Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 28, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 32 Home again

The news conference was a huge success. Clay had nailed it. After Clay's appeal, his mother and father spoke about the effect of this crime. They asked other parents to encourage their sons and daughters to report rape. They added their thanks to all. Then stood back as the doctors spoke of how well Clay was doing and the dangers of date rape. Then the Police Chief provided the number for Winter Park PD so that other victims of rape could call.

Clay stirred about 3 pm. He has to piss. He moved Sean's arm. As he sat up his mother said, "There's Mr. Sleepyhead!"

"Hi Mom, I was exhausted. So was Sean. Be right back." He grabbed his IV pole and headed to the bathroom. As he walked he was aware of downward pressure in his bowels. He removed the dressing on his asshole. As he sat on the commode he farted. As he emptied his bladder he began to defecate. It was only slightly uncomfortable. He pulled the string for assistance.

Moments later Tomas and Sari the Tech on duty burst into the room scaring Martha and Leon and waking Sean. They threw open the bathroom door to find a smiling Clay saying, "I made poo poo in the potty!"

Tomas laughed loudly. "Mr. Reed, you're one crazy dude! I'll let Dr. Arrington know. Do you want me to redress the area or will Mr. Walls assist?

"He'll need the practice," Clay joked. "May I flush now?"

"Yes Mr. Reed, you may flush." Tomas said. Sari and Tomas stepped out of the bathroom. "We're sorry if we alarmed you. Clay just met criteria to be discharged. Mr. Walls he wants your assistance with cleaning and the dressing. Also it is time for both sets of ointments. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, your son will need a few minutes alone with Mr. Walls." Martha and Leon heard the toilet flush. They stood and followed Tomas out.

Tomas came back in. "Let me remove the IV line for you first. Your 3rd bag finished while you were sleeping so I stopped the machine." Tomas removed the IV tube. "After I receive the final discharge order I'll remove the line'" He smiled at both men. "Have fun!"

"OK Farm Boy, assume the position." Clay reared his legs back, grabbing his ankles and exposing his ass to his lover. Sean put on the latex gloves and used the wash cloth to clean up Clay's asshole. He smiled, Farm Boy, your rosebud is back! No gaping!" Sean bent in and kissed his boyfriend's rosebud sending shockwaves through Clay's body. He then applied the medicine being sure to use his fingernail to tease the tender flower. "Legs down." Clay obeyed instantly. His rock hard cock presented itself.

Sean grasped the cock as he had been instructed and retracted the foreskin exposing the cock head. He slowly cleaned the glans using a fresh wash cloth. Using the second ointment he slowly circled the glans paying careful attention to its underside. Clay was gasping for breath. Sean continued teasing the glans while doing a short stroking of the shaft. Clay's balls were beginning to pull up. He started to thrust his hips into his lover's hand trying to fuck it. Sean kept teasing the soft sensitive issue. He saw the balls tighten and removed his hand and took Clay into his mouth. One flick of his tongue and Farm Boy was spilling seed copiously into Sean's mouth. Chief didn't spill a drop.

"Well Farm Boy, think you can handle 3 of those a day?" Sean quipped.

"At least, he answered."

There was a knock on the door and Leon stuck his head inside the room. "Everything alright in here? We didn't think changing the dressing would take so long."

"It was my first time doing it solo," Sean fibbed. "I wanted to do it right."

"Well let me get mother. Since you're going home we'll need to get back to Arcadia."

"Leon, we'll need you to drive us back to the apartment anyway. I'll set up the air mattress in the Locker Room. It's only full sized but Clay will be comfortable on it and I'll sleep on the couch. You and Mom can have our bed."

"All right Sean. Sounds like a plan. I'll go get Martha."

Clay slid on his pants and was fastening them up when his parents came back to the room. As he put on his socks he realized how sore his muscles really were. He donned the Stallions polo and slipped into his shoes.

Dr. Arrington came in just then. "Tomas told me the good news! I've signed your discharge paperwork. I want to see you weekly for the next month to make sure the rohypnol is out of your system." He shook everyone's hand then bounced out of the room.

Tomas entered with a folder. He went over the discharge orders. Clay signed them. Tomas gave him the prescriptions he would need filled. Tomas removed the IV line from his forearm, "You're a free man again. Do you want a wheel chair or do you want to walk out?

Clay jumped up and hugged Tomas, "Thank you for taking such good care of me! I'd like to walk."

Sean sent Gina and Coach Marshall Lee a text that Clay had been discharged and they were on their way home. He then helped gather up stuff from the room.

They stopped at the Walgreens near the hospital and got the prescriptions filled. While they sat waiting several customers came up and asked for Clay's autograph. One young woman told him, "I heard you on the radio earlier today. I'm sorry for your troubles. I want you to know that you are very brave."

The pharmacist echoed the young woman's sentiments. "Young man, you put a face to a growing problem with these date rape drugs. Thank you for starting the discussion."

Back in the car Clay remarked, "I don't feel brave or remarkable. I just did what I think was right."

Martha commented, "Rape is a nasty business. Male rape is hardly ever spoken of in our society. You highlighted both today. Your father and I are very proud of you both."

Sean had been sitting back and enjoying down time. He'd be back in classes tomorrow. He was surprised by Martha's comment. Clay squeezed his hand.

As they turned on to Alafaya Trail they saw a large crowd gather on either side of their complex's entrance holding signs. They read: `Welcome Home," "He's Back, "We love you Clay," among others. Clay waved as his father drove slowly through the group. At their building a small shrine had been started. There was a picture of Clay in uniform. Candles and flowers surrounded it. Clay was overcome with emotion and tears welled up. Sean put his arm around him. He calmed down. "Are you ready Farm Boy? Your fans want you," Sean said.

They opened the car doors and were greeted by shouts and applause. Clay made his ways to the steps and started up. He turned on the 5th step to address the crowd. "I want to thank each of you for the support you have shown me. Spread the word. Don't let rapists win! I need to get some more rest. Thank you again for coming out to welcome me home! I love you all!" Then he turned and continued up to the 4th floor. The crowd drifted off.

When Leon, Martha and Sean arrived on the 4th floor Clay was sitting on the floor leaning against the door. "What's wrong?" his mother demanded.

"I don't have my keys," he quipped shooting his Mom his quirky smile and double raising his eyebrows.

"Oh you jokester you! You're not too big to get a spanking from me." Martha laughed at his antics. Sean unlocked the door and walked in to their apartment. There were flowers all over the place.

"They arrived this morning before we left at 9:30," Leon explained. There were Japanese chrysanthemums, tiger lilies, star lilies, sunflowers, carnations and roses. There were a total of nine arrangements.

Clay began reading the cards, his parents and 3 siblings sent the roses, the coaching staff, Mama and Papa G, The Center, Professor O'Connall, PFLAG, Al Cassidy, Sean's parents and President & Mrs. Clark.

"Tomorrow you need to send thank you notes for those," his mother informed him. "For now sit down and I'll fix up something to eat."

Sean opened the storage closet and pulled out the portable air mattress and pump. He hauled it into the Locker Room and put it in the corner where he envisioned a futon going. He plugged in the pump, connected it to the mattress and turned it on. In a matter of minutes the bed was inflated. In the bottom of the box were a set of sheets that went with it. He made the bed and grabbed two throw pillows from the couch.

Martha was busy in the kitchen using the one pot to make a hearty stew. Leon and Clay had started watching the news while talking about football.. Sean decided to set the table getting what he needed from the kitchen. Martha smiled at him as she chopped things for a salad.

The anchor said, "Next up, a local college quarterback is fighting back against his rapist and date rape drugs. They all stopped and gathered at the TV.

After the commercial, the anchor introduced the story. "Golden Stallions quarterback Clay Reed revealed earlier today he is a victim of the date rape drug rohypnol. Courtney Mitchell was there. Courtney what can you tell us."

"Thank you Glen. With his parents and boyfriend beside him and flanked by police, medical staff as well as a number of the Stallions, Clay Reed stunned the college world with this announcement."

They rolled the tape of Clay's speech. " Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Leon Clayton Reed IV, and I am a victim of rape perpetrated upon my person by Everett Steele, a personal trainer. He drugged me with the date rape drug rohypnol. I reveal myself to you today not to seek pity. Rather it is to speak to the community at large about these dangerous drugs. I am not the only victim. Numerous women and men have been victimized by rapists using this and other drugs. I shall not be quiet nor simply stand by to see others raped. I was my rapist's 185th victim. I am asking the other 184 men this pervert has raped to come forward, as I have done, and put a name and face to these crimes. I would be remiss if I didn't thank Mr. Eddie Castillo for calling for the police and EMTs. I also thank them for their rapid response. Combined with the top notch medical care I received at this hospital and the loving support of my parents and boyfriend, Sean Walls, who has been at my side since I arrived here last night." Courtney continued, Winter Park Police have received calls from around Florida since this news broke at noon. So far they have 47 confirmed cases against the suspect Everett Steele. More are expected."

Courtney, is there any word on how Clay is doing?" Bob asked.

"Yes, Bob, a hospital spokesperson told us Clay was discharged late this afternoon."

"Thank you, Courtney. Clay is certainly a courageous young man. We all wish him well. If you are a victim of Everett Steele, Winter Park Police would like to speak with you. Their number is on the screen." They went to a commercial break.

"Forty-seven others have come forward Clay! Forty-seven!" Sean was jubilant.

"Yes, forty-seven other victims came forward because my boyfriend turned lemons into lemonade. You're the true hero. I think people should know."

"Leon Clayton Reed IV, it's enough for me to be your hero and for you to be mine!" Sean stated emphatically. "Come try this air mattress." Clay got up and followed.

"Oh! That's kind of neat. I envisioned like a pool float, but this is nice and thick. I can sit on it like a real bed."

"Yeah it has other uses too," he whispered, "that I hope to teach you about."

Clay felt his cock plump and his ass itch at the same time. All he said was, "Yes Sir."

"Dinners on! Wash up fellas!" Martha called. Leon headed off to the main bathroom while Sean and Clay washed up in the Locker Room bath.

After all four were seated Leon said grace, "In Jesus' name to the table we come. God bless the food we receive. To God be the honor, to us the gain. So we have this food to eat in Jesus' name. Amen."

The salad and stew were perfect! Sean complimented Martha on her cooking skills. Both Clay and he had second helpings.

They stopped as the National NEWS anchor was announcing a news story from Central Florida. Once again there was Courtney, this time actually outside the apartment complex doing the lead in to Clay's speech. Sean looked out the window and saw all 5 TV stations had satellite trucks parked along the berm. "Clay this has gone viral!" Once more Clay's handsome face addressed an audience that was now national if not global.

As they finished their meal, their doorbell rang. "I'll deal with this," Sean said as he got and went to the door. He engaged the security bolt and opened the door. Three quarterbacks stood there with two 6 packs of beer.

"May we come in?" Larry asked.

Sean released the security bolt and opened the doors for his friends.

"Mom and Dad you remember Larry, Antonio and Steve. "

"Certainly, we remember we were just here Saturday. Have you boys eaten? I think I can get three more bowls of stew out of what's left. The guys moved the table as Martha and Leon cleared the table and she split the remaining stew into three bowls. Together with a loaf of bread and butter it would fill up the boys.

"We heard on the news you were discharged. We tried calling you, but Clay, your phone goes right to voice mail," Antonio noted

"So we came over anyway for a welcome home party," Steve added. "This stew is wonderful Mrs. Reed! Really delicious!"

"Well thank you young man. Since y'all brought the beer may I serve it?" Martha asked.

"Very kind of you Mrs. Reed," Antonio said.

Martha asked, "Leon, Sean you ready for one?"

"What about me, Mom?" Clay whined.

"Four weeks no beer or booze!" Martha told him. It's in your discharge instructions. "They don't want you triggering any rohypnol still in your system."

Clay made a pouty face. He got up and located his phone. He booted it up; he had missed 31 phone calls and had 127 text messages. He ran through the texts first. All get well wishes. He typed "Thank you" on the first one, then copied and pasted it to each one as a response. Then he deleted them. Then he pulled out his ear buds and started listening to messages. Most were from family or friends. "Holy Shit!" he yelled. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Clay. "Sean, they want us to appear on The Today Show!" Clay replayed the voice mail. The very next voice mail was the producer for Ellen DeGeneres. So it went so that there were 2 news shows 2 talk shows, a House and Senate Committees in Tallahassee and in Washington, DC. Everyone sat in stunned silence.

Sean spoke first. Those are wonderful opportunities. However, we need to speak with the police and the State's Attorney to see if we can talk about the case without jeopardizing it.

"You're right Sean," Leon agreed, "Steele needs to pay for what he did to you Junior."

"Well they don't need answers now!" Martha interjected. "Clay you're looking a little washed out. I hate to bring your welcome home party to an end but it's time for you to rest."

The 3 quarterbacks each hugged Clay as they gathered at the door. "Welcome home. We'll see you tomorrow," they said together.

"Be careful on the stairs with the crutches Larry," Clay warned.

"We'll get him way or another," Steve laughed.

Clay closed the door. "You know Mom, I am tired. Sean will you change my dressing and apply the medicine please."

"Sure Clay, let me get my pajamas for tonight and my bathrobe. You should sleep nude so as not to bind anything. I'll bring your bathrobe over." Sean pulled things together and headed to the Locker Room. Clay was on his lap top. "Doing homework?"

"No, I'm reading a news article about me in the Orlando Sentinel." Clay walked over and closed it.

"Do I need to get Mom?"

"No, I'll be a good boy," he said sarcastically.

"Now do you want to shower or get right to the meds?"

"Can we shower together?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" Sean slapped Clay's ass playfully.

Martha knocked on the door and entered. "Excuse me boys, Leon and I are going to turn in. Sean, I put a blanket from the closet on the couch for you. We're just as beat as the two of you. There were lots of emotions today." She walked up and hugged Clay, kissed his cheek and did the same to Sean. Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite!" She smiled.

Clay finished, "And may God wake us with the morning's first light." He didn't see his mother's smile broaden as she closed the door.

Sean clicked Spotify on his laptop and played a soft sexy jazz piece. He closed and locked the door. Turning to Clay he started a slow strip tease, kicking off his flip flops, slowly raising and lowering his shirt until he lifted it over his head, twirling his shirt over his head he tossed it at Clay. Turning his back towards Clay, he shimmied his shorts down over his bubble butt ever so slowly until they dropped and he stepped out of them. He spun around and did a sexy step with a pelvic thrust causing his flaccid cock to fly through the air. Clay's eyes were riveted on his lover. Sean started lifting Clay's shirt. As he reached his nipples he licked at each one briefly. Then he continued until the shirt was off. Sean's hands ran through Clay's curly red locks, stroked his neck line and continued his hands running down over his hairy chest. He pinched and pulled the nipples eliciting tiny moans from Clay as Farm Boy's cock plumped and rose to its full 9". Sean's own 9" was also expanding.

Sean's hands continued to move downward stroking Clay's abs and finally coming to rest on his belted slacks. He nimbly unhitched the belt and drew it clear. Then he let his hand play down front of Clay's slacks until he was rubbing his lover's cock through the material. Clay's upper body was flushing with sexual desire. He moaned and stated to speak to Sean. But Sean covered Clay's mouth with his hand. Then continued to shimmy his pants down, pulling his engorged prick down with the pants. As it cleared the pants Clay's cock sprung up and slapped his abs, spewing boy honey over them.

Sean continued to remove Clay's pants and socks. His shoes were kicked off earlier when they got home. When he was completely naked Sean reached up and took Clay's cock in his hands. Then he licked up the shaft to the head. He swirled his tongue down inside the prepuce. Pulling the prepuce down, he exposed the bruised glans. He licked at it like an ice cream cone. Then he dove down on it burying all 9 inches in his mouth and throat. Clay's cock unexpectedly erupted and shot 5 thick ropes of seed into Sean's gullet. Sean slowly pulled off the spent cock. Spinning Clay around Sean pushed him over the desk. He removed the dressing and planted a kiss on the bruised rosebud before him.

Suddenly, Sean stood up and headed for the bathroom. Moments later the shower started. Clay walked in to find Sean already in the shower. "Why are you showering again Chief?"

"Just because."

"Chief are you upset with me?"


"Are you mad at me?"


"May I join you?"

"If you wish."

Clay got in. "That was very erotic Chief. I was really turned on" He touched Clay's shoulders.

Clay spun Sean around to face him. There were tears in Sean's eyes which were running down his cheeks. "Chief please tell me what's wrong," he pleaded.

"I, I started to lose control. I realized, if I continued, I was going to fuck you. So I walked off. I'm sorry. It's not you it's me."

"Sean, you're the best thing that has happened to me. My hole itches for your touch, your tongue and your prick. If you want to fuck me I would have permitted you to do so. Please understand, I'm so glad to be home again with you." They kissed and embraced as the water cascaded over them.

Next: Chapter 33

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