Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 24, 2020


*** Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

****Special Warning: The chapter contains a nonconsensual date rape scene. Subsequent chapters will deal with the legal consequences following the rape.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. Please continue to email me at Enjoy the story!

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 28 Troubles Continue

Sean woke up to people jumping into the pool. He stretched and checked his Fitbit. It was 3:30. He stood up grabbed his towel and headed home. When he arrived at the apartment it was empty. He expected as much since Clay had to be in the team locker room by 3:45. He opened the fridge and grabbed an iced coffee. He walked to the bedroom, picked up his cellphone and rebooted it.

Stripping off his suit he threw it in the laundry. Then he used the toilet, showered and brushed his teeth. When he finished it was clearly after 4 pm. He checked his messages. There were five messages from Gina and 1 from Clay. He punched up Clay's and read it. "Damn", he thought. He grabbed clothes and decided to drive to the stadium. He checked Gina's messages. They had started at 3:55.

First text - Where are you? We're welcoming Larry. Second text - Where are you. Clay is upset. Says you left the apartment without your cell. Third text- Where the fuck are you? Fourth text - Larry asked where you were. Fifth text - Fuck you!

He responded - Fell asleep at the pool, on my way.

Gina didn't respond.

Sean grabbed his wallet and keys and headed downstairs. He had to wait in line to get on Alafaya. Then he caught both lights before he turned toward the stadium. He parked in Student Parking and walked to the gate.

Flashing his pass the guard said, "Man you are in some deep shit. Those FWBs are hunting for you." Sean grinned and shrugged his shoulders. As he approached the seats Ashley spotted him. "He's here," she said. The group ignored him. So he sat by himself and ignored them. Finally Corabeth came over.

"Sean, what's wrong?" she inquired.

"Apparently, I can't fall asleep at the pool without pissing off the world. But others can ghost me and that's just cool." Sean responded.

"Baby, we were worried. Your man didn't know where you were either. You left your cellphone at home. Can you blame us?" Corabeth asked.

Sean thought, "I'm sorry I missed welcoming Larry. I'll stop by and see him at the apartment tomorrow. I'm not sorry for Clay. He never answered me for over an hour. Now he knows how I felt." Sean's voice had an edge of bitterness in it.

Corabeth heard the bitterness in his voice. She put her arm around him. "Sean, this is your first real relationship isn't it?"

"Yes, does it show?"

"Yes Baby it does. Y'all gotta talk out this hiccup and that's all this is a hiccup. I bet y'all never discussed how to communicate with each other. You've been too busy fucking."

"Corabeth you're right. We've been head over heels or as we in the gay community say, `Heels over shoulders!' We've not talked it out. In fact Clay pushed this relationship forward faster than I thought possible."

"There you go Baby. You gotta make the time to talk."

"Thank you Corabeth! I appreciate your guidance. What about them?" Sean nodded toward the FWBs.

"Sean, you ARE gay right? You should know ALL about drama. It will be fine. To show you watch how this goes down. I'm going to sit right here with you." The pair continued to talk and watch the practice.

Slowly by ones and twos the members of the FWBs moved to gather round Sean. Gina was last. She punched him in the shoulder when she sat next to him.

Clay was having a horrible practice. He was screwing up basic drills and plays. Coach Cross and Coach Lee were both on his case. At the 5 o'clock water break Cross sent gator aid and water out to Clay while Coach Lee took him to mid field for a chat. "Clay you're playing like your head is up your ass! What the fuck is up? You're our chief back up Saturday."

Clay drank the gator aid and started on the water. "I don't know where Sean is."

"Cross thought that you were having a boyfriend problem. It's why I am talking to you." Lee sat on the ground and faced Clay. "You two have a fight?"

"Not exactly, we were supposed to have lunch together. Then I started helping you guys and Larry came home. I missed his text. When I got to the apartment he was gone and his cellphone was on the nightstand. It's like he didn't want to hear from me."

Coach touched Clay's knee. "If he didn't want to hear from you, please tell me why is sitting over there?"

"What? Where?"

Coach Cross blew his whistle and called for the scrimmage.

"Coach may I?"

Lee stopped him, "No! Your job is guiding your team against Antonio's. Get your heads and your ass into the game. You and Sean work this out after practice."

As the team squared off in the scrimmage, Gina said to Sean, "I bet that was about you at mid field." He was really doing a lousy job in skill drills. Oh look, it's your turn in the hot seat," she commented as she pointed to the field.

Coach Lee jogged over, "Evening FWBs! Thanks for being here to support your Stallions!" Corabeth smiled, the coaching staff got the point. "Sean, May I steal you away from your friends for a few minutes?"

"Sure thing Coach, what's up?" He walked down onto a football field for the first time in his life.

"Clay's been a train wreck at practice today. After speaking with him I take it neither of you knew where the other was located. Then he found your phone off. I'm not here to judge. I know he's just out of the closet and you've moved in together. All pretty damn fast. As a gay man, I get it. But if your relationship is to work, you two need to fuck less and talk more. It's the little shit that can ruin a good thing. And it's the kind of thing that can fuck up his place on the team."

"Coach, I want to thank you for speaking with me. I understand completely. I've tried putting the brakes on Clay early on. He's pushed ahead and yes I'm heels over shoulders in love with him. I promise you that after our appointments after practice we'll sit down and talk about how to communicate better."

"Thanks Sean. Oh, about lunch, that was my fault. I put him to work or we'd still be moving the guys downstairs. I'm a good offensive coach, but I'll never be a head coach. I don't see the overall picture. Clay does. He had it organized perfectly. If you'd permit me I'd like to give you my number. If you have any questions about LTRs call. George and I have been in ours 20 years."

"Twenty years! That's awesome! Yes I'd like that. Perhaps we can have you two over for dinner."

"We'd like that as well. I best get back to the game. I see your boy's form is back. He's showing off for you."

"If you would, please tell him Chief says he's looking good!"

"I'll deliver that message for sue!"

Coach Lee jogged off; he stopped a moment to speak with Coach Cross, who gave Sean the thumbs up. When Clay came off the field a few minutes later so his defensive team could take the field, Lee relayed the message from Sean. All the FWBs saw was a big red headed quarterback tossing his helmet in the air.

As practice ended the FWBs moved to the players exit. They usually waited 15 to 20 minutes for the team to start exiting. Today Clay was the first one out in just 10 minutes. He whooped and scooped Sean up in his arms planting a kiss on his Chief that made quite a few of the other FWBs wish it was them on the receiving end.

"Come on Clay, I have my car here. We need to get to Eddie's," he said as he took his lover's hand and headed out.

The trip to Eddie's took 40minutes because of an accident on University Blvd. Sitting in traffic Sean had texted ahead. Eddie told him it was not a problem.

When they arrived Eddie buzzed them up. He greeted them at the door and pointed to his wall. The previous image had been replaced with a print of Clay, his legs spread wide, standing on the settee with his jeans halfway down his ass his head turned to the right with his index finger touching his lower lip. It was a fucking come hither image.

"Eddie it's marvelous! Hot as hell!" Sean gushed.

"Mr. October showing his pumpkins," Eddie explain.

Clay just stared at his image. "Is that really me?"

Sean kissed him, "It's how I see you too!"

Eddie invited them to have a seat. Everett had a client run overtime. He just got home and wanted to shower. He didn't even eat. Clay, Ev wondered if you wouldn't mind waiting a few minutes. After he's dressed the two of you can head over to his gym.

Clay said, "That's fine. Sean is your phone on?"

Sean smiled, "I promise it's on. See you in what about 2 hours you think Eddie? "

"Yes, we'll meet you here at 9." Eddie assured him.

Eddie and Sean started to Castillo's Photography Studio on the second floor of the Castillo Gallery on Park Avenue. It only took 15 minutes to reach it. You entered the studio by a door that led up stairs. The studio opened off the landing. Eddie flicked on the lights and Sean was faced with a 10 foot tall image of himself in Eddie's trademark blue wash with his jeans open exposing the top of his shaft with his patch of pubic hair tinted red. He had that devilish look in his eyes and smile that clearly said I'm up to something.

"Eddie, I am at a loss for words!"

""I know! It's hot. It's going to the poster for the exhibit. I've leaning to T for Two as my theme. I'll display your image with one of Clay's. Your T will be highlighted in different colors. I'm still working it out. I've also already shared it with houses I display at in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, London, Paris and Berlin. You two love birds will be famous."

An international showing! Eddie ! Oh My God!"

"You want to see Mr. September?"

"You know it!" Eddie took him back to his project board. Every month had now been filled. There were two images for September. "I want your opinion. It came down to these two for me. The first image was a back shot with Sean pulling his cheeks apart. The second was a side view. Sean in underwear, his hands clearly removing them, the back side of which were down exposing his bubble butt and the front side were clearly caught on his bulging package.

"Wow Eddie they're both great. But image is everything. The first says, I'm a bottom come fuck me. The second says come unwrap my package. So I would ask you to use the second one."

"Done." He unpinned the first pic letting it fall to the floor.

Sean hugged Eddie. "Thank you, you're an amazing photographer!" He pecked Eddie on the lips. Eddie pulled Sean tighter and kissed back. Sean also kissed back and a battle of tongues began. They quickly stripped with their hands exploding each other's bodies. Eddie, while maintaining the kiss, guided them into his office. A futon was quickly opened and the two lay together.

Eddie licked at Sean's neck. His voice gravely with lust said, "Please let me serve you Sir."

"Very well bitch, give me a tongue bath but I'll tell your when you get to bath my groin"

"Yes Sir, tell this bitch how you want it done Sir." Eddie went back to using his tongue to lick every inch of the front of Sean's body. As he worked down he was also licking up his own precum. He really wanted that 9" inches inside him. When he finished the last of Sean's toes, Sean turned over and pointed to his neck. Eddie responded immediately licking the soft nape of the neck. Then he tongued his way down Sean's back to his feet once more. Sean shifted his position to spread his legs and lift his ass. Eddie places his hand on the ass cheeks that had filled his dreams for a week and especially the past 48 hrs. "May I Sir?"

"You may bitch."

Eddie dove in kissing and licking at Sean's rosebud. He darted his tongue in a few times before Sean, who hadn't cum since last night, was eager to get to the main event. He turned over and said, "Alright whore! Work your way to the tip thoroughly. When you reach the tip, put a raincoat on it and ride away."

"Yes Sir!" Eddie loved being called filthy names like whore and bitch. He loved giving up control in his second life since he lived his high level career. He lapped at the perineum, tasting the saltiness of the sweat coated skin. He sucked the right ball into his mouth licking it and sucking on it. He gently returned it and did the same with the left. He began to work the shaft. His own ass was itching feverishly. He needed this inside him. But he knew if he skipped any skin he'd be denied his prize. He finally reached the glans and licked and teased it masterfully. He reached the top, licked the piss slit then kissed the cock head in adoration. Eddie grabbed a rubber from a bowl on his desk, ripped it open and rolled it on Sean's 9" nail. He lubed his ass with clove oil. He looked at Sean with pleading eyes. Sean held up 3 fingers and counted down: 3... 2.. 1. Eddie impaled himself in one swooping action. Sean felt the softness and warmth of Eddie's bowel as he engulfed his prick. Eddie's wild ride had begun.

Clay waited patiently in the living room. About 10 minutes after Eddie and Sean had left, Everett walked out in only a jock strap. "Clay, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. It's been a day from hell. If it's ok with you, can we do your session here? I just don't feel like walking back to the gym."

Clay was mesmerized by the muscle man before him. He was really itching to have an 8 pack. "Sure, I guess so."

"Great, come with me. " Ev knew Clay's eyes were glued on his ass. He'd get to eat it soon enough. "Here we are." Everett flipped switches illuminating the gym and starting a video recorder hidden behind the mirror. "Would you mind stripping to your jock please? That way I can see how you're working the muscles."

"Gosh Ev, I'm not wearing a jock."

"That's OK, we'll do like the ancient Greeks - nude." Ev stripped off his jock and Clay removed his clothes.

Clay felt small compared to the hunk of muscle in front of him. His cock was bigger and thicker than any Farm Boy had seen.

"One of the keys to burning fat is to hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate. So I have 3 16 ounce bottles of water. I'm going to add a powder to each for you to consume."

"It's not a steroid is it?" Clay asked.

"I'll fucking guarantee you in writing it's not a steroid," Ev replied. He was, after all, telling the truth it was just a dose of rohypnol split into 3 parts going into water bottles that were actually /\1/3 vodka. "The powder may give the water a funny taste, " Everett lied.

Clay nodded his head and Everett mixed the first bottle and urged the quarterback to drink up. After the bottle was downed the second and third bottles were mixed.

"Here's the initial plan I've worked up for you Clay," Everett said as he handed the paper for Clay to read.

Client: Clay Reed

Routine #1Ab Workout Exercise. Sets. Reps. Crunched on a flex ball 3. 15 Hanging Leg Raises. 3. 15 Bicyles. 3. 20

Routine #2Ab Workout Exercise. Sets. Reps. Side Crunches on Roman Chair. 3. 15 Low Pulley Crunches. 3. 15 Windshield Wipers. 3. 20 3 Way Plank. 3. 20-30


Routine #3Ab Workout Exercise. Sets. Reps. Dragon Flag. 3. AMAP Straight Leg Raises. 3. 10 Bent Leg Raises. 3. 10 Russian Twists. 3 X 10 per side Floor Crunch. 3. 15

"Ev this looks great. Thank you so much." Clay hugged Ev. "Damn I'm thirsty."

"Drink Up Clay, that's what they're here for." Everett said.

Clay downed both bottles. "I'm ready t.. to" Clay slurred.

"Yes you are," Ev said, "but start what is the question? We'll begin with crunches on a flex ball. I'll demonstrate and then you'll try it." Everett began demonstrating the first exercise.

Clay was trying to pay attention. He started to feel woozy. The thought crossed his mind that he should have eaten something before they left to come here. Ev told him it was his turn. As he stood up the room seemed to spin. Farm Boy started to collapse when Everett caught him.

Ev dragged Clay to the mat. He leered at his prize.

"Everett, I don't feel so good buddy." Clay mumbled as he tried to focus on the face before him.

"I'll make you feel real good in a few minutes stud." Ev positioned Clay's ass so the camera would catch a good view as starting he rimming quarterback."

Farm Boy moaned. He wanted to say something. All he managed to get out was "Pll ple please, d, do, don't ss, ssst,,stop SS Sir." Everett smiled to himself as his tongue swiled around the quarterback's anus and probed into him. "You're r,i...ght Sssiir, th,... feeeels, goooood." Clay slurred

"What to return the favor?"

"Sh, sh, sure do."

Everett repositioned his ass over the boy's mouth and Clay started rimming. "That's real good boy."

Clay stopped and managed to get out, " Na ... ow Ch, Ch, Chief yoou, prom,,,,m, to ca, call, meee Farm Boy."

"Ok Farm Boy" Ev said. He was getting a glimpse of the relationship between the two men." He let the boy eat his hole for 10 minutes before pulling off. "Farm Boy, suck my cock a bit so I can fuck your ass."

"Sh shvsure. ch ch if." Clay grabbed the sausage in front of him and tried to focus. He went to take it all as he done before but couldn't get it all the way in. "I mam breating thro thru myyy no....ode. It won't f f fit."

"It'll fit in your ass fine." Just get its head slicked up." Clay followed the order. He worked his tongue around and under Everett's foreskin and drooled on his cockhead.

"How you want it Farm Boy, missionary or doggie?"

"Woof, Woof," the quarterback barked laughing.

"Doggie it is big boy." Ev said flipping Clay over and shoving a medicine ball under his abs. "Say good bye rosebud!"

"Goo ood byyye Ros. OWWWWW!!" Clay screamed.

Everett had rammed his 10" beer can cock home in one thrust. He got off on hearing and seeing the pain he caused his subs. This cunt was no different crying and trying to say stop. Finally he just sobbed into the mat as Ev plowed away. In his lust for this boy Steele hadn't had sex since Sunday morning. He knew he wouldn't last long. The boy was just blubbering now. He reached under and located the boy's balls and squeezed them hard. Farm Boy screamed and vomited. Everett wasn't satisfied with the scream. He put his hand under Clay, found his cock and ran his hand up to its head. Ev pinched the quarterback's dick head hard which caused Farm Bowl to HOWL in pain! Everett delighted in the howls, screams and sobs of the athlete under him. He kept abusing the Farm Boy's asshole, balls and cockhead until he unloaded deep in Clay's ass. He let his cock rest in the athletic ass. He had planned to use crystal meth to really relax Clay's ass muscles for fisting but he thought the boy would stretch just fine now. If not he still had the drug as a backup on his table next to the R2 bottle.

Everett got up and padded out to the bar and brought back two bottles of Lagavulin 16 year old single malt scotch. He toasted himself, "To you Everett, Steele, the meanest fucker in Central Florida and to your latest unwilling conquest! Slàinte Mhath!

He consumed half the bottle. Setting it aside he pulled out a canister of Elbow Grease. "You ready Farm Boy?"

"Y, ye, yes Ch....ief," Clay answered.

Ev drank the other half of his first bottle of scotch. He opened the Elbow Grease and greased up his right hand. He narrowed his fingers and tucked his thumb. He began his assault in the Farm Boy's ass, adjusting their positions so the camera would get a good view of him working his hand into the athlete's ass. Clay groaned. He moaned. He yelped.

"That's music to my ears Farm Boy!" Everett responded, "Music to my ears!"

Ev had worked his huge hand into the freshly fucked ass up to his knuckles He pulled out and put more Elbow Grease on Clay's ass. He easily worked his hand back in to its widest point. Ev was not going to be denied his prize and his revenge on Sean. He twisted his hand and shoved it past the outer sphincters. Clay moaned loudly, "Yo, you, you're soooooooooooo pig Cif!"

"You earned your Red Hanky Farm Boy! Congratulations!" He laughed. Everett took a swig of his second bottle.

Steele formed his hand into a fist inside the quarterback's shit chute. He poked around a bit which caused Clay's bladder to empty on the mat. Ev took another swig on his bottle. He moved his fist back and forth a bit in the tight confines of the rectum. Then he yanked his fist out. Clay howled in pain. "That's it boy sing for your Chief!" Everett bellowed out laughing!

Clay HOWLED loudly with each in and out movement of Ev's huge fist. Each time Everett pulled out he took another swig of scotch. After he had punch fucked Clay's ass at least 20 times he pulled out for the last time and finished the bottle. He noticed the shit and blood on his hand and oozing from the quarterback's ass but wasn't concerned.

"You got yourself a mighty fine ass there boy. Glad I'm the one who got your fisting cherry bitch!" He leaned back on the mat and passed out next to Clay. Farm Boy, his face covered with tears and snot crawled through his piss and laid his head on Everett's chest.

Next: Chapter 29

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