Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 8, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 4 Day 2

Tuesday morning proved to be one of the busiest for both of the friends with benefits. Clay padded into the kitchen and brewed coffee in the Keurig for himself, along with 4 scrambled eggs and two oranges. He was sitting at the table when Steve walked in nude, sporting 8" of thick morning wood. "Fuck dude! You should take care of that!"

Steve rubbed his eyes and replied, "I've jacked off once already! It won't go down!" He smiled at Clay and grabbed another beer, "Hair of the dog." As he returned to his room for what Clay felt would be another JO session.

As Clay finished breakfast and put the dishes in the dishwasher Antonio came in dressed for class.

"Morning Cracker!" as he slapped Clay's left ass cheek. "I'm going to be late for Potter's class. Had a text from Jenny at 6 am telling there's a fucking pop quiz today!"

"You're lucky you have a friend in the campus print shop dude," Clay chipped in. Antonio grabbed an iced coffee from his supply in the fridge and bolted for the University's general classroom building.

Clay could hear Larry still snoring. He had the lightest schedule of all of the quarterbacks. So Clay sauntered back to his room. He picked out a clean jock and drew on his running shorts and a Stallions hoody. Then he was out the door to start his 5 mile run.

Sean was up early putting the final touches on his design spread before emailing it to Professor Hogan. He showered, shaved and dressed. He opened his door to find a note from Albert.

"I can't stand living with a fag. I'm going to the campus housing office to lodge a complaint. Better get ready to move asshole. Albert Cassidy"

"Fucking bastard! We'll see who moves. My name was on this lease for 2 years before he moved in." He checked his watch 8:05 Housing is just opening. "Al has an 2 hour lab this morning. So by the time he gets to Housing, I'll have been there first," he thought to himself.

Pulling out his phone he dialed Stephen Randall's number. Stephen was the liaison to the LGBTQ community on campus. He answered on the second ring.

"Randall here! How can I help you?"

"Hi Stevie! Sean Walls on this end. I got a nasty threatening note from my roommate this morning. Can you meet me at Campus Housing this morning?"

"Damn Sean, I'm sorry to hear you're having troubles. Can you be there by 8:30?"

"Yeah. I'm dressed. I was just heading over anyway. See you there."

"See you soon!"

Sean grabbed his laptop bag and the note and headed out the door. He made it to the Administration Building in record time. Stephen Randall was waiting outside the second floor office of Camus Housing.

As the two went in the secretary looked up. "Stephen when you're In tow it's not a good sign."

"You're right Philyss. Is Roger or Debra in yet."

"Roger is with someone. Let me check if Deb's available." She dialed an extension and explained who wanted to see her. A few moments later Debra Orrs entered reception and greeted Stephen and Sean and invited them down to her office.

Once there Debra inquires, "To what do I owe this pleasure gentlemen?"

"Under the circumstances it's not very pleasurable. Sean, please show Dr. Orrs the note you received this morning." Sean handed it over. Deb scanned it.

"Sean, I am extremely sorry you are being both bullied and threatened. Both of those actions are violations of the Code of Conduct. May I ask how long this has been going on?"

Sean thought for a moment. "I would have to say since Day 1 when he moved in. Everything I would suggest to change in the common room he vetoed. We hardly talk. He's in his room and I stay in mine. Yesterday he came home 2 hours earlier than I expected. I was... involved in a 3 way in my room. He apparently shut my door. When we came out later he made a comment about me having sex. I told him I'd do what I wanted in my room. When I came home he was in his room and I went to mine. Then this morning this was on the door."

"I see," Deb said while taking notes.

Randall interjected, "As you said, this note violates 2 University rules. In addition, under Orange County Non Discrimination Ordinance there may possibly be legal jeopardy for Mr. Cassidy. As the liaison for the University, I believe we should convene a review board. What do you think Dr Orrs?"

Debra smiled as she thought how wiley Stephen had become since taking on the liaison position. "Yes, I believe a review is in order." She opened her day planner. " I'll schedule it for 10 AM Thursday."

"I have Professor Hogan Tuesday's and Thursday's at 10."

"Not to worry Sean. This will take precedence." She turned to her computer and pulled up Sean's and then Albert's class schedules. Within minutes notices were sent to all of their professors noting that a Disciplinary Review Board had been called and both students would need to be present.

She then scanned Albert's note and his request for a new roommate and sent them to the VP of Student Affairs, the Dean of their college in which they were both enrolled, Stephen's office and the University President.

"Sean, again I am so sorry you have had a bad experience. We do our best to pair students. Sometimes we miss the mark."

"Thank you Dr Orrs. My previous roommate was awesome and we got along well. Nothing I did was ever well received by Albert."

"Well you go along. Stevie if you can stay a moment longer. "

Sean left and Dr Orrs and Stephen discussed the upcoming proceedings. There were only 2 outcomes they could see. In both cases Sean would finish the semester without a roommate and the university would cover the vacant room's rent. Albert woyld be reassigned a room on campus. In the second option Albert would be expelled.

Sean walked across the campus to the Student Union greeting his friends along the way. He was relieved he had beaten Al to the punch. He entered the cafeteria and grabbed a bacon and egg sandwich and a Diet Coke. After finishing it he headed for class.

As Sean's class started Albert walked into Campus Housing. Philyss greeted him and inquired how she could assist him. Albert asked to have his room changed. He was handed the request form. He filled it out and wrote for his reason," I don't want to be raped by a faggot." Then he signed his name and turned it in. Philyss reviewed it then took it into Dr Orrs. Moments later Dr. Orrs appeared.

"Ah, Mr. Cassidy, I've been expecting you. There will be a review of your request at 10 am Thursday. You'll be notified of the location. May I suggest you retain counsel." She then turned and returned to her office. "This kid is out of here. First the note now his reason for wanting a new room," she thought to herself.

Albert was confused. "Did she say I'd need a lawyer?"

"Yes young man. That's what she said. I suggest you check your email and act accordingly."

Albert left the office suddenly afraid. Why was she expecting me he wondered?

Sean daydreamed about Clay throughout class. He was hoping Clay would join him as a nude model today. He dashed back to his apartment for a quick shower, trimmed up his pubes and ass. Then he selected a pair of red running shorts and a pink T that hugged his body. Ankle socks and his rainbow trainers completed his look. He caught the shuttle back to campus texting Clay to meet him at noon at the CAH building.

Clay had finished his morning run. As he showered he thought about Sean. He never believed in love at first sight. Yet he couldn't imagine life without this man in it. As he daydreamed about Sean in his mind his other head thought too. His veiny cock rose to its proud nine inch stature. Clay's hand hit the soap dispenser and started stroking his meat absent mindedly. As his second head took command he picked up speed. His left hand hit the soap dispenser and worked around to his asshole, circling and teasing it while his cock was being worked by his right hand. He experimented with inserting a finger. Then he push a second finger into his ass. He suddenly shot 6 long ropes of hot man juice onto the shower wall. His knees felt like they were bucking so he grabbed the safety bar to steady himself. After rinsing off, he turned off the water and pulled back the black and gold striped shower curtain. There on the commode sat Steve.

"Have a good time?" Steve quipped.

Realizing he had been caught cum handed, Clay smiled and replied, "Rosie and her sisters did a great job!" He thought to himself he'd have to make sure he locked the second door to the shared bath.

"Damn dude it looks like you could go again already," Steve croaked huskily as he stared at his roomies still engorged cock. He subconsciously ran the tip of his tongue over his puffy lips. A move not list on Clay.

"Yeah I usually have a double headed wank every morning. What about you?"

"Yeah I usually have 1 or 2 before practice and 3 or 4 more after. Practice gets my testosterone going."

"That's what my run does for me," Clay commented. I was going to lay down and do the second one in my room."

Steve asked, "Can I join you?" at the same time as Clay asked, "Care to join me?" They both laughed as Clay led the way to his bed.

They wasted no time grabbing their own cocks stroking furiously as they watch each other. Steve was mesmerized by Clay's slightly larger dick. The meaty veins popping out and curling up toward the hooded glans. He licked his lips again thinking about what it would feel like in his mouth. Maybe he'll let me touch it. "Clay, man! Ah would you consider letting me touch it?"

"Only if I can touch yours buddy," was his reply as he stopped jerking his own dick and grabbed hold of Steve's.

Steve was in heaven. He had done circle jerks before but it was always look don't touch. None of the guys he had played with want him to jerk them. It was always his ass that got used. He had decided to be in the closet at university.

Clay's cock was radiating heat, it wasn't hard as steel, but still fleshy. Clay watched as Steve licked his lips yet again. He stopped the action and ordered Steve to lay flat on the bed. Steve complied. Gracefully Clay switches his position and presented his cock at Steve's lips. As Steve tentatively licked the nippled foreskin Clay engulfed half of his his fellow QB's cock in his mouth. Steve's eyes bugged out of his head. He grabbed Clay's dick and guided it into his eager mouth. Both men swirled their tongues around the cock head. Steve got to work his tongue under Clay's foreskin. This first time encounter had both guys ready to sperm within minutes. Clay remembered he had a date. He used his fingers and played with Steve's balls then lightly played with his perineum and anus. Electric jolts ran through Steve. He followed suit and copied Clay's actions. Within minutes both men shot rope and rope into each other's mouthed. Clay thought to himself, "I nailed it." As they sat up and locked lips they tasted each other's cum in their mouths. Clay ended the kiss, "Thanks for helping a buddy out Steve!"

"Who helped who Clay? That was awesome! I'd be up for that any time you are."

Clay thought that next time he'd go for Steve's ass. "Sure Steve. Just a couple of buddies helping each other out. But I have to be somewhere at noon. I gotta run. See you at practice at 4. Oh, I'm bringing a friend."

"Is it the friend that gave you the hickies? We're all anxious to meet her."

Clay hesitated as he pulled up a small jock that pushed his cock and balls forward. Should he say yes or no he wondered. "Yeah it is!"

"Brilliant dude!"

Clay finished dressing in gym shorts and a Stallions Football T that was just short enough to show off his abs. He slipped into his trainers. Just as he finished his phone buzzed. it was Sean texting him the location of their meet up. After a quick rinse with mouthwash he head out to catch a tram to the university.

Next: Chapter 5

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