Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 25, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 29 Aftermath

Sean and Eddie sauntered along Park Avenue toward Castillo's penthouse condo overlooking Lake Osceola. It was a balmy evening and the two were enjoying their stroll relaxing after the hot encounter they had just completed at Eddie's studio.

Sean commented, "It's so hard to believe how my life has changed in just 9 days! I've gone from a bachelor with a string of one night stands to moving in with the greatest stud muffin on the Golden Stallions football team!"

Eddie continued, "Yes especially since, until you nailed that sophomore ass, he wasn't even sure if he was gay!" They both chuckled and Sean thought back to that first day. "You're now both established models having posed for O'Connal's classes and the illustrious, yet humble, Eduardo Castillo. Who has dubbed you Mr. September and your boyfriend Mr. October. And who further is building an International show, T for Two, around you both!"

"You forgot to include in your description of yourself that he's a talented sub with impressive oral and anal skills."

"Then we'll need to say something about your 9 inch cock having nailed my ass on several occasions."

"They'll compose a song about `The Man Who Nailed Eduardo Castillo!" Sean laughed.

"Oh look the guys must be back. The lights are on in the condo and its only 8:15." Eddie noted. Eddie punched in the code for the front door and rang for the elevator. They ascended to the top floor and Eddie said, "Let's surprise them. Take off your shoes." Two barefoot men entered the apartment very quietly trying to stifle their giggles. Everett and Clay weren't in the living area or the kitchen. They heard a noise down the hall. Still walking quietly to the gym where they overheard Everett say, "If I weren't married with a prenup I'd marry your talented ass in a minute."

They also heard Clay respond. "I'd marry you too Chief!"

Sean lost it, "You son of a bitch! I knew something was up with you today. We were supposed to talk it out tonight after we got home. Well I guess you're with your new Chief now! I'm going home." Eddie tried to grab his arm but he shook free. Sean ran from the apartment, down the stairs and out to his car. He pushed the ignition button and burned rubber leaving the parking lot.

Eddie surveyed the scene. He saw the drug packets on the table and the water bottles. He smelled the piss, vomit and shit. He observed the trickle of blood flowing from Clay's anus. He pulled out his phone and called 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"I'd like to report a rape." Eddie replied.

"Were you raped Sir?

"No my husband raped a young man tonight he was supposed to be fitness coaching. They're both still here!"

"You're address please?"

Osceola Penthouse 1 I'm Eduardo Castillo and my husband, Everett Steele, is the rapist. You'll need an ambulance; the young man is bleeding from the anus."

"We're dispatching now.

"Yes I hear them. I'll go down and let them in."

"Please remain on the line Mr. Castillo until an officer tells you to end the call."

"Will do."

Eddie ran down the stairs and met the officers and paramedics at the door. The first officer told him he could end the call. While he rode with the paramedics in the elevator, the officers took the stairs. They waited till the officers arrived then Eddie entered the code which unlocked the door. Eddie led them into the apartment and directed the officers to the gym. The first responders couldn't believe their eyes.

"Dispatch this is Officer Dolan Badge 5456. We need detectives from major crimes and narcotics on scene, probable case of rape and sexual abuse. Get a warrant to search for drugs and other materials pictures etc."

"Officer Dolan this is dispatch has the homeowner refused permission?"

"Dispatch, we haven't asked yet, but this is bad, real bad! I'm going to use my phone to record the scene in case our uniform cameras aren't picking it up."

"Officer Dolan 10-4"

The officer took out his phone and started a video of the scene. He panned slowly from the door to the victim, the alleged perpetrator, the piss, vomit, and fecal mess on the floor as well as the blood. Then he spotted the drugs. He zoomed in on those.

"OK paramedics start with the victim. The perp looks like he's passed out drunk."

They checked Clay's vitals. "Dispatch EMT 3426. We need to transport immediately, possible rohypnol poisoning.

"EMT 3426 Dispatch AHWP notified. ER is waiting. 10-4

The paramedics loaded Clay onto a gurney and took him down to the ambulance. They secured it for transport. While one drove the other packed the anal area with gauze and applied a cold pack. She continued to monitor his pulse and respiration.

As the ambulance departed, Detective Gonzales from Major Crimes and Detective Torres from Narcotics arrived with two additional patrol officers. Officer Dolan briefed them. The detectives surveyed the scene. "Dolan you were first on the scene collar him," Gonzales directed.

Office Dolan walked up to Everett, who was rousing from his stumper. "Everett Steele you are under arrest for sexual assault involving the use of illicit drugs. You have the right to remain silent..." After reading Ev his rights Dolan asked two other officers to take him to PD for processing."

The officers threw a space blanket around Steele and led him in handcuffs to the patrol car.

The detectives then took a statement from Eddie. Afterwards, Castillo asked two things, "I don't want him back in my house. If you release him can you make sure he knows to stay clear?"

"You'll need a judge to issue an order for that" the detective explained.

"Ok I'll call my lawyer to get that and the divorce started. Where did they take Clay?"

"Winter Park ER, a patrol officer responded.

"Thank you Officer."

Detective and Officers you have my permission to search my home. Everett is my husband but I never put him on the deed here or the building which houses my studio or the one on New York Ave where he has his training Gym. Here are the keys to the gym. You may search it and here. My studio and gallery will require a warrant.

He pulled out his cellphone and opened the security app for the house. He entered the master code and changed the security code for his front and back doors. He deleted Everett's access to the app. He created a code so the police could enter and leave at will. He gave the code to the detectives, gathered some of Everett's things in a gym bag, and threw in his wallet and motorcycle keys. Eddie gave the bag to an officer and said he was leaving. "I'm going to get Clay's boyfriend and bring him to the hospital. You have my number. I'll sleep at the studio until you release the crime scene."

Eddie drove like a madman. He reached Sean's apartment at 5 after 10. He rang the bell and pounded until a red eyed Sean answered the door. "What the fuck do you want?"

Eddie pushed open the door. "Get your sorry ass dressed and come with me. Clay's in the hospital."

"He's Everett's problem now."

"You are an ass. Everett drugged and raped him. It will be on the news at 11 for sure since it happened at my place. Everett has been arrested."

Sean's eyes opened wide. He quickly threw on clothes, grabbed his phone, wallet and keys. He followed his friend down to Eddie's Porche and hopped in. Then he dialed Coach Lee. On the 10th ring the sleepy coach answered. "Coach it's Sean. Clay's been raped. He's at Winter Park ER. It will probably be on the 11oclock news. I'm on my way to the hospital now." He listened to what coach had to say and ended the. "Get me there fast! We have to prevent reporters from seeing Clay"

Eddie pulled into the ER drive. Sean hopped out and ran to the door. As he entered he saw two NEWS trucks pulling up. "Fuck," he thought to himself. Sean explained who he was to the reception clerk. She was very understanding but said, "You cannot see Mr. Reed unless you're a family member or registered partner." Just then the triage nurse came out, "By any chance are you Chief?"

"Yes, Clay calls me that."

"Praise you Jesus! He's been calling for you since he got here. Would you please come back here to help calm him down? He is also refusing treatment."

She led Sean through the triage area and down a row of curtained off treatment bays. Suddenly, he heard Clay's voice, weakly mewling, "Chief! Where did you go Chief?"

Sean entered and walked to Clay's right side. Picking up his hand he announced, "I'm right here, Farm Boy. I'm holding your hand."

Clay tried to focus. Finally saying, "Oh Chief, he... he..."

"Shush now. Let these doctors help you, so you can come home."

"OK Chief, but don't leave me Chief!"

"That's consent," Henri LaPlante, the ER doctor called out. Get the blood draw to confirm which drug was used. Start treating for rohypnol. Get the IV reestablished. Young man, thank you. You may have just saved this boy's life."

A nurse came to lead Sean out, but Clay called out, "Don't leave me Sean! Chief! I'm scared!"

The doctor asked, "What are you to this young man?"

"We're partners. We were going to register tomorrow."

"Very well, he clearly wants you here. So we'll get you a chair. He's lucky the EMTs got to him when they did. He almost died."

Sean squeezed Clay's hand and Clay squeeze back He never took his eyes off Sean. Fifteen minutes later, Clay was asleep. Sean continued to hold his hand.

A nurse came in and told Sean that Coaches Cross and Lee were outside. "I'll go see them, but you must make sure no, I repeat NO reporters talk to Clay, photograph or video tape him."

"I understand." she assured him. She closed the curtain and slid the door shut.

Sean walked past the coaches and headed for the rest room. They followed as did Eddie. There were four men in a 1 seater restroom. It would have made a funny story save for the circumstances. "I'll make this fast," Sean stated. "I got him to consent to treatment. They have to admit him to draw down the drug levels. They think it was rohypnol. I need to call his parents."

"We were holding off on that in until we knew more," Coach Cross said.

"I know them. I'll make the call." Sean asserted. He pulled up their number on his cell.

"Guys we need to feed the beast," Eddie remarked. "I'll be the lamb. I'll tell them my husband allegedly raped a client. The client is being treated here at my expense and that I'm initiating divorce proceedings as well as obtaining a restraining order. That will get them off your scent. Under Florida law Clay's name can't be released. They'll go away. Just watch." They left the restroom one at a time. Sean sat by the ER door.

Eddie walked outside. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Eduardo Castillo and I have a statement to make. As lights and cameras were trained on Eduardo, Sean slipped out to listen with other people from the ER.

"Earlier this evening the Winter Park Police Department arrested my husband on suspicion of rape utilizing illegal drugs. The victim was a new client he met at one of my photo shoots. The client is being treated here by the finest doctors and nurses in Central Florida. I have instructed my attorney to obtain a restraining order against my estranged husband and soon to be ex-husband as I have also instructed my attorney to petition for a divorce. Now it's very late, I need to check on a few things here before I go home to bed. Good night. Let's permit these doctors and nurses to go back to doing what they do best. Thank you."

Sean walked back in and sat down. It was 11:09. The rape of an unidentified student was the lead on all 4 channels. Sean dialed Leon's number. He answered on the 5th ring,

"Leon this is Sean Walls,"

"What's happened to Junior?" Leon demanded.

"Leon what's happening who is on the phone?" Martha could be heard saying in the background.

"Quiet mother I'm trying to get answers,"

"Leon, Clay's personal trainer raped him. He's in the ER here at Winter Park Hospital. I've seen him and he's consented to be treated for the drug used on him. The trainer has been arrested and is in custody. You can come now or first thing in the morning. I'll not leave his side until you arrive. The head coach and offensive coach are here as well."

"Sean, we won't be able to sleep now. We'll pack some things and head up there. We should get there around 3 am. Sean, thank you, son for loving our boy!"

Sean hung up. Eddie gave him thumbs up, pointing outside. The NEWS trucks were packing up. Sean hugged Eddie, Coach Cross and Coach Lee. He walked back to Clay's side and took hold of his hand. He began to keep vigil.

Next: Chapter 30

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