Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 23, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 26 Monday Night Football

As Sean and Clay busied themselves getting ready for their guests, a text blast went out to all students. It read,

'We are pleased to announce that Larry Schultz, our Senior Quarterback, will be released from the hospital tomorrow in time to `observe' practice. He thanks all of you for your prayers and support. He will be at the Pep Rally Friday night for our away game Saturday! Run Wild, Stallions!"

"Looks like Antonio is starting this week. Where's the game?" Sean inquired as he put the beer in the cooler and poured ice over it.

"Down in Tampa against the Bull Sharks," Clay answered mixing up the butter and garlic. He had 2 trays of wings ready to go in.

"We've got paper plates, wet wipes and napkins; I think we're all set. Oh I'll put the condoms in the bowl with a few cock rings over on the end table near the door. The lube will go in the drawer." Sean said.

Closing the oven and setting the timer for 30 minutes, Clay came over and sat down on the couch. He patted his knee as he call, "Chief, come sit with me." Sean smiled at the gesture and sat on Clay's lap and put his arms around him. "Chief, this may seem funny to you, but I've got to ask you for something that might technically break our open relationship agreement."

Sean stood up and sat crossed legged on the floor and motioned for Clay to join him. "Go on."

"Can we agree that we won't have sex with anyone else in our bedroom?" he breathed out.

Sean thought carefully before answering. "Does this have something to do with the number 26?"

Clay thought just as carefully before answering, "Yes."

"First, let me say to you, I've been out since I was 15. I've been careful and prudent in whom I choose to use to get off. You noticed I said `use.' Do I sleep with over a 100 men a year? Honestly, I haven't kept track. Out of all of those men, Leon Clayton Reed IV, you were the only who was able to wrangle me into a relationship. So believe when I say, you are special to me. Now, as far as the bedroom is concerned. Yes, it's our bedroom. It's one of our special places. No one else may have sex, in that bedroom other than you and me." Clay smiled and squeezed Sean's hands.

"Now I have a question. Why were you afraid to ask me?"

Clay bit his bottom lip. He thought about how to phrase his response. "Chief, yes I was afraid. You are very important to me. Not just because you were my first, but for what I feel here." He pointed at his heart. "I know you are a Sir. You are a dominant. I know you planned what you did to me the first time as I know you planned out last night. You are used to having things your way. I just didn't want to risk offending and possibly loseyou."

Sean rose to his knees and pulled Clays head to his chest. "Do you hear that?' he asked. Clay nodded. "It beats for you. In just 8 days, fast but not unheard of. Master Will and Sir Arn were the same way, but Arn was partnered. It was only after the tragedy of his partner's death that they have been together. Love at first sight. As far as me being a Sir, when it comes to sex 99% of the time I'll be in charge. I'll also take charge if I perceive a threat to our relationship or to you personally. But in our relationship we are equals. Have I expressed myself clearly? Do you have questions?"

"No Chief, just kiss me." Sean did.

Stripping off their clothes, for house rules, they finished up getting things ready. At 6 pm Clay turned on the TV and pulled up ESPN. The Pregame show was starting. The buzzer went off for the second batch of wings. Clay rearranged them with wings from the first batch and put them in the oven to stay warm.

At 6:30 Steve, Antonio and CJ showed up. Seeing their hosts nude, the players started stripping.

"Put your things in the Locker Room," Clay said pointing to the former office/gym. Steve had stripped quickest. As he walked in to drop off his clothes he yelled, "Who got fucked in here? It smells like jizz!." As Antonio and CJ joined him they agreed.

"Smells like our place did yesterday evening," CJ added. Everyone laughed.

Not wanting to get the party rolling too soon Sean changed the topic. "Hey guys, what are you doing for Larry tomorrow when he comes home?" That did the trick. All five men sat in the entertainment area Sean and Clay on the love seat.

Antonio explained, "The University has been coordinating everything. Tomorrow morning, like butt crack of dawn, they're moving the four guys out of the apartment below us. They'll clean and sanitize it. Then they'll start with Larry's room and move everything downstairs. Coach Lee will be supervising in addition to Dr. Orrs and someone from the complex. They'll move us all down first then move the other guys upstairs. Two of them are switching rooms as they're dating."

"Fucking is more like it," Steve quipped.

"Larry is also getting the room to the left of the door. That way the wheelchair can go straight to the room."

"Hold on! What wheel chair?" Clay demanded.

"They're having him use a wheel chair as a precaution. He's doing really well but he has episodes where he gets dizzy. Till those stop its wheel chair or crutches," Antonio explained.

"I hope they toss that mother-fucker who tackled him in the darkest hole they find," Steve commented.

"Doubtful now," CJ added, "I work in the Athletic Office for my Work Study Program to earn extra cash. Merch was pissed this afternoon because the State's Attorney won't charge the guy because of Diminished Capacity. Apparently, in addition to steroids, for which his whole team must now be tested, he had enough uppers in him to fly back home without a plane. He got a life time ban from collegiate sports and lost his Football scholarship. Larry does have the right to sue him and their school for damages."

Sean entered the discussion, "All that is well and good, but I believe the question I asked was, `What are you going to do for him?"

Four blank faces looked at Sean. They didn't get it, so Sean explained. "Since Saturday afternoon Larry has been cared for by one of the best trauma teams in Central Florida. He'd moved rapidly from ICU to PCU to coming home. What he needs are friends. If you baby him or treat him like an invalid you'll cripple him emotionally. If he needs something, tell him to ask for help. Don't offer to do stuff unless he asks. Treat him as one of the guys, especially at practice tomorrow. Ask his opinions; he's still your captain. Spread that word. He's still the capstan of the team. Treat him with the respect he deserves."

Clay looked at his phone, "Fastest way to send that message is through Coach Lee. "Clay's thumbs flew over the keyboard of his phone. He hit send. "Thanks Sean."

"Copy and paste that to me and I'll get it to Gina. She will blast it to the FWBs."

Clay did as Sean requested and Sean sent it to Gina.

At 7:05 the team text arrived to the four players and at 7:06 the FWBs text blast hit Sean.

Shortly after that the bell rang and Rickey entered with James and John. They guys stripped of as quickly as Steve had earlier. "Put your stuff in there," Steve said, "but you might want to wear a gas mask."

James and John came out laughing, "So you guys started without us?"

"Nah those two broke it in!" CJ commented.

Sean and Clay showed everyone where the beer was located, they asked them to use the Locker Room bath if needed. Clay then pulled out the wings, "Dinners on guys."

They didn't have to be told twice. The grabbed their plates, napkins, wipes, wings and beer. The group felt the wings were much better than pizza. They shared war stories about previous football seasons, favorite teams, other sports, cars and players.

The game started on ESPN. No one was rooting for the Ravens. Within the first 10 minutes the Patriots were up by 14. James and John had been sitting in front of Sean and Clay. They stretched and turned around and started sucking their hosts. Rickey brought Antonio's head down to his cock and Steve went for CJs. Sean and Clay kissed while Sean worked Clay's nipples.

James and John lifted the legs of the two lovers and started to eat out their asses. They were forceful and coordinated in their attacks. As the sucked on the man holes before then they stuck their tongues in to tease the inner ring. Clay moaned into his kiss. Sean was enjoying the ass work but wasn't going to let either of these guys fuck them. He kissed around to Clay's ear and whispered, "On three we lock our legs around their heads. Push them to the floor. Flip them over and finger their asses. Clay nodded. 1, 2, 3."

Their plan worked. The brothers were pinned down and fingers were being worked into their asses. Sean and Clay were really surprised that the brothers were already lubed. The twins struggled briefly but stopped when their prostates were mercilessly prodded. The brothers moaned like whores trying to get their tormentors' fingers where they'd do the most good.

"Farm Boy you want top or bottom? Sean asked.

Clay wasn't sure what he met so he replied, "Bottom."

"You're John, right?" Sean addressed the red head with Clay's fingers in his ass.

"Yes Sir!" was his reply.

"On your back and get your legs on my Boy's shoulders. Farm Boy you know where you're going now?"

"Sure do Chief."

"Well wait for me before plowing. James you suck off your brother while he sucks you off. Now get in position. "

James crawled over his brother's body. He had a clear view of the Clay's prick as he rolled on a condom. Sean too was suiting up. Both brothers watched in amazement as a 9" cock speared each other's asses to the hilt.

"Let's long dick them a while Chief?" Clay suggested.

"You read my mind!" Sean exclaimed.

They set up a rhythm both ramming home and slowly pulling out while the brothers 69ed.

Clay winked at Sean to let him know he was ready to pick things up. Sean held up his fingers and counted off 5,4,3,2,1, both were midway out and the twins weren't expecting the quick return much less the increased pace. They adjusted their own efforts. Having been sucking and fucking since they were 12 each knew which buttons to push.

While the foursome rhythmically worked toward orgasm, the other couples had each received a mouthful of seed. Antonio had come in Rickey's moth and was rewarded soon after with his own dessert. CJ had fired off into Steve who returned a load a few minutes later. CJ had to piss so he pushed Steve off and headed for the Locker Room. Steve followed. CJ was getting ready to let it flow. Steve grabbed CJ's cock. He climbed into the tub and took the cock in his mouth. He looked up at CJ and blinked his eyes. CJ let loose. Steve was swallowing as fast as he could. Small amounts dribbled from the sides of his mouth. It was then that CJ totally relaxed and the torrent of piss overwhelmed Steve. It filled his mouth and ran into his nasal cavities and out his nose. He let CJ's cock slip from his mouth but the piss continued to hit him in the face and chest.

Back in the living room Rickey suggested to Antonio that there were two asses right in front of them that needed a cock in them. They stood and stepped toward Sean and Clay. The two were we're picking up speed fucking the twins.

Sean was aware of their approach. He also knew Rickey had wanted his ass for over 2 years. He stopped fucking James and looked at both Rickey and Antonio and growled, "If either of you touch my ass or Clay's you will regret it."

John noticed Sean and stopped fucking his brother. He stopped working James cock and shared, "Yeah Rickey, we told you they wouldn't fall for us fucking then. You owe us $50 each."

"You son of a bitch, you set this up trying to see them take my ass. I thought you were my friend. Get your clothes and get out. If you think I am going to recommend you to anyone again, especially Castillo, you're sadly mistaken." Sean had pulled out. Rickey pulled his pants on, grabbed his shirt and shoes and was out the door.

CJ and Steve came back in at that moment. Antonio was clearly upset. "Sean, I'm sorry. Do you want us all to leave?"

"Fuck no! It's not you guys it was him. I need a beer. James I'm sorry can we continue in a bit?"

"Maybe we all need a beer," James said. "And yeah I'd like that cock of yours in me again." They all grabbed a beer. Sean put one of his favorite leather porn videos. They sat drinking beers and jacking.

Sean tapped James' shoulder. "Put a new raincoat on me bottom boy." James crawled across the room and grabbed a condom. Ripping it open he rolled it down Sean's prick expertly. "Good boy," Sean said. Clay bristled at hearing his Chief's words. "Sit on it boy and take a ride!" Sean ordered. James immediately turned around and took the full nine inches in one swooping motion grinding his ass into Sean's pubes.

Sean then patted the couch next to him, "Oh Farm Boy, your Chief is missing you." Clay was up off the floor and next to Sean quick as a wink. He planted a kiss on his Chief's mouth. John moved in and sucked Clay's cock back to its rigid state. Then he rolled on a ribbed rubber, made sure he was still lubed enough and slowly sank down on it. The two brothers nodded at each other. They set up opposing rhythms. If one was sitting all they down the other was at the top of the dick in his ass. The brothers see-sawed back and forth. Sean and Clay played with each other's tits and kept kissing, their tongues battling.

Sean felt the churn in his balls starting up. He broke the kiss and moved his hands to lightly touch James' back. Then he order James to do a 180. The older of the twins managed it, but kicked his brother in his chest maneuvering around. John simple stood up and sat back on Clay's dick so that both brothers were facing their fuckers. They picked up their pace as Sean and Clay pinched their nipples and played with their cocks. Sean went in for a kiss and his tongue in James' mouth sent the man over the edge. He shot 3 huge volleys of white gold onto Sean's neck and chest. His ass spasms gripped Sean's cock and in just a few more strokes milked it of 5 thick robes of top quality cum.

Clay had watched Sean and was imitating his moves. But it was John who initiated the kiss and he was demanding in pushing his tongue into Clay's mouth. He pounded his ass harder onto Clay's cock. Clay unloaded 7 packs of his seed into the condom. John grabbed his cock and jacked it 3 times shooting 4 huge loads of boiling cum onto Clay's abs.

The foursome dissolved into a mass of hugs and kisses as the enjoyed the afterglow of their orgasms.

The other 3 guests were far from idle. Turned on by the porn and the action beside them they had started a three way. Their touching and kissing led to 3 cocks being sucked at once. As their hormones increased they formed a train. CJ was the engine, Steve the middle car and Antonio was the caboose. The train was running well when the engineer called reverse. Now Antonio was in the lead with Steve fucking him and CJ plugged into Steve. They revered direction 3 times before CJ noticed a DP on the screen. "Guys, I want to do a DP."

"Lube my ass some more." Steve stated.

"No fucker, I want to feel two cocks in my ass!" CJ stressed.

Antonio and Steve grabbed new rubbers. CJ smiled at the foursome grinding away on the couch as he grabbed lube. He lubed his ass, already loose from being fucked.

"You want us balls to balls or you want to be sandwiched?" Antonio asked.

"Balls to balls, that way I control the fuck," CJ responded.

Antonio. Laid down, Steve placed one leg under Antonio's thigh then threw his other leg over the other. CJ lubed the two cocks. Closing the lube and setting it aside he positioned himself over the two pricks and started to squat. He felt Steve's slightly longer cock enter first. A smile lit up his face. Then he felt Antonio's cockhead start inside him. The stretching of his hole was initially a bit painful. He paused and the pain faded. He made a decision then and purposefully sat down. The pain seared through him as he grimaced. As he expected though the pain was replaced with a feeling of fullness. He began fucking himself urged on the owners of the two cocks grasped by his ass. Antonio and Steve loved feeling their cocks rubbing against each other's.

It was that scene the foursome viewed as they returned to awareness after their post orgasm haze cleared.

Clay whispered to Sean, "Can I try that?

"No, Farm Boy, it's too soon," Sean whispered back.

Clay was unhappy with that response. He thought to himself, "I should be able to try anything I want. He's trying to control me completely." He scooted away from Sean so he could see the action better.

CJ was picking up speed. He was jacking off and playing with his tits. Antonio and Steve were in a fucking motion moving up to meet CJ's down thrusts. Their chests and necks showed how aroused they had become. CJ began panting heavily. John was closest to the group and he latched onto CJ's cock with his mouth just as CJ unloaded 8 ropes of cum. John swallowed every drop. The 8 spasms clenched his ass tighter against the two cocks and milked both quarterbacks of their loads as well.

After the group untangled they disposed of condoms and sat talking about the experience. Rickey wasn't talked about at all. Only the positive sexual energy that had been evident was mentioned. After another round of beers the guests dressed and said their goodbyes.

Farm Boy and Sean were alone. As they finished cleaning up, Clay voices his concern. "Chief, why couldn't I DP?"

Sean realized there were multiple layers to the question. He stopped cleaning up and gave his full attention to Clay. "Farm Boy, I know you're a great lover and a fast learner. I know you want to experience everything. But you've been fucked at the most 14 times in the past week. I just don't want you to be hurt by pushing too hard into the advanced stuff like DP and fisting. You'll get there, but not yet."

"Ok Chief," is what Clay said, but he thought, "Bullshit!"

Shortly afterwards they showered together before retiring. In their bed, Clay was held tightly by Sean. They both felt content. Clay also felt a small pang of doubt. Yet with Sean holding him close, he felt loved and safe. They both slept soundly.

Next: Chapter 27

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