Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 15, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting. No places of businesses mentioned have endorsed this work.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 51 `Rents 2.0

Clay met his Mom and Dad at First Watch on University. They were already seated at a booth in the back when he arrived. He greeted them both with a hug and a kiss. The waitress came over and took their order and brought back an Arnold Palmer sweet for Clay. His Dad was ready to talk business.

"Junior," Leon began, "Mother and I thoroughly love Sean! You need to know that up front. We see the love between the two of you." He looked at his wife and took her hand. "We have three concerns about the two of you marrying. First, you've only been together 4 weeks. A lot of stuff has happened in that time that has thrown you both together in ways most couples don't face for years if ever. We also know that you've been the prime mover in pushing the relationship along. We just don't want you to push for marriage and scare Sean off or worse, make him feel...... trapped."

"Let me respond. I appreciate all you've said. Yes, I feel there is love between Sean and me. Yes, I felt the connection more strongly than he did at first. Yes, I pushed him from a one night stand to boyfriend to partner to moving in together all within a week. Yes, we have discussed marriage. What I've told Sean is that the next step belongs totally to him. I've set no time frame. My answer is ready IF and WHEN he asks."

Martha commended her son saying, "That's a good thing son. I've seen how you two look at each other. I sort of know Sean runs the show in your relationship as I run it in your father's and mine. The thing is to remember you're still both equals and individuals. You have to learn to draw out the best in both of you."

"I understand that as does Sean. We've both expressed that just not in those words."

Our second concern is neither of you have finished your degrees. We don't want to see your education suffer because of the demands of a relationship," Leon explained.

"You'll be glad to know that Sean insists on 2 to 3 hours a night on studying. We sit across from each other and hit the books."

"Alright, our last concern is financial and business related. We've been asking around and we know that Sean's family is well off. So we know he's not after money. Our concern is for the future of Reed Enterprises. Both of your sisters aren't interested in learning the business end. Your brother is chasing tail like there's no tomorrow. Your mother and I have caught him on several occasions with different girls. He gets grounded more than any kids in his group of friends. Your mother and I feel he is gonna fly the coop after high school and do his own thing. We also know you wanna teach and coach. We are asking you to consider changing your major to business or at least minor in business so that when the time comes, you'll be in a position to pick up where I leave off.

"I understand your concern. How does that tie in to Sean and me getting married?"

Their food arrived. Martha said the blessing, "Come Lord Jesus be our guest and let this food to us be blest. Amen." After the prayer Martha continued, "Clay, Sean is going into interior design. How many people are going to need an interior designer in Arcadia? Would he feel comfortable in a small town?"

"Mom from what Dad just said, it would be years before I'd need to step up. I could get 20 years of teaching and coaching in before I had to deal with the business. We will see Sean's reaction to Arcadia when we get there Friday. You know they do utilize Interior Designers in Fort Myers, Naples, Port Charlotte and Tampa. I sort of also recall that the Reed Family hired an architect and interior designer when they built their new home in Arcadia. Wasn't she from Jacksonville?"

"Point taken," Martha replied

"Sean is taking business classes as well. Handling the business may be something he'll have an interest in doing too. But yes, I'll look into a minor in business or at least take some classes."

"That's all we ask son," Leon stated. "What's Sean up to today?"

Clay laughed, "He's having this same conversation with his parents. So we'll compare notes tonight at home. Are you going to come watch practice?"

"Mother has booked us a Couples' Massage for 4 o'clock so not this time."

"You did say you'd like to try a massage dear. It will be fun. It's done in a salt room. Anyway, I talked to your sisters. They both agreed to come home Friday morning so they can meet Sean."

"Wait I get the finish your education speech and its ok for them to cut classes to drive 6 hours to come home then drive 6 hours back for their games. That doesn't sound like my sisters."

Martha raised her eyebrows and glared at Clay. He stopped talking. "You're right. It's a command performance. Sean gets to see us all."

"OK Mom, I get it. Are Mormor and Farfar and Granny coming too?"

"Your father is going to pick up his mother from Arcadia Pines to spend the evening with us. I'm still trying to get my brother to bring Mor and Far over. Albin is being stubborn. He has a 3 o'clock tee time. I might try to get your cousin Erik to drive them."

"Oh wow Uncle Albin and you in the same room. That will be fun to watch."

"Don't you worry; I can handle my big brother."

"I know the story of the baseball bat!" Clay laughed. His uncle knew how to get under his sister's skin like no one else. It was a Carlsson thing!

"What do you want me to serve?" Martha asked.

"What do you usually serve on that Mormor and Farfar will eat?"

"Not everyone cares for herring!" Leon stated raising his own eyebrows at Martha.

"Raggmunk with pork and Lingonberries if you can get them." Clay requested.

"Raggmunk it is Clay. I guess you want crisp bread as well." Her son nodded. "What do you want for dessert?"

"Crumb pie or Ostkaka," Clay suggested.

Leon added, "Why not both?"

"Can we please have both, Mom?" Clay asked using puppy dog eyes.

"Ganging up on me I see," she chuckled, "Alright both, but I want to add a green salad as well." They finished their lunch as Clay shared about his classes.

After their luncheons Clay and Sean returned home within a few minutes of each other. As Sean came in the door Clay was emerging naked from the bedroom scratching his balls. "Hey Chief, How did it go?"

"It was interesting. They had their points."

"So did mine. Care to share?" Clay asked.

"Sure Clay. First was about rushing things, then financial, then not having finished school. Yours?"

Farm Boy laughed. "Same things different order." They shook their heads and grinned."

"I had a blast from Coach. There was a pipe burst in the locker room so no practice today. Wednesday and Thursday will be skill drills for an hour. Nothing Friday," Clay reported.

"So we might get to your folks earlier. Nice!" Sean commented. "We need to talk about Saturday."

"Shoot," Clay said.

"You're going to be meeting the Wall of Walls!"

Clay gave Sean a quizzical look. "All of the Walls - my parents, my siblings and their spouses and my grandparents. The thing you need to know is we joke around mercilessly. They won't spare you. You just have to hand it right back at them."

Clay laughed, "You're going to get the same. I also need to let you know my whole family are naturists. I think it's the Swede in us. Everyone has been told to behave but my sisters and brother are stubborn. Mormor says,"

"Wait you grandmother is Mormor? So was mine! My grandfather was Morfar.

"Yes, for me they are Mormor and Farfar. Anyway Mormor says, `Oofta, you can always tell a Swede, you just can't tell him much." They both laughed.

"Since we're free let's drive over to the gym and get the Dynamikks amplifier and speakers and anything else we want,"

"Chief, what's the big deal about this Dynamikks thing anyway?"

"Oh I could give you about 350,000 reasons but I don't have that much on me at the moment!"

"You're shitting me!" Clay responded.

"Nope and that's just the speakers. I didn't look at everything but it may have the Glass tube amplifier. I don't know what else was hooked to it but Eddie is being SUPER generous to us."

"Why are we standing around? Wait!" Clay pulled out his phone and pulled up a contact. "Hey CJ, Sean and I need to move some things. Can we borrow your truck? Oh you're awesome! We'll fill it up when we get back. I'll be over in 5 to get the keys." Looking at his lover Farm Boy said, "Time to go."

They dressed for moving stuff and picked up CJ Dodge Ram and headed into Winter Park. Sean sent Eddie a text letting him know they were heading to the gym. They pulled up out front. A sign on the door read, `Out of Business.' Sean unlocked the door and stepped inside. Clay hesitated a moment then entered as well. They locked the door behind them. Sean located the light switches and turned them on. The reception area was small. As the couple stepped through into the main gym they were greeted by an impressive modern gym.

Sean said, "I suggest we place anything we wish to take by the door. First I want to look at something back here." He stepped back into reception. "Clay, how would you feel about taking this futon for our Locker Room?"

"Do you think he raped anyone on it?"

"With all these windows, not a chance in hell. If he nailed it anywhere it would have been in front of the mirrors. Besides his days of nailing anything are over."

"Ok, it will be a bitch getting it upstairs."

"Yeah it will. But we would save a couple hundred dollars by taking it."

"There is the speaker unit! Look at that beauty. Looks like the amplifier, turntable, disc changers are in those boxes. We're really fortunate."

"Sean, I knew Eddie was well off, but man I had no idea!"

"Clay, remember he told us we could each buy a house when the tour is over."

"I know but I'm still not processing it."

"Well process this; you can move the stereo equipment over near the inside door. I'm going to go explore behind the glass wall back there."

Sean headed to the back of the gym. There he found the office still in shambles from the police search. The wall had been torn apart and the camera and recording equipment removed their previous location plainly evident.

Another cabinet was busted open as well. Now standing empty Sean surmised it had held the tapes. The computer monitor was still on the desk but the computer was absent. Desk drawers had been emptied. The carpet showed where a couch or futon had once been. Sean turned off the light and closed the door. "Clay doesn't need to see it," he thought.

Clay was going through some of the clothes. "Sean! You're not going to believe it! A lot of these clothes still have the tags on them! I tried a shirt on but it's a little too big. Do you think Miss Tina could alter them for us?

Sean looked and recognized the brand labels. "Fuck yeah, we should take anything you think you would like to wear."

"Let's take it all and what we don't want we can offer to the guys," Clay suggested.

"Alright, what have you found so far?"

"There are 9 pairs of jeans, 4 pairs of walking shorts, 2 speedos, 11 pairs of dress slacks, 3 sweaters, 5 polos, 12 short sleeve button down and 17 long sleeves. Look at these 8 shirts though; they all have funny cuffs."

Sean looked at the cuffs and grinned. "Those are called French cuffs and one uses cuff links with them."

"Oh! News to me."

"You move them over. I'm going to look at the art." Sean walked over and flipped through about 30 prints of Eddie's work. All were signed by his friend. They would command top dollar. Towards the back were four prints from Eddie's early work from his nature series done in black and white. Those he took and moved to the door.

"Sean I found the leather if you want any of it."

"I don't think so, Clay. Same thing with the sex toys, we'll pass on anything he wore or may have used on victims. How about taking that portable massage table over there?"

"Are you going to give me a massage?" Clay asked sticking out his tongue.

"I was thinking of tying you to it and tickling you for a few hours," Sean replied using his deeper register to let Clay know he meant it.

Clay's cock plumped and his ass twitched. He swallowed hard. "Yes Sir." He went over and moved the massage table to the growing pile.

"What are your thoughts on the exercise equipment?"

"He touched it," Clay stated.

"Fair enough! What's in these boxes?"

"I haven't got to them yet."

"Oh wow these are records and this box has CDs." He closed the boxes knowing they wouldn't be going since Everett had touched them. The same would apply to the books and kitchenware. "I think we've got everything we want. What do you think?

"There's a small trunk here that was under the stereo equipment. I'd like to look inside. Do you think we can break the lock?"

"Let me see it."

Clay showed him the trunk. It was 30" long x 18" wide x 15" high. It had a Master lock on it.

"Wait here," Sean ordered. He remembered seeing a set of keys on a ring in the office. When he got to the office he found the keys on the floor by the broken cabinet. As he picked them up he recognized several of them were for Master locks. Returning to Clay, Sean began trying the keys. The 5th key unlocked the trunk.

They opened the trunk's lid and both men whistled. "Eddie could not have known about this. We need him here," Sean said pulling out his phone. On the 7th ring Eddie answered.

"Hi Sean, I was in the dark room earlier. Did you find somethings you want?"

"Yeah Eddie we did. We need you to come to the gym right now though. It's very, very important that you see what we found. Please come as quickly as you can."

"Alright Sean, I'll be right over."

Fifteen minutes later Eddie unlocked the front door and let himself in. "What's so important guys?"

Sean and Clay stepped aside to show him the contents of the trunk. It was loaded with wrapped bills and 15 containers of Kruggerrands.

"That son of a bitch! For years he told me his profits were negligible. He'd need a new this or that and I'd foot the bill. All the while he was stockpiling cash in a footlocker in his fucking closet." He picked up a packet of the gold coins. "If these are the largest of the coins, we're looking at around $40000 per container."

Eddie took out his phone and called his attorney and the president of his bank. 30 minutes later an armored truck arrived. The bank president and his assistant and the attorney showed up. The attorney's secretary arrived a few minutes later. The attorney took depositions from the guys about finding the money.

The bank President and his assistant went through the trunk and tabulated the contents. "Mr. Castillo," the banker began, "The Kruggerrands are 1/4 ounce versions with a total market value of $155,700. There were 4 stacks of $100 bills in mustard wrappers, 6 stacks of $50 bills in brown wrappers, 12 stacks of $20 bills in violet wrappers and 12 stacks of $10 bills in yellow wrappers. Total amount here comes to $261,700."

Eddie did some figuring on his phone. "Please deposit it to my account. Then draw two checks each for $65,425 one to Sean Walls and one to Leon Reed IV."

"No Eddie! We didn't earn that money. It's yours!" Sean protested.

"He's right Eddie, it's all yours!" Clay added

"Listen guys, I didn't know what was in it and I didn't care. It would have been sold and some lucky bidder would have walked away with a quarter million. You deserve the money. Take it with my thanks. Let's have dinner tomorrow night to celebrate. In fact bring your four friends that you guys feed. I'm cooking dinner at my place say 7 o'clock."

"Alright Eddie," Clay said. "I'll text you if the guys are free."

"Great! Sean, are you ok with all of it?"

"Yeah Eddie, you're just so generous!"

"Listen man, you two saved me socially. Taking me to dinner put me back in good standing. The clients who had cancelled shoots have started rescheduling. So business is good. This is also a way for me to make up for exposing you to my late husband. So dinner tomorrow and I'll have the certified checks for you then."

"OK Eddie. Clay let's get this stuff loaded."

"Will do Chief."

"I'll help too." Eddie said as he picked up a box of clothes the guys were taking.

In short order everything was in CJs truck bed. Sean handed Eddie the keys. After a few more hugs and kisses on both cheeks, the couple headed back to their apartment. Sean called Larry.

Larry answered on the second ring, "Hey we're holding dinner for you. Antonio made pulled pork!"

"We're on our way but need y'all to help. We have a futon and stereo equipment and some boxes to move upstairs. Can y'all meet us in like 15 minutes in the parking lot? I've also got a surprise for all of you."

"Sure we'll be there. You know you can count on us."

"Fuck, we forgot to fill the tank!" Clay whined.

"I think we can afford to hand him the cash. I've got $50 on me. That should do it." Sean said rubbing Clay's crotch.

"Hey, not while I'm driving Chief!"

"Party pooper!" Sean replied chuckling.

As they pulled in all 4 guys were waiting. The truck was emptied in no time. The futon was installed in the Locker Room. The clothes piled on it. The Castillo prints were stored in the Locker Room closet. Then the stereo equipment and speakers were placed in the common room.

On the way down stairs, Clay gave CJ his keys. Sean said, "We'll explain at dinner why were late. We didn't have time to stop for gas, so hopefully this will cover it." He handed CJ two $20's and a ten spot."

"That's too much!" CJ protested.

"Not to us it's not," Sean said. "We appreciate your letting us use your vehicle."

At dinner the guys reported on their trip. All were amazed at Eddie's response to the money.

"I could see a finder's fee of say $2000 each but a 1/4 for each. Damn you two are lucky! You could fall in a pile of shit and come out spelling of roses."

"Well maybe a little luck will rub off on you too. All of us are invited to dinner at Eddie's tomorrow at 7 PM," Sean noted.

"You will come won't you guys?" Clay asked.

Steve spoke up, "My boyfriend and I will be there!" He grabbed CJ's hand. "Won't we Babe?"

CJ looked at Steve, "I thought we were going to wait until dessert to share the news. But yes we'll go."

"Congratulations you two!" Clay said jumping up and giving them each a hug and a kiss. "Welcome to the other team CJ!"

Next: Chapter 52

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