Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 1, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 34 Sidelined

The thoughts of going to the stadium cheered Clay. He changed quickly and was waiting when Sean grabbed his wallet and keys to head out the door. Clay bounded down the stairs two at a time. He urged Sean to get a move on. Sean kept his own pace. When he reached his car he ordered, "Get in the back seat."

"I'll be cramped," Clay whined.

"Back seat or back to the apartment, your choice."

"Yes Sir," Clay mumbled crawling in the back.

Sean started the engine and pulled out of his spot. He drove over to the other side of the complex where Larry was waiting for him leaning on a cane. "Sorry we're running late Larry," Sean said as the quarterback climbed into the passenger seat, "we had to get some things together."

Clay was overjoyed to see Larry, "Bro! You're down to just a cane!" Awesome"

The two fist punched as Sean headed for the stadium. They pulled into the lot. Security was flagging them down to another gate. Larry said, "Follow the flag men Sean."

"Will do." Sean followed the security flags. The next thing he knew they were at the far end zone.

The trio got out of the car just as the team took the field. They walked to the bench to greet the players. Sean left the two quarterbacks and walked over to the FWBs. The women hugged and kissed him., praising him for the way he stood by Clay. They peppered him with questions. "All I can tell you is that it takes a while to get rohypnol fully out of your system. He's really emotional right now."

As if to prove his point, Clay was heading his way crying. He was trying to wipe the tears from his face without success. "Chief! Take me home. Get me the fuck off this damn field!"

"You got it! Let's go!" He put an arm around the now sobbing quarterback. Guiding him to the car, he got him seated and buckled in. He started the engine and carefully retraced his route heading for the parking lot and exit. He didn't ask questions. He drove home, parked and got Clay into the apartment. Clay made a beeline for the bedroom and closed the door.

Clay gave him 30 minutes alone. Then he went into the room. Clay was curled in a fetal position on the bed. Sean lay beside him and placed an arm over him. "You ready to talk?"

" I've, I've been sidelined until the damn drug is out of my system," he spit out the final words.

"Why do you think they made that choice?

" Because I'm a fucking emotional wreck!"

Sean decided to change the narrative. "No, it's not you. I believe this drug is still affecting you. So Clay Reed the quarterback isn't with us at the moment. Instead we have a drugged up bruised body of a man dealing with a drug that was forced on him. Until we get it out, the quarterback isn't available. The question is, `Are you ready to do what needs to be done to get the quarterback back in the game?"

Clay uncurled and turned to face Sean. He just looked at Sean for a number of minutes. He put his arm over Sean and pulled him close. "Please don't talk right now. Just hold me please." Sean adjusted his position on the bed so he could get both arms around Clay. He did as asked, just held his boyfriend. Clay's breathing evened out, his body relaxed. And he dozed off.

About an hour later, Clay awoke to find Sean still holding him and stroking his hair. "Did you sleep Chief?"

"No, I just lay here thinking about you."

"What time is it? I'm hungry."

"I have 6:35, so I'm not surprised. What would like for dinner. I can reheat stuffed peppers, I can foreman burgers, I can make whatever you'd like that we find in the kitchen."

"I'd really like barbecue tonight. Can we order in?"

"You look for a place that delivers. I'll have whatever you choose. I'm going to catch up on my classes until it arrives."

Sean walked into the kitchen and pulled a beer from the fridge. The doorbell rang. As he opened the door he was surprised to see Marshall Lee. "Come in Coach," he said a little louder than usual hoping Clay would hear.

"Hello Sean, May I have a few moments of your time?"

"Sure Coach, have a seat."

"In private if you would please."

"Ok, follow me to the Locker Room." He led the way into the spare room and closed the door. He offered Coach Lee a seat. "It's your dime Coach, spend it," as he took his own seat at his desk.

" Thank you for seeing me in private Sean. I wanted to talk to you about what happened at practice today. We know that Clay is upset about our decision to bench him. He didn't give us a chance to tell him what we had planned. Practice wound up being a cluster fuck after he left. The whole team was affected by Clay breaking down like he did. Then you took him off the field before any of us could talk to him. Sean, Clay is a very important part of the Stallions. His loss diminishes the whole team. Because we realize his importance the coaching staff wants to use his abilities during the game from the box. Clay has a really good eye. He can see the big picture. He seems to have a sense of what the next play the opposing coach is going to call. We want to put that to work. Do you think he'd be willing?

"I think you're talking to the wrong guy. Just relax here a minute and I'll send him in." He left and crossed to their bedroom. Clay was just finishing their order.

"Who was at the door?"

"It was a visitor for you. He's waiting in the Locker Room. Run along and listen with what he has to say."

Clay padded across the apartment. As he entered the Locker Room, he saw Marshall sitting admiring the two Castillo prints. Clay's hands rolled into fists. "What the fuck do you want? Are you here to tell me again how I can't play football?"

Sean came running. "Clay, he has somethings to say to you which he didn't get to say earlier. Would you please hear him out?"

Clay's nostrils flared. He felt confused. His mind was reeling. Sean was next to him asking him to listen to the coach who had benched him. He shook his head as if trying to throw something off. Then he sat on the floor. "I'll try to listen."

Sean sat beside him as Coach Lee told Clay how great he was. He made the offer. "You don't have to give me an answer now. If you decide to do it, be at the field tomorrow at 3 to meet with the coaching staff." He rose to leave. He carefully sidestepped around the two seated students. "I'll let myself out."

Sean nodded, "Thanks for coming by Coach." A few moments later the outside door opened and closed.

"This is why I can't play. I can't control myself. I wanted to nail his hide to the wall. "Sean let him give voice to his feelings. "I don't know if I can do what he's asking. If I lose it in the control box, reporters will see."

Sean asked, "If I'm there with you in the box, would it help?"

Clay thought before speaking. "Dr. LaPlante and Dr. Arrington both told me if you hadn't shown up when you did, I would have died. If you hadn't been at practice today, things would have been much worse. If you hadn't been here tonight I could have punched a Coach. I could smell Coach's fear. But you're not afraid of me. I feel safe when you're near me. I feel loved when you're near me. I think that's how I've kept it together yesterday and today. I had people who loved me near me."

"Clay, I think you nailed it on the head. Your loving family was all around you. Even when Mom spanked you, you knew you were loved." The doorbell rang, "That should be our food. How about eating?"

Clay scrambled up and dashed for the door. "Delivery for Reed - Walls," the courier announced. Clay took the food and thanked the driver. He slipped him an extra $5 as a tip. Carrying the food to the kitchen, he plated it. He got napkins, flatware, set the table and lit the candles. He put on some easy listening music and pour iced tea for both of them. Microwaved each meal for 30 second and carried the food to the table. Then he held out the chair for Sean to be seated before taking his own seat. He took Sean's hand and bowed his head in prayer. "Thank you God for this food. Thank you for my family, thank you for my life, thank you for my Sean. Amen."

They ate by the candlelight as they watched stars appear in the night sky.

After dinner they cleaned up together. Sean insisted that they each needed to put in 3 hours on school work. So with music still playing they repaired to the Locker Room and opened their laptops. Clay was interrupted at 9:30 when his Mom called. They had stopped along the way to see friends in Lake Wales. He told them he loved them and thanked them for coming. He said Sean was making him study and he needed to go. Sean heard our final words to her son that night, "Your Sean's a keeper Clay. You hold on to him tight."

At 10:55 Clay's phone rang from an unknown number. He was about to answer it when Sean said, "Let me."

He picked the phone and said, "Reed-Walls Residence. May I help you?" He listened to the caller. "I'm sorry, neither are available for comment. Goodbye." He turned off Clay's phone. "News reporter wanted a comment on the attack on Steele." Then he turned off his cell. "No more calls tonight." They spent a half hour more studying. Sean stretched. Stood and went into the bathroom. He noticed the paprika His towels were hanging there. "Mom," he thought. Turning on the water he stripped and pissed. He smiled as a second stream joined his from the side.

"Mind if I join you, Chief"

" It's one of the best way to save on water." They both laughed. Sean checked the water temperature and stepped into the shower. Clay was right behind him. He soaped up a washcloth and started scrubbing his Farm Boy from head to toe, front to back. The he carefully retracted the foreskin and washed the glans. "Turn around again and spread your cheeks." As Clay pulled his ass cheeks apart, Sean washed the tender rosebud. He grabbed another washcloth and handing it to Clay said, "Clean me up Farm Boy."

Clay was as thorough as Sean had been moments before. When he was finished they rinsed off, stepped from the tub and toweled each other dry.

Sean got the two ointments. He did the glans first, taking the time to tease it with his nail. Then he had Clay assume the fuck ball position to do his anus. After washing his hands, he took Clay's hand and led him to their bed.

"Chief I want you real bad," Clay whispered as he rubbed Sean's abs. "I want to ride your cock Sir! Please let me fuck myself on you beautiful cock? Please Sir,'" he pleaded.

Sean removed Clay's hand from his abs. Turning on his side to face his lover he explained, "I'd like nothing better, but not tonight. I'm concerned that your orgasms are releasing hormones which are triggering whatever remaining rohypnol in left your body and causing the mood swings. Just let me hold you.

Clay made is pouty face but turned to spoon back into Sean. He wiggled his ass a few times to entice Sean to fuck him. All he got for his efforts was a hard slap on his right ass cheek. Giving a deep sigh of resignation, he lay still, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Morning light saw the pair in the same positions in which they had fallen asleep. Clay was very aware of nine inches of morning wood nestled between his legs and poking at his balls. His prick was also pointing up at him saying good morning. Clay clamped his legs together and began with the tiniest of pelvic thrusts. Since Sean didn't wake Clay increased his efforts jacking his lover's cock. As he moved he realized he was enjoying the friction on his perineum.

As Clay further increased his efforts, Sean woke from a deep sleep. He realized his cock was being milked. Regaining his bearings he realized Clay had a begun a frottage with his morning wood. He smiled at the boy's desire to engage with him sexually. He used his right hand to tweak Clay's nipple. Clay froze but a moment as he savored the sensations flowing to his dick and ass. Sean began his own thrusting contributing his own boy honey as a lubricant between Clay's muscular thighs. Clay's right hand began working his turgid member as Sean took over with quicker pelvic thrusts of his own. Soft moans and panting filled the bedroom. Clay shot first is one voluminous load which soared over the bed and hit the floor. He reached his right hand back to slap Sean's ass spurring him on. With a loud grunt Sean sent three strong volleys of his seed onto Clay's balls and the mattress. Farm Boy wasted no time gathering it up and sucking it from his fingers.

Jumping to his knees in their bed, Clay grinned at Sean, "Thanks for nailing it this morning!" Then he tickled Sean as he pinned him to the bed as they kissed.

Next: Chapter 35

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