Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 11, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 47 More Lessons

Sean was waiting as the jubilant Clay exited the locker room! Farm Boy ran to his lover and swept him up off his feet.

"Did you see how well Coach Lee's approach worked? The whole team feels energized! We were not too sure to start, but our doubts are gone now! What are we doing to celebrate?" Clay put Sean down and looked at him with his goofy grin.

Sean said, "Yes, Good, Dancing. Does that cover all your questions?" Then he gave Farm Boy a radiant smile of his own.

Coach Lee exited the locker. "Hey Coach!" Sean called, "Have a minute?"

"Sure Sean, what do you want?"

"George and you should be the quests of honor at the P House tonight. Jonathan said we would be welcomed after every home game win."

"Let me check with George." He pulled out his cell and called his husband. A few moments later he gave Sean the thumbs up.

Sean pulled out his phone and called Jonathan at the P-House and suggested Coach Lee and George should be the guests of honor. Jonathan agreed.

Sean has Gina notify the FWBs and he sent a text asking Larry to notify the team. Chief whistled at Clay to get his attention back, he was flirting with a few of the FWBs. The couple headed to catch a shuttle back to their apartment.

When they arrived home they dropped their clothes. Clay was anxious to be fucked, but Sean was looking at dinner options. Farm Boy would sneak up and kiss the Chief's neck. Another time it was Sean's shoulder, and another his butt cheek. Chief suffered the distractions patiently knowing that Clay's testosterone was elevated from the game. Sean was preparing a tomato potato soup with shredded chicken. As the soup cooked he buttered 4 pieces of bread, sprinkled garlic powder on them and tossed them in the toaster oven.

Clay bent down to kiss the back of Sean's knee just as Chief was stepping backwards causing Sean to trip backwards. Sean landed on his ass. Clay started giggling but Sean wasn't laughing.

Sean got to his feet and grabbed a wooden spoon. He struck Clay first on his abs hard. "So you want to play!" He took aim and swatted Clay's left tit. "Let's play...," Farm Boy spun around to prevent a strike to the other tit. "...Wooden Spoon!" Instead he got two to his bruised ass. Sean's final strike was aimed up between Clay's legs at his dangling ball sac. "I think I just scored the winning points!" He roared with laughter. "Set the table."

Clay said, "I'm so sorry Sir. I was just trying to get you to play." He got the soup bowls and set the table. He knelt with hands behind his back and head down.

Sean brought the soup and bread to the table, ladled soup into both bowls and took his seat. He picked up Clay's bowl and placed it on the floor. He opened a napkin, placed two slices of garlic bread on it and put them on the floor next to the bowl. "Well Farm Boy you wanted to play. So you can have a lesson in eating like a dawg. No hands. Enjoy your dinner."

Clay raised his head and started to speak, "Ch..." A stern look from Sean stopped him from completing the word.

"Remember dawgs can't talk. Go along now dawg eat up. I want to go dancing later."

Farm Boy lowered his head to the bowl and licked at the soup. He stretched out his body and used his hands as paws to carefully tip the bowl toward his mouth. He sipped at the soup savoring the tasty liquid. He decided to play and barked at Sean, "Bow wow, bow wow."

"Good try pup but those are words. You need another lesson on how to bark. Finish your food and I'll show you."

Clay switched to a piece of garlic toast. That was easier. Going back to the soup he found it harder to eat the shredded chicken. He forced his face into the bowl getting his beard covered in chicken and soup. It was messy but it's what his Chief wanted. Farm Boy ate his second piece of bread.

Sean was amused and was stifling a laugh as he watched Clay trying to figure out how to eat like a dog. He remembered how Sir Arn had introduced him to it with cold Chef Boyardee ravioli. It had only been a little over 2 years ago.

Clay finished his meal. He got up on all fours and rubbed his messy face on Sean's legs.

"Bad dog!" Sean yelled. He flicked Farm Boy's nose. "Sit." Clay sat by splaying his legs and resting his rump on the floor. "Good boy!" Sean patted Farm Boy's head. "It's time for your barking lesson."

Sean sat on the floor and focused on Clay. In order to bark like a dog you need to forget how to speak. When humans communicate we push air out of our bodies. Dogs don't do it that way. You must push all the air out of your lungs and then breathe IN while making a long, slow "rawr" sound -- cutting it off abruptly for the actual "bark" sound -- and the sound should start at the back of your throat. Sean demonstrated by barking, "Rawf."

"We're going to start with a basic, deep-throated growl. Breathe in and let the air pass over your vocal chords as you're making the sound. You'll have to work your jaw to get a lot of volume and the kind of anger you hear in an angry dog's bark.

Clay tried. What came out was more of a croak. Farm Boy grimaced and tried again, "urrrrr."

"Good Boy!" Sean stated clapping his hands. "You continue to practice while I pick out clothes for tonight and take my shower. I'll whistle for you when I'm ready to bathe you."

Farm Boy breathed out the said, "woof," as he sucked in air. It was high pitched but still a bark.

Sean smiled as he entered the bedroom. He checked Clay's shoes. He had a pair of old black work boots. "These will work for tonight." Then he went to his dresser and located an old pair of his leather shorts. "I wonder if these will fit him." He then pulled out his old Y Harness and selected white tube socks. He could hear Clay practicing dog noises.

Starting the shower, Sean pissed then brushed his teeth. He entered the shower and quickly washed himself and rinsed. After drying off he placed his towel on the floor. Next he used the lever to engage the tub's stopper. He turned on the water, filled tub half way, grabbed a wash cloth, soap and a plastic glass.

Sean whistled for his Farm pup. Clay responded on all fours shuffling into the bathroom. Sean put the pup into the tub, soaped up the washcloth and started scrubbing his pup head first. Sean took extra time washing Clay's nipples, cock, balls and asshole. He poured a glass of water over the pup's head, soaped up his hair and poured more water over his lover's hair. Sean released the drain plug and stood up.

"Alright pup, I'm returning you to human status. Stand up and dry off. Then kneel on the carpet near your side of the bed. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Yes Sir, Chief!"

Sean grabbed a pair of white tube socks and went to the Locker Room where he had moved all his leather. He selected his leather jock, his leather kilt and gladiator harness with pauldron. He attached his flog to its holder on his left hip. He donned his leather sporran checking to make sure he had enough condoms and lube packets. He pulled on his tube socks and military boots. He opted for his leather half mask over his cover. Sean loved the way the edges were cut to give a feather effect. Checking himself out in the mirror, Sean smiled at how hot he looked.

Walking into their bedroom Clay was kneeling, hands behind his back and head bowed. In fact, Farm Boy had closed his eyes reflecting on his pup experience.

"Farm Boy!"

"Yes Chief!" Clay's eyes opened and looked toward Sean standing in the doorway. His cock sprang to attention as he saw his Sir in his leathers. "Damn Chief! You've got to be the hottest stud in Florida!"

"You'll have to help beat them off me at the P-House."

"You're going in your leathers?"

"Yes, and you are too!" Sean informed him. "Stand up Farm Boy." Sean picked up the Y harness. He placed the cock ring over Clay's erect cock. "Fit your balls through it boy," he directed. As his boyfriend squeezed his balls through the limited space Sean began adjusting the straps to fit the harness to fit his boy's athletic body.

"I got them through Sir," Clay informed Chief.

"Very good Farm Boy," Sean stated as he brought the thong strap up to attach to the waist buckle. "Try these shorts on. I'm hoping they fit."

Clay put on the supple leather shorts. They outlined his erect penis lewdly. Sean pulled the back zipper up and secured it with a lock.

Sean handed Farm Boy his tube socks and work boots, "Put these on and we'll be ready. You remember where your hands belong?"

Tying his shoes Clay responded, "Yes, Sir, behind my back unless you say otherwise."

"Yes, if it was a leather event. But we're PARTYING TONIGHT!" Sean put his wallet in his sporran and grabbed his keys.

Sean and Clay arrived at the Parliament House just before 8:30. The couple caught many whistles as they waited to get in. Jonathan was working the door.

"Sean! Clay! We were hoping you were coming tonight. Let me get your wrist bands," Jonathan told them.

"Whoa! Hold on a moment Jonathan." Jonathan turned back to Sean. ""I thought Coach Lee and his husband were the guests of honor," Sean stated.

"They are Sean, but we both know who's really getting the Stallions to party here. This is our way of thanking you. Don't worry at all; we're going to acknowledge all four quarterbacks. But damn you two are going to get lots of attention anyway dressed as you are." He turned and finished pulling two Purple and Gold wrist bands from the drawer. "Your wrists please." Jonathan attached them and wished the duo a fantastic night.

Within 2 minutes of walking into the dance hall, the two men were the talk of the room. Sean had led Clay right to the dance floor. He whispered to Clay, "Focus on me and ignore the rest. They all are dying of envy!" DJ Gold Fingers was on the soundboard tonight. He was one of the best turntablists in the Southeast. He was taking requests.

Chief and Farm Boy danced with abandon. Both men were aware of the hands of other men touching their bodies. It only added to the lust they had for each other.

At 9 o'clock Gold Fingers broke into his programming to announce, "Gentlefolk, Queens, fag hags and all the rest of you fuckers, we're pleased to welcome a number of the Golden Stallions to our dance floor tonight!"

A wild cheer went up from the crowd.

Tonight we want to recognize all of the quarterbacks here with us, Larry Schultz, Antonio Rios, Clay Reed and Steve Eubanks."

Louder applause came from the crowd.

"We're particularly proud to welcome our new Head Coach Marshall Lee and his husband George Meade!" A spotlight illuminated the couple, then louder cheers! "Let's give them a real P-House welcome!" Four go-go dancers in Gold speedos danced up to do a bump and grind into the couple. The crowd went wild as everyone picked up the beat and danced closer and closer to the coach.

After the intro Sean took Clay's hand and led him to the dining room. They asked for Happy to be their waiter. A few moments later Happy strolled up and hugged both of them.

"Everyone is talking about you two! We ALL want to see those packages unwrapped." He flashed them a smile and licked his lips three or four times. "I have your table ready," he said leading the way. The couple watched Happy's tight bubble butt as he led them to their table. "May I have your drink order gentlemen?"

Sean nodded to Clay. Farm Boy smiled, "Thank you Happy, my Sir will have an Aperol Spritz and I will have a Rob Roy."

"I'll go to the bar and prepare them myself. I am your personal waiter this evening." He hurried off.

Clay spoke up, "Chief I'd like to hit that. What do ya think?"

"If he wasn't working I'd suggest a trip to the lake out back," Chief replied.

"We need to walk the great grey way after dinner," Sean commented. There is a lot about this place you should know.

Happy returned with their drinks. "I hope I fixed them to your satisfaction. The couple sipped them.

"The spritz is perfect," Sean noted.

Clay tried to indicate his interest in the waiter, "The only thing that would make this better is if your dick was the swizzle stick." He winked and smiled at Happy.

The waiter grinned, "I've never been a swizzle stick myself but I've been spit roasted a lot." He added his own wink. "Would you like soup or salad before you entree?" They opted for a salad and Happy brought them to the table.

"Would you do it Sir? I'm not sure what to say without being blunt," Clay confessed. Sean motioned for Happy.

"How may I serve you Sir?" Happy asked nodding his head.

"Would you be interested in a couple of extra tips this evening?" Sean subtly suggested.

"Let me get your prime rib dinners first gentlemen. I'll answer you in a moment." Happy hurried off. Upon his return just moments later he placed their plates before them. Crouching down and lowering his voice he answered their question, "It's been an honor waiting on you. It would be even greater pleasure serving you. As it happens, my roommate and I are staying here for a few days while they repair a water line that broke in our apartment. He works Security here so we'll have the room to ourselves. You're my last customers so when you finish your meal, I'm off for the night. See you at Room 211 at 11 Sirs. I'll clean up and out and be ready. He stood flashed them a devilish smile and stepped back as the duo ate their meal. Another set of drinks appeared at the table. After their entree Happy brought them a pumpkin and spice latte with pumpkin scones. Finishing up, Sean reached into his sporran and removed $40 from his wallet for Happy's tip.

As they left Happy thanked them, "Please come again gentlemen."

To which Clay replied, "Oh we plan too, real soon."

"Do you want to dance or take the tour?" Sean offered.

"The tour please, Chief."

"Before the Parliament House opened the gay community here as well as across our country had few options on where we could gather. When it opened it was nicknamed, the Great Gray Way. Master Will told me you could come here and fuck your way around the rooms. Curtains were open as were doors. You could watch couples and groups having sex. If the door was open you could go in and participate. Today not so much because new owners took over and upped the game. Sadly they haven't invested in the rooms as much as they should. I understand though that they have started to remodel."

There were several men in the pool as well as a number of couples on lounge chairs making out and at least one couple was 69ing. Sean guided Clay to the Bear Bar. It was packed with all shapes and sizes of hirsute men. Several complimented Sean on his boy unaware that a Stallions quarterback was amongst them.

Sean moves the tour along to the back of the property. The moon reflected off the lake while moans of men engaged in sex were heard in the dark shadows under the oak and palm trees. Clay noted the time and suggested they head to room 211.

Next: Chapter 48

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