Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 22, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 23 New World

Clay concentrated on Sean's cock. Since he had no foreskin he tried nibbling along the underside of the shaft. He bit a little too hard once and received a flicked finger against his right nut. Sean had started to deep throat his cock and the sensation of being encased in his lover's throat thrilled him. He tried to emulate him. He remembered to breathe through his nose, but forgot about his teeth. Again the right nut got flicked by Sean. He did much better his third and fourth drives home, pressing his nose into Sean's pubes.

Sean had returned to working the glans, but this time pulling the skin back exposing the plum colored head licking at it like an ice cream cone. Popping just the head into his mouth Sean used his tongue to repeatedly circle the head before playing with the piss slit. Then he went back to the glans. All the while he was jerking the shaft and tickling Clay's balls and perineum.

Farm Boy had started to skull fuck himself on Sean's cock. His deep throat skills improved with every thrust. He increased his tempo as he felt his own balls churning and preparing for release. Sean sensed his urgency. He surmised Clay wanted them to cum together. He stopped long enough to say, "Play with my balls," before returning to concentrate on the tender spot under the tip of Clay's glans.

Farm Boy took the hint and stroked his Chief's ball sack. He felt them tighten in his hand. Sean felt it too but knew he'd need just a moment or two more. He rolled their bodies so that he was now on top. He began face fucking his Farm Boy. Moments later Clay's orgasm hit and 8 or 9 loads of cum hit the back of Sean's throat. It's sweet saltiness pleasant in his mouth. He swallowed. As Clay's body relaxed from the tension of orgasm, Sean resumed his thrusts until just minutes later Sean's own orgasm spilled into Clay's gullet.

Rolling onto the bed, he tenderly patted Clay's abs. Farm Boy reached for his hand. Sitting up he kissed each fingertip then the palm. "You are magnificent. Every time we have sex it gets better and better. You really know how to nail it! I wonder though what all I've missed. You seem to show me so many things about being gay."

Sean sat up and looked deep into Clay's eyes. "There are many things I can show you. There are many more things we will discover together. But for now, I need to eat. I skipped lunch."

"Do you want to go out to eat?" Clay asked.

"No, I'm going to the kitchen, silly! We've both nailed one another. We've moved in together. We're practically an old married couple." Sean laughed as he put on an exaggerated sway of his hips walking from the room.

Clay was up and after him in a second, "Was that a proposal Chief?"

"Oh you'll know when it's the proposal Farm Boy. There won't be a doubt in the world." In fact, Sean has thought about what a proposal of marriage should be like. Way to early yet, but he was thinking more and more about Clay as his life partner.

They raided the refrigerator. "Chief you did all this work for me, so the least I can do is fix lunch. "

"Sounds like a plan," Sean responded with a smile. Then he went into the office to check messages on his lap top.

Clay was opening cabinets, drawers and the pantry getting the lay of the land. He grabbed a carton of Basil Tomato soup, whole wheat bread, mayo, provolone cheese and Black Forest ham. He shook the soup and poured it cold into two bowls. Next he fixed two ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo. Slicing them in half he placed them on the plates. He got out two glasses, faded ice to them and filled them with tap water. He started setting the table with napkins, soup spoons and finally the soup and sandwiches. Going into the office he walked up to Sean and kissed the top of his head, "Lunch time Chief."

Seam smiled up at him and tweaked a nipple playfully. Farm Boy's cock jumped. Clay said, "Keep that up and this room will be seeing some action."

"I'm sure it will be, it's just a matter of time." Sean said as he stood and followed Clay to the table. "This looks great. You laid a very nice table." Sean said emulating his grandmother.

They sat down and Clay picked up his sandwich and dipped it into the cold soup. He bit into it and closed his eyes. "I learned about this in scouts. If you can't build a fire you can still consume the soup cold."

Sean tried it. "It is good. I've had Vichyssoise, but never thought about other cold soups. Well done Clay! You taught me something today."

Clay began, "Chief how much is my half for the decorating the apartment?"

Sean knew this would come up. "Putting down his sandwich, he turned to face Clay and placed two outstretched hands out toward him. Clay placed his hands in Sean's. "Clay, the main decorating of this apartment is covered. I did it for you and for me. My first two years everything in here was Jordan's. This year I had intended to decorate but then there was Al. So I spent what I would have spent on myself over 3 years on the makeover. The weights were a gift to you from Rickey. The only extra expenses were the highboys and statue. I know pulling your weight is important to you. So the 3 pieces came to $1000. If you want, you can give me $500 for your half."

"Thank you Sean," I'll deposit my check from Eddie in the morning."

"We need to go by and get our checks from art class as well," Sean added. "How would you feel if we maintain our separate checking accounts but open one jointly to pay for apartment things like food, cable and beer?

Clay began clearing the table. "I think that would be ok. I live on a tight budget Sean, but I want to do my part." He rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. "But what I want now is dessert." He pulled Sean up and pushed him over the table, knelt, spread Sean's ass cheeks and dove in. He kissed the pink rosebud and then sucked on it deeply. Then his tongue started its assault. Short swift licks touched all around the outer ring. Then very light kisses around the ring while his hands massaged his lover's glutes.

Sean had closed his eyes and was grasping the edges of the table. The sensations radiating through his body were building quickly. Then he felt his lover suck once more on his hole. He pushed out as he had been trained and felt Farm Boy's tongue enter his body. He was on fire!

Clay reached under Sean and pulled his cock from off the table so that his balls and cock were available to him as well. "Pull your ass open for me Chief, Clay asked. Sean did as requested. He felt the tongue slide deeper. Then there was a hand stroking his cock and another rolling his balls.

"Fuck me Farm Boy!" Sean ordered.

Clay stood, adjusted his angle and ever so slowly entered his lovers quivering ass. Inch by inch he was overwhelmed by the heat and softness of Sean's bowels.

Sean suddenly cried, "STOP!" Clay froze and started to pull out fearing he had hurt Sean. ""I said Stop not pull out! Be still now." Sean began rotating his legs to his left. As they moved up his torso followed suite until he was facing Clay. He reached up and grabbed Clay's neck while wrapping his legs around Clay's waist. "Take my weight and step back." Clay followed the order. He felt Sean sink deeper on his cock. "Now let's fuck!" It took a minute or two to catch the rhythm but once they had, it was bliss. Both were panting with the efforts they were putting into pleasing each other. Finally both felt their orgasm hit simultaneously. Clay staggering to the table to get something under Sean in case his legs buckled from the intensity.

Sean recovered first and started laughing. Clay looked at him with a quizzical raised eyebrow. Sean laughingly said, Bedroom - check, Bathroom - check, Dining area - Check, I call dibs on picking next!" Clay joined in the laughter as his cock slipped from Sean. "Clean me up Farm Boy."

"What do you mean?"

"Just do what you did to get me ready. This time you'll suck out your cum. It's called `felching' and should only be done with your partner."

Farm Boy thought, "Another lesson."

After a few minutes Sean moved to get down. He stood beside Clay and kissed him deeply. Let's sit here for a bit. I want to talk with you."

Sean sat on the couch and indicated Clay should stretch out and put his head in his lap. "Clay what do you know about STDs and AIDS?"

"I know I don't want either. So I try to use condoms, except with you."

"I feel the same way but we need to take precautions. You noticed the bowl of condoms out here. They're here because I am a player. In addition to those I'm on a PrEP drug. I take it daily and I get tested every three months. Tomorrow I'm scheduled for blood work at 7. I'd like you to come with me and if they will, have them draw your blood work too. Then I would like to ask you to go on PrEP as well. Will you consider it please?"

"Sean, I will do it for you."

"Clay, I appreciate that you'll do it for me. But do it for yourself. Being gay is a whole new experience for you. There will be those who will take advantage of that and put you in dangerous situations." He was subconsciously stroking Clay's chest and abs.

"I understand my love. We can play, but we come back home to each other is what I asked. We'll change that now by adding safely after the word play."

"Thank you for understanding Clay. Now, since you fixed a late lunch, I'll do dinner. Then after dinner the Chief will take charge."

"Oh, I'm scared." Clay joked.

"You will be." Sean said while pushing Clay off his lap and onto the floor. "You will be."

Sean stood and headed to the kitchen. He pulled the two sirloins from the fridge along with butter and sliced white mushrooms. He got out a cast iron skillet and started melting the butter. Grabbing two plates he set the table. Wine glasses and flat wear completed the look. He went back to the stove and added frozen chop onion to the skillet followed by the mushrooms. When they had blanched properly he pulled them off the heat into a bowl. Next he added the steaks to sear them. While he timed their cooking to 3 minutes, he grabbed frozen broccoli and tossed them into the microwave for 5 minutes. At 3 minutes he flipped the steaks. The onion and mushrooms were put back in the skillet. At 6 minutes he pulled the steaks to a serving platter. Pulled a bottle of red wine, popped the cork and pulled the broccoli and open the steam bag and dumped it into a serving bowl.

Clay had watched it all. He thought, "Chief knows his way around a kitchen."

"Wash up Farm Boy!" called Sean.

"Yes Sir!" Clay's responded.

Sean smiled, "I'll be hearing that a lot tonight," he thought with a wicked smile on his face. He finished setting the table, turned off the overhead spots and lit the candles. He placed a small box tied with a black ribbon and a gold bow at Farm Boy's place. As Clay joined him he poured the red wine. He proposed a toast, "Happy Anniversary to my sweet precious man!" They clinked their glasses. "We've made it 7 days. That's a record for me."

"You're a romantic Chief. This looks awesome. I didn't realize you knew how to cook. And what's this?" he asked picking up the box?

"I know a lot of things Clay. You'll learn some of those tonight after dinner." Sean flashed a wicked smile and stared lewdly at Clay. "But first open your present."

Butterflies fluttered in Clay's stomach. He opened the gift to find the keys to their apartment. He kissed Sean. The butterflies though were still there.

Next: Chapter 24

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