Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 1, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 35 Getting it Together

Clay broke off playing and headed for the bathroom. Shouting, "Hazardous Odors Warning!" he closed the door behind him. Sean laughed and padded out of the bedroom. All the flowers had scented the common room heavily. He headed to the Locker Room bath for his own morning toilet. Afterwards he jumped in the shower for a quick rinse. Toweling off he walked out to see a cup of coffee waiting at the table for him. Clay was bustling in the kitchen fixing breakfast. "I ain't like my Mom. She can work miracles in a kitchen, but I ain't half bad."

"I'm sure I'll find it delicious." Sean assured him. He picked up his phone and booted it up. There were 17 calls, 7 voicemails and 37 texts. He scanned texts first, just a lot of friends checking on Clay. He typed in the first. "Clay is doing as well as can be a expected. We're changing phone numbers today. SAW."

Then he copied and pasted it 36 more times. Moving on to voicemails the first two were media requests for interviews. The third was from Coach Cross checking on Clay. The fourth and fifth were from Gina and Corabeth. Eddie Castillo was the 6th call. The final one was from his mother. He noted all the numbers. Then he deleted all of it.

"Bon appétit Chief!" Farm Boy said flashing his sexiest smile. "I call these beggs. There are 3 eggs and a banana in each stack. You get the feel of a crepe without the carbs. You use jelly instead of syrup."

Sean chose the strawberry jelly while Clay went with blackberry. They dug in. Sean chewed and savored the tastes and textures in his mouth. "Clay these are fantastic! Where did you learn about them?"

"I took Home Ec in high school. Coach Parker has every football player take Home Ec one semester as an elective. Told us we'd need to know some basic skills in life when we went out on our own. I can meal plan, cook, I can even sew buttons on a shirt and iron. I'm not as good at making a shirt though Mom has my attempt at one in my keepsake box at home."

"Well I can design an outfit with the best of them," Sean said. "Just don't ask me to cut a pattern or sew it. I can make simple stuff in the kitchen. I'm not bad at following a recipe for things either. I have a great eye for decorating."

The two smiled goofily at each other. Sean said, "Hello, I'm Sean Andreas Walls and we just shared something about ourselves that wasn't about sex."

"I'm glad to meet you. I'm Leon Clayton Reed IV, I want to learn more about you and about what turns you on."

"Well one of the things you should know I am a planner. One of the plans for today is to change our phone numbers. I'm not sure how the media got them but they do. We also need to go to the Student Health Center and get you into their alert system. We should also go register as domestic partners at the court house. Add to that rubbing cream on your cock and ass three times today, studying, and returning calls. We've got a lot to do. Oh add in dropping off the contracts with my family attorney to review."

"WOW! A busy day. Remember I have to be at the stadium by 3."

"Only if I'm in tow," Sean reminded him. "By the way call Coach Cross. He called me to check on you."

"OK, let me clean up the kitchen first."

Sean sat on the couch and called his mother. After a few brief moments of static the call connected and her phone rang. "Lund here."

"Hello Mom, is your caller ID not working?" Sean quipped.

"Sorry son, my mind is all over the planet. We've got 4 new cases here and Andrea's pregnancy is causing her major morning sickness. Then there are your troubles with Clay. How is he?"

"Mom, he's fine. He's benched for the time being. Doctor said it may be weeks before the drug is out of his system. He made breakfast this morning bananas and eggs."

"What drug did he use on him Sean?"


"Four weeks doesn't sound right. Let me check something." Sean could hear his mother flipping pages. He knew she was using her PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference) to read up. "According to the PDR it should be out of his system in 72 hours. What did he ingest it in beer or liquor?"

"Water mixed with vodka."

"Water and Vodka mix! He must be real sensitive to it. Had he used it before?"

"Hey Clay! My Mom wants to know if you've used roofies before?"

"Sean Andreas Walls! You didn't?"

"Hi Mom, I'm Clay. I'm looking forward to meeting you. No never had roofies. Smoked some pot, drank beer, wine and booze."

"I look forward to meeting you too. Are we on speaker phone?"

"Yeah Mom we are."

"OK well as I said, the drug should be gone 72 hours after ingesting. Go to the Student Health Center and speak with Christine. She's seen plenty of cases."

"Ok Mom," both boys said together.

"Say Hi to Dad for me," Sean said. "Bye!"

"Arrington said 4 weeks!" Clay said. "How could he be so wrong?"

" What is worse, that's what he told the coaches." Sean called Coach Lee. "Coach, Sean Walls here. Yeah Clay's fine. I just talked to my Mom. She checked and she says that the rohypnol should be out of Clay's system by tonight. Yeah we know what Arrington said. Mom wants us to talk to Christine at SHC. We're heading over now. Care to meet us? Great see you in 15."

Clay dressed and was ready to go. Sean threw on jeans and a T-shirt with sandals. Both men grabbed wallets, phones and keys. They took Sean's car. Pulling up to the Student Health Center at the same time as Coach Lee arrived with Coach Cross.

As they met at the door Cross said to Sean, "Are you telling me we benched him for nothing?"

"No, I telling you that according to the Physician's Desk Reference rohypnol is out of the body completely in 72 hours according to my mother, Dr. Lund." Sean responded. It dawned on Clay then that Chief's mother was a physician. "She said to bring him to Christine. She handles date rape cases all the time on campus."

Coach Cross led the way into the clinic. "Good morning, I'm Coach Cross, I need to speak to Dr. Velez urgently."

"Dr. Velez is with patients Coach. May I ask what is so urgent?"

"One of my players may have been misdiagnosed at a local hospital," Coach replied.

Sean took over. In a soft voice he asked, "Gabby can you get Clay in a room? It's about the rohypnol."

"For you Sean, I'll see what I can do," she whispered back. Two minutes later she called out, "Reed, Leon." Clay and Sean moved forward. The coaches moved to follow. Gabby stopped them. "HIPA only permits the patient and designated persons to be in the examination room." Then she closed the door. "Self-righteous prick," she mumbled. "In here guys, I'll let the Doc know you're here and why."

Sean walked up to her, "May I?" She nodded. Sean gave her a hug. "You're the best Gabby!" Gabby smiled and went out the door.

Not 5 minutes later Christine Velez walked in the room. "Good morning. I knew there would be trouble brewing on campus today. The week has been too quiet. So Clay you managed to get yourself raped after only being out and about what a week?"

Clay hung his head, "Nine days."

"Well I'm thankful you've recovered as well as you have. Now please tell me what is so urgent that I've got Cross and Lee cooling their heels in reception.

Sean brought her up to speed on what his mother had shared. Christine hit the button on the intercom, "Janice please bring me my PDR to room 6. Thanks." Moments later Janice knocked and offered the book to the doctor. She quickly looked up rohypnol. "Your Mom is right. 72 hours is the standard. Did Arrington tell you what you'd be doing in those 4 weeks?

Clay said, "Seeing him."

"There's your answer - Billing. You should have been directed to follow up with me. I tell most students 3 to 5 days. Everyone is different. Drop the drawers Clay. Let's have a look." Clay dropped his pants. "The hospital report said contusions on the glans and scrotum," as she gloved up. Skillfully she exposed the glans. "Clay you're doing well. You see this yellowish color here? It indicates the bruise is healing. She examined this scrotum. "Same thing there. The report said the major damage was blunt trauma and distention of the anus with minor lacerations and contusions of rectal membranes and the Sigmoid colon. Clay I need to see your anus." Clay pulled his legs up and back so his ass presented as Sean had trained him.

"That answers an unasked question," Dr. Velez quipped. "Swelling is down and the anus is closed. Clay, how does it feel?"

Clay blushed, it needs scratched Doc."

Velez roared, "Sean your beau is horned up. So the question becomes naturally horny or drug induced?"

Clay responded, "I want Sean so badly. But it's like that every time we're together. But we were told I can't be fucked, sorry, have sex till the drug is gone."

"Clay did you pick your clothes this morning?" He nodded. In the affirmative. "Did you choose what you had for breakfast?" He nodded again. "Do you know the difference between right and wrong?" Again he nodded. "Sounds like you are making your own decisions. You should be able to make your own decisions about sex too."

"Thanks Doc. May I put my legs down now?"

"Yes you may, Clay. You may also get dressed." Pushing another button she asked Gabby to bring the coaches back to her. A few moments later, two coaches squeezed into the room."

"Gentlemen, I've examined Mr. Reed, I find him in good overall health. Rohypnol, in my experience, is usually out of the system in 3 - 5 days. He's cleared for sports as of Monday at 12:01 am. "

"To be clear you still advise against him playing tomorrow?" Cross asked.

"I do. The drug is in all probability is going to be out of his system tonight but he's had a hell of a week. He can ride with the team, whatever just no dressing out."

"Thank you Doctor! I think we're all delighted," Cross flashed a rare smile while shaking Christine's hand. Coach Lee thanked her as well and both left the exam room. The boys went to follow.

Christine said, "Not so fast. I'm not done with the two of you." She shut the door." Needless to say, you BOTH need to be using condoms, I understand the lab tests are all coming in negative but for the next 3 to 6 months condoms! After that, if you're monogamous, you may bareback. Am I clear?"

"Yes Doc!" Sean acknowledged.

"Yes Ma'am!" Clay nodded.

"Oh! Sean! You've trained him well so far," she winked at Sean, "keep it up." Sean smiled and Clay blushed crimson. Christine led the way out.

After paying his copay, Clay and Sean headed to deal with their cell phones. Luckily they both dealt with Verizon so it was just a short distance from campus. However it seemed to take forever to simply change numbers. It was 11:30 before they left.

Then they drove to the Orange County Annex in Winter Park and registered as Domestic Partners. To celebrate their partnership Sean treated to lunch at Johnny's, a little Mom & Pop diner off of University. Afterwards they dropped off the contracts before going home. As they got to the apartment, Sean unlocked the door and opened it. Then he turned around and picked Clay up and carried him across the threshold.

Clay looked at him with a goofy grin, "What was that, your version of the Sabine Women?" He laughed.

"Well I did capture your heart." Sean replied. "But we have business to do. We need to send our new phone numbers out to our families and friends. Let's do an email blast."

"I've not done one. Will you help me Chief?"

"Sure thing," he said going into the Locker Room. They opened their laptops. Sean opened his email. He selected his contacts. He selected all. Then he went through and deselected individuals he did not want to have his new number. Then he clicked create email. He typed in his new number and hit send.

"Oh, I can handle that," Clay commented. He followed the steps Sean had showed him and sent out his new number as well.

Sean called Eddie. He picked up after six rings. "Castillo residence."

"Hi Eddie! It's Sean and Clay!" Sean said as he switched to speaker phone. "We had to change our numbers."

"I'll need to do the same. This has been a nightmare. The media is trying to make me complicit in the rapes."

"Oh no!" both boys cried.

"I called last night to check on the contracts."

"Sorry Eddie, we just dropped them off for review earlier today. I hope that doesn't screw things up."

"Truthfully, it does. I need them back by Wednesday, at the latest. Clay, I swear, I knew nothing about what Ev was doing. I'm hoping we can still be business associates if not friends."

Clay spoke up, "Eduardo, I don't harbor any ill will toward you. Perhaps, Chief can bring us over tonight for a visit after the pep rally at 7."

"If Eddie is open to a visit, I'd be happy to come over," Sean added

"I'd like that very much. See the two of you later. Bueno, saludos!"

" Shuttle or car?" Sean asked.

"Chief can we take your car?"

"Of course we can. We're getting it together Clay! Things are lining up."

The couple changed into team colors and headed out to meet the coaches.

Next: Chapter 36

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