Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 8, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 43 Sticks and Stones

Clay did think about it. He was feeling that confusion again like he had in the hospital. That confusion only his Chief could help him combat. Sean was giving him space to think and decide. He never liked name calling and the trash talk usually bounced off him at games. Early in his life his Mom taught him the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never harm me." Coach was concerned enough to talk to Sean about him. He obviously was planning on more substitutions so none of his quarterbacks got exhausted. I must get used to the trash talk now that I went public with being raped. People can be so unkind. But Sean was doing this so I can be available to play. He is thinking of my best interests.

Clay was so lost in his thoughts; it wasn't until the tram was preparing to pull out of his complex that he realized he had missed his stop and Sean had left him behind. He hopped off just before the driver pulled out. Now he was worried that Sean was pissed off. He loved him like he had never loved anyone else. He loved him more than his mother.

He ran all the way to his building and took the stairs two at a time to the fourth floor. He realized he had not brought his keys.

As he approached their door, he saw that it was cracked opened and Jobriath's "Take Me I'm Yours" was playing. He breathed a sigh of relief. Sean was expecting him. As he entered, he saw a bare assed Sean dancing in the kitchen. He repositioned the door as he had found it and stepped into the bedroom.

He stripped off his clothes and went to his high boy. He opened his top middle drawer and took out his first piece of leather. He secured it in place around his cock and balls. As he closed the door the leash rattled. Farm Boy had an epiphany. He grabbed the leash and formed a collar around his neck with it. Then he walked to the door. Clay was still busy in the kitchen. Clay got down on all fours; he put the leather handle in his mouth and crawled through the apartment. When he arrived in the kitchen, he nuzzled the back of Sean's left knee. He assumed a sitting posture like a dog.

Sean spun around startled. He saw Farm Boy sitting there like a big dog. He grabbed his phone, took a picture and texted it to Will with the note. "He figured it out quicker than I did Sir."

He then took the leash, patted Clay's head and stated, "I accept your submission." He scratched under Clay's chin. "Now pup boy put this away before our friends arrive."

Farm Boy took the leash handle back in his mouth and headed for the bedroom. Only when he reached it did he stand on two feet. He put the leash in his drawer. Putting his hands behind his back he returned to the kitchen, knelt down and kissed Sean's left foot then his right.

Sean ordered, "Stand up cocksucker and set the table for 6." He popped a bottle of Kendall & Jackson white into the freezer to chill it for dinner. "We're serving a chilled white wine, use the stemmed wine glasses." At 6:55 the timer went off and Sean pulled the stuffed cabbage from the oven to let it rest. He spooned a cup of rice pilaf onto each plate. Then he pulled out the wine and popped the cork. "Sissy, please pour the wine."

At 7 PM the doorbell rang, Clay rushed to open the door. He welcomed each man with a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. "House rules are no clothes. You may undress in the Locker Room and leave your clothes there." When they came out Sean had finished plating the meal and invited everyone to table. "Larry you sit here to my right. Fairy sits to my left." Clay knew he meant him and moved to his place. "Antonio next to Larry then Steve and CJ you get to sit next to the ass licker." Clay showed no sign of offense.

"Queenie, you will lead the grace."

Clay reaches for hands and the 6 naked men bowed their heads. He smirked and used a prayer from summer camp." Bless this food O Lord we pray! Make it go safe through our passageways! Amen."

There was a chorus of Amens and laughter around the table.

Larry launched in at Sean, "What gives with the gay slurs?"

"If you didn't see it at today's practice you guys are blind. Your teammates are going easy on both Clay and you. Clay has just publicly admitted to being a victim of date rape. You know yourselves what the defensive line is like even without that ammunition." Heads nodded around the table.

"Coach Lee requested I keep an eye on both of you. Hence, we're having a proper meal tonight instead of fast food or junk. The second thing is we 5 are to toughen Clay up. I started right after practice and things did not go well. Did they Nancy?"

" Sean had my blood boiling just referring to me as a pussy boy. It only got worse from there. He explained what he was doing. He left me to think about it. Coach is making changes. Did you notice how often he switched us in and out today? I think we are seeing his strategy to throw the competition off balance. I cannot afford to get upset. I just can't."

"So tonight, and through the beginning of the Pep Rally he's not Clay. He is every filthy slur we can think to call him. Starting tomorrow the D-line will join in at practice. Now eat before it gets cold." The group dug in.

"Sean this is fantastic," CJ opined.

Sean put his fork down. "I propose a toast to the chef who prepared tonight's repast! I give you Martha Reed, poof's mother!" Glasses clinked and praise was heaped on Martha's cooking skills. Farm Boy squeezed Sean's left knee under the table.

As they finished their meal, Sean looked at his lover, "Pansy, please clear the table like a good little pussy should." Clay gave him a raised eyebrow but stood and started gathering dishes. Sean went to his desk and came back with his notepad.

"Before dessert," Sean was interrupted.

Steve burst in, "We get dessert?"

" Only if you're a particularly good little boy," Sean stated. There were gales of laughter around the table. "What I'd like to do is brainstorm and compile a list of offensive words and phrases."



" This is a great start guys," Sean said adding, "this can be out base list." I will email it to you for a reference. Hey Ace, bring back the pack of Klondike bars to the table. That's our dessert gentlemen and lady."

"Don't forget they also make noises like kissing sounds and oinks," Antonio threw in.

"The D-line will also use hand gestures, shooting a bird or tongue between two fingers," Larry added.

" You know fuckers, now that I know what you're trying to do, I'm finding it amusing," Clay commented as he passed out the ice cream.

Larry jibed, "Let's hope you find it amusing the rest of the week fag."

" Doll Baby is prancing her open cunt around just asking to be fucked," chipped in CJ.

Antonio added, "I'll take sloppy seconds from you bitch!"

" I got something for you too puta," Steve said forming an O with his thumb and index finger and forcing his hand through it.

Clay visibly shook. His knees buckled and he collapsed onto the floor. Sean was up and beside him quickly followed by Larry. They got him up and seated. Clay started doing his deep breathing exercise.

"Fuck man, I'm really sorry. I didn't realize I'd set you off," Steve said remorsefully.

"No Steve," Sean said, "you have nothing to be sorry about. This is what Coach is worried about. You are just doing your job getting him ready."

Clay calmed himself. "Steve, we're OK. You guys probably thought I was just fucked. That was bad enough considering how large his cock was. But then he fisted, and punch fucked me. That was the pain I remember. It wasn't your words, it was your allusion to fisting. I hope y'all don't mind but I'm going to lie down." He got up and went to the bedroom and closed the door.

"We'll head out too," CJ stated. "Thank you for a great meal."

" Plan on eating here all week," Sean told them. "And Steve, you keep fisting that hole since we know his reaction. Just do it when we're around to help." The guys headed in to get dressed. " Larry, a moment of your time please."

Larry asked, "What do you need Sean?"

" Do you guys wear your own jocks and cups or are they team issue?"

" We wear our own. Why?"

" I think I know how I can be on the field with Clay," Sean stated.

Nodding Larry commented, "If you're thinking what I'm thinking, it's a great idea."

" I've got 7 of them sitting unused in a drawer, all different colors. I'll dig them out tonight. I'm going to try something else though too."

Larry cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.

"I'll let you know if it works. If it fails, Clay will be a wreck. Just gotta work it out."

" If I can help in any way; please let me know."

" Let you know what?" Antonio asked emerging from the Locker Room.

" Nothing Bro, we were just shooting around ideas to help Clay," Larry stated as he went in to dress.

"More brainstorming?" Steve inquired.

Sean smiled, "Your hand jester nailed it tonight. Brainstorms are over for now." Sean stated. Larry came out from getting dressed and Sean escorted the guys to the door. Another round of hugs and kisses followed before Sean closed the door. He finished cleaning up from dinner, wrapped a shower wrap around his waist and took the garbage out to the chute. After he returned, he locked and secured the door.

Sean entered a darkened bedroom. He carefully made his way to his nightstand and turned on his light. Clay was turned away from him under the covers. Sean had no idea if he was sleeping but chose to let things be. He would wake his lover when everything was prepared.

First, he found the jocks. He had black, red, yellow, gray, dark blue, white and hunter green. He moved them to the top of Clay's highboy. Then he opened his bottom nightstand drawer. There he found a washable bed pad and the gun oil. He placed then on the nightstand.

He pulled back the duvet and sheet. Clay did not move. Sean unfolded the bed pad, positioned it so it centered on Farm Boy's bubble butt, grabbed Clay's knees and rolled him onto the pad.

"What are you up to Chief?"

"Well Nancy,"

" Shut the fuck up! I understand what you are trying to do. But in here, please Sean, in here, in our bed, no names but our own!"

Sean, taken aback by the ferocity of Clay's verbal rant, stared at his lover. He knew what coach wanted and what Christine had said. He decided to combine the two. "Leon Clayton Reed IV, you didn't need to shout at me. All you needed to do was ask." He patted his lover's knee. "Can I share something with you?"

Clay responded, "I'm sorry I shouted. Steve got to me. You're not going to be on the field with me and I'm worried I'll lose it during a game."

" Well maybe what I have to share will help a tiny bit." Clay raised his eyebrow wondering what his Chief had in mind. "You know Clay, I wear jocks too. I picked out 7 that have the cup holder insert. I thought if you wore something of mine, you would be reminded I am there for you. What do you think?"

" Chief, I think you're wonderful! You are always looking out for me. I'm willing to wear your jocks anytime any place." He reached up and brought Sean in for a hug and kiss.

Sean seized that moment to use his tongue to probe Clay's mouth. Farm Boy responded immediately opening himself to Sean. Their hands began roaming and Sean pushed back so Clay's head was back on the pillow.

Sean began licking and sucking on Clay's neck, working down toward his chest and those sensitive nipples. As he sucked the first of Farm Boy's nipples into his mouth, he heard Clay moan. He saw his prick squirt boy honey onto his abs. As he sucked one nipple, his hand worked the other. He rotated back and forth between them for 6 or 7 minutes. Clay was trying to get to Sean's cock but all he could do was grab it and stroke.

The Chief continued down to lick and suck his quarterback's navel. He continued to his boyfriend's prick which was bouncing in anticipation. Sean licked up the boy honey and tongued inside the prepuce.

"Let me blow you Chief, PLEASE!" Clay begged.

" Later! For now, just enjoy what I'm doing. As he continued to suck and tongue Clay's glans, he grabbed the gun oil and pumped some onto Farm Boy's anus. He used his index finger to rub it around the rosebud causing a little squeal to escape Clay's lips. He increased the pressure and his index finger was welcomed into Farm Boy's warm moist hole with a deep guttural sigh from Clay. Sean reposition himself in between Clay's legs. As he worked on his lover's 9" pole, he kept his eyes glued on Clay's face. His eyes were closed, a smile played across his face.

As Sean worked a second finger into Farm Boy's willing hole, Clay began playing with his own nipples. His sexual flush set off his red hair. Sean increased his finger fucking as Farm Boy's hole relaxed. Sean pumped another squirt of gun oil on the hole as he continued probing and added a 3rd finger. He heard Clay respond with an "AHHHHHHH!"

Sean was making sure he hit the prostate while twisting his fingers to tease and relax the anal sphincter. He added the fourth finger. Clay had entered the zone. Sean watched his face carefully for signs of pain or discomfort. What he saw was bliss. He stopped sucking Clay's cock. Siting back, he grabbed the Gun Oil, pulling his fingers out he noted the open hole he had relaxed stay open and quickly pumped two squirts of gun oil into the rectum. Sean reinserted the four fingers drawing another sigh from Clay who pulled his legs back locking them behind his shoulders.

"Fuck me Chief!"

" Maybe later, for now just enjoy." Sean twisted and probed with four fingers. Clay had started to meet his thrusts with his own. Sean added his thumb. Clay was opening his hole to his Chief, slowly it blossomed until with just the slightest pressure from Sean, the knuckles passed the ring and his hand sunk in up to the wrist.

"Oh Chief, I feel so full! You feel bigger than ever before." Farm Boy was riding an endorphin rush. Sean spread his hand open and lightly tickled the sensitive lining of the rectum. Clay's eyes sprung open, "What the fuck was that?" He looked down at Sean who had a huge shit eating grin on his face."

" I'm so proud of you Clay! You took my fist."

Clay blinked at him a few times. He could see Sean's arm protruding from his upturned ass. "Judging from your moaning, you've enjoyed it so far." He tickled the lining again making Clay gasp and squirm. "I think you did brilliantly when you consider your prior experience. Now let me work out."

Sean brought his fingers together and began pulling out. As his fingers raked Clay's prostate the boy bucked his hips and shot 9 blasts of boy cum all over his abs, chest and face. Sean felt the grip and release of the anal muscles as Clay shot his load. He kept still. As his orgasm subsided Sean instructed, "Bear down." Sean's hand slipped from Clay's ass. He wiped it on the bed pad and applauded. "Well done you!"

Clay was still processing the fact that he had enjoyed being fisted so much he had cum. "I can't believe I enjoyed taking a fist. I, I thought it would be painful like when I was raped."

"Now you know better," Sean replied. "You can deal with Steve's hand gestures. Hell, you can take on the world!"

"You got that wrong Chief," he said as he sat up and hugged Sean. "Together we can conquer the world."

Next: Chapter 44

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