Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 9, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 44 Special Sauce

Wednesday and Thursday were stressful on Clay. His partner and friends hit him with slurs and innuendo whenever they saw him. His morning runs were a time to ground himself for the day ahead. His workout routine was divided between the campus gym and the weights at the apartment. Classes were progressing well but so we're the difficulty of assignments. Wednesday's practice was particularly brutal. The defensive line in the scrimmage taunted him mercilessly. He kept reminding himself he was wearing Sean's jock. It was slightly smaller in the waist so the snugness was a reminder in and of itself of Sean. Knowing he was in the stands helped him as well.

Coach Lee was doing his best to reshape the Stallions' Offensive and Defensive strategies. He spent long hours brainstorming with his team of coaches. No idea was left unexplored. They switched up drills and added 30 minutes to the practice schedule. The coaching staff was noticeably more united in their approach. Traditionally, Cross only utilized his two ranking quarterbacks; Clay was considered 3rd string and rarely played. He knew coming in that he'd see more time on the field his junior year. Steve was essentially a bench warmer, but getting to spend a year learning how the team worked would be a benefit in later years.

Thad Merch and an unknown woman were seen watching practice Thursday from the sideline. The team figured Coach Lee had applied for Head Coach and Merch was checking up on him. They gave that practice their all.

The dinner discussion on Thursday night was about Lee's chances. Everyone had a slightly different take, but generally agreed things were going well. Larry said, "I like the guy. I'd like to see him get it. But he's got a big strike against him. He's gay."

"Isn't that discriminatory?" Steve asked.

"Sure," Antonio jumped in, "but you're dealing with an institution `College Football' that is still trying to accept the word homosexual without gagging."

"One would think they would catch up with the world," CJ opined.

"Meh! They don't give a damn about the rest of the world. Football to the world is soccer," Sean offered.

"I guess rugby is probably the closest overseas," Clay commented.

"That's a given puta, Walter Camp put an American spin on it back in 1880," Larry added. "By the way Sean this stew is delicious. Is this one of Mama Reed's fixings?"

Clay answered, "Nope that's my man's recipe. He adds a secret ingredient to the sauce!"

"In a gay household that could mean only one thing!" Steve laughed. Sean, Larry and CJ threw their napkins at him.

CJ and Steve cleared the table while Clay cleaned up the kitchen. Sean, Larry and Antonio moved to the couch. Sean put his recliner up. After they finished in the kitchen the three on KP joined the others. Steve came over, knelt and started licking Sean's soles, CJ knelt and kissed Antonio's feet and Clay lifted Larry's left foot and tongued it. The three seated collegians put their heads back enjoying the ministrations of their three friends on the floor.

Having licked Sean's soles clean, Steve's tongue swirled and caressed each of his host's toes. His tongue then licked up to Sean's knee. Sean stopped him and put the leg rest down giving Steve better access. All three were being given a very thorough tongue bath. CJ discovered Antonio was extremely ticklish. Clay was working steadily towards Larry's big ball sack.

As Clay got to his balls, Larry slid down and ordered, "Eat out my ass faggot!" Clay dove in and started sucking and nibbling on Larry's ass while his team captain fisted his 7 1/2 inches. Antonio grabbed CJ head and pulled down on his 6" beer can thick cock. Steve worked the balls in front of him as his hands fluttered gently over Sean's abs and nipples.

Steve was licking at the bottom of Sean's cock. He nibbled at the underside of the shaft all the way to the glans. Then he plunged down on 9 inch spear. Sean rested his hands on Steve's head, not guiding it but ready to hold him in place if his balls boiled over too soon. He watched Antonio and CJ slip to the floor to start a 69. Larry was moaning loudest of the 6 men. Clay was obviously doing a masterful job at rimming his captain.

Steve pulled up from Sean's cock. "I want to go for a ride, you mind?"

"Suit me up," was all Sean had to say.

Steve fetched a condom and small bottle of lube from the bowl. He lubed Sean's cock before he rolled on the raincoat and again after it had been wrapped in latex. He smeared lube on his hole, turned his back toward Sean, positioned the 9" prick at his hole and sat down. He sighed as he felt his ass fill up. Then he started his ride.

Larry watched the 69 on the floor and the beginnings of Sean's and Steve's fucking. His ass was quivering from the rim job Clay was giving him. He ordered, "Fuck me you fudge packer!"

Clay grabbed a magnum from the bowl. Using his teeth he ripped open the foil, rolled it down his dripping cock, stood, pushed Larry's legs up over his shoulders, lined up and slowly inched in. Larry's eyes fixed on Clay's as the sophomore slowly filled his captain's hard muscular ass. He set up his rhythm- 4 long thrusts 4 short aimed at Larry's prostate 4 long thrusts.

CJ and Antonio were oblivious to the others coupling. Their moans were mixed with slurping sounds. They were both fingering each other's ass.

Steve tried to mirror Clay's rhythm but couldn't quite match it. So he abandoned the effort and rode Sean's cock with abandon while encouraging the others with shouts of ,"Fuck that ass bat boy! Suck that cock! Stick those fingers in his ass! Work those holes!"

Sean played with his own tits and gently touched Steve's back. He was enjoying being ridden while watching his lover fucking Larry's ass. He'd whisper to Steve, "Fuck yourself on Daddy's cock boy, Pull a load of hot man seed from Daddy's cock, you know you want it! Oh that tight ass of yours feels so good on Daddy's cock."

Steve loved encouragement and really started humping away. He could feel his own balls churning. He started squeezing his ass to try to hurry Sean's load into him.

Antonia was the first to come. CJ drank every drop. He then began face fucking Antonio to get his own nut.

Antonio moaning when he came spurred Steve and Clay. Steve never touched his cock but shot a load that landed on CJ's back. That caused CJ to go over the edge. Steve's anal muscle spasms set off Sean who blasted 5 ropes of cum into his magnum. Hearing his lover's orgasm cry, Clay's own load of sperm were delivered in 7 mighty volleys which caused Larry to fire 6 volleys of his own. They all just stay where they were enjoying the afterglow of a satisfying sexual encounter.

Larry finally broke the silence, "Man I could do this every night!"

"I'd be up for that!" CJ responded.

"But we'd be worn out before every game!" Steve added. "I love that full feeling! I wonder if I could play plugged."

"You could try. Of course if the plug came loose and fell out you might have an issue," the always practical Antonio commented.

The couples disengaged. The four guests headed to the Locker Room to dress. CJ shared, "We'll pair up and shower at home."

Steve quipped, "Just shower? Since when have we just showered?"

"Anyone ever tell you, you have a big mouth?" CJ said laughingly.

"Yep and a deep throat as well as a willing ass,"

The group laughed. The now dressed guests hugged and kissed their naked hosts and headed out across the complex to their ground floor apartment. Their laughter and hoots echoed amongst the building as they grabbed at each other's ass and balls.

Clay and Sean settled onto the couch. Sean put his arm around Clay who leaned against his shoulder. Sean kissed his lover's head. "You threw Larry an awesome fuck, for a bottom faggot bitch."

"Well I heard you over there encouraging your new boy to think of you as Daddy, "Clay teased.

"How else do you expect me to build a leather family?" Sean asked with a serious tone to his voice.

"We're not even married yet! Now he wants kids!" Clay joked.

Sean thought about his late grandparents. Grandpa Lund proposed 30 days after he met Grandma. They were married the following week. Eventually he patted Clay's head, "Who said anything about marriage? Anyway, single shower or are we gonna save water?"

"Save water, I'll go get it ready Sir," Clay said before scampering off to their bathroom.

Sean sat for a few minutes contemplating what married life would be like with Clay before joining him in the shower.

After they had rubbed each other dry with towels, Sean said, "Clay, would you mind if I don't join you in bed right away? I want to email my folks."

"Sure Chief, I'll warm it up for you."

Sean went to his desk in the Locker Room. He noticed the inflatable mattress was wilting. He bent down and pulled the plug so air could escape. Then he sat and rebooted his laptop.

Pulling up his Gmail account he did a quick clean up to get rid of spam and ads. He started to compose the letter.

`Dear Mom and Dad,

This is one of those days when I wish you were home. I'd be over for one of our talks. I know your flight gets in Sunday night at 11:30. Since I haven't heard about picking you up I guess you have it covered. I'm hoping we can do lunch on Tuesday at the house. The topic will be marriage.

No we're not! No one has proposed. We sort of got into the wealth discussion. Clay figured out when I utilized Bixley for legal stuff that my family has money. So does his. I haven't disclosed anything about my personal assets. The marriage idea isn't coming from him it's me. Let me know about Tuesday.

Love you both, Your SA'

He read it twice and hit send. He thought using the initials for his teenaged nickname, Smart Ass, would give them a chuckle. It would also lighten the seriousness of the topic. Shutting down the laptop he tidied up the office area a bit.

When he got to their bedroom Clay was typing on his phone. Clay looked up and flashed a smile that just radiated the joy he felt at seeing Sean. "Be right with you Chief."

No problem Clay. I'm going to brush my teeth," Sean stated as he flicked on the bathroom light. A few minutes later he saw that Clay had finished with his phone and had the sheets pulled back for him. He climbed into bed, arranged the bedding over himself and turned off his bedside lamp. Spooning into Clay he threw his right arm and leg over Farm Boy's body and pulled himself tight against Clay's back. Both men gave a contented sigh and drifted off to sleep.

At 5AM, Clay awoke to the chime tone he had selected to replace the car horn. Sean had grown accustomed to rolling over on his back each morning. Clay grinned at the thought of Pavlovian conditioning. He grabbed his phone and headed to the Locker Room. As he sat having his morning bowel movement he opened his phone and saw his father had answered his email.

`Good morning Junior,

Mother and I read your email last night. We don't discount love at first sight. We both believe Sean is a good man. We don't doubt that he loves you. BUT you've been through hell and back in the last two weeks alone. So we think you should hold off any talk of marriage. I know you told Sean you're the marrying kind. Just don't rush it. Mother and I are going to be in Orlando for the FCC meeting Wednesday. We've decided to come up a day early and stay at the Holiday Inn. Can you do lunch or dinner with us alone? It's better to do these talks in person. Let us know.

Love you, Mom and Dad'

Clay read it twice. He thought to himself, "They're not saying NOT to propose marriage. They just want me to wait to propose marriage. I'm lucky the Citrus Commission meeting is here this month or Dad would have me coming home after the game tomorrow. So guess for now I can wait."

He wrote a quick reply that he'd see them for lunch. He would come up with a place. Then he cleaned up, dressed and started his run.

Sean awoke at 7. His coffee was on the night stand along with a single red rose. He smiled. Grabbing his cell phone and coffee, he walked to the bathroom for his morning toilet. Sitting there checking his school email account he got a notification of an email from his Mom. Closing the school account he switched to Gmail.

His Mom's email read,

"Good morning Smart Ass!

Your father and I figured you'd probably be crawling out of bed about now.

Yes our flight gets in late and your sister is meeting us with her van.

As to your possible marriage, you do seem to display many of the same temperaments as my father. I shouldn't be surprised as you were both born on May 12! You're head strong, loyal, and once you fall in love you fall hard. BUT you two men have been through a really tough couple weeks. While you weren't the actual victim you were heavily involved with Clay's care. Your father and I are concerned you may have a touch of PTSD yourself.

Lunch Tuesday is a yes, Noon at the house. We have taken a whole week off to get used to being back in the USA. Be ready for squiggles!

Love you, Mom and Dad'

He closed the portal. "Squiggles," he said out loud laughing. He cleaned up and finished his first cup of coffee. When he opened the bathroom door Clay was sitting on the bed.

"What are squiggles?" Clay asked.

Setting down the cup, Sean pounced on Clay, pushing him back on the bed while tickling him and kissing him all over his face. "They're what one gets for spying on me," Sean laughed as Clay indeed squirmed and giggled under him.

Next: Chapter 45

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