. The helmet went to Larry; Clay got the shoulder pads, CJ one of the footballs and Steve the cooler. He pulled down a green screen.

Beginning with Larry he posed each Stallion modestly yet provocatively with their genitals hidden by the item he had assigned them. He handed them the second football and suggested certain poses including throwing the ball. When he came to Clay, Eddie had him recline and placed the football to hide his cock and balls. There was a similar pose for CJ but CJ was shot more in profile. Finally they came to Antonio. The first pictures were with Antonio standing behind the saddle.

Castillo came up to the quarterback and asked him to get on the saddle. Eddie reached under Antonio and pulled his dick and balls under the quarterback. "This is called a tuck position. No chance of any cock showing." He handed Antonio the football and took several more shots.

"Great job everyone! I'll review them tonight and select January they May and send the mock up to Sean. He can get it to you Larry to take to the coach and AD. Let's continue our tour, you can dress after. It's just my bedroom.

Antonio was standing behind the saddle. "Ah guys, I have a little problem." Everyone turn to look at Antonio. "It won't go down," he said stepping from behind the saddle.

"Well we can't have a model in that condition," Eddie said unbuttoning his shirt. "Come down the hall and I'll take care of it for you." By the time they reached the bedroom Eduardo was had stepped out of his linen trousers and was completely nude.

Sean laughed, "Looks like I'm overdressed!"

"What's keeping your Chief, you getting bashful?"

Sean shucked shirt, shorts and sandals. "Better?"

"Much!" Farm Boy responded as he picked up Sean and dropped him onto the bed.

"Welcome to my bedroom! It's seen a lot of group action and I hoping it can see some more tonight!"

Moments later seven bodies were entwined in various positions on the bed with hands touching each other, kissing, and licking the nearest body. Sean was sucking Antonio when someone started sucking his cock. Eventually they arranged themselves into a daisy chain with everyone's cocks being sucked, licked or deep throated.

Eddie broke the chain. "Guys I've got a fantasy with which you can help." Everyone stopped and focused on Eduardo. "I've been fisted and double fisted. I've been doubled penetrated. What I'd like to do tonight is three DPs then have you jack off on my face. You up for it?"

Clay quipped, "Mine's been up for a while now. How you want to pair us up?"

"Sean and you, Larry and CJ, Steve and Antonio," Castillo answered. "We'll do it side by side rather than top and bottom."

"Like this guys," Clay said as he entwined his legs with Sean's. "We're ready." The others followed suit.

Eddie passed out condoms and lubed his ass. He started with Steve and Antonio. He lowered himself onto their cocks and began riding up and down. Sean started jacking Clay's cock. Farm Boy returned the favor. CJ saw them start so he did the same to Larry. Larry played with CJ's dick.

Eddie rode Steve and Antonio for about 5 minutes before switching to Larry and CJ. Steve and Antonio began jacking themselves. Seven or eight minutes later Eddie stood up and moved back to Steve and Antonio for a few quick strokes on their two pricks. He moved back to Larry and CJ for another few minutes. Castillo stood up and moved to Sean and Clay. He impaled himself in one stroke.

Eduardo rode this last set of cocks with abandon. As his own orgasm boiled in his balls he rose off the cocks and knelt on the bed. The guys gather around him stroking their dicks. CJ fired the first volley of cum to hit Eddie's face the rest of the men started shooting as well. Volley after volley of jizz landed on Eddie's face and in his mouth. His own load shot out and hit Steve's balls before dripping onto the royal blue duvet covering the bed.

Castillo rubbed his hands in all the semen; then licked it from his hands. "Thanks guys! I really needed to play. It's been a while. You all nailed it real well."

"This has been a lot of fun Eddie! I hate to fuck and run but I've got a paper due tomorrow. I need to proof it tonight," Antonio stated.

"Ah yes, I forgot it is a school night. I'll work on the sample calendar and get it to Sean. I'll include my proposal to shoot it for free and to have it printed. I'd also welcome you guys back as a group or individually anytime."

The all expressed their thanks for dinner and their second orgy of the day as they dressed.

Eddie laughed, "Two in One day! You guys are oversexed."

"No such thing as too much sex!" Clay noted as the gang took their leave to head home.

Next: Chapter 53

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