Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 22, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 24 Weight Bench

Dinner was a magical time for the couple dining in their home for the first time by candlelight. The steak was perfectly prepared as a medium rare. The Cabernet paired perfectly. The vegetables provided enough fiber for their dietary needs. Just as they were finishing the doorbell rang.

Clay opened it to a huge bouquet of irises and white roses. "Delivery for Walls - Reed," the delivery man said.

"Yes," was all Clay got out before the flowers were thrust into his hands and the gentleman hurried back down the stairs. Clay kicked the door closed.

Sean was up looking at the bouquet. "Put it over here on this end table," he directed Clay to the far end table. "Ah here's the card." He opened it and read out loud, "Congrats on your new home." Eddie & Ev"

"I didn't know they delivered on Sundays!" Clay said.

"Speaking of them, what do you think of his offer to train me for free?" Clay asked.

"It's a very generous offer. Everett isn't cheap. But I'd be careful. Hell I'm being careful around him. The rumor mill about him isn't good. I won't repeat what is said because it is gay gossip. I will tell you he asked me last night if he could play with you. I told him it was up to you. However, I forbid him to fuck you. I'm not being territorial; I'm just looking out for your well-being emotionally and physically. After all there may be a kernel of truth in what is rumored. "

"Oh I haven't heard anything," Clay was commented.

"To be hones,t in the 7 days you've been out, have you actually talked about the gay community with anybody? I'll tell you what I'll do; I'll ask the man who trained me as a Dom what he knows. Master Will doesn't put up with drama but he has a good sense of what goes on. Sound like a plan?"

"I met him. He seems pretty hard."

"He can be but he's a gentle soul." Sean affirmed.

They agreed to get more info before becoming sexually involved with Everett again.

"Farm Boy do you think you'll need to use the bathroom in the next hour or two?" Sean inquired.

"Why? Are you going to tie me up again?" Clay said with a smirk.

"Yes I am," Sean replied with a straight face and a steely eye.

"Yes Sir, I should try."

"When you are finished, please use the Shower Shot to clean out again."

"Yes Sir!" Clay rose and headed for their bathroom.

Sean realized the leather toys were in the wrong closet. He'd have to move them another time. He selected his mask, blindfold, restraints, a couple of different gags, his flogger, rope, and his violet wand kit. He thought about the sounds but thought he'd let his mentor introduce those to his Farm Boy. He heard the shower turn on and moved his items to the desk in the office/gym. Sean dressed himself in a leather jock, face mask and gladiator harness. He turned off the overhead light but let the fan on. Then he stood in the far corner of the room waiting.

Farm Boy entered and reached for the light.

"Don't!" Sean barked.

Clay froze. He could just see Sean in the shadows on the opposite end of the room. He got down on his knees and then on all fours and crawled over to Sean and kissed his feet. They both wondered where that came from?

"Kneel boy and hold out your hands,"

Clay obeyed quickly and without comment. He was thrilled and anxious about this new experience. His eyes were adjusted to the light and his cock responded by getting harder. Sean was smoking hot!! The jock bulged with his cock and huge balls. The straps perfectly framed his ass. That gladiator harness with its pauldron protecting the one shoulder and bicep highlighted Sean's pecs. Sean wore a leather mask hiding his face while clearly focusing Farm Boy's attention on his eyes. Sean secured the wrist restraints and locked them in place.

"Lay down on the bench."

Clay moved quickly to comply. He walked on his knees to the bench and lay back upon it. Sean adeptly secured his wrist restraints with short ropes to the uprights on the bench. Clay's ankle restraints were locked in place. Sean picked up each leg and moved it to the outside of the bench upright and secured the restraints there with rope. He stood back and looked at his boy. His ginger hair showed beautifully against his pale skin. His chest and neck already showing the blush if arousal. His abdomen and pecs rose and fell with each breath. His hard 9" prick already leaking precoital fluid profusely.

Sean approached and wordlessly used the nail of his right index finger to slowly trace from Clay's left knee to the base of his cock. Then he traced from his right knee to the base of Clay's cock. Both times Clay held his breath. His eyes glued on his Chief; his cock already begging to be touched.

Sean grabbed the two uprights at the foot of the bench. He pushed himself up, before swinging his legs up and over Clay's body landing on Farm Boy's hips. Sean leaned forward and stared into Clay's face. He ground his leather glad crotch into the naked prick underneath him. Farm Boy moaned in agony at first, then in ecstasy.

Sean slid his body up Clay's body inching his way to the tip of his lover's cock head. Farm Boy became aware that his boyfriend's asshole was almost in position for his cock to enter him. He stared at Sean, begging with his eyes to let the quarterback fuck him. As if reading Clay's mind, when Sean reached the tip, he reached back and grabbed Clay's prick and wiggled his asshole back to make contact. Then he stared wordlessly at Clay.

Farm Boy stared at Sean, "Please Sir. Please."

Sean wiggled his ass once more seating the cockhead to penetrate him, and then hopped off.

"Did I say you could speak to me?" Sean growled.

"No Sir."

Sean pulled the blindfold from the desk and blindfolded Clay. Next was the ball gag. Once it was secure he started at the base of Clay's cock and ran his finger nail along the underside to the tender belly of the head. He slowly circled the head. Grasping the cock he pulled it to a right angle to his boy's body.

"Mmmm!" was all Farm Boy could muster.

Sean released the cock and it slammed back against Clay's abs. The precum, that had pooled there, splashed spreading out further. Sean resumed tracing up toward Farm Boy's sternum. He traced along the pectoral muscle to the right. He circled the areole and then the nipple. Clay moaned and bucked his hips.

Sean stopped. He brought over additional rope and secured Clay's hips and thighs. He grabbed his phone and took a picture. Then went back to the right nipple and teased at it again. More moaning and Clay strained at the ropes. Sean resumed tracing his way back to the left pectoral muscle. Once again the areole was circle and the nipple worked. The moaning was louder. Sean could see the blush of arousal was brighter and covered the chest and neck of his boyfriend.

Sean walked to the head of the bench and lowered it. Clay's head dangled backwards. Sean presses his crotch to his boy's face. Clay could smell the musk. He breathed deeply inhaling the odors. He tried to nuzzle his Chief's groin, but Sean stepped away.

A loud sigh escaped the gag.

Sean stepped into the bathroom and brought back a towel. Rolling it up, he used it to support Clay's neck and head.

Clay thought, "He'll never hurt me."

Sean removed Clay's gag. Then he backed his ass onto Clay's mouth. No instructions were needed. Clay's tongue stretched out and worked Sean's pucker. He was really getting excited from bringing Sean pleasure. He had started adding humming to his rimming technique when Sean moved off.

Clay was suddenly confused. "Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt him?" were some of the questions floating in his mind. He almost asked but knew he might elicit a punishment. So he laid there confused.

Sean removed his jock and quietly laid it aside. He took another picture. He knew his sudden movement off Clay's mouth would confound him. After just a few minutes, he walked up to Clay and placed the tip of his cock in the quarterback's mouth.

Immediately, Clay's doubts left him and he started licking the head. Then he realized Sean wasn't stopping at his mouth. He immediately started breathing through his nose. Sean didn't stop until his balls were resting on Clay's eyes.

Sean slowly withdrew and just as slowly put his cock back in. He repeated the slow process for 5 minutes. Then he picked up the pace for a couple of minutes before stopping. He replaced his cock with a cock gag. Then he raised up the head board of the bench securing it.

Sean put together the violet want. He chose the rounded tip to start. He turned it on and knelt down to start with Clay's feet. He started with the little toe on the right foot.

The crackling sound of electricity and the zap startled Clay. Sean had been right, he was suddenly afraid. Had something gone wrong and Sean had been knocked out by an electrical shock. He tried to scream Sean's name. He yanked at the restraints.

Clay felt Sean's hand on his knee, followed simply by the word, "hush." That was followed by another crackling zap and a tingle in his next toe. He thought, "What the fuck is he doing to me?" He had no option but to endured.

After the toes were finished, Sean kissed Clay's forehead. "Farm Boy you are amazing. I am so proud and grateful that you're enduring all this for me. I must be the luckiest man in the world."

Sean switched to the rake and began combing it through Clay's hair. The static electricity made the ginger locks stand on end. The same happened on Clay's torso. Clay realized he wasn't being harmed but played with once more. Then the rake made contact with his right nipple. The combination of the static charge with the fact that his nipples were sensitive, sent shockwaves coursing through Clay's body balls, cock and ass. More fluid poured from his cock pooling on his belly. The same happened with the left nipple. The rake was heading lower.

"No, he wouldn't go there! Or would he?" wondered Clay.

What Sean did was rake around Farm Boy's penis and onto the balls. Clay squirmed but realized he was enjoying it. Sean expertly moves the rake around the balls, down one leg and up another. Then he ran it over Clay's sides and arms.

Kissing him on the forehead again, Sean whispered, "Soon my good and perfect boy. Soon!"

Sean picked up his flogger and advanced. He draped the heavy leather tails over Clay's face. He wanted him to breathe in the smell of the leather that would provide pleasure and torment over the next 30 minutes. Then he used the tails to gently stroke all of Clay's body.

Clay moaned at the pleasant sensations he was experiencing. He was really relaxing when music started playing and the first of many strikes impacted his body. "He's beating me!" Clay realized. He screamed "STOP" into the gag but no one would have understood it. Farm Boy's erection vanished as he panicked. As the strikes continued Clay realized that the sting of impact was no longer hurting. In fact it was providing a strange sensation. He started paying attention to the music and the correlation to the strikes. He didn't know how long he had been beaten but it suddenly stopped. He felt his right arm being released and pulled over to his left side. Then his left arm was moved under him to the left. He was still tied up. Next his legs were released and repositioned. He was now on his belly.

Clay became aware of the tickling sensation. Then the strikes resumed. This time he knew what to expect and the whole process was more pleasurable. Clay was aware that his cock was getting hard again. He also realized Sean had positioned him so his cock was exposed. As Sean worked down Clay's torso, he was trying to decide how he wanted to torture it. He knew Clay would have lots of questions.

Sean tore into Clay's glutes. He loved their lovely red glow when he stopped. Then he took his flogger and slapped it gently three times against Farm Boy's cock and balls. It was a signal to let Clay know it could have been much worse.

Sean removed his mask. He knelt behind Clay, spread his boyfriend's ass cheeks and dove in. Within seconds Clay was bucking and moaning, He wanted fucked but couldn't communicate it. He wiggled his ass, he moaned, he bucked his hips. Sean simply smiled and continued his tongue's attack on the rosebud before him.

Sean felt Clay's balls move. He stopped the rim job. He reached around and collected some of Clay's precum in his palm. The Chief rubbed it with some of his own against his shaft he stepped forward, positioned his cock head at the entrance to his lover's man hole and rammed home.

Clay was ecstatic! His itch was being scratched. He bucked back into Sean's cock trying to get it deeper. Sean kept things under control though and worked Clay's ass expertly. Pausing in his strokes to make sure the prostate was being hit.

Sean reaches up and undid the blindfold. Clay could see Sean fucking him in the mirror. He moaned into his gag. A few more minutes and Sean untied the gag.

Clay spit it out. "Fuck your boy Sir! Make me howl! Harder! Harder!"

Sean obliged. He grabbed Clay's hips and went to town. He started to feel his balls churning. He slapped Clay's ass cheeks.

"Harder Sir! Slap them harder!" Clay cried.

Again Sean obliged. He pistoned in and out of Clay's warm soft chute until with one final plunge he unloaded deep into lover.

As the two recovered, Sean stood up. Clay thought he'd be untied. He thought wrong. Sean had one last torment for his lover. He tickled his feet. Clay howled!

"No Sir! Please No! Stop Chief, please stop!

"Just making sure you know who the Chief is here Farm Boy. He released the slip knot on the right leg followed by the left. He unlocked the right ankle restraint followed by the left. He rubbed each ankle and then kissed each foot and ankle. He kissed behind each knee, then each ass cheek and the small of the back. Sean repeated his straddling maneuver. This time Clay could see his athleticism reflected in the mirror. Sean smiled at Farm Boy in the mirror and reached under his chest to work both nipples at the same time.

"Fuck Sir! I'm getting hard again!"

He kissed the back of Clay's neck. Sean tickled his arm pits. Once more howls of laughter erupted from Clay. He slipped off Clay and untied the right restraint. Then he unlocked the restraint, removed it and kissed Clay's wrist. Finally the last restraint was untied and unlocked. Once more he rubbed then kissed the wrist. He helped Clay sit up and to stand.

Clay grabbed him and kissed him deeply. "Thank you for showing me how pain leads to pleasure."

They cleaned up the office/gym and showered together. They played grab ass, touched tenderly and kiss passionately as water cascaded over their bodies.

After a snack of yogurt and strawberries they started the dishwasher and went to bed. Clay cuddled into Sean with his head resting on his Chief's chest.

Next: Chapter 25

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