Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 23, 2020


***Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 25 Monday, Monday

Their alarms went off at 6 AM. As they woke they realized they had slept in the same positions all night with Clay's head resting on Clay's chest.

They both were sprouting stiff morning wood. They stroked one another's pricks. "Sean we could 69 this morning," Clay said as he flipped into position.

"Not if we're getting blood work," Sean countered while pushing Clay away from his cock. He hopped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. "No brushing teeth either, he called out to Clay as he pissed into the toilet. Clay came in and joined him at the bowl pissing. They played crossing streams until Sean finished.

Sean washed his hands and put on his deodorant.

"Shit! I think I left my kit back at the apartment. Can I use yours Chief?" he asked kissing Sean's shoulder.

"Sure thing," Sean said tossing his deodorant to his lover. "We'll both smell of vanilla today."

"Never heard of `Native' before."

"It's all natural," Sean pointed to the contents. "It came on the market last year. What's your class schedule today?"

"Day from hell! My first class is at 9 followed by a 2 hour intensive at 10 and the last from 1 to 2. Then study. We have Monday's off from practice," Clay explained.

Sean went into the closet and selected one of Clay's altered pants and a shirt. He selected complimenting colors for his outfit and brought them out tossing Clay's outfit, "Wear this."

"Oh, is that more of Tina's work?" Clay asked as he started to hunt for a jock.

"Go commando Farm Boy! We're showing of cock lines today. We're working on fine tuning your gaydar."

Clay flashed a grin at his lover. "Yes Sir!!"

They went to the office/gym to retrieve lap tops and materials. "Damn, it smells of funk in here," Clay commented.

"Well, who's to blame for that? I'd say it was the one who leaked a gallon of precoital liquid and then spilled semen all over the floor," Sean said laughingly. "You get to scrub it up later."

"Yes, Sir," Clay muttered. "I have an idea! Let's call this either the Locker Room or the Men's Room?"

"You pick," Sean responded.

"Locker Room it is," Clay announced.

The couple held hands as they walked down the four flights. They arrived just as a shuttle was pulling in. Antonio crowded in next to them! "Morning love birds! You missed an orgy last night," he whispered.

"Oh there was enough seed spilled in our place last night too," Sean grinned.

"Yeah, my ass is still sore, in more ways than one," Clay joked.

"Mine too," Antonio said. "Rickey nailed it."

Sean and Clay stared, laughed and fist bumped Antonio.

"Don't know why you're surprised Sean. You saw me on the 4th floor," Antonio said.

"Yeah, but Lillies blows anyone gay or straight. As far as I knew you needed relief." Sean replied.

"Well guess all 4 quarterbacks are family," Antonio said as the shuttle neared the GCB. "See you tonight. It's Ravens - Patriots," he said as he winked.

"What was the wink for?" Sean asked.

"The game is on because it's the Patriots playing. Ravens won't stand a chance," Clay explained. "We'll probably be hosting our first orgy tonight."

"We better get more condoms here," he said as the shuttle pulled up the Student Health Services building. As they approached the door, they noticed Dr. Christine Velez, coming up the walk from her parking space. "Morning Christine!" Sean hollered.

"Morning Sean! You're not on my schedule for today. Are you doing a walk-in?"

"He's healthy as a horse!" Clay chimed in.

"Ah yes, the quarterback speaks," Christine quipped. "You're the new couple everyone is blowing up social media about."

"What! We've gone viral!" Sean exclaimed.

"Chief it's not like we spend our time on Facebook and Twitter. We've been occupied."

"You two are playing safely!" It was a statement yet a question. They guys blushed.

"It's why we're here. I'm getting my quarterly blood draw. I was hoping Clay could get started too."

"Let's talk inside," Christine directed. As they walked inside the doctor called out, "Morning Gabby! We slammed this morning?"

"Morning Doc! Surprisingly not. After that game I thought it would be a wild weekend and a Monstrous Monday. You've got one female in 1 with a rash and a male in 2 with an infected pimple on his back."

"Sign these two in please. Ask Oscar if he can draw blood on both, PrEP panel, Sean's orders are in the network already. Start Mr. Reed's. Then put them in a room together. Thanks." Christine dropped off her things in her office and headed for Room 1.

Gabby got the guys signed in and entered orders for Clay. "Mr. Reed, a moment please?" Clay went to the window. "First, great game Saturday. You're awesome. I see you already had the PrEP panel drawn 2 weeks ago." Why does she want it again?"

Clay explained, "Coach Henry was going on about having safe sex and being an example to the campus. The whole team agreed to be tested. I just didn't know for what."

"Let me speak with Doc." She stepped away from the window. After a few minutes she returned. Checked in 4 more students then called Clay back up. "Doc says you don't need the draw today. She'll see you with Sean."

Oscar came out then and called, "Mr. Walls please." Sean went into the back with him for his blood draw.

A nurse came to the door and called, "Mr. Reed please." Clay went back with her. Please step on the scale." She noted his weight. Please have a seat." She scanned his forehead and recorded his temperature. Then she attached the BP cuff to his bicep and took and recorded that reading. "You're going to be in Room 4," as she led him down the hall. Five minutes later Sean joined him.

Clay explained about his bloodwork. The two were talking about music and their favorite songs when Christine entered the room.

"First off, Mr. Reed your tests are all normal. No STDs or HIV. We'll start you on Descovy today. Sean you'll be back next week to review your bloodwork. I'm surprised at both you playing bareback. Are you two exclusive?"

Sean answered, "We do play well and safely with others. We only forego condoms with each other."

"If you're going to bareback you should be monogamous. That being said, PrEP is not meant to be a substitute for safe sexual practices. Sean how many partners have you had in the past 3 months?"

Sean thought before answering, "26."

Clay stared at him.

"Mr. Reed, same question for you," Dr. Velez stated.

"Just 4," was Clay's response.

"Well keep track of who they are. If you come back positive you'll need to report names to the health department. Sean I'll see you next week. Mr. Reed here is your first bottle of Descovy. If you fill it here there is a program that covers your copay completely. Play safe gentlemen."

The pair took off for breakfast at the cafeteria. Clay wolfed down his scrambled eggs, bacon and orange juice as his class was on the other side of campus. He kissed his lover as a number of other students smiled. It seemed everyone knew all about them. When Clay got outside he kicked off the sandals Sean had him wear and ran barefoot through the grass. He made it easily to class.

"May I join you?" Sean heard from behind him. Lee Gabriel came around the table.

Swallowing the muffin he had been chewing, Sean simple said, "Please," Motioning him to a seat.

"Thank you Sean," Lee began, "I wanted to talk with you this morning because of the political happenings which have ensued since your hearing was scheduled last Tuesday. Your poise and your argument for leniency impressed the administration and Student Government as well. Your role in the FWBs controversy was key, pun intended; to driving home the point that the Coaching staff over reacted to a little noise. Your TV interview was stellar as you deflected any claim to credit. By praising both Admin and SG you purchased a lot of good will. The question now is how to utilize it.

Lee paused to see if Sean had any comments. Hearing none he continued. "Being the son of a prominent alumnus and her spouse, who happened to have endowed a chair in the College of Medicine, opens certain doors.

Sean held up his index finger. Lee paused. "Get to the point."

"I'd like to bring you on board as my Chief of Staff. I need help managing SG. We've added so many new colleges and tracking all the issues and bills can be problematic. You'd also be a great liaison between SG and the Alumni Organization."

"No!" Sean stated. "Lee, I've supported you and voted for you, twice. I'm not SG material. I also won't trade on my family name or their money. Lucky for me most of the student body don't know about Doctors Melissa Andrea Lund and Alexander Gaither Walls. I hope to keep it that way. The few that do know keep it to themselves. Hell, Clay doesn't know yet. They won't be back for 2 to 3 weeks. Then he'll encounter a wall of Walls back at the house. Further, how will it look when a Chief of Staff turns out to be Mr. September in `Bums Rush' next year with his boyfriend as Mr. October? Then there is a new show Castillo is putting together featuring us. Believe me you do not want that headache nor will your successor. But I will do this. IF and I mean IF you get into a real bind with either Admin or Alumni, I will try to help 1 time."

"Sean to say I am disappointed is an understatement. I understand your reasoning and I respect it. I hope I don't have to take you up on that favor though. Congrats on the calendar and the show. Guess we'll all be seeing a lot more of you in the future - pun intended." He laughed, shook Sean's hand and moved on to politic with other students. He had achieved one goal though; Sean Walls and the President of the Student Government were seen having a lengthy conversation which would keep some of his opposition at bay.

Sean rushed to class. He was 3 minutes late. "So good of you to join us Mr. Walls," Professor Hogan greeted him sarcastically. Class rules Mr. Walls, we kept a front seat just for you." Sean walked to his seat as if he always sat there, opened his lap top and did his best to catch up and participate. After class he apologized to the professor for being a disruption. "Mr.Walls, I appreciate the apology. This I believe is your 4th class with me and to my knowledge you've never been late. If I had cut you any slack though, we'd have comings and goings all the time. "

"Certainly, Professor, I understand," he replied. Sean headed to the CHS building and picked their checks from Dr. O'Connall. He got a text that his next class was cancelled. He headed to the library to study. Safely ensconced in his favorite reading spot of the 4th floor, he cracked the books. He didn't even monitor the restroom activity. At 2 pm his phone beeped and he packed up and headed for the Credit Union.

Clay met him at the door. "Hello handsome," Clay called as Sean neared him. They kissed and hugged and entered the CU.

A young man at one of the desks inquired, "How may I help you gentlemen?"

Sean explained they needed to make deposits and open a joint checking as well."

"I can help with all of that. I'm Ira Byrnstine. Are you both members?"

"Yes," they answered in unison.

"May I have your CU ID cards? It will make it easier to transfer in your information." The pair placed their Credit Union IDs on Ira's desk. He scanned them into the computer and punched a few keys. "Whose name will go first on the account?"

Clay answer, "Sean's,"

"Which mailing address should we use?"

"Mine," responded Sean.

"Oh and change my address to his. We've moved in together," Clay added.

Ira smiled, "Yes, it's trending on Tik Tok this morning. Ok initial deposit?"

"I want $500 of this check to go into this account and $500 to Sean's," Clay stared and this $300 into my account.

Sean added, "Just put the full grand into the joint account. I want this $300 to go into my personal checking. Are you able to link our personal accounts to the joint account so we can use the App to transfer money in each month?"

"We can do that easily Mr. Walls. Do you want checks and debit?"

"Yes, please," Sean replied.

A few more keystrokes and Ira said there, we're all set. If you would each endorse the checks you're depositing I'll take them to the teller. The guys signed their respective checks and Ira took them to the teller. When he returned he handed them their deposit receipts and temporary checks. "If I may, share a word of advice. Register yourselves with Orange County as domestic partners. It will save on a myriad of problems later." He winked, stood and extended his hand, "A true pleasure Mr. Walls and Mr. Reed."

As they left the Credit Union Clay asked, "Do you want to catch the shuttle, walk or run home?"

"Shuttle Farm Boy, someone wore me out last night." Sean replied.

As they boarded a shuttle Sean said, "I really don't want pizza tonight. Have any ideas?"

Clay rubbed Sean's basket saying, "Plenty!"

"We got 8 guys tonight total. So be serious we're hosting our first party."

"Orgy," Clay corrected.

"Gathering then. Oh while you were talking with Gabby; I grabbed two handfuls of condoms," Sean noted.

"Awesome, do we need more lube?" Clay asked. Sean nodded. "When we get back we can go to Publix. They sell bags of frozen chicken wings. 4 bags of them should be enough and I'll make a butter garlic sauce for them. What beer do you want to get?" Farm Boy asked

"You tell me," Chief replied

"Sean we'll see what's on sale." Clay remarked.

They held hands as they climbed the steps back to the 4th floor. As they came into the apartment both phones were ringing in their pockets. Eddie was calling Sean and Everett was calling Clay. Putting everyone on Speaker phone Eddie began, "Sean I'd like to show you the image I selected of you for the calendar as well as some of the items for the show. Are you free tomorrow afternoon around 4?"

"No, Eddie, I'm busy from 4 to 6 Tuesday through Friday."

"How about we meet at my place and we walk to the studio. We can talk along the way about the contract and my vision for the show."

Everett chimed in, Sean if you can bring Clay along, he can start on his workout routine either at my studio or here."

The guys looked at each other, Clay with his puppy dog eyes, pleading to go.

"Sounds to me like a plan. See y'all tomorrow." They hung up.

Sean and Clay fist bumped! Eddie pumped the air. Everett formed his hand first into what he would work into Clay's ass before showing him what a punch fuck felt like. His plan was taking shape.

The pair opted to use Clay's Mustang for the trip to Publix. When they returned Farm Boy parked it in its new spot for apartment 410.

Next: Chapter 26

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