Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 27, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 31 Meet the Press

Clay came back to the room just before 9 AM. He had been given a douche, had his colonoscopy, more blood work drawn, a Sonogram of his penis, and a cheek swab for HIV. Sean was there as he promised, sleeping soundly on the sofa. As the wheel chair stopped Clay stood on his own without help. Grabbing his IV pole, he walked over and kissed Sean's forehead, "Morning Sunshine!"

Sean roused, "Oh Hello," he managed to say while sitting up rubbing his eyes. "I was cat napping."

"It was more like sawing logs given your snoring!" Clay teased.

Sean stood up, "You're standing up!"

"Better than standing down, Chief"

"I mean unaided."

"Yeah, I feel pretty good right now."

A knock on the door interrupted the hug the two had stated sharing. "Good morning! I'm Tomas, your day nurse." The duo greeted him back. "I've ordered breakfast for you both. After you've eaten we need to start the next bag for PEP and change your dressings." The stunningly handsome nurse flashed a huge smile. His brilliantly white teeth set off by his mahogany skin tones, dark eyes and yellow colored hair. His light blue scrubs hid his lithe body.

"Sounds like a plan, thanks." Clay responded.

"Thank you for including me in breakfast Tomas," Sean added."

"You're welcome," Tomas replied flashing his smile he ducked out the door closing it behind him.

Clay chose to sit in the recliner and propped his feet up. "I've had an adventurous morning, Chief. First they took me to a prep room and gave me an enema. I didn't feel the nozzle but the water was cool and soothing. They put me on a new gurney and wheeled me to a waiting area. Dr. Retpa came in. He was funny, asked me if I was ready to see my ass on TV. He explained they couldn't sedate me; so I'd get to watch the whole procedure on the same monitor as the nurses and anesthesiologist. Since I didn't have questions he left. The anesthesiologist, a Dr. Smithers, came in. She explained I had two options a spinal block or the topical if I felt I needed it. I chose the topical." As she left a really built nurse, Jorge, came in. He wheeled me into the procedure room and he rolled me onto my right side.

The Doctors came in. Smithers applied the topical to my ass and sprayed something inside me. I watched as Dr. Retpa picked up this camera device on a huge ass tube. He directed me to look at the screen." Playfully punching Sean's nose he continued, "You didn't tell how big my hole is!" He wagged his finger at Sean, so I was shocked to see this gaping hole as the camera entered me.

Retpa kept up a running commentary, which was being recorded for transcription. He pointed out a couple of small tear in the anus and the bruising goes about 6 inches into my rectum. Then he passed into the colon. He found nothing remarkable. Only took 20 minutes. Then I was in recovery and on to the lab. I sat there 15 minutes before a tech came out. I signed for the HIV test and she did a cheek swap. Fifteen minutes later she told me I am negative." Sean gave him a high five. Transportation came and wheeled me to another lab for the blood draw. I waited 45 minutes for a 5 min draw. It was another 20minutes for transportation. I'm glad to be back.

A knock on the door interrupted, "Food Service," a young brunette announced. She brought in both trays at the same time, placed them on the tray table and wished the guys a blessed day, closing the door behind her as she left. The two meals were identical, scrambled eggs, bacon, apple juice, 1% milk, bran muffin with butter, coffee, sweetener, creamer and a large banana. Sean picked up the banana. "It's smaller than me. You could swallow in one go. Wanna try?" he joked.

Clay laughingly said, "I'll do yours if you do mine!" They both laughed. As they ate Sean told Clay about Eddie's plans for T for Two." The main poster is of me done in that washed out blue of his with the T pubic hair above my shaft is shaded red. I wanted to do me when I saw it." They were laughing when Tomas entered. "Finished eating I hope. Ah just a bit more I see. May I hang the PEP bag?"

"Sure Tomas, I'm anxious to be home!" Clay responded.

As Tomas hung the bag of antivirals and started them into the main line the duo finished their breakfast. "Mr. Reed, time to move to the bed." He assisted Clay with the IV lines and positioned him in the bed. "Mr. Reed, may I ask who will be assisting you at home with your dressings?"

"My partner, Sean, will be helping me."

Tomas smiled. He thought he'd like to see these two in action." He turned to Sean, "Mr. Walls, would you please put on a pair of gloves and I'll show you how the medications and dressing should be done." Sean gloved up. Tomas removed the dressing around Clay's groin. "We will do this as you will do it at home. Dressings are changed every 8 hours after discharge. That will continue until the anus returns to normal closed position. Mr. Reed, where would you like us to start? Front or back?"

"Tomas, please start in back!" Clay winked at Sean.

"Very well, Sir, I'll put your bed into a flat position. Since you won't have stirrups at home, you will need to expose you anus. So pull your legs upwards and back."

Clay did so blushing. Sean quipped, "I've seen you do better than this. Do it right!" Clay's face burned red with embarrassment. He gripped his ankles and his ass presented itself.

"First we'll clean the anus using a soft clean washcloth. We suggest white so any dried or new blood can be seen." Tomas placed two fingers of his left hand on either side of Clay's anus and demonstrated the cleaning technique. "It's your turn Mr. Walls."

Sean slid his fingers over Clay's perineum and framed his anus. He daubed the washcloth as Tomas showed him. Clay wanted to explode. His ass itched for more and his cock stirred. "You did very well, Mr. Walls. Next we will measure the gap. Using the ruler we'll provide you simply measure from left to right. Can you read that?"

"1.5 cm," Sean replied.

"Correct. The anal muscles are extremely resilient. Mr. Reed's were severely traumatized, they closing quickly now. They may even fully close today. That would eliminate the measuring and dressings but not the cleaning nor the cream. Now leave your fingers in place, dab this cream covering the entire anus. Give it a try." Sean dabbed some of the ointment onto his middle finger and dabbed it all over Clay's hole.

Clay cast a pleading look at Sean. The Chief tapped out the beat for `Shave and a haircut two bit' on Farm Boys anus. Tomas chuckled and the two lovers both blushed. Tomas noted that with the way the anus was returning to its closed position they would use a simple pad dressing. "Mr. Reed, this can come off when your anus closes. Until then after every bowel movement it will need cleaned, and dressing reapplied. The ointment is only used 3 times a day. Do you have any questions?" Both Sean and Clay shook their heads no. "Excellent! You may put your legs down now Mr. Reed."

Clay was glad to reduce his exposure, but turned bright red when Sean commented, "Ah shucks! I was enjoying the view!"

Tomas smiled. "Now we'll work on the glans. This is relatively simple. You will grasp the penis about 2 centimeters below the head. Slowly retract the prepuce so the full glans is exposed." Tomas demonstrated exposing the bruises Everett's thumb and index finger left behind. "They will be angry looking for about 10 days but will begin to fade." Releasing Clay's penis, which was rising to the occasion, Tomas looked at Sean, "Your turn."

At Sean's touch Clay's cock sprang to life. His shit eating grin told Sean he was enjoying this public display even if it was humiliating him. Sean repeated the procedure for scaling back the prepuce. Tomas instructed, "Wash the glans and under its ridge to make there is no smegma remaining." Sean wiped it thoroughly. "Now this cream, indicating a different tube, "is designed to keep the skin soft and flexible as the body repairs the damage. You start at the top and rub the ointment around the glans and under the ridge." There was a wicked smile on Sean's face as he swirled the cream around white using his fingernail to tease the skin as well. Clay laid there making little moaning sounds. Tomas finished up saying, "For the time being no underwear. Mr. Walls you did very well. Mr. Reed is very lucky to have help with his home care." Then picking up the supplies, Tomas left them alone.

"Fuck Chief! I'm ready to bust a nut. It was all I could do not to erupt all over you guys. I sure wish you could nail it!"

Sean teasingly added, "Well you will have opportunities three times a day."

Another knock on the door announced the arrival of Dr. Arrington. "Morning Clay and Sean! How are you this morning Clay?"

"Truthfully, still sore as hell but doing better than I thought when the R2 wore off. I'm getting excellent care here as Sean told me I would."

"Well we credit Sean with keeping you calm as we worked those first hours to wean you off the rohypnol. Without his help we wouldn't be here today I fear. It's a nasty drug with too many side effects, I have some test results for you. May I discuss them in front of Sean?"

"Of course," Clay stated as Sean whipped out his phone and opened the Note Pad.

"Wonderful, I'm glad. The Colonoscopy revealed two small tears on the surface of the anus. You were fortunate that the fisting didn't rip larger tears both inside and out.The rectum itself is bruised badly. Apparently the Sigmoid Colon is also bruised but to a lesser extent. They will heal overtime. You may find defecating difficult to painful. I'll prescribe a stool softener to help. I'm afraid you will need to avoid anal intercourse as well until the areas clear up. The sonogram of your penis also provided good news. The meatus is intact. You should have no difficulty getting erect."

The two guys shared a knowing grin and a wink.

"Both your cheek swap and finger prick test for HIV indicate you are negative. Your attacker also appears to be negative. You'll need to test every three months. He'll be tested monthly. I'm glad we started PEP but please stay on your PrEP. Finally you have one more bag of PEP antiviral to go today. After it's done and IF your anus is nearly closed you'll be ready for discharge. We only need you to have a small bowel movement. So my suggestion is to get your happy ass up and walk the halls. Walking is your friend."

"Yes sir! So is running!" Clay added!

"Silly quarterback! You don't run in hospital halls!" Arrington teased. "Any questions?" The guys shook their heads no. "Great! You have a good day. Oh when you have the bowel movement the nurse needs to see it." Then he was out the door.

"I can't fuck or be fucked or be sucked for weeks. I'm going to go crazy. My balls will go from black and blue to just blue!"

"Farm Boy, have you forgotten what I just did to you this morning. I can't nail it but I can use my fingernail to tease a load out. THREE times a day!" Clay's body blushed from his head to his toes.

"Feel like a walk with your boyfriend?" Clay was up in less than New York minute. As Sean opened the door he took Clay's hand as they walked the hallways around his floor three times. As they approached the elevators Clay's Mom and Dad exited from one. Clay let go of Sean's hand and hugged both his parents. After a few seconds, Leon pulled Sean into the hug. They were family.

The foursome went back to the room. Clay sat on the bed with his Mom and Sean and Leon shared the couch. First they brought his folks up to date on Clay's progress. Clay left out the part about changing dressing, so Sean shared Tomas had trained him earlier in what to do.

Martha smiled broadly at Sean, "In sickness and in heath. Hopefully you two won't have to deal with sickness again for decades. Leon you give one of the bags to Sean and one to Junior." Leon gave each of them a gift bag. "Boys your place is very masculine. But it lacked a few items. So I went shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond. I hope you like the selection of colors."

Clay said, "We'll do this on the count of three. One, Two, Three" Clay dumbed his bag on the bed. There were two of everything - bath sheets, bath towels, hand towels and washcloths in Paprika and a set of dish towels printed with rainbows. Sean's bag contained an identical set of towels for the bath but in Buttercup. The set of dish clothes were zigzagged with the colors of the rainbow. Then Sean saw it. Embroidered on the bath towels was a single word - HIS.

He grabbed Martha and said, "Mom, I adore them."

Clay hollered, "Hey she's my Mom!"

"You have to make allowances Mom; he hasn't activated all his GAY genes yet." The two laughed together as Clay and Leon shrugged their shoulders. "They're embroidered Farm Boy!"

Clay looked and finally saw the HIS stitched into the set he opened. "Thanks Mom and Dad. That was thoughtful of you."

Sean turned and ventured, "Yes, thank you Dad." Leon smiled and reached a hand out to Sean. Instead of shaking it Sean pulled him up into a hug.

Their family time was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Detective Gonzales entered with Officer Dolan.

Martha greeted," Good Morning, y'all did a wonderful job on the news this morning! I was shocked that there are184 other victims! That is just horrendous. But thank you for keeping Clay's name out of it."

The Detective shook his head, took a deep breathe, the announced, "Yes, we controlled the info as did the hospital. Who we couldn't control was Steele. He bragged to others on the bus to the County Jail that he had done the big shot quarterback from last Saturday's game. Within minutes of arriving, word was out. I'm afraid some of the inmates passed it along to the outside on phone calls." I'm very sorry but Clay your name is out there."

"Fuck! When will this nightmare end!" Clay stated.

Leon slapped him on the back of his head, "Watch that mouth in front of your mother boy!"

Sean's mind was processing ideas on how to handle the situation. "Detectives, please schedule a news conference for 11:45, tell them the male client is going to address the press."

"Are you crazy Sean? I'm not going to tell the world I let this guy do this to me!" Clay hollered.

"Calm down! You're not doing any such thing. You're going to tell the world what you will tell the court. `That you are a victim of the date rape drug rohypnol introduced into you're your system by the personal trainer you hired to further tone your body. You're going to sympathize with all those women and men who have been raped. Then you're going to say, as I have gone public, I ask the other 184 men who were also videotaped being sexually abused and raped to come forward."

Officer Dolan said, "That's brilliant! You turn a negative into a positive. Turns the story toward discussion of rohypnol , the other victims while showing sympathy for all rape victims. Just brilliant!"

Sean was on his phone to Coach Lee. "Coach, yeah Clay's fine. Listen his name is out there from the prison grapevine. We're having a press conference in front of the hospital in about an hour. We need every Stallion and coach you can muster in the lobby at 11:30. Oh and bring Clay a team shirt. It will all make sense here I promise."

Gonzales hung up from his call. Our Press office is issuing the announcement now." Dolan came back in the room. I just told Tomas to notify hospital authorities that there is going to be a news conference out front at 11:45 regarding the rape case.

"Excellent. It's now about the staging. Mom did you bring clothes?"

"Leon go down and bring up the things we brought. Oh and put the gift bags in the trunk." The towels disappeared back into their bags and Leon whisked them off.

Sean presses the call button. A few minutes later Tomas arrived. "Tomas we'll need your help. Clay is speaking to the press; we need to present him as healthy and resilient. Can you help me get him bathed? Then we're going to dress him. He'll need the IV off to put a Stallions shirt on."

"No problem man! Would the rest of you kindly move to the waiting room by the elevators, please?" Tomas asked politely.

Just then the hospital spokesman walked. "Who called...." Sean held up his hand.

"The police will explain. Perhaps he can arrange to have Doctors Arrington and LaPlante and others who have cared for Sean in the lobby at 11:30 as well."

"We'll explain everything in the waiting room," Detective Gonzales stated. The group left.

"Alrighty Mr. Reed let's get you naked as the day you were born." Tomas said as he began unsnapping the gown.

Leon came back in carrying a gym back. "Anything else guys?" he asked as his son's gown fell to the floor. "Man that bastard did a number on your family jewels Junior!" Clay blushed.

"Yeah, just bruising though Dad. I think we got it covered. We got Mr. Peabody here making plans." Leon waved and went to wait with his wife.

"Mr. Reed, we can do this one of two ways: sponge bath or shower. Which do you want?"

"A shower please."

Tomas went into the bathroom and started the water. When it was warm he instructed, "Clay please remove the dressing at your anus and come into the bathroom." Clay followed the directions. "Now you're going to step up and into the shower. Use the handrails to steady yourself. Use the seat if you wish. When washing near your anus be very gentle. If you need me I'll be right here." He slid the shower curtain closed.

Sean entered naked and started a sponge bath in the sink. Tomas appreciate the classic beauty standing before him. If he hadn't been at work, he would have said something. Sean finished and padded back into the room. As he unpacked his bag he noticed the Reeds had backed underwear for both of them. He slid on his followed by brown socks. He realized Mom had selected the clothing and packed. His shirt was one of his favorites for the fall. It was a short sleeve rust orange button down. It's was paired with brown slacks and brown boats. He was cinching the belt when a damp quarterback came out of the bathroom.

"Mr. Reed, on the bed and assume the position. No ointment this time but padding in place." Clay grabbed his ankles and winked at Sean. Tomas quickly got the dressing in place. He helped with black socks and slacks and the black trainers. He was about to do the white polo as Coach Lee arrived with the team polo.

"Here you go Clay. Sean we've gather a small crowd downstairs. The hospital put us in a conference area. See you soon."

""Thanks Coach," they said together.

Sean was finishing the remarks Clay would read from his phone. Tomas disconnected the IV so Clay could put on the shirt. Then after flushing the line reconnected the fluid. Sean looked up and grinned as he finished Clay's speech. "Damn Farm Boy! You're looking good. Let's go."

Tomas accompanied then to the elevator and down to the conference room. It was 11:35. Clay received a round of applause from the assembly. Sean stepped to a podium and a microphone was handed to him. He wasn't no time.

"Clay and I want to thank you all for coming on such very short notice. We're hoping to bring some good to a terrible tragedy. Technically the WPPD are in charge. They will call the shots after Clay speaks. Hopefully all remarks will be brief, except I'd like to ask the doctors to talk about date rape drugs. So after the WPPD announces the male victim I want the Stallions and their FWBs as well coaching staff and University personnel to form two lines behind and on either side of the podium. FWBs stand with your partner. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff will stand to the right of the podium, Winter Park officials to the left. At that point Mr. and Mrs. Reed will take their spot to the left side of Clay's spot I'll be on the right with Tomas who will monitor the IV line. Stallions fill in the aisle behind us so the news media captures a solid line. Please no applause until Clay is finished. Are we ready? Go Stallions!"

The hospital media liaison spoke up. There are cameras from 6 television stations as well as a half dozen radio stations. Newspaper reporters and independent journalists are outside waiting. Let's make this happen.

The WPPD press liaison and Detectives Gonzales and Torres as well as Officer Dolan left first. The Stallions paired up in a double line. The show was coming together.

As the police approached the podium the cameras and microphones were turned on.

"Good morning again. Thank you all for coming out on such short notice. I'm Officer Kennedy of the Winter Park Police Department. These are Detectives Gonzales and Torres who are working the case as well as Officer Dolan who was first on the scene and is the arresting officer.

The victim in this case has decided to voluntarily come forward and reveal his identity. He will make a brief statement. He will take NO questions. Let me be clear, he will take NO questions."

Kennedy nodded towards the door and the Stallions walked out proudly yet seriously to form their lines, after all the groups were in place, Mr. and Mrs. Reed took their spot and Clay and Sean walked hand in hand to the podium with Tomas pushing the IV behind them. Cameras were flashing as Clay reached the podium and the Stallions closed off the aisle.

Sean handed Clay his Note pad. Clay took a minute to steady himself.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Leon Clayton Reed IV, and I am a victim of rape perpetrated upon my person by Everett Steele, a personal trainer. He drugged me with the date rape drug rohypnol. I reveal myself to you today not to seek pity. Rather it is to speak to the community at large about these dangerous drugs. I am not the only victim. Numerous women and men have been victimized by rapists using this and other drugs. I shall not be quiet nor simply stand by to see others raped. I was my rapist's 185th victim. I am asking the 184 men this pervert has raped to come forward as I have done and put a name and face to these crimes. I would be remiss if I didn't thank Mr. Eddie Castillo for calling for the police and EMTs. I also thank them for their rapid response. Combined with the top notch medical care I received at this hospital and the loving support of my parents and boyfriend, Sean Walls, who has been at my side since I arrived here last night." He turned toward Sean and wrapped him in a hug and kissed him before turning back to the cameras. "Thank you. The police will now resume this briefing." The Stallions in attendance started to applaud. Clay turned and taking Sean's hand walked back into the hospital with Tomas following behind with the IV pole. The Stallions cleared a path for them to walk through before closing ranks.

Just inside the hospital doors Clay asked for a wheel chair. Tomas grabbed one from the entrance and helped Clay into it. "Mr. Reed tell me what's wrong?" Tomas asked.

"I think the past 18 hours have caught up with me. I need to sleep."

Sean pushed the wheel chair and Tomas took care of the IV. They got Clay stripped down, gowned up and the IV reconnected. Once he was in bed he said, "Chief, will you sleep beside me, please?" Sean kicked off his shoes and crawled into the bed. He spooned into Clay and hugged him. Tomas turned off the lights and went back to work. When Martha and Leon came in 10 minutes later they found them fast asleep. They closed the door and went to lunch.

Next: Chapter 32

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