Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 5, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 40 A Regular Sunday

The rain was too heavy to safely drive home. The lovers sat in the Supra holding hands and talking about the day's events at the stadium, especially the first hour of their trip home.

"I meant what I said Chief, I want to learn more about leather."

"Clay, what I'm into is referred to Dom/sub and sometimes Master/slave. For some leather is an integral part. Master Will, for example dominates Lord Arn. Together and separately they dominate others. They have leathers but rarely wear them. As you may have figured out Master Will trained me the way he was trained. He believes if you're going to do something to someone you should be on the receiving end at least once."

"So you've been fucked and pissed in, fingered, flogged, restrained, and had you cock locked.

"Yes and a lot more than that," Sean shared. "The rain has slowed down. Let's go home." 15 minutes later they parked in Sean's spot near the apartment. When they got to the 4th floor they spotted a black box with a white card on top. It was addressed to Farm Boy with two black diamonds under his name. "Don't open it yet. Come inside," Sean said as he unlocked and opened the door.

"Well Clay, you should be honored. You've drawn the attention of my mentor, Master Will. That's his mark." Sean showed him, "the M is the top of the diamonds and the W forms the bottom half. Open the card and see what he has to say to you."

Clay removed the envelope from the box and carefully opened it. The note read:

Dear Clay,

Welcome to our little family. Sir Sean will train you well. One of the two gifts is for you to wear whenever you like or your Sir directs. The other is something that will only have meaning to you in the future. When it does, you'll know what to do.

My compliments to your Sir and to you, Master Will

"I feel like it's my birthday," Clay said. He shook the box and heard metal rattle. "Chain?"

Sean smiled, he knew what lay inside. It was Will's welcome to his leather family gifts. "You won't know what's inside until you open it."

Clay carefully loosened the folds of the rich black paper. When the box came into view, Clay removed its lid. There on top was a leather snap on cock ring. Below it was a dog leash. "Chief I don't understand."

"I know Clay. I know." Sean put his arm around Farm Boy's shoulder. "House Rules!" he called. They both stripped. Sean handed Clay his clothes. "Please put these in the laundry." Clay darted into the bedroom with them and came back to Sean.

"Chief, what am I supposed to do with these?"

"Well Farm Boy, Master Will is the head a small leather family. I am part of that family. Since I'm training you, you are now part of the family as well. I can help you understand only half of these gifts. The first one is a leather cock ring. It goes on like this." Sean pulled Clay's sack out and ran the cock ring under the balls and closed the last two snaps on the device. "It's also the first piece of leather you have earned by submitting to me."

" Is there a lot to learn?"

"Yes and No," Sean stated. "There are various protocols, especially around a Master. You don't have to know them today. However I wish to tell you, some of your behaviors in submitting to me seem to come naturally to you. Case in point when I took your shirt off. You immediately put your hands back where they were."

"Can we start tonight?" Farm Boy asked.

"Sure, first one is easy; you're always to be naked at home."

Clay grinned, "Check."

"How to properly greet a Dom or a Master is a little more complicated. You get on all fours and you kiss the left boot, shoe or foot. If you are greeting me you kiss the left first then the right. If its Master Will it's left Boot and right hand."

" Why the left?"

"The left acknowledges the person as a Dom Top."

"Why kiss Master Will's right hand."

The right hand is the hand of power. It's is an acknowledgement of his role as head of the family. "

"I understand Sir," Clay said as he rolled to the floor. He lowered his head and kissed Sean's left foot while lovingly caressing it. Then he did the same to his right foot. "I love you Sir," he murmured.

"Thank you Farm Boy. I love you as well. Enough lessons for tonight." Clay laid his head back in Sean's lap and his lover's hand began once more combing through his red curls with his fingers. "Clay let's grow our beards. We may have to shave them for Eduardo but let's start them anyway."

"OK Chief, I've never let it get more than scruffy but I can try."

"Now tomorrow, after breakfast, we need to hit the books. We've literally fucked away a few days this week. "

" Yeah, I have to get my makeup work in as well as finish a few papers.," Clay admitted. "Chief, I love having you run your fingers through my hair. It's so relaxing. Mind if we turn in early and just cuddle."

"That sounds like an excellent plan, but first, put Master Will's number in your phone." Clay grabbed his phone from the end table. He entered Will's number. "Now send this text just as I dictate it.

`Master Will Sir!

This boy is honored to be admitted to your leather family for training by Sir Sean. I am honored to have received my first leathers from your hand. I promise to work hard to learn all that Sir Sean teaches me so that I can be a credit to him and to your House.

My respects to Sir Arn and to you Master.

Respectfully, Farm Boy'

Now hit send"

"It's sent Sir."

"Let's go to bed Clay"

"I'm ready Sean," Clay stretched his arms out and yawned.

Sean secured the door and turned off the lights. He plugged in his phone and laid down next to Clay, who was on his side. Sean spooned into him. He fell asleep quickly. It was 9:25 on a Saturday night.

Sean awoke to an empty bed. "He must be on his morning run," he thought. Then he smelled the coffee. As he sat up and reached for his phone he felt a coffee cup instead. He smiled. Grabbing the cup he took a sip. Perfection! 10 ounces of coffee, 1 Truvia and 2 tablespoons of NutPod creamer. Leaving his phone behind he padded out to the kitchen where he found Clay pulling a cast iron skillet out of the oven. The smell of whatever Farm Boy had baked made his mouth water. Sean quipped, "I don't know what to eat first, your ass or whatever you baked."

"Morning Chief! Be right with you, Sir!" He placed the skillet on the stove top and turned off the oven. He turned around to face Sean, dropped to the floor and lovingly kissed each foot left to right. Sean smiled.

"Very good Farm Boy. The coffee is perfection by the way! Just the way I like it. Where did we get the cast iron skillet and what did you make?"

"Sir, this boy brought the skillet from home. He made us a ham and cheese frittata. One dozen eggs, diced ham, mozzarella cheese, butter and diced tomatoes and mild chili peppers."

"I'm sure, this Sir will enjoy it. It looks like you could feed 8 people."

"No Sir. This boy figures 1/4 of it for Sir.and1/2 of it for your boy. Then at snack time we'll split the remaking quarter in half with our milk."

"Sounds like you have it all planned out. Very good Farm Boy."

"Table is set Sir! This boy will bring the plates." Clay cut the frittata and plated it. Sean had settled into an arm chair at a beautifully set table. At his place was a single red rosebud.

"Clay you are such a romantic! Where did you get a rose on Sunday morning?"

Setting Sean's plate before him, Clay responded, "Sir, this boy bought in on his morning run. He stopped at the 7/11 to get it. May this boy say grace this Sunday morning Sir?"

"Yes, my boy, you may."

Clay took Sean's hand and bowed his head. "Lord, source of all love, we thank you for the love that exists between your servants gathered at this table. Bless this food to the use of our bodies in Jesus' name. Amen!"

" Amen!" Sean added.

The pair dug into their breakfasts. Besides the frittata Clay had prepared toast. Butter and jams were on the table. Instead of orange juice there was grapefruit juice and banana slices.

"Are you trying to fatten me up Clay?" Sean laughed.

"No Sir, this boy is following a balanced diet high in protein, low in carbs. Eggs are always a good morning protein. You'll see Sir."

"Clay," Sean reaches for his boy's hand, "thank you for this morning. I see you have taken last night's lesson to heart. You may still call me Sean and Chief. I am your lover as well as your partner. Will and Arn are husbands. The Dom/sub is there but they use their names most of the time. Even I get to call them by their names after I first greet them. We will talk more about situations and what level of protocol is expected." He leaned over and kissed Clay.

"Chief, thank you. I am trying to practice. Referring to myself as an object is strange. It would be like saying to the team, this quarterback."

Between bites Sean managed, "You're doing very well."

The couple had cleared the breakfast dishes together. Clay started cleaning the cast iron skillet for curing. He said, "Sir, this boy has a request, Sir!"

"State your request Farm Boy."

"Sir, this boy wants his cock caged during study time today, Sir!"

"Very well, I'll get it for you." Sean went to their room and got the black velvet bag from the bottom drawer of his night stand. He took time for his morning toilet and brushed his teeth and combed his hair. He came out to find the common room empty. As he entered the Locker Room he found Clay kneeling waiting for him. His eyes were down and his hands clasped behind his back. Sean sat down in his chair. "Stand up boy." Clay did. Sean removed the leather cock ring. He carefully worked Clay's balls into the base ring of the chastity device. "Think of something really painful." Sean watched as Clay's cock wilted. He worked it through the ring. "Keep thinking it." The Chief lubed the metal bird cage, slid it onto Clay's prick, positioned it into the base ring and turned the internal lock. "That takes care of you. Now you take care of me using only your holes."

Farm Boy groaned as his prick tried to harden. He sank to his knees as Sean leaned back in his chair his ass just at the edge. He spread his legs wide. Farm Boy's tongue lapped at his hole, realizing he would not be able to work his tongue in, Clay licked and mouthed Sean's perineum. He tongued the hairless ball sack, gently pulling at its skin using his teeth. He sucked each ball into his mouth laving it gently. He blew his hot breath along the shaft of the 9" prick before him. Farm Boy brought the glans into his mouth swirling his tongue around it. He teased the piss slit by probing it with the tip of his tongue and blowing air into it. He deep throated his Chief's cock remembering to breathe through his nose. After a few minutes of deep throating Clay noticed Sean's eyes were closed.

He pulled off Sean's cock and discreetly spit into his hand and worked his own spit into his ass. He resumed sucking on the Chief's glans. He pulled off, turned around, and using his fingers for just a moment, positioned Sean's cock at his asshole and sat down. Sean gasped as his cock was wrapped in the velvety warmth of Clay's rectum. Farm Boy reveled in the fullness he felt as Sean penetrated deep within his body. As his rosebud adjusted to the girth it now grasped, Clay began a slow bump and grind action he had seen a woman do in a porn flick.

Sean was appreciative of Clay's efforts. His hands reached around and worked Farm Boys tits. He thought to himself, "I wonder if Clay would get them pierced for me? I'll ask him at our 1 month anniversary." He reached down to play with Clay's balls and found his boy's cock was leaking a steady stream of boy honey. He scooped some onto his fingers and brought to Clay's mouth.

Clay sucked his juices from the Chief's fingers. He stopped his bump and grind and started fucking himself. His prostate was still only being rubbed and friction wasn't what he wanted. He stopped fucking and awkwardly executed a 180 keeping Sean's cock inside. He planted his legs on either side of the chair, wrapped his arms around Sean and pulled him down to the floor. Squatting over his lover, he long dicked himself on the Chief's cock. His need increasing as his prostate was hit repeatedly by Sean's mushroom head.

"I gonna cum Farm Boy!" Sean panted.

"Hold on just a second MORE!" Clay roared as he sat down and ground into Sean's pelvis. His anal spasms pulled Sean's cum out of him in 8 bursts of hot man seed. Clay's own seed leaked from his confined cock. He felt satisfied and horny at the same time. He stood up and felt some of Sean's semen running down his leg. He crouched down and cleaned up his lover's prick before going into the bathroom to clean up. As he sat on the pot he thought, "That was a great fuck! I should be satisfied, but I want to fuck again. Am I becoming a slut for cock?" He finished his toilet, washed up and came back into the room to see Sean already at work. He walked to his desk, sat down in chair, booted up his laptop and spoke. "Sean, May I ask you a few questions?"

"Sure babe, what ya wanna know?"

"First, let me say the sex was phenomenal! I can't figure out why I'm both satisfied and horny for another fuck. Can you tell me why that may be happening?"

"Hell that'd an easy one, you're locked up. When Master Will locked mine away, in that very cage, I thought I'd go crazy. You've only been locked for short periods. I wore it for four weeks! Every orgasm was ruined. My ass would spasm and rock my world, but my semen would just leak out like it was boy honey. I always wanted more. Master's cock, dildos, prostate massagers even fists. My ass got a workout. After football is over I plan to do the same to you."

"Four weeks of this. I'll die!" Clay stated.

"I thought the same. Sir Arn has gone a year locked up. Because he's uncut it came off once a week for cleaning. Then it was back on. I'll do the same with you. Now stop thinking about your cock and ass and get some work done."

At 10 they each had a glass of milk and half of the leftover frittata sitting at the table watching clouds float over the university's admin building and library. Then they hit their course work.

Just before noon Clay pulled out two of the stuffed peppers his Mom had made from the freezer and popped them in the microwave. He set it for 6 minutes and set the table for lunch. When Sean heard the ding of the microwave he came out to the table. Clay was just putting his plate down before taking his own seat.

Sean said, "After lunch how about we take an hour off. We can go swimming and then sunbathe."

"I'd like getting some fresh air. The pool sounds like a good idea. Are you going to unlock me?"

"Are we done studying for the day?"

"No Sir."

"There's your answer! By the way, we need to call your Mom and thank her. These are delicious!"

"Mom can make dust taste great! She should have been a chef."

" There's no should have about it. She is a Chef! I've had stuffed peppers before but these are far beyond what I've enjoyed in the past."

After lunch, they put their dishes in the dishwasher and put on swim trunks.

"Does the cock cage show through?" Clay asked with a touch of panic in his voice.

"Who cares? You forget you've been milked on a tram, had sex on a bus witnessed by God knows how many semi-truck drivers looking in. Now you're going to worry about 5" of metal! Relax."

They grabbed two towels and headed to the pool. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in October. The sky was clear with only a few wispy cirrus clouds above. The temp was 85 degrees. The guys had expected the pool area to be crowded. Only 3 women and a couple of guys lay sunbathing and another couple were in the hot tub making out.

The guys picked two lounge chairs and sat their towels and phones down. Sean ran and cannon balled into the deep end. Clay followed a few seconds behind. They dunked each other a couple of times and just goofed off. The couple in the hot tub, awakened from their passionate make out session got up, and with the guy clutching a towel in front of himself, trying to hide what was surely an erect cock, took themselves to whatever apartment to do what comes naturally. The three girls got up and left as well. One commented, "So juvenile!" as she passed by.

"She's probably a bitch," Clay said loudly as he splashed Sean. The two guys stirred as well. One grabbed a can of beer from a small cooler while his buddy lit up a reefer. Sean started doing laps and Clay followed his example. After 20 laps Sean headed for the hot tub. He set the timer for 15 minutes and let the bubbles envelop him. Clay stepped in a few minutes later and sat opposite his lover. He reached out his legs and started playing footsies with Sean. The Chief grinned at Farm Boy. There was a childlike innocence about him that made his sex appeal more exotic and erotic.

After 15 minutes of soaking the pair laid out on the pool chairs. Clay, having red hair and fair skin set his phone for 10 minutes. Then he laid face down on his chaise. After 10 minutes he switched to the front of his torso; he set the timer for 10 and closed his eyes. He must have nodded off for when his phone alarm sounded he thought he had only just shut his eyes.

They gathered their things and walked back. "See, no one mention your chastity cage."

"OK, so you were right. I worry for nothing. But as you say, `I am who I am. Don't expect more or less of me."

"Ouch! You're using my own words against me!" Sean cried in mock anger. "Shameless!" They both roared with laughter.

In the apartment the duo hung up their suits in the Locker Room bath and resumed their studies. Sean finished his work at 6. "Clay, I'm going to start dinner. Is there anything in particular you'd like for tonight?"

"I've just a bit more here. Whatever you're willing to make, I'll eat it Chief!"

"Oh you'll be eating it alright!" Sean quipped.

Sean rummaged through the freezer. He opted for the sausage chicken burgers Martha had fixed. He prepped them for the toaster oven. Then put them in at 400 degrees for 45 minutes using the convection feature. He prepped the lettuce, tomatoes and onions for toppings. He set his timer for 30 minutes. He'd start the sweet potato fries in the air fryer then. He set the table. He had just finished when Eddie called.

"Hello Eddie! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing amazingly well!" Eddie's noted.

Sean noticed Eddie's upbeat tone. "I'm really happy to hear you so chipper."

"Well our little dinner had far reaching results. I can't thank you two enough. Anyway, when are you free this week for a shoot?"

"Eddie, I've missed three days of classes. I don't know what the week holds. Can we commit to next Sunday all day?"

" Sounds like a plan. Clay as well?"

"Let me check. Hey Clay is next Sunday open for Eddie?"

" Sure, fine by me."

"He agreed Eddie. Shall we say 10AM?"

"Come with an open mind. See you then."

Sean went in the bedroom and started pulling together laundry. It was his usual Sunday night task. He stripped the bed and remade it. The timer went off. Sean returned to the kitchen and prepped the sweet potato fries and started the air fryer. He used the microwave to warm the buns. Then he popped in to let Clay know dinner would be ready in 15.

"Do I get this off now Chief? I just finished my school work. I'm ready for the week ahead.

"I've already washed up for dinner. How about I unlock you right afterwards?"

"Ok Chief! I'm going to call Mom and Dad."

While Clay talked to his folks, Sean finished up dinner. As Clay came out, he set the plated meal on the table.

"Oh Mom's burgers! I told her you loved the stuffed peppers. "

"I did and I'm looking forward to this burger as well. How are your folks?"

"Oh they're doing fine. They told my sisters and brother about us."

"How did that go?"

"Dad said they'll come around. I guess it's a shock."

"I'm sorry."

"No it's fine. I'm going to live MY life."

"Guess I'm spoiled by mine. It was never an issue."

Finishing his meal Clay reached for Sean's hand. "Thank you for dinner. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for loving me." He squeezed Sean's hand.

Sean lifted Clay's and kissed it tenderly.

Releasing it he said, "I cooked you do the dishes including the air fryer. I'll go down and start the laundry."

"Not until you get this thing off my cock Chief!"

"Oh! I forgot!" Sean feigned horror.


Sean went into the Locker Room to retrieve the keys and the leather cocking. When he came out Clay was kneeling at his place hands behind his back. Sean sat down. "OK boy, give me 3 reasons to unlock you."

With his head bowed Farm Boy said, "Sir for the first reason this boy respectfully reminds you Sir that you agreed to release me upon the completion of today's study time. My second reason is because Sir is a man of his word, and my third reason is so that Sir can make use of this boy's dick tonight should he choose to do so."

"Get your ass over here boy!" Sean barked. Clay moves forward on his knees. Sean bent over, grabbed the device, inserted the key and turned it. He then tilted Farm Boy's head up and kissed him deeply causing both their cocks to plump. "I'll let you get the device off. When I come back from the laundry this goes back on." He handed Clay the leather cock ring. Sean went to the room, threw on shorts, flip-flops and wheeled the dirty laundry to the 4th floor laundry room.

Next: Chapter 41

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