Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 24, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 27 Troubled Tuesday

Clay had set his alarm for 5:30 and switched his alarm from the car horn to church bells ringing. He awoke to being held by Sean. He carefully moved Sean's arm so he could get up without waking him. He grabbed his running shorts, a T-shirt and trainers and crossed the apartment to the Locker Room. There he relieved himself then dressed. He grabbed his keys from the hook by the door and started out.

The morning temp was just 60 degrees. Clay delighted in the cooler weather. While his home town was just 2 1/2 hours South it would be a few more weeks until the cooler weather dipped that far in the morning. He chose to run to the 417 and back, a little over 4 miles total.

As he hit his stride he mind reviewed the events of the past week. "I've fallen in love. Sean is an awesome person, but is he too controlling? He pushed me into Dominate - submissive sex without asking. He topped me but he let me top him. He says I can fuck and suck whoever. Yet he wants to control who gets to fuck me. He stopped Everett and Antonio."

Clay kept up that train of thought until he finished his run. His only stop being a 7/11 near the apartment. As he unlocked the door Sean was still asleep. Clay used the Locker Room shower, dried off and headed to the kitchen.

Sean had stocked it well. There had a flat of eggs, Fairlife low fat milk, melon and pineapple chunks. In the meat drawer precooked bacon, sandwich meats as well as kielbasa. The Dairy drawer had cheeses and yogurt. In the freezer Clay found sugar free popsicles, Klondike bars, several Real Good pizzas and chicken breasts, ground turkey and several sirloin steaks.

He located the coffee pods and started a breakfast blend for himself. While it brewed he grabbed a gator aid from the fridge and sipped at it. He heard Sean's alarm go off. Moving his cup he brewed another cup for Sean. Then he pulled the eggs out of the fridge. Ran a pot of hot water, added sea salt and set it on the stove to boil. He found the stone ground whole wheat bread and tossed two slices in the toaster. He rustled up butter and a Walden Farms sugar free grape jelly. He started setting the table.

Walking out of the bedroom, Sean was stretching and sporting morning wood. Yawning he said, "Morning my precious man!" He joined Clay in the kitchen where they hugged and kissed.

Grabbing Sean's cock he quipped, "Happy to see me?"

"Man you don't know the half of it. I panicked earlier when you weren't in bed. Then I remembered you run each morning."

"Yep, have for years. I'm sorry love; I don't know what you like in your coffee."

"No problem, I take 1 Splenda or Truvia and about 2 ounces of the NutPod creamer in the fridge."

Clay prepped the coffee and handed it to Sean. Then he started the poaching 4 eggs for himself and 2 for Sean. He put 6 strips of bacon in the microwave. Took out the two slices of toast and started the next two pieces.

Sean watched him work. He was as graceful in the kitchen as he was on the field. He was monitoring all the action.

As the toast popped up, Clay put them with the others. Grabbing a dip he started putting eggs on the plate, putting the bacon next to it. Carrying the plates to the table he returned to get his coffee and the toast. "Breakfast is served! Bon Appetite."

Sean moved to the table. He kissed Clay on the top of his head. "You spoil me," he commented as he sat down to breakfast. As he ate he let his hand rest on Clay's knee. "Clay this was wonderful. You are so talented, an athlete, a scholar, a cook, and wonderful sexual partner. l do love you." He leaned forward and kissed Farm Boy passionately.

After they broke the kiss Sean said, "I need to get to class. I also have a project group following that. I'll be back by 12:30. Then I'm free till your practice. We welcome Larry back today."

"Yeah, I may wander over and watch the move. Maybe be there when his folks bring him home."

"Add a loving heart to that list. I think it would be great for you to be there." Sean kissed him then dropped his dishes into the dishwasher and headed for the bathroom.

As he went through his morning routine of toilet, shower, shave, teeth, hair Sean became aware of a nagging feeling that something was bothering Clay. He couldn't put a finger on it. So he chalked it up to his imagination.

When he emerged from the bathroom he noticed Clay had made up the bed and laid out an outfit for Sean. Sean recalled it was what he had been wearing last week when he had first met him. White long sleeved shirt with blue stripes and blue shorts and his boats. He dressed and grabbed his wallet. He found Clay working at his desk in the Locker Room.

"Hope you don't mind, but I like that look on you," Clay confessed.

"I'll wear it proudly!" He kissed his boyfriend again. "I gotta scoot. I had a text from Professor Hogan. He wants to see me about my project before class. I hope you have a great morning. I'll see you at lunch." Another kiss and Sean grabbed his laptop, backpack and headed out.

Clay finished his two homework assignments and sent them off. He checked the time and realized it was 10. He dressed in his usual chinos and Stallion tee and headed over to his old place. The move was in full swing.

Dr. Orrs spotted him first. "Mr. Reed, how lovely to see you again," she commented

"Good morning Dr. Orrs; lots going on it seems."

"Yes, we got started a half hour later than planned and we've pulled 4 extra men from custodial to help get it done in time. Larry's room is moved. His Mom is in there now adding the finishing touches."

"I think I'll go say hello. You'll excuse me please."

"Of course, but be careful you might get pulled in to work by Coach Lee," she said with a giggle. She thought to herself, "I'd like to pull him right into my bed. Damn waste of man flesh."

Clay found Mrs. Schultz busying herself with little things in the room. "Excuse me Ma'm, I'm..."

"Oh Clay! I'm so glad to see you again." She hugged him and planted a kiss on his forehead. "I can't tell you how much we appreciated your visit with Dr. Walls' son and giving us a place to stay. You just don't know what it means to us knowing Lawrence has quality friends surrounding him."

Clay managed to say, "You're very welcome." Silently he was thinking, "Sean's father is a doctor and he didn't tell me."

"When will Larry be arriving back?" he inquired.

"Father went to get him now. I just had a text which said they're waiting on the doctor to sign the discharge order. They don't expect him in before 11."

"If it's alright, I'd like to see him when he gets home."

"I'm sure he'd like that. He told us he wanted to talk about your performance on the field. Coach gave him a DVD of the game," she explained.

"See you later," Clay said as he left.

"I wonder what else Sean hasn't told me?" Clay fumed. "Why can't he be all in like me?"

"Hey Reed! Get your ass up here and help!" Coach Lee bellowed.

"Fuck! I'm caught just like Dr. Orrs warned." He gave Coach the thumbs up signal and mounted the stairs. When he entered his old digs there was complete pandemonium. Clay wasn't in the mood for the bull shit he was seeing and he yelled, "ENOUGH ALREADY!"

Everyone froze. "You can't move 3 rooms at the same time. What's left in Antonio's?"

"Just his bed and his book case," Coach Lee replied.

Lee pointed to four of the work men. "Gentlemen, your job is to move the rest of Antonio's furniture to his new room. You four move the furniture from Steve's room. Understood?" Eight heads nodded. "Great! Let's make this happen!" Clay leaned against the wall and watched it happen. Coach Lee disappeared downstairs. Within 20 minutes Antonio's room was void of furniture. Clay directed the first team to the furniture in CJ's room. Fifteen minutes later Steve's furniture was in his new room and Team two came back up. They were assigned moving Antonio's remaining boxes down stairs. So the teams worked until only the common room furniture remained. With all 8 men on that project, it was done in 30 minutes. "Great work guys. Take 15, then we'll move stuff upstairs."

One of the workers said, "Thanks for getting us working as a team. Your coach had us too split up."

Clay simply nodded noting his Coach was nowhere to be seen. Five women entered and started cleaning the apartment. "Move along young man. We've got to do a quick clean this place!" the head cleaner informed him. Clay went downstairs. He saw Coach Lee sitting on a folding chair next to Dr. Orrs and the Complex manager. He walked over, "Ah Coach."

"Hey Clay! You did a great job getting them organized, much better than I did. You're good at seeing the whole picture. That's what makes you such a great quarterback and leader!" Coach Lee beamed.

"Yes indeed!" Dr. Orrs continued. We'd still be bringing things downstairs without you. Hopefully, you can supervise this part as well."

"Pull up a seat young man. I'm George Rhodes, complex Manager. We met when you moved in last year." He held out his hand. Clay shook hands and sat with the trio. George handed him an Arizona green tea. Clay thanked him and popped the top and took a sip. Just then Antonio, CJ and Steve hopped off a shuttle.

The guys greeted Clay with high fives and fist bumps. Steve asked, "Where's the ball and chain?"

Clay thought that was an apt image given his thinking today. "Sean had a pre class meeting about his design project with Professor Hogan, class and then a study or work group. He should be home around 12:30."

Antonio said, "About 20 minutes to go. Are you two having afternoon delight?" He flashed a smile and stuck out his tongue.

"You guys are wicked!" Clay said laughingly.

"Clay here is the reason your rooms are ready to be unpacked. Drop your stuff and Clay will give you your assignment," Coach Lee directed.

"Yes Coach!"

"Sure thing Coach!"

"You got it Coach!"

The three went in to their new apartment as the workers started returning from their break. Clay started to think about how to organize the next part. He looked at the pile of furniture and belongings before him. "George, how is this pile organized?"

"It's simple Clay. If there is a1 on it, it goes first bedroom to the right of the door. Two goes in the second bedroom on the right. Three goes to the far left bedroom and 4 to the remaining room. Kitchen and common room stuff is there."

"Thanks, that helps."

Five minutes later the workers and Clay's teammates were assembled and ready to work.

"Same teams as before," Clay began. We have three extra workers from the Stallions as well." Reading his name tag Sean said, "Ben, your team has bedrooms one and three. Carlos, your team has bedrooms two and four. George would you please but numbers on the doors so there are no mistakes please?"

"Sure Clay." He open a folder he was carrying took out a piece of paper and went upstairs. He put a piece of paper on the message clip on each door and wrote the numbers.

Clay continued, "Stallions you will move the kitchen and common room materials upstairs. Then go back to your own rooms."

So Ben and Carlos you guys will move dresser, desk, and chair first to each room. Follow that with the bed. That way it won't be in the way when you carry the other big stuff in. After that move the boxes. Questions? None? Great! Let's get `er done!" The teams started moving. Clay sat down and sipped his tea.

At 12:30 Sean slipped quietly into the apartment. He saw the common room was empty. He snuck to the bedroom. No Clay. He entered the Locker Room - No Clay. He looked for a note. None. He checked his phone no texts. Frustrated Sean sat down. He thought, "I knew something was off with him this morning. Well two can play this game." He got up and fixed lunch for himself. As he ate alone he missed Clay's face. Sean was annoyed Farm Boy hadn't reported in. Then it hit him. "He is not happy with me running the show." So Sean decided to give his boyfriend some options.

To My Dear Farm Boy From Your Loving Chief

I came home as promised for lunch. Sorry I missed seeing you before you took off. Hope you're having fun. Do you still want me to come to practice? Do you still want to go to Eddie's with me this evening? I love you.

He read it twice then hit send.

Just as the text chimed one of the guys carrying a bed frame dropped it. The clanging metal echoing in the stair well drowned out the chime. It was also then the Schultz's Lincoln Continental pulled up with Larry in the passenger seat.

Clay went into the apartment, "Mrs. Schultz they're here!" Larry's Mom and all three teammates came running. His Mom opened his door as his father got the crutches and wheel chair from the car.

"Hi Mom," Larry said.

"Oh my boy! I'm so happy you're here at last!"

"Dad just crutches for now, please!"

Mr. Schultz brought the crutches over. "Mind what the doctor said."

"I know Dad, `Don't overdo it,' I promise I won't," Larry said as he pulled himself upright and tucked the crutches under his pits. "Hi guys! You come to welcome The Mummy home?" He grinned.

Larry's handsome face was bandaged on the right side. He wore a soft neck brace and his right leg showed the bruising from the hit. The guys gathered round.

Steve quipped, "Or Frankenstein!" He offered a fist pump. Larry punched him.

"It's so good to see your sorry asses!"

"Lawrence Michael Schultz!"

"Sorry Mom! Locker room talk," Larry explained.

"Let's get you inside," she said stepping up and breaking up the welcoming party. Mr. Schultz has parked and was pushing the wheel chair with Larry's things from the ER.

"Hey Clay!" Mr. Schultz called. Clay turned around. "Can you take these? I don't want him to see all the blood. The police took the helmet. It's busted up anyway."

"I'll take care of it Mr. Schultz," he said grabbing the bag. He saw Coach Lee and the others hanging back. He walked the bag over. "Coach, Larry's Dad doesn't want him seeing all the blood."

"I'll put them in my trunk. You go to the welcoming party. Remember what you texted."

"Of course, Sir."

"Let him lead. One of the coaches will pick him up at 3:45."

"Yes Sir." Clay ran back to the group. As he entered their new apartment Larry was joking.

"Guess we don't need to worry about noise from downstairs anymore!" Everyone laughed. "I really missed you guys! Antonio, Clay you both really stepped up. But Antonio you gotta learn how to tie your shoe laces." There was more laughter. "Clay your Arcadia play really caught them by surprise. I bet every team in the conference is watching that play from every angle. I've thought of how we might adjust it to keep it a surprise."

"Larry, you know I've always appreciated your suggestion and guidance. You want to talk now or at practice?

Mrs. Schultz interjected, "Lawrence needs to rest before practice." Larry rolled his eyes. "Lawrence Michael Schultz don't you roll your eyes at me!"

"Mom you're behind me! How do you know I rolled my eyes?"

"I know my son!" she laughed. Larry pulled himself up using one of the crutches and moved to his bedroom. He stopped to kiss his Mom.

"See you at 4!" he called as his door closed.

"I best get back to supervising," Clay said. The guys thanked him for helping getting the move done. Clay walked out and noticed the teams were working effectively together. By two thirty the move was complete.

Dr. Orrs walked up to him and handed him two $50 gift cards to Regal Theater. "It's just a little thank you. You made it happen efficiently and we all appreciate it."

"These weren't necessary, but thank you. I best get home." It was then and only then he thought about Sean. "Fuck, I forgot about lunch." He ran home. He unlocked the door and called, "Chief, I'm sorry! Chief?" No one was home.

By 1:30 Sean had gone from being miffed, to annoyed, to pissed, to anger. At 2 PM he turned his phone off and put it on the charger. Sean changed into his swimming suit and taking only a towel and his keys, headed to the pool. He swam laps for 30 minutes then lay out to catch a few rays. The warmth of the sun comforted him and he nodded off.

Clay opened his phone. He saw the text from Sean. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!! He must be pissed.

Text To: My dearest Chief From: His adoring Farm Boy

I am so sorry. I'm just getting this. I was helping with the move. Then Larry came home. I'm so sorry!

Yes I want you to come to practice. Yes I want to go with you to Eddie's, YES, I WANT YOU!

He hit send. There was no response. Clay went to the Locker Room. Sean's things were there so he had come home. He looked in the dishwasher. There were dishes from a lunch. He went to the bedroom and saw Sean's clothes from this morning thrown in the laundry basket. Then he saw it. The cell phone was on Sean's nightstand charging. "Where could Sean be?"

Next: Chapter 28

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