Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 10, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 45 Announcements

The guys finished their horseplay and ate the breakfast Clay had prepared. They headed off to their classes. Clay would work out at the main gym before coming home. He was glad this was the last day of his closest friends and his partner conditioning him with gay slurs. After classes he trapped a quick lunch in the cafeteria. He overheard two students talking about Thad Merch's new job at Old Dominion. Surprised, Clay decided to drop by the Athletic Office. Outside of the office a panel van was being loaded with boxes of personal possessions. Merch was supervising the process.

"Hi Mr. Merch! What's up?" Clay inquired.

Merch rolled his eyes. He answered, "Well if you must know Mr. Reed, I got an offer two weeks ago to be the Athletic Director at a school in Virginia. I start Monday. Y'all will meet my replacement at the Pep Rally. It will be my last act as AD."

"Congratulations Sir!" Clay said while offering his hand. "Onward and Upward! Thank you for the assistance you gave me in securing my scholarship. I wish you and your family every success and happiness in your new job."

Shaking Clay's hand, Merch, who was touched by the lad's sincerity, replied, "Clay, I was happy to help you. I'll be following your career. Thank you for your well wishes. See you and Sean at the rally."

Clay walked off to his next class. When he was sure he was out of sight, he texted the team, "Just saw Merch. He's leaving for a job in VA. He introduces the new AD tonight!"

Back at the apartment Sean was meeting with his two classmates on their design project presentation for Monday. Dawn Jerkowski was cleaning up the PowerPoint slides. Ursula Jones was putting together the handout for the class. Sean was doing the oral presentation.

Dawn got a text. She ignored it for a few minutes when 2 more came in. With a deep sigh she checked them. "Holy Mother of God! Merch is out. It's being announced at the pep rally."

"Wow! Guess I should show up to celebrate! He used one possession charge my freshman year to throw me off the Flag squad," Ursula shared.

Sean commented, "Sorry to hear that. Did you get prosecuted?"

"Nah! They dropped the charge for lack of evidence. Something happened in chain of evidence or some shit like that." Ursula stated bitterly.

"That really sucks Ursula," Dawn said

"Well I'll be rejoicing tonight."

"Let's get this done so we can make a weekend of it!" Dawn exclaimed.

The trio worked diligently for another 45 minutes. Their project was finished. The two women hugged Sean and left. Sean put his things in his backpack for Monday.

He continued to prep the chicken breasts for tonight's dinner. They had been marinating in a mixture of lemon and lime juice, brown sugar and apple vinegar since early that morning. He turned them over again so they could evenly soak. Dinner was still at 7. The team would be watching film of their opponent and reviewing game strategy this afternoon. He'd start baking them at six, broccoli would be the vegetable and he had purchased cracked wheat bread at the bakery.

He went to the bedroom and gathered up the laundry. Dressed in only a pair of shorts Sean rolled the laundry cart down to the 4th floor laundry room. Once again it was empty. He ran back and quickly grabbed the sheets from the bed. Dashing back he threw them in with the light colors. He was utilizing all 4 washers. He went back and grabbed his notepad. Coming back he settled into an old chair some forgotten renter had left behind and started browsing gay BDSM stores for a good price on leather jocks and shorts. His whites finished first so he transferred them to a dryer. Darks finished followed by towels. He had three dryers going when Margie White came in with her basket.

"Hogging the washers and dryers again Sean!" she quipped

"Now Margie would I do such a thing!" Sean laughed.

"Never!" She laughed too. The two had met in this same laundry room first year. Sean has been sorting his clothes. Just like today, Margie had dumped everything into one washer. She hadn't changed a bit.

Sean's lights finished and he grabbed them and started the 4th dryer.

Margie sat down in another discarded chair. "I've been meaning to congratulate you on landing such a fine piece of ass as Clay Reed," she began. But I haven't seen you partying like you did our first two years. Are you on the wagon?"

"You recall how many times I crawled up those stairs?" Sean asked.

"At least 3 that I know for sure," she responded.

"How about that party on Greek Row where I barfed over the railing and it hit the frat president's date?

"She was a bitch. It was karma!" Margie laughed.

"Well it got be blackballed. I did better last year but still too many black outs. So this year, I don't drink on campus at all, well not too often. But beer and wine are still consumed at home. I'll so do a bowl some weekends. Guess I'm getting boring."

"My friend Sheila works down at the courthouse. She said you and Clay registered as Domestic Partners. You've know him what 3 weeks?"

Sean nodded, "Yeah it was quick. Do you ever get the feeling somethings are," he paused searching for the right phrase, "meant to be? That's how it is with Clay and me. At first I pushed back against the idea. Yet within days I was changing my mind."

"When's the wedding? I mean if it's meant to be, go ahead and make a true commitment not one that can go away just by having your name removed."

"We haven't talked about marriage yet."

Margie stood up, "Well you should. Be sure to invite me. Gordon and I will be happy to attend. I need to go start dinner. See you at the Rally!" she called as she headed down the hall to 401.

As his dryers finished Sean unloaded them and folded or hung up each piece. He thought, Clay can pair the damn socks and make the bed. It's almost 6. He pushed his things to the door. Margie's stuff had been done for a while. So he pulled it out and threw it all in a dryer and started it for her. He whistled, `Zippity Do Dah,' on the way home. He felt he had nailed it when it came to partners.

He parked the rolling laundry basket in the bedroom. Next he washed his hands, wrapped the chicken in aluminum foil and popped them in the over. He set the table, sliced the bread and placed it and butter on the table.

Clay came in at 6:20 calling "Man on a mission." Rushing into bedroom Farm Boy nearly knocked over the cart. "Damn you Sean. You fucking son of a bitch! Did you fucking have to leave the buggy here? Why to the hell didn't you put the laundry away?"

Sean walked into the bedroom and shoved open the bathroom door. "No I didn't have to leave it there. But starting today put your fucking clothes in your own hamper and do your own damn laundry." He slammed the door closed. He hung up his shirts and pants and put his folded clothes away in his dresser.

Back in the kitchen he grabbed a bag of frozen broccoli and threw them in the air fryer. After setting the air fryer on 320 for 15 minutes he kicked back on the couch with a beer. Their friends arrived at 6:55 for their nightly dinner. Sean welcomes them and they headed off to the Locker Room to strip.

Clay came out and tried to give a kiss. He caught the cold eye of his lover and backed off. "I cooked it you serve it." Clay headed for the kitchen and Sean headed to the bedroom. He closed and locked the door behind him.

Five minutes later Clay discovered the locked door. He knocked and said, "Chief, dinners on the table."

"Fuck Off!" was the only response Clay got. He went back to the table shaking his head no.

Sean has remade the bed and was pairing socks when the next knock came. "Sean, this is Larry."

Sean opened the door. "Yes Larry."

"Sean, thank you for talking with me."

"I'm not upset with you Larry."

"You've fixed an amazing meal once again. Would you please come enjoy it with us?"

"Thank you, Larry, I know you guys have been enjoying the home cooked meals. I've had a good time preparing them. But the person whose appreciation matters most cursed at me today after I had prepared the dinner and had done most of his laundry. So I'm not inclined to sit at table with him. I hope you understand. Enjoy your meal. I'll eat later." He closed and locked the door.

Larry returned to the table. "You cursed at him? Are you brain injured or something? You've got a man that has walked through fire for you and this team for 3 weeks. I haven't heard him complain one iota."

Clay hung his head. The group ate in silence for a few minutes before they started to suggest ways Clay could make things right with Sean. With the room dividers in place they didn't see the bedroom door open.

Sean has dressed in his black and gold grabbed his keys and was standing by the door. He closed the bedroom door and edged to the exterior door. He heard CJ say, "We'll clean up while you try to get Sean to talk to your ass."

Sean quickly opened and slipped out the front door closing it quietly behind him. He rushed down the stairs and just happened to catch a shuttle to campus.

Back in the apartment Larry was getting things cleaned up. Clay picked up Sean's plate and brought it to the bedroom room. As he knocked on the door it swung open revealing a dark empty room. "He's not here!" Clay yelled. His team mates came to see.

"Where do you think he would go Clay?" Larry asked.

"I'm not sure, possibly to his friends in Winter Park, Master Will and Sir Arn or Eddie's. I think all his siblings are nearby as well. He picked up his phone and called Sean. It went to voicemail. "Chief, this is your Farm Boy. I'm sorry I cursed you. Please come home Chief. You know how I get without you."

"The only number I have is Eddie's Wait let me check something." He entered the bedroom and opened the sliders. He looked at the parking lot. Sean's Supra was still there. He rejoined the group. "Wherever he went he didn't take his car!"

Antonio commented, "Well don't forget Uber and Lyft."

CJ shit Antonio a cold stare, "That wasn't helpful."

Larry took command. "Antonio, you and CJ go back to the apartment. Steve you check the pool before you go back. I'll stay with numb nuts here and get him dressed for the rally. We can only hope Sean shows up for it." The guys took off. "Get dressed Clay, coach wants us to be there at 8:30 to meet the new AD." He took Sean's plate from Clay and headed to the kitchen, put plastic wrap over it and set it in the fridge. When he got back Clay was still standing there staring at the empty room. Larry kicked him in the ass.

"Hey! What the fuck!"

"Get your ass dressed. If you're not ready in 5 minutes I'm leaving. If you don't show at 8:30 you heard what coach said would happen, you'll be benched for two games! Move it!" Clay grabbed his black and gold. Larry went to the Locker Room and dressed. When he came back Clay was putting on socks and shoes. He grabbed his wallet and keys, turned off the lights and accompanied Larry to his apartment. Larry changed quickly and the five teammates headed for the team bus.

Sean ate alone in a quiet corner of the cafeteria. He was glad he had seen this side of Clay now. It cooled his thoughts of marriage. He sent a text to Gina.

It read, "I'm pissed at my partner. Can't decide if I should go home or come to the Rally and avoid him. Thoughts?"

'Sean where are you?' was Gina's reply.

'Sitting by myself in the cafeteria"

'We'll be there in 10 minutes.' Gina's text read.

Gina and Corabeth arrived 10 minutes later. They looked around and saw Sean's back as he faced away from the doors.

Corabeth touched Sean's shoulder. "Tell Mama what happened, Baby." The two women slipped into seats on either side of their friend.

"He cursed at me for leaving the finished laundry out for him to put away." Sean whispered. "So I refused to eat dinner with the team. Dressed and came here. I had a burger, fries and two slices of pie."

"Let me get this right. You cooked dinner for him and 4 team mates. You washed and folded his laundry and he cursed you for leaving it out for him to put away." Corabeth repeated.

"Well he had to pair the socks but yes."


Gina asked, "Do you enjoy being with the FWBs at the rally?"

"Of course I do. You're like my family!"

"Do you support the team and coaches?"

"I could have cared less about them until I got involved with Clay and got to know the team. But yes I support them."

"Then come to the Pep Rally We'll fix Clay's ass." Gina said pulling out her phone.

To: FWBs Highly Confidential If a Stallion asks if we've seen or heard from Sean the answer is "No!"

Oh you remember what we did last year to Frank? Bring your paddle or belt. Clay's getting it tonight.


"Let's go Sean." Corabeth led the way to her car in the Student Government Lot. Sean got in the backseat and they arrived right at 8:30.

"Guess being a senator has its privileges," Sean commented.

"Baby, I only care about the VIP parking!" Cora laughed. The trio made their way to the FWB rally point. 29 FWBs awaited them.

Roberta kissed Sean on his forehead and said, "I don't know what he did but he'll be sorry he messed with the FWBs. Come back here Sean we have a seat for you. He won't spot you till we're ready to reveal you."

They closed ranks. At 8:45 The FWBs each got a text from their significant other. They all read the same: `Have you seen or heard from Sean? Is he here at the Rally?'

They each responded, "No. Why? Is something wrong?"

"Clay is looking for him."

"Oh! If we see him we'll let him know."

At 9 Thad Merch took the stage. "Good evening Stallions! Welcome to the Pep Rally!"

The students cheered and clapped.

"As I'm sure you've heard by now, today is my last day as your Athletic Director. As of 9 pm tonight your new AD is on board and ready to lead your athletic Programs. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome AD Roberta Knox!

Cat calls, whistles and applause greeted a 30 something brunette as she walked onto stage in high heels, black skirt and a Gold Polo which left no doubt about her figure!

"Hello Stallions! I'm so pleased to be here tonight!" Thad backed off stage and headed for his car and a new life in Virginia.

"Tonight we're here to break new ground! We're here to celebrate a woman being named AD and we're also about to meet your brand new Head Football Coach who signed his contract this morning. Are you ready to meet the coaches?"

She introduced them in reverse order.

"Associate Coach for Special Teams Gordon Jefferson, Associate Coach for Defense Mikel Vajic, The Associate Coach for Offense is vacant, Assistant Coach for Special Teams Roswel Jones, Assistant Coach for DefenseTom Henry, and Assistant Coach for Offense Billy Higgenbothan.

And now your freshly minted New! Head!! Football! Coach!!!! COACH MARSHAL KURTIS LEE!!!II" Roberta yelled.

Coach Lee walked out with his husband George in tow.

The crowd went wild! "COACH LEE, COACH LEE, COACH LEE, COACH LEE!!!"

"Thank you Roberta! Thank you to the best Coaching staff in the Conference. And a very special thank you to all of you, the fans, who have supported the Stallions since their creation! Are you ready to meet your Stallions?"

Once more the Stallions chant filled the rally. The team burst thru the Golden Stallion Backdrop and formed a gauntlet. The ritual of the starting offensive line up was carried out.

And now let's welcome our quarterbacks, Freshman Steve Eubanks. Sophomore Clay Reed, Junior and starting quarterback Antonio Rios and our Senior Quarterback and Captain Larry Schultz."

The four men ran down the gauntlet and Larry ran up onto the stage. The crowd went wild. The Larry chant started.

"Larry took the microphone! The crowd hushed. Thank you and Congratulations to both AD Knox and you Head Coach Lee. I want to thank each and every one of you, my fellow students, alumni and fans, for your prayers and well wishes. In particular, I want to thank one person who doesn't have an official roll on the team. But particularly this week, as both Clay and I were coming back from medical leave he kept us well fed and well rested. I'm sincerely hoping Sean Walls is here tonight. Sean are you here?"

All of the FWBs screamed and 4 of them picked up Sean's lawn chair and hoisted him up! The FWBs started chanting SEAN, SEAN, SEAN. The crowd picked up the chant as the FWBs carried him up to the stage. As the lawn chair was placed on the stage Larry came forward and shook Sean's hand as did each coach and the AD.

Tonight, to show our appreciation for Sean's hard work and support of the Stallions Football Program, we wish to give him the honor of Roasting the Owl. He handed Sean the torch. The crowd loved this change of having one of their own set the bonfire ablaze. Larry continued, "Who's going to run wild over those Owls?"

The crowd screamed "Stallions!"

Sean tossed the torch into the faggots and the flames rose up to consume the owl hanging above it.

Sean hopped off the stage and was immediately surrounded by the FWBs who moved back to their spot.

The band started to play and Stallions came to claim their FWB. What they encountered were two rows of women armed with paddles, spatulas and belts.

Joey looked at Gina. He knew what had happened to Frank. "Back off guys. Someone get Larry."

Clay came up and was calling for Sean. Corabeth got in his face, "You Sir are an ass. You proved it earlier today when you cursed your partner." Larry walked up just then. Corabeth continued, "When you cursed him you cursed us all."

Larry interjected, "Corabeth must we go through this tonight and here?"

"Yes, Larry there is no time like the present. Or we can all just go home."

Larry walked over and put his arm around Clay's shoulder. "I'm afraid if you want to talk to Sean you are going to be publically spanked. You can refuse but the ladies may lock up the team in chastity and Sean will still be pissed."

"Spanked how, like Frank?" Clay asked.

"Yes, like Frank."

"I didn't see it happen. Coach Cross was reaming me out for not paying attention. Frank got his after a practice outside the locker room not at a pep rally. How will it work here?"

"Well, You'll stand before Sean and grab you ankles. Each FWB will take a turn at landing a swat on your ass. After each swat you will say, "Thank you miss. I'm sorry Sean."

"I'll do it Larry. Let's get it organized and over with."

Larry nodded to Corabeth. She nodded to the ladies who fell back into two groups on either side of Sean. The Stallions formed a double line shielding Clay somewhat from view.

AD Knox asked, "Kurt what's going on there?"

Coach Lee followed her gaze. "One of my players cursed his partner earlier today. You mess with one FWB you mess with them all. This is their tradition. The offender must be spanked. It's been effective in keeping the players acting like gentlemen. I've only seen it done twice before. This will be the third."

"Who's the player?"

"Number 5 Clay Reed, Robi. I have to say for all Sean has done for that boy after he was raped, he deserves a good thrashing for cursing at him."

"Well I don't like it."

"Three weeks ago the FWBs locked guys in chastity devices. I'd rather see Clay take one for the team than see guys' cocks locked. Anyhow they've started."

Clay walked up to Sean and grinned. Sean gave him his coldest glare he could muster in return.

Corabeth announced, "Clay Reed you forgot your manners today and brought shame upon your teammates and your Mama and Daddy when you cursed Sean over a laundry basket with your clothes in it. Are you ready to accept your punishment?"

"Sean, I am sorry. Will you please forgive me?"

Sean remained silent.

"Corabeth continued. There are 32 of us present 31 of us will meet out your punishment. You will be struck 31 times. Do you accept your punishment?"

"Yes, I accept."

"Then bend over and grab your ankles." Corabeth ordered. Clay bent over grabbing his ankles presenting his bubble butt covered only by the tightly stretch fabric of his dress slacks.

The first FWB had brought a hairbrush. She struck Clay's right ass cheek. Clay said, "Thank you miss. I'm sorry Sean." What he thought was, "This will be a piece of cake."

The second FWB brought a wooden spoon. She too struck the right ass cheek with more force than the first. Clay said, "Thank you miss. I'm sorry Sean." Again he thought, "Not bad."

The next three were spatulas each was applied with a bit more force rotating between the right and left ass cheek. Each time Clay said, "Thank you miss. I'm sorry Sean."

The spatulas were followed by 6 belts. Clay felt the force of these blows across his entire ass. They weren't that hard, but the sting factor was very real. Each time Clay said, "Thank you miss. I'm sorry Sean."

The final 20 were frat paddles. The first one was Corabeth's. She angled her swing up to catch the bottom of the glutes and put her might into it. Clay yelped and rose up on his toes. He managed to get out the required, "Thank you miss. I'm sorry Sean." He suddenly realized he was in deep trouble.

By the fourth frat paddle tears had started to shed tears and snot flowed from his nose. He bore it all in order to show Sean, and the world, how sorry he was for cursing him. After each swat Clay whimpered through his tears and snot, "Thank You miss. I'm sorry Sean."

After the 31st strike the Stallions and FWBs turned their back on the couple. Sean had been given a towel. He went up and touched Clay. "Stand up Farm Boy. All is forgiven but not forgotten." He wiped away the tears and the snot. He had Clay blow his nose. "Let's go home. You fancy a walk?"

And so it was that the two lovers left the bonfire on foot back to their home. At first there were no words spoken.

Clay spoke up first, "Sean I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was just not thinking."

"Shush now. I don't want to talk about it anymore. We have more important things I need to share. My Mom and Dad get back from Africa late on Sunday night. I'm afraid we're having a family lunch Tuesday so you're on your own for lunch that day."

"That's funny! I'm having lunch with my parents Tuesday as well. Let's share the topic of discussion on 3. Ready? 1, 2, 3"

They both said "You!" at the same time. It brought laughter for the first time that evening.

Sean said, "After our meetings we should try to get them together to meet each other."

Clay responded, "Don't you think I should meet your parents first?"

Sean smiled and answered, "I do." Both men thought of the words used in wedding vows.

They walked back the rest of the way arms around each other's waist.

Next: Chapter 46

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