Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 5, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 39 Close Calls

The Press Box filled rapidly as the game's kickoff approached. The Stallions took the field for warm up drills. Clay and Coach Lee tested the headphones. They worked beautifully. Tommy Ormond arrived with the team's roster and score book. Coach Vajic was behind him.

Larry, on crutches led Antonio and Steve to Center Field. Larry called' "Tails!" as the coin was tossed. It was tails. The Stallions opted to receive.

The game began. It was no cakewalk for either team.

Clay would tell Coach Lee what he was seeing both on field and which players were being readied on the Bull Shark's sideline. At halftime, Clay passed on his thoughts to the coach before diving into the plate Sean had prepared earlier. He took time to explain to Sean what he had seen and why he made certain recommendations to the coach.

After two more quarters, the Stallions found themselves down 31-28 in a back-and-forth game. In fact, three touchdowns were scored in the final quarter.

With only seconds remaining, Antonio attempted to run the ball in himself for a game-winning touchdown. He came up short. Coach Lee filed a protest and managed to convince the officials to put seven seconds back on the game clock. The very next play, instead of passing the ball, Antonio squirmed his way into the end zone with a little help from running back Reggie Clinton. The Stallions won 34 - 31. After the game Reggie told reporters, "I used all 200 pounds of my body to push Antonio in"

The 4 Stallions in the Box were jumping up and down with joy. They headed out to the elevator and rode down to the hallway. They made their way back to the Visitors' Locker Room. Players were in all stages of undress talking with various reporters. Clay and Sean got fist bumped, high fived and hugged by a number of the team. The pair made their way to Antonio who was just taking off his jersey. Clay threw his arms around him and kissed him full on the mouth. "Man you were on fire! Hell of a job man! Hell of a job!"

Sean got pulled into a hug from Larry, which was followed by Coach Lee himself. The Coach whispered in his ear, "I know what you did for Clay last night. By looking out for him, you looked out for the team and me. I will never forget you Sean Walls! I owe you big time. You need anything just ask." Clay clapped Coach Lee's shoulder, "May I cut in?" he quipped.

" Not yet!" Coach Lee answered. He threw his arms around Clay and hugged him tight. "Now you can have your man." Coach went round hugging and thanking every player and coach.

The dinner buffet was set up. Once more players shuffled down the line in various forms of dress. Some were naked, others in towels, jocks or shorts. Sean and Clay felt overdressed. Thankfully all the coaches and trainers were clothed. Sean was once more amazed at the quality of food before him green salad, pasta salad, burgers and chicken breasts. He chose the pasta salad and chicken breast while Clay went with green salad and chicken. They returned to the coaches' room.

Larry joined them. "You know Coach Lee; your use of Clay today was brilliant. I think you should apply for Head Coach yourself." A general discussion of Lee's coaching style followed. They certainly had planted a seed in Kurt's mind.

Larry continued, "I've managed to stretch my education out quite a bit. When I graduate in December my parents have agreed to fund my master's degree. If I were available, I could serve as your QB Eyes in the Sky."

" Well, that is certainly food for thought," Coach Lee commented. He then changed the topic to Antonio's performance under pressure. The discussion moved on. AD Merch came in and congratulated the Coaches and team. "The six other buses have left and the four remaining are waiting for you." Several coaches went out to roust the team.

Clay walked up to Coach Lee, "Ah Coach, would it be ok if Sean and I rode back on the ghost?"

Marshal Lee grinned, "I think there is a plan coming together in that head of yours boy. If the driver agrees, sure, but make sure I check you off on the roster.

Clay asked Sean to grab his stuff and follow him. They went out to the busses and found the drivers for the first 3 waiting to load cargo. Bus 4's driver was in his seat. Clay knocked on the door. It swung open, "Excuse me Sir" Clay began, "Coach Lee said we could ride back with you if you agreed."

" Tell your Coach to give me the all clear himself and its ok by me. "

"Sean, please get on while I fetch Coach Lee."

Ten minutes later Clay returned with Coach. "It's fine with me if you want company," Lee said grinning.

" Then we're agreed. I could use a few passengers."

Clay got on and Coach Lee checked them off his roster noting bus 4. The door closed behind them. The driver turned towards the duo as they were making their way to the back. "Up front guys! This ain't my first rodeo you know." The two men froze. "I've been driving the ghost bus since the Team was formed. You think I don't know when two dudes wanna fuck. Hell, that coach that brought ya and his husband even used it for a couple three times. Man is he a moaner!" He looked the boys up and down. "Here's the deal. My instructions are to wait 10 minutes after the last bus leaves then follow the outlined route. One of you are gonna suck me off. Then I'm gonna watch you two do whatever you want right there in the front seat." Just then the other 3 buses started their engines. Coach Lee gave the thumbs up.

Sean started stripping as did Clay. The driver leered at them. "To quote the Pirates of the Caribbean, `We wants the red head!'" The driver stood up and dropped his pants. A nice 7" fat cut cock was standing at attention over a small set of balls. Clay got on all fours in front of him. He started with the hairy balls and swirled his tongue around them. He slowly licked his way to the head. He kissed the glans and blew air into the slit. Wrapping his mouth around it he licked the head with his tongue paying special attention to the tender spot under the glans.

Sean climbed over Clay and stepped into the stair well. He spread his lover's ass cheeks and dove in. "Fuck, I get a free porn show to boot! Munch on that ass!" the driver ordered. Sean did not need orders. As his tongue tickled and probed Clay's still bruised hole, he also worked Farm Boy's balls and cock.

Farm Boy plunged down onto the beer can cock before him and lodged it in his throat. The driver gasped in surprise. Not many could handle his width. He grabbed Clay's head and began to piston in and out. He loved the moans resonating on his cock as Sean worked on Clay's ass, played with his balls and pumped his cock.

Clay pinched his own tits as Sean worked his ass. He felt the Chief stop. Was he going to fuck him?

Sean was sucking on his thumbs; getting them wet with saliva. He grabbed Farm Boy's right ass cheek and worked his right thumb into Clay's hole. He repeated the process with the left ass cheek. Now both thumbs were grasped by Clay's rosebud. Sean used them to spread Clay's hole. Farm Boy let out a low guttural groan. Sean played with the tender asshole opening and closing it to the beat of a song. He stretched Farm Boy to two inches then withdrew his thumbs. Sean watched the anus stay open a few seconds then slam shut. He thought to himself, "It may be bruised but it's working correctly." The driver gave a loud grunt and pulled Clay's head to his crotch and unloaded 4 ropes of man seed down his throat.

"You two are fucking awesome! You're welcome on the ghost bus coming or going! Boy your mouth has a real talent and deep throating my beer can is a challenge. And you, man you must really like eating ass. I was wishing that was me on the receiving end." He stood up and pulled his pants up and tucked in his shirt. "Time to catch up with the others. Have a seat and carry on."

"If you don't mind I want to start right here," Clay said as he stood up, stepped up one riser and sank his 9" into Farm Boy's ass. "You miss this today?"

" Sir, Yes Sir!" Clay shouted. "Breed your boy's ass. Coat my insides with your man seed. Mark me as yours!"

Sean long dicked him, he did short thrusts to hit on his prostate, then alternated between a couple long stokes then a couple short.

Clay kept up a running dialogue. "Fuck, O fuck! Oh, oh, yeah hit that, that spot! Oh Sir, long dick me! Harder Chief! Harder!" He panted. He moaned.

Sean stopped for a moment with the head of his prick just inside Clay's ass. Farm Boy begged, "Please Sir, put it back in! I need you in me Chief!" Clay tried to back up. Sean flicked his balls. Farm Boy froze. He wailed, "I NEED your COCK in ME!!! PLEASE!" Sean thrust in. "Oh Chief! You make me feel so damn good! Fuck your Farm Boy! Fuck ME!

Sean let loose and pummeled Clay's ass once more. The driver would glance at them from time to time. He was amazed at Sean's stamina and Clay's need. Truckers passing the ghost bus could see the two fucking. They sounded their horns. Neither boy heard them. Thirty minutes after leaving the stadium as the bus left I-75S to exit onto I- 4E Sean yelled, "Take my load boy!"

" Oh thank you Chief! Thank you for breeding your boy!"

" You're welcome boy, but I'm only half done!" Sean smiled wickedly.

"You fucking me again now?"

"No boy, you asked for two things." Sean said as he took a deep breath to relax. "First was to breed you."

" Yes Sir."

" That's done." Sean pulled his softening dick part way of Clay's ass. He took another relaxing deep breath. "Put your head on the floor boy." Clay complied. Sean took yet another deep breath, he felt ready. "The second was to mark you." He released his bladder. At first Clay was not sure what he was feeling. Then it dawned on him, Sean was pissing in his ass. He went to move but Sean growled, "Keep your head down and your ass up." As he finished the Chief gave Farm Boy instructions. "I'm going to pull out in a moment. When I do clamp down on your ass muscles and head to the john in the back. As soon as you are seated, relax your ass and expel my piss and cum. On three -- éna, dýo, tría!" He pulled out. Clay clamped down and ran to the back of the bus. He sat down and let the piss, cum and fecal matter into the commode. It took a few minutes to make sure he was empty. He cleaned himself up and walked down aisle his still erect cock bouncing in front and a shit eating grin plastered across his face.

"Chief, you threw me an awesome fuck! Then pissing in my ass! Oh man we have got to more of that for sure! Hey what language did you count in?"

With a knowing smile Sean thought back to when Master Will had first pissed in him. "Oh! There is a lot we're going to do with piss Farm Boy. I counted in Greek, like my Grandma and Grandpa Walls. My brothers and sisters all have a Greek name in their honor. You already know mine is Sean Andreas. My older brother is Lucas Xander. His twin is Jason Nicholas. My sisters are Andrea Nicole and her twin Alexandra Helena."

"You already know who I'm named after. There are four of us, my sisters are Mary Elizabeth,22, at UF and Hannah Jane, 19, at FSU, my brother is Robert Joseph. He is 16. Now what are we gonna do about my needle?" he asked while wagging his cock back and forth.

" Hey if fucking your insatiable ass for 30 minutes didn't do it for you, maybe you should handle it yourself." Clay cocked his head to the side with a questioning look. "Give us a show babe! Show us how Rosie and her 5 sisters used to entertain you!"

Clay thought to himself, "Chief wants a show, I'll give him one." He stretched his arms above his head and struck a classic pose. He stuck out his tongue and drew his right index finger across it. With his left arm reaching the bus ceiling he started with his wrist and traced down the center of his forearm, to his bicep, to his arm pit, along his pec to his left nipple and toyed with it. He shifted his pose with the right arm touching the ceiling and his left index finger this time was sucked into his mouth then used to trace down the right arm until it reached and played with the right nipple. Both hands caressed and stroked his face. Farm Boy used both hands to play with his nipples. He slowly moved his hands down his body over his abs. Then he brought his left hand up to caress his face while his right grabbed his cock and balls pushing them out from his body. He did half dozen pelvic thrusts before falling to his knees where he began jacking his cock wildly. His left hand roamed his body touching nipples, balls, perineum and asshole. His lewdly licked his lips while continuing pelvic thrusts while working his dick. As his balls churned and began to draw closer to his body he positioned his mouth as close as he could to his cock head.

Sean was clapping and chanting: "CUM, CUM, CUM, CUM, CUM, CUM!"

Clay's orgasm was epic! A dozen shots of his semen blasted into his mouth or onto his face. He collapsed backward onto the floor spent.

Sean applauded and the driver honked the bus horn! "Well done you! So that's how you used to get off? I'd love to see how you did it for really special occasions!"

" Well if you wanted a show," he panted, "why didn't you say so?" Sean jumped on top of him and started tickling him. " Sir! SIR! Please, haha haha stop. I'm going to pee myself." Sean continued a few more seconds then stood up. He helped Clay to his feet. Farm Boy made a beeline for the john and a loud stream of piss was heard hitting the metal commode. When he returned Sean was dressed and handing him his clothes.

" Get dressed," he ordered. "Bus 2 broke down. We have maybe 10 minutes to tidy up and spray Lysol around the bus." Clay dressed while Sean made sure no piss or semen was visible on the floors. Then Clay started spraying the stair well and along the seats and the bathroom. As they finished, they saw the disabled bus. The team, a coach and driver were on the side of the road. It appeared as if smoke was coming from the A/C unit.

"Looks like they had a close call this evening," the driver said.

"Yeah the game was close and now this. Looks like everyone is safe," Clay replied. "That looks like Coach Lee!"

As the door opened the driver got off to help load the gear. Lee got on and looked at the two men. "Sorry to spoil your fun, you probably could have gotten another fuck in before our stadium." Then he winked and grinned at them. Turning around to the team members he said, "Alright let's get this stuff loaded and get on the bus."

Mark Milnera, a tight end, got on first. "What are you doing on here?"

" Coach Lee told us to get on the bus. So we're on the bus," Clay answered.

"Guess I just didn't see you."

" Guess not!" Sean put in.

After loading the gear, the ghost bus driver returned to his seat, closed the door leaving his colleague to wait for the fire department and Highway Patrol. The rest of the trip back to the University was unremarkable. As they pulled in at 7 PM a thunderstorm was illuminating the night sky with lightning bolts. Sean and Clay made it to the car before the downpour began. It was another close call.

Next: Chapter 40

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