Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 11, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 46 Black and Blue

As Sean and Clay arrived back at the apartment it was almost curfew. Sean noticed the kitchen had been cleaned. Clay went into the bedroom and put away his clothes before stripping out of his team clothes. He looked at his ass in the mirror. He chuckled as he thought of the old joke, "What's black and white and read all over?" He decided to turn his ass into a joke as well. He took a picture of his bubble butt. He edited it so just the cheeks were showing.

He sent the following to Sean, "Hey Chief what's white, black and blue and red all over?" Clay attached the pic and sent it, Sean's verbal reply "Probably your hairy ass," followed by a chuckle caught Clay's ear.

Clay turned around and saw Sean standing in the doorway. His chuckle turned into laughter. Farm Boy acted shocked at Sean's response.

"Don't give me that shocked act! I'll be happy to spank you with my paddle!"

Clay covered his ass cheeks. "I'll be good Master!"

"Assume the position anyway," Sean ordered.

"Which one Sir, fucking or spanking?"

"Spanking first."

"Are you joking Sir" Clay asked.

"Do I sound like I'm joking?" Sean growled.

Clay grabbed his ankles. His glutes weren't happy with being stretched again. He watched Sean walk up behind him through his legs. Then he felt a cold substance being poured on the top of his glutes. Sean began massaging the bruised skin, kneading the muscles. At first it hurt like hell. Clay's cock suddenly plumped up and he moaned. He became aware that his cock was getting erect. Sean kneaded the glutes deeper and deeper. Clay moaned louder and louder. His moans were causing Sean's prick to get aroused. From his bent over position Clay could see the object of his desire becoming harder and harder.

Without warning Sean spread Clay's bubble ass and probed his rosebud with his tongue. Farm Boy howled like a dog in heat. He maintained his position and view of Sean's now erect prick.

Sean was in no mood to play around. He wanted Clay's ass. He stopped rimming him and ordered, "Get on the bed, legs locked by your shoulders." Clay quickly moved to the bed and sat on the edge, lay back and brought his legs up. Sean shook is his head no and ordered, "Put you head up near the pillows." Clay scrambled to the new position and assumed the position. He knew he was in for a deep fuck.

Sean knelt on the bed and advanced on his Farm Boy. When he got to the upturned ass he spit on it before he used Clay's body to help move himself into a squatting position. Sean spit in his hand and lubed his glans before sinking his cock half way into Farm Boy's ass. He moved his whole body forward so that he was perched on Clay's thighs. He began fucking the upturned ass with rapid downward strokes.

The new position was driving Sean's cock down into the Clay's prostate with every stroke. Farm Boy's balls were churning. He panted, he squirmed, he worked his ass, and he howled while shooting 5 thick ropes of cum onto his abs and chest. Sean was nowhere close to done.

Continuing his assault on Clay's prostate, Chief fucked his boy at various paces. Sometimes slow and others times fast. There seemed no pattern to it except he always pulled out just far enough to be sure to hit the love button. He started playing with Clay's nipples. Farm Boy would grimace as he pinched each nipple hard and twisted. Then Clay would look up at his Chief and smile.

Clay felt his balls churning again. He didn't think he could cum again so soon, but he felt the orgasm beginning. Sean suddenly picked up his pace. He dropped from the squat to his knees and began pounding away at Clay's ass with urgency. With a last thrust Sean came deep into Clay's hungry bowels, his eyes rolling up into his skill and the sheer power of the orgasm reflected on his face. Clay felt the hot spunk coat his bowel and shot 4 more ropes of cum between their now entwined bodies. They both lay still, eyes closed, reveling in their union.

Clay thought to himself, "If this is makeup sex, he'd have to piss off the Chief more often."

Sean opened his eyes to see his lover's alluring smile and adoring eyes. Clay released his legs and wrapped his arms around Sean. They kissed. Sean shifted and rolled the pair to their sides.

Farm Boy began, "Chief that was beyond marvelous!"

"Yes you are!" Sean countered.

"Ah we're back to our mutual admiration society again," Clay chuckled.

"I do admire you. You endured a lot tonight to both apologize and demonstrate your love for me," Sean stated. "At first I thought you believed it would be an easy go being spanked by the ladies. But once Corabeth swatted you with the first frat paddle, I felt sorry for you. Perhaps that's why the aggrieved FWB has to sit and watch and not participate."

"Well you were right. I did think it would be easy. So that was Corabeth who really got my attention! She's not a woman to mess with, verbally or physically. No wonder Dwayne toes the line around her. Chief what were you rubbing into my glutes?"

"It's a lotion with vitamin E in it. Master Will uses it after he canes or spanks someone. It's part of his aftercare protocols. It moisturizes the skin and makes the bruises go away quicker."

"You were his boy?"

"To start, yes I was. He knows his craft. After 6 weeks he suggested I was not a true sub but a Dom. He believes though in order to be a good Dom you need to experience what the sub experiences. So I continued to serve but then he would take the time to explain what and why he did things. He also loves to fuck. I used to tell him all the time when he fucked me that I loved him. At first he never said it back. Then 6 months into my training he did. He offered me a permanent collar. I was torn, but I turned it down. He still trained me, but gave more of my training over to Arn. He also never fucked me again. That's why I didn't use the L word when you first said it. I have learned to guard myself."

"Are you really going to give me to him to train?"

"Yes, Master Will has access to all his boys' subs.

He has a gathering at his place over the holidays where you will meet the others. I'll need to teach you about High Protocols before that though. It's nothing to worry about. He'll push you harder than I do. He really knows how to read a boy's body.

"Will he breed me?

"Fuck you, most likely. Breed you, no because you wear my collar. Now, that's enough about Will. Get some rest you have a game against Temple's Owls tomorrow." With that Sean killed the lights and spooned in behind his Farm Boy.

At 7 AM the coaching staff issued the group text to all of the Stallions. Clay's phone chimed to announce its arrival. As he woke he realized he smelled coffee and bacon. He realized Sean must be making breakfast again. He sprang from his bed sporting morning wood and wandered into the kitchen. As he came out of the bedroom he saw he table laid out for 6.

"Morning Chief! Are we feeding the guys again?"

"There's my very own Raging Stallion sporting a raging hard on!" Sean quipped. He kissed Clay gently on the lips and jiggled his balls. "Turn around, let me see how it looks today. Sean turned to show his ass. "You have to amend your joke Farm Boy, add yellow to the list of colors."

"Yellow? Why the hell is my ass turning yellow?

"Silly Farm Boy, I told you that vitamin E oil would speed things up. Now go and tidy up. Our friends will be here at 7:30 for breakfast.

Clay went and stood in front of the mirror again. He snapped another picture of his ass. When he compared them he could see his ass was indeed healing. The angry red welts were gone. The bruising had indeed started to fade. "I'll have to thank Chief for using that oil," he thought. He started the shower and brushed his teeth while he sat on the commode. He cleaned himself up, spit the remains of the toothpaste into the commode and flushed. Then he showered. After he finished washing he used the shower shot. Rather than hop in and out of the tub he just voided the water into the tub. He was surprised there was still fecal matter in his rectum. He douched again, voided and douched again. The third time it ran clear. He rewashed his feet. Then turned off the shower and dried off. He put on deodorant before padding out to see Antonio finishing up setting the table for Sean.

The table was set for 6 with coffee, V8 juice, butter, raspberry and strawberry jams, and whole wheat toast. The rest of the guys hadn't arrived. A naked Sean was just putting more toast and English muffins on the table. The doorbell rank and 3 more Stallions arrive.

Steve gushed, "Whatever it is; it smells scrumptious!"

I made individual Quiche Lorraine. Each one has bacon, eggs, milk and I added spinach to mine. Antonio would your bring the Keurig pot to the table. I'll start bringing out the quiche.

As they ate the guys praised Sean's cooking. The guys we're really impressed.

"He can design interiors, he cooks, he models, he fucks and sucks. Clay if you don't want him, I'll take him!" Larry commented.

Clay stood and coming around the table grabbed Larry in mock anger, "Them is fighting words!" he bellowed. They all laughed.

CJ spoke up, "You know, Sean can't keep doing this all the time. We need to work something out. I like that we eat together. We're like a family. We just need to take turns."

Antonio agreed saying, "I make great pulled pork. I know a few other crock pot meals too."

"I'm good at making meatloaf and hamburgers," Steve chimed in.

Sean interrupted. "Guys, it's been my pleasure. I do like the schedule idea. You can work out who cooks tomorrow while Clay and I are at our photo shoot. How's this for the schedule? Monday dinner is at your apartment. Then Monday night Football can be here. Tuesday we're back to you, Wednesday is here, Thursday and Friday your place and Saturday morning here unless there's an away game. Sunday's were on our own.

There was general agreement around the table. After breakfast CJ and Steve cleaned up. Larry and Antonio headed back to their place. Sean was checking emails and his assignment schedule. Clay was lifting weights. CJ and Steve came in to dress.

"Kitchens all done guys, were heading out. Clay, see you at 11," CJ said as he slipped on his shorts.

Sean spoke up, "CJ thanks for proposing the cooking schedule. It will free up some time." Sean walked over and kissed CJ on the mouth in front of Clay.

"Can I have one too Sean?" Steve asked.

Sean planted one on Steve too. "I gotta go now. Bye guys" Steve said. The teammates departed and Sean locked the door behind him and lay down in bed.

Clay was coming to grips with the jealousy he felt seeing those two innocent kisses. He felt he had to voice it to Sean who had disappeared on him. Farm Boy walked out into the commons. Sean wasn't there. He walked into their bedroom and saw Sean on the bed. "Chief are you OK? Are you sick?"

No Clay, a little tired and a bit reflective today."

"Oh, OK, I will leave you alone," Clay said as he back out of the room.

"Did I say I wanted to be alone?"

"No Sir."

Sean patted their bed and smiled at Clay. Farm Boy rushed to his lover's side. He cuddled up to his Chief. Sean quietly started to share his thoughts. "Clay, may I ask you something?"

"Ask anything you want Sean. I promise to answer honestly."

"Why do you love me?"

Clay sat up. "Sean Andreas Walls, do you doubt it?"

"No, I've told you what attracts me to you. You've never told me what attraction I hold for you."

Clay shook his head. "You're right. I just say there's a connection. So I'll start there, it's a feeling of belonging with you. I don't feel whole without you. Yes you're handsome, intelligent, athletic, talented, caring, and funny. In the end, you make me feel whole."

"Thank you. I too feel that we're two halves who fit together completely. He sighed. "Do you know why my parents want to talk to me about you?"

"Probably the same reason my parents want time with me." Clay guessed.

"Ah well, you now the old saying, `First comes love, then comes,'

"marriage then comes the baby carriage," they finished it together.

Sean said, "Yes, I think they see it in our futures and are trying to slow us down."

Clay asked, "What do you want Sean?"

"That's what I'm reflecting on. We've been together 20 days. Yet I feel I've known you all my life. We keep saying, we're in an open relationship, but neither of us strays to far from the other. Oh I'm over thinking."

"I know what you mean about 20 days seems a lifetime because we've immersed ourselves in each other. Just know this, I love you. I want you. I need you. I'll not press you to marry me. I'll let you decide if and when you want to ask me; because I know the answer I'll be giving you."

Clay's phone alarm went off. "I have to get ready."

"Thank you Clay, I'll be fine. You get yourself ready."

Clay left the apartment at 10:30. He wished there was a way for Sean to be with him but knew the Tampa game had been a one off.

Sean busied himself catching up on school work. He knew if the team won they be off to the Parliament House to party again. At noon he moved back to the bedroom to get ready. He took a quick shower and dressed in team colors. He caught the campus shuttle and arrived with 10 minutes to spare.

Attendance was down at the game. The FWBs were all present. Lisa Grant joked, "Guess not too many Owls flew south from Philadelphia!"

Corabeth answered her, "Dwayne told me their stadium was filled last year when they hosted us."

The National Anthem was sung by the Orlando Gay Chorus making only their 2nd appearance at a home game.

It was only at the coin toss that the fans got any hint of a problem. Only three quarterbacks took the field. The Owls won the toss and elected to receive. The defense took the field. Sean decided to press his luck and excused himself. He headed to the team's locker room. He waved at the security guard who waved back. He scooted through the door. Man smell assaulted his nostrils. He searched for Antonio. He found him in the john. One of the trainers was with him.

"Antonio buddy, what's wrong?" Sean asked.

The startled trainer demanded, "How did you get in here?"

"I walked."

"Leave him be, he's a good friend," Antonio offered weakly. "I ate something that's made," he vomited into the bucket he was holding. Then he evacuated his bowels.

"Sounds like food poisoning," Sean offered.

Antonio groaned.

The trainer commented, "He was fine when he arrived. He was the first one in at 10:30. He had breakfast with 4 other members of the team. They're all fine. So we think it's a virus but he did eat a couple of chicken wings he picked up on the way in at a tail gate."

The trainer emptied the bucket in the next commode and flushed it down. He asked Sean if he'd hold the bucket a moment as he was calling for the team doc. When the trainer returned 10 minutes later he had Dr. Solomon Levy with him.

"How long has it been going on?" was Levy's question.

"Approximately 40 minutes now," the trainer answered.

Antonio was having dry heaves. Sean reported, "That's what he's been doing since you went for the doctor."

Antonio said, "Followed by abdominal spasms. My ass feels like it's on fire!"

"Well let's get you sorted out. I'll be right back with something to quiet the spams." Five minutes later he returned with a foil pack. "Antonio, this is Zofran. It goes under your tongue."

The quarterback opened his mouth and popped the tablet under his tongue. He looked at Sean. "Sorry you had to see me like this. You better get back up there or Clay will freak and he's our back up starting second quarter."

"I leave you in great hands," Sean stated. "My Dad speaks highly of Dr. Levy. Feel better." He took off glad to be away from the stench of vomit and shit.

"Who was that young man?" Dr. Levy asked.

"He's Sean Walls," Antonio answered.

"Ah yes, Alex's youngest boy. I should have seen the resemblance to Melissa earlier. How are those spasms?"

"Not as bad as they were."

"Good. Let's use these flushable wipes to clean up your behind and get you onto the exam table." The trainer assisted Antonio as the doctor moved to the small exam room off the trainer's room. A few minutes later Antonio walked in sans uniform and padding but wearing his jock and socks. He was still taped up for the game.

"Young man we need to get you hydrated. We're going to start with water to see if you can keep it down. If you can't, I'll start an IV and we'll hang a banana bag to hydrate and nourish you."

Antonio took a sip of water. He gagged.

"IV it is," the doctor stated. He set up a line in Antonio's arm then set up a bag of a yellow fluid. After flushing the line, he attached the IV line. "You will feel right as rain soon. He turned to the trainer. I'm going back upstairs. Keep an eye on him. Should the vomiting or diarrhea starts up you are to call me at once."

Sean returned to his seat to find the Owls weren't being the pushovers people had been expecting. Both teams had scored and the game was tied as they reached end of the first quarter.

Coach Lee sent Clay in. With a quick glance toward where Sean was sitting Clay donned his helmet and went in.

The second quarter was tough. Temple kept watching for the Arcadia play. The Stallions' 3 pass attempts were all incomplete and Clay was sacked. After the sack the Temple player offered his hand to help Clay up. "Hey Clay, I'm D'andre. I got a lot of respect for you standing up against date rape. It's an honor to sack you!" he laughed.

Clay laughed too saying,"Pleasures all mine!"

At the half they were still tied 7 to 7. In the locker room Coach Higgenbothan conferenced with the 3 quarterbacks. Clay told them, "I think they're looking at me to be the one using Arcadia. I don't think they're expecting it from Larry."

"You could be right. I'm a known element. I ran the plays Cross called. Should we try it?"

Their coach thought a moment, "I'll take it to Lee."

Coach Lee was in conference with the trainer and the Doc. Antonio had responded to treatment but was Med listed until the Banana Bag was done.

Lee came out and called the coaches together. "Ideas or options?" he asked. Billy shared info from the quarterbacks. Nodding his assent he called the team together.

"All I heard this week from you guys was how EASY this was going to be today. Well my question is, `Why we are still tied at 7-7?' I see quarterbacks being sacked. That's on us. I see passes being incomplete. That's on us too. Where the hell is your energy and passion for this game? I'm not asking for much. I'm only asking you to play football the way I KNOW you can and how YOUR FANS expect you to play." He paused then shouted, "WHO'S GONNA RUN WILD?"

"STALLIONS!" the team cried.

Lee shouted again, "WHO'S GONNA RUN WILD?"

"STALLIONS!" The team shouted.

Coach screamed, "WHO'S GONNA RUN WILD?"

"STALLIONS!" the team bellowed!

"Damn straight Stallions!" The six coaches and the staff yelled back.

"Hit the field!" Lee ordered.

The team raced onto the field. Larry went back in. He had a new set of orders. In the huddle he told his line, "We're playing this like we're in the final two minutes. Right left right. Stallions!"

"Run wild!" The O line responded.

The ball was snapped. Larry imitated Clay's fall back for the Arcadia play. He spotted an open receiver to his right and launched the pass. The receiver caught the ball and stepped out of bounds. First down. The officials brought the ball back into play and the O line took position, The Owls used a precious time out. The ball was snapped again. This time he sent the football to a receiver on the left for another completion and a step out of bounds. First down again. The O line formed. This time the Owls we're ready. They anticipated the pattern would be a pass to the center. The ball was snapped and Larry ran back and to his left. He saw his chance and passed right. The ball sailed into Brad Terry's hands and he headed for the end zone 35 feet away.

`Touch Down!' the score board flashed! The band struck up the theme from The Lone Ranger. Fans were on their feet. Coach Lee opted for a two point conversion. The teams faced each other. The ball was snapped and like a prow of a ship the Stallions forced their way into the end zone with Larry carrying the ball. 15 to 7!

The Owls' O line took to the field as did the Stallions' defenders. The Stallions kept up their coverage. The Owls' quarterback didn't complete his first two passes. He was sacked while looking for a receiver on his third try. They opted to punt the ball. The ball was snapped but the Stallions blocked the punt.

The Stallions O line took the field. The defenders prepared for another Pattern similar to the one Larry threw earlier. In the brief huddle Larry said, "Arcadia! For Antonio!"

"Stallions!" the O line bellowed as the line formed. The ball was snapped and handed back. Larry did his fall back into a pass. An Owl sacked him. The other Owls seeing Larry go down thought the play was through, until a moment later when the center scored a touchdown. 21 - 7. CJ's punt was good and 22 -7 and got the fans rocking. The band started the Lone Ranger theme once more. The remaining time in the quarter was scoreless.

Fourth quarter Clay was in again. He called for Arcadia. This time after he handed the ball off to the center he backed off to his left turning his attention to the right side of the line. Again the Center was able to evade notice until it was too late to stop him. He ran 65 yards to the goal. Touch Down! CJ missed the extra point. They were at 28 - 7.

For their first possession 4th quarter the Owls were held at bay. Their defense held back Clay's efforts to broaden their lead. Late in the 4th the Owls pulled their own Arcadia play and with a perfect punt added to their touch down they were 28 - 14. And so it remained at the game's end. The Stallions had nailed it.

Next: Chapter 47

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