Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 7, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 42 Over the Rainbow

"You nailed it, Sean. We are better than ever!" Clay leaned in and kissed Sean. "Wanna fuck?"

Sean strip off his clothes as Clay got out of his. Clay started to the bedroom, but Sean pulled him back down to the floor. "Assume the position Farm Boy!" Clay brought his legs back and hooked them behind his shoulders. He watched as Sean began teasing his rosebud with little kisses and nibbles. Then he watched Sean lick all around it before probing inside. Clay's cock ached as his blood pounded into it. Sean added a new technique he munched on the rosebud in front of him. Farm Boy gave a squeal then moaned loudly. Sean kept changing it up. He watched Clay's face, neck, shoulders and chest flush red with passion. He began begging, "Eat that ass Sir! Oh yeah! Munch on it Chief eat out your boy's ass! Work that tongue in my ass Sir!"

Sean changed things up and started mouthing Clay's balls. He'd pull on the sac with his teeth. Then he'd attached the hole again. Clay reached a level of horniness that he started thrusting up to meet Sean's mouth. Sean switched back to the balls and reached one hand up to pinch Farm Boy's tit. Clay squealed again and his eyes rolled back in his head. He looked back at Sean and said, "You fucker! You know that sends lightning bolts through my body.

"Really! You don't say!" He knew he'd surprised his Farm Boy. He brought both of his hands to Clay's nipples and just touched them. Clay shuddered. Sean pinch and twisted both nipples at the same time Clay squealed loudly, his eyes rolled back and threw his head back as the lightning sensations reverberated around his body. Sean held the pinches a little longer. He upped his position and drove his prick as hard as he could into Farm Boy's ass. Clay's head came up as his eyes flew open and he leered at Sean.

"Fuck you're good! Scratch that itch. Fuck your boy, your sub, your slave your Farm Boy. Work my ass, breed me like a stallion breeds his mare!" Sean pounded into Clay as Farm Boy met his thrusts with just as much force. He wanted cock in him. It was his purpose, his desire, his mission to make his Chief happy. Their passion took them both over the rainbow. Farm Boy erupted with 8 thick hot ropes of white gold. Clay's ass milked 9 ropes of man seed from Sean's prick, flooding Farm Boy's bowels.

Clay released his legs and wrapped them around Sean. They kissed each other and whispered little compliments and nicknames to each other. Sean started to withdraw his cock but Clay begged, "Chief, please stay in me a bit longer. Please Chief!"

Sean smiled at Clay. "We can't go to practice this way."

"Fuck practice! Fuck Marshall Kurtis Lee!"

Sean ordered, "Stop right now! Breathe. Take deep breaths. You know you love of football and the Stallions almost as much as you love me."

"Sorry Chief, I got carried away."

"You'll feel better when you take to the field and get to show your prowess."

"Showing off for my man!"

"Oh since you have me where you want me, I've been meaning to ask why the ladies of the FWB call you flirt?"

Clay gave a deep belly laugh which vibrated Sean's cock back into life. "That's easy, I do flirt with them. A lot of the guys take them for granted. Ohh Daddy you're getting hard again!'

"Yeah I am, keep on with the story."

"So I would go over and make eyes at this one or that one. Tell them how great they looked or compliment a new hair style. Shit like that. Pissed off guys because they were all getting," Why can't you be more like Clay?' routine."

Sean thrust his hips and his cock moved in its own semen.

" Ready to nail it again Chief?"

"Yes turn over on your belly," he said as he pulled out of Clay who turned over and laid flat on his belly Sean worked his cock into Farm Boy. Bring your legs together Clay. Sean legs straddled Clay's. He laid on Clay's back and fucked. The extra tightness of the position brought Sean off quickly and Farm Boy was seeded with 4 more loads of the Chief's steaming hot cum.

Sean pulled out of the well fuck furrow which was Farm Boy's ass. "Get on all fours boy!" he barked. Clay scrambled nimbly into the position. Sean began milking Farm Boy's cock while felching his loads out of Clay's ass. Within minutes Farm Boy was shooting his load into Sean's hand. Sean brought it to his own mouth and sucked every drop mixing their seed together.

They opted not to shower before practice. They sat on the floor leaning against the couch in an afterglow of passionate ecstasy. They would kiss, hold hands, and touch each other lovingly. They enjoyed just being. They lost track of time. At 3:30 the doorbell rang. Clay yelled, "Give us a minute to get our pants on!" Sean laughed!

Clay opened the door to see Colton standing there with a huge assed grin. "Nothing like a little or a lot of `afternoon delight!" he said singing the last two words.

Clay blushed as Sean sang, "Let's get together and do what comes naturally!"

Colton laughed, "Sheena Easton, right?"

"Right you are!" Sean affirmed. He walked into the bedroom and selected at a dark blue tank top and pulled it on, tucking it into his shorts. He grabbed his phone, wallet and keys. "Clay, you ready?"

"Yes Chief! Just grabbing a protein shake."

They headed out. The security van was parked in back. They loaded up. "Buenos tardes, Jesus! ¿Condo esta ustedes?"

"Muy bien Señor Clay! ¿Y tu?"


Colton interrupted, "Back to English guys! Sorry were running late. We interrupted some afternoon delight."

Jesus laughed, "Un Culo caliente por la tarde!"

Clay's face blushed and Sean laughed and added, "Si señor! Un culo realmente caliente!" Clay was red faced.

They made their way to the stadium easily. Not one news van was present. Clay was dropped off at his gate and Sean was delivered to his. "We'll be here when you guys leave to take you back," Colton assured Sean.

Sean said, "You guys are the best!" He flashed his pass and made his way to the FWBs. He snuck up behind them quietly and announced loudly, "I'm here!" Some of them squealed, others laughed.

Corabeth stood up to hug him but stopped mid embrace. "Didn't your Mama teach you to shower after sex! Man you reek of cum!"

"Glad you know it's just cum!" Sean laughed. Several of the FWBs held their noses and laughed.

Gina asked, "Can we get an update on that which cannot be brought up?" Sean shot her a frosty look. "Or not."

Sean laughed, "Gotcha! Just showing off my mad gay bitch skills! I'll say this only once, and you may share it with your other and only your other. It's been a rough day for both of us. We are saddened by the murder of any human, even though he was a rapist. We feel for his widower, even though divorce proceedings were underway. We regret the victims will not get to be heard in court. And finally, we hope we can put it all behind us." He took a deep breath. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to his attorney.

"Henry, thank you for today. So far so good. No media in sight. Please release this statement for us.

"Mr. Reed and Mr. Walls are saddened by the murder of any human, even though Mr. Steele was an accused rapist. We feel for his widower, and extend our sincere sympathy. We regret the victims will not get to be heard in court. And finally, we hope we can put it all behind us." He hit send.

A few minutes later Henry sent a text back.

"Great idea. Simple but covers all the bases. I'll issue it at 4:55 so they have it before the 5 pm news."

Sean texted back, "Thumbs up and TY."

Clay finally emerged from the locker room and started to run the field. The FWBs stood and applauded. That caught the attention of the team and coaches. They too applauded before returning to drills. Sean teared up at the support being shown his man. Clay too was overwhelmed and started taking deep breaths. He got himself under control and continued his 4 laps before starting his stretches.

Coach Lee jogged over to the FWBs. "Afternoon all! Thanks for being here. Sean, may I have a moment?"

"Sure Kurt, What's up?" he asked as they walked onto the field.

"First, in front of the team and fans please address me as coach."

"OK Coach."

"I contacted the Conference this afternoon. I let them know we had a player who had been molested using a date rape drug though that's pretty much common knowledge now. I included the judge's order. I let them know that the usual trash talk in formation needs to be toned down. I suggested calling any player faggot, pussy, cunt, cocksucker, fudge packer or any other slur should be banned and made subject to unsportsmanlike conduct. Just before practice I got a call from the Commissioner. He felt it would be hard to be so specific. He suggested all coaches and players go through sexual harassment training. He is going to bring both of these up to the members. While Larry is back, I plan on using all 4 quarterbacks more often. So, I need you to prep Clay for being called every name in the book plus some."

"I understand Coach, every gay cliché known to me and others. I'm going to involve the other quarterbacks and CJ. The whole team should start on him tomorrow at practice. I'll be here if he loses it."

"Thank you! Oh and make sure Larry is eating right if you can. You're a damn fine man Sean!" He jogged back to the team.

Sean actually sat on the bench a few minutes. It was then he saw that Larry had dressed out too! Now he knew how to handle questions when he got back to the FWBs. He walked back and took his seat near Corabeth.


"Deep subject," Sean quipped.

Corabeth raised an eyebrow and Gina and a few others shoved his shoulders.

"I wasn't aware Larry dressed out until coach told me," Sean stated.

"All of that, out there, was just hey Sean, Larry's dressed out? I ain't buying what you're selling."

"He's just concerned with my partner's mental health. He asked me to help out."

"Help out how?" Corabeth pushed.

Sean pushed back, "I've said enough. Some things just can't be shared."

"Fair enough Sean. I didn't know if we could help somehow." Corabeth added.

"Corabeth and all of you ladies, you're awesome! You've been there for me since Day 1 and through all the bullshit Clay and I have been through in the past two weeks. Keep on doing what you're doing. It doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated by either of us."

Corabeth asked, "May I?" Sean nodded and she gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

Gina yelled, "Group hug!" Sean found himself in the middle of a bunch of bosoms!

They settled down to watch the scrimmage. Larry and Sean were pitted against each other. The coaches were yelling at offensive and defensive lines. They were going too easy on the two returning quarterbacks. Coach Lee sent Antonio in for Larry and Steve replaced Clay. Lee talked to them while the other coaches ran the scrimmage. The lines did their jobs. At 5:45 Coach Lee pulled them together. " I'm not sure what the hell you guys were thinking out there. Both Larry and Clay have medical clearances. You need to put them through their paces. They're not China Dolls who will break. Nor are the sissies that will cry because you didn't play well. Hit the showers and come prepared to play football tomorrow NOT footsies. Hit the showers!"

Sean stood up, "Before we go, I want to let you know I'm planning a house warming party for Clay. I've not picked the date, but probably in 2 weeks on a Sunday night. I'll keep y'all in the loop."

The group moved to the players' gate. The general talk was how they could enjoy the new place without all packing into it at one time. Sean texted the 3 other quarterbacks and CJ to come to their apartment for dinner at 7, Stuffed Peppers over Rice Pilaf.

When Clay came out, he looked wiped out. Sean started on his case. "What's the matter, couldn't pussy boy keep it up for the team?" He saw Clay brow furrow and his fists ball up. "Come along marshmallow, we're having company at 7. Put your hands where they belong boy chick." He led the way to a shuttle.

The security van pulled up. "You guys not using our taxi service?" Colton asked.

Sean said, I think we'll be OK."

Colton said, "Suit yourself." The van drove off.

Sean told the driver their stop then took the last seat in the back.

Clay was seething when he sat down. "What the f" Sean stopped him with a laying a finger across Farm Boy's lips.

"Is the big bad fudge packer hurt by my little insults? Poor babykins is gonna get a lot worse on Saturday. What's worse he knows how the defensive line is going to taunt his raped ass. I've already seen your response asshole. You wanted to punch me." Sean watched Clay wilt.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I did want to punch you. I need support from you not taunts."

Wrong fuck toy. You need all the abusive language I can throw at your bruised up ass to get you ready to handle it on the field when I'm not there to support and calm your fine ass down. So here's the deal. At dinner tonight our four friends are going to be told not to say your name until pep rally on Friday. They're going to call you every cliché gay sex name they or I can think of to get you steeled up for it. Starring tomorrow the defensive line is going to do the same. If you can't handle hit, you're warming the bench."

Clay started to cry softly. Sean tried to put his arm around Clay's shoulder, but Clay shrugged it off and slid to the end of the seat. Sean slid down next to him and reached around and grabbed Farm Boy's right shoulder. Clay's next shrug was met with a hard pinch to Farm Boy's left nipple. He stopped trying to shrug Sean off.

"I'm doing all this at Coach Lee's request. He has a plan to shake things up. He wants to put his own stamp on the team for the remaining half of the season. So deal with the name calling or ride the bench. Think about that faggot." Sean slide to the far side of the seat for the rest of the ride home.

Next: Chapter 43

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