Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 3, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 37 The Times they are a Changing

Clay and Sean pulled up to Eddie's as a moving crew was carrying boxes and loading a trailer. Eddie was standing at the door watching them work. "Hey guys, I thought they'd be done by now!"

Each man gave Eddie a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. "What happening Eddie?" Sean asked.

"Moving Everett's shit to the studio. When he fails to pay the lease 3 months running it will all be sold to pay back rent."


"Come on upstairs guys! I'll shower and dress quickly."

When they walked into Eduardo's Sean and Clay both noticed the decor had changed. The darker leathers had all been replaced with white. The art prints were all different except for the one by the door of Clay. None were fully nude.

"You've been busy." Sean proffered.

"I had to do something to fill my time," Eddie says as he stripped off his shirt and walked down the hall. "Y'all come back to the bedroom while I shower." The duo followed him back. They saw him drop his lounge pants as he walked to his bath. The bedroom had also undergone a change. The dungeon bed was gone. In its place was a California King with a low cherry headboard with night stands built into it. The sitting area had two padded loungers. Clay and Sean sat on one. Eddie returned after his quick shower and pulled out a linen shirt in off white as well as linen slacks in an autumn brown. Leather sandals completed his look. "Like the changes?"

"I do," Clay said.

Sean demurred, "You used Sheila Woods I believe."

Eddie laughed, "How did you know?"

"I'm sitting on the clue," Sean quipped.

"I should have known!" Eddie laughed. "Where are we going for dinner?

"I am hoping for a patio table at 310. What do you think?" Sean asked.

"Well we'll be seen for sure there. Thank you for doing this for me," Eddie said as he pulled both men into a group hug.

Clay suggested, "How about we walk. I need the exercise." So the three friends left the condo and headed for Park Ave for dinner. Along the way Sean asked, "Eddie would you be up for meeting with our attorney after dinner? I think we'll be able to complete our negotiations this evening."

Eddie frowned, "I hope you're not trying for more money? I thought I was generous."

"No, no. Henry said the base contract is very generous. There are a few tweaks he wants to suggest. "

"Alright, but you two have to promise, no business discussions over dinner, please!" Eddie begged.

The trio joked and laughed until they reached 310. They were early enough that there were tables still available outside. The maître d' gave them a table by the curb. Clay's idea was working so far. As people walked the Avenue they would nod at Eddie or Clay. The two were the most recognizable faces at the table. Several boys and a few high school players asked for Clay's autograph on napkins. He'd ask each fan's name; write it on the napkin with Go Stallions! Clay Reed #5. Dinner was relaxed and enjoyable. They began with an appetizer of fried calamari. For their entrees each selected steak. Eddie and Sean chose the filet mignon; Clay went with the rib eye. They all chose the vegetable of the day. For dessert, each man chose a different selection. Clay chose the triple chocolate cake, Eddie went with Oreo Delight and Sean picked Toll House Cookie Pie. All had coffee.

Eddie said, "Guys this has been awesome, but I'd like to talk about the elephant in the room for just a few minutes." Clay and Sean looked at each other and nodded at Eddie. "I can't apologize enough for exposing you to him. I saw your condition as I waited for the police. I have been on the receiving end of that cock and fist. It's one of the reason I let him play. I couldn't handle it. I had no idea he was raping people." Eddie's eyes filled with tears. Both Clay and Sean reached for his hands to comfort him.

Clay said, "I don't hold you responsible."

Sean added, "Nor do I!"

A teenager at a nearby table shouted, "Hey Clay, what do you think of the news?"

Clay held up his hands, "What news?"

"Cross was fired! Lee is acting head coach!" the boy announced.

"That is news alright!" Clay returned his attention to his dinner companions, "I leave the fucking campus for dinner and all hell breaks loose. Oh well, I hope Lee does a good job tomorrow."

"You sure you don't want to go back?" Sean asked.

"Listen, I didn't see Lee fighting for us when Cross made his decision. He let us go without a word except for telling him of your efforts to restrain me from kicking his ass."

"Clay did you not also realize I was keeping you from making a huge mistake?" Sean asked.

"Not until you just said it. I've not been firing on all cylinders as you are well aware."

"Please you two don't bicker. Why ruin a wonderful evening!" Eddie interrupted.

"You're right," Sean said. "I'm sorry Clay," he apologized.

Clay kissed him, "I'm sorry too Chief. Check please." Clay picked up the tab.

The trio walked slowly back down to Eddie's. They talked about dates for the photo shoots. Eddie explained about the international shows as well. As they arrived back at the condo Sean offered to drive Eddie to the attorney's office, but he declined. Sean sent Eduardo a text with Henry's office address and headed out. Twenty minutes later, all three of them were waiting for Henry to open the office door.

After the introductions Henry went through the contracts. "Sean, Clay the first contracts on the calendars are fine as is. If you still want to sign them now, go ahead. The boys inked them. Henry notarized their signatures and scanned them into his PC. Then he prepped a folder for each and handed them to Eddie.

Now I'm going to suggest the following addendum to the Photographic Exhibit contracts. As you are both students the grand openings at which they want you to appear need to be on weekends outside of the football season. Further, I suggest that any flights within the USA should be business class. Any international flights should be first class. What do you think?

Eddie entered the discussion, "Guys I'm am fine with the first suggestion. I'd like to propose the following as a counter for the second. All flights in Florida and the Eastern Seaboard are economy class. Flights to the mid-west and Western USA are business class. International flights are first class.

Sean asked, "What do you think Clay?"

"I've never flown in an airplane so I'm good with whatever you decide Chief."

"We accept the Eduardo's suggestions," Sean announced.

Henry had a clerk retype the contracts earlier in the day. He made the changes and printed three copies. "Here is the original Mr. Castillo so you can compare them. The same goes for the two of you. When you are ready to sign, please call me; I can notarize them as well. I'll be next door in the conference room with my associate if you need anything."

For the next 45 minutes Eduardo carefully compared the contracts line by line. They were identical except for the two addendums. He stood up and walked to the conference room door. "I'm ready to sign," he informed Henry.

Henry joined them in the office. Within a few minutes the contracts were signed, sealed, scanned and delivered. Henry then sent pdf copies to Sean and Clay at their email addresses. They all shook hands.

Henry said, "I wish you all well in this endeavor. Mr. Castillo it was an honor. My wife and I have one of your blue boys in our home." He escorted them to the office door and bid them a good night.

Eddie said, "I forgot to ask what I owed."

"Don't worry about it. He's on retainer," Sean noted.

"Thank you very much for a wonderful evening. I enjoyed myself immensely. I look forward to our business relationship as well as a long friendship." After another group hug they parted company and drove to their homes.

When the duo returned to their apartment, they found CJ slumped against their door either sleeping or passed out. They weren't sure until Clay shook his arm and helped pull him to his feet. CJ flailed his arms as he woke up. "What the hell are doing here CJ?" Clay demanded.

"Waiting on your sorry asses!" CJ shoved Clay off him. Coach Lee has been trying to find you. He says you're to call him no matter what time you get in. Where the fuck you two been anyway?"

" We had dinner with a friend then met with my family's attorney, " Sean responded unlocking the door. "You get back to your place before curfew. Thanks for waiting for us."

"Yeah! I owe you a 6 pack!" Clay told him.

Clay went in and picked up his phone booting it. "Mother fucker! There are 29 voice mails from Coach and the team." He dialed Lee's number.

"Clay! Are you home?" Coach Lee asked.

" Yes Sir!"

"I need to speak with you and Sean tonight. May I come over?"

"Let me check? Hey Chief can Coach Lee come over tonight?"

" Tonight? Sure, not a problem," Sean responded.

" Sure thing Coach. Come over. But don't be shocked to see us buck assed naked."

"See you in 20-30 minutes," the coach told him.

Clay hung up and called out, "House Rules!" before he started to strip.

"Already there," Sean responded carrying in his clothes to the hamper.

"Think you can fuck me before Coach gets here?" Clay asked.

"Oh I could do a wham bam thank you ma'am, but I'd just be getting off. I want it to mean more, to both of us."

"Well we have the whole day tomorrow," Clay said. "And the rest of the night."

"Help me water these flowers, Farm Boy."

" Yes Sir!" Clay responded. Working together they made short work of the task.

Sean sat down and asked Clay to lie down with his head in his lap. He went back to running his fingers through Clay's curly hair. They listened to some smooth jazz by Foreplay. Both were feeling content and relaxed when the doorbell rang.

Clay jumped up and answered it. Opening the door he smiled and said, "Congratulations Head Coach Lee! Please come in."

Coach Lee entered taking in the beauty of the two studs naked before him. He thought how much he'd like their cocks in him. "Evening Sean. Thanks for letting me come over to see you two."

"You're welcome Coach. Congratulations on your assignment. Please have a seat. Have to say, I didn't see this coming. "

"Nor did I when I resigned this afternoon."

"You resigned!" Clay and Sean said in unison.

"Yes, all the senior assistant coaches resigned because of the way Cross treated you both." Sean looked at Clay, who bit his lip. "Anyhow, the team is really upset with it all going down just before tomorrow's game. Add to the mix Clay wasn't at the team meeting with President Clarke and no one could reach you. Then you did not show for the Pep Rally. I already sent a blast letting the team know you are safe. Guess you'd like to know my real reason for being here."

Coach took a deep breath. "Clay both the team and I need you tomorrow, you and Sean. The team needs you because they respect you. I need you because, as I told you, you see the big picture sooner and better than anyone I know. If you agree, you'll both ride the bus with me; I'll prep you on what I'll need to see from the box. What do you say guys?"

"Coach, I sincerely appreciate your putting your career on the line for Sean and me. You know I have a lot of respect for you," Clay began, "but..."

Sean jumped in, "but we don't know when or where to meet you in the morning. Just let us know and we'll both be there."

Coach Lee smile, "Thank you both. 7:00 AM at the Stadium. Team colors. Sean I'll have a shirt for you. Are you a medium or large?"

"Bring one of each coach just in case."

"Alrighty then I'll sleep a little better tonight," he said standing up. Both guys gave him a hug, showed him out and locked the door.

"Sean, I was going to turn him down."

"Yes, I know. You would have regretted it big time if the team loses tomorrow. They would resent you for not being there. And you would jeopardize your place on next year's team with a new head coach. So much for you always seeing the big picture Farm Boy. Now send a blast to your team nates telling them you're ok and that you'll be on the bus in the morning."

Clay cocked his head at Sean and flashed his goofy grin, "I thought I was the big picture guy."

Sean smacked his ass playfully, "Go get it done, I'll be waiting and ready for you in bed!'

Clay took off and started work on the blast. Sean went to the bedroom and picked a raincoat for his cock, a ribbed red one. It was a bit tight as he rolled it down. He played with his nipples and balls as he waited.

"All done and... hey Chief isn't it my job to play with those balls and tits?" Clay asked in mock anger."

"Well if you didn't type with your thumbs you would have been here earlier to get things started. As it is you need to get on board and catch up." Clay jumped onto the bed and straddle Sean. He grabbed the lube and applied a dollop to his ass and sat all the way down on Sean's cock.

Clay sighed, "Ah, that's what I've been missing." He leaned down and kissed his Chief. Their tongues dueling as Clay began riding up and down. He stopped after a few seconds. "Something feels funny Chief," Clay noted as he reached his hand back to touch his lover's cock still lodged in his ass. "What's on this condom?" he asked grinning at Sean.

Smiling back, Sean replied, "They're called ribs. They're meant to add more stimulation."

Farm Boy nodded and rubbed his ass over the ribs a few times before resuming his ride. Chief started flicking and pinching his nipples. Clay repositions his hands so his palms rested on Sean's pecs massaging his nipples as his cock was being ridden. Sean grabbed Clay's shoulders and instructed him to lean back. It was awkward but the Chief was able to stay in Clay as he repositioned his sub onto his back. The Chief took control of the fuck and long dicked him for a few minutes before he started drilling and pistoling to his own climax. Clay could feel Sean's cock expand with each rope of cum he shot. He missed the sensation of the hot liquid splashing into his ass walls. Still lodged inside Clay, Sean teased at Farm Boy's prostate while jacking his lover's cock until it erupted in one giant fountain of cum covering both of them.

Having nailed it once again the Chief pulled out of Clay's ass, removed the condom and poured its contents onto Farm Boy's chest before rubbing it all over his pecs. "We'll shower in the morning. I set my alarm for 6," Sean noted as he pulled Clay into a hug and passionate kiss. As their heads hit the pillow they both drifted off into a deep refreshing sleep.

Next: Chapter 38

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