Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 21, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 22 Moving

Sean maneuvered the Subra through Winter Park and onto Aloma. Turning right at 436 he pulled into the inside lane to prepare for the turn onto University. 20 minutes later he pulled into his space for apt 410.

"l'll carry these upstairs. You go meet CJ. I'll call and see if I can get a matching dresser or two matching high boys," Sean said before kissing Clay and parting ways. As soon as Sean entered his apartment he placed the precious Castillo portraits on the table. Pulling out his cell phone he quickly called Rickey.

Rickey didn't answer to the sixth ring. "Sean if it had been someone else I would have let this go to voicemail." Rickey commented.

"Man have I got news for you but I need a big favor. I need to either match my dresser or get two matching highboys. Oh and a statue of David to put between them. Clay saw them last night at Eddie Castillo's condo and wants a set."

"You were in the Lion's Den!?! How did you manage it? You know almost every model he takes home gets fucked my his husband's monster cock." Rickey commented.

"You want the details, get over here by 1," Sean said.

Getting into business mode he said, "I do have two high boys that will work. Which David, Michelangelo's or Donatello's are you seeking?" Rickey asked.

"Michelangelo's is more muscular and Clay will be familiar with it. I like the softer form of Donatello's," Sean replied. "What do you advise?"

"For your room, I would suggest Donatello. I'd explain it this way. Helmet and shin guards are a nod to the football player. Oh and by one," hold on, he covered the phone, "The boys want $250 so you'll be out a grand today."

"I'll sign over my modeling fee from Eddie to you when you get here." Sean explained.

"We'll get dressed and be there by 1" Rickey hung up.

Sean smiled and imagined what he had interrupted. Then he called Clay.

"Farm Boy change of plans, don't bring your chest of drawers. I just bought matching highboys."

"That works great! CJ wants to purchase it as well. I'll just put my clothes in bags and head over," Clay said.

"No. Wait till one. I need to clean out my dresser and I don't want a lot of clutter when they move the old and bring in the new. You pack up then help CJ unpack and set the room the way he wants it."

"OK Chief! I'll be there at one o'clock, but not a second later. By the way, Larry's folks spent the night. They're back at the hospital but told Steve and Antonio that they are moving Larry outbid ICU to a room."

"That's great news Clay! Great news!" Sean exclaimed. "I love you. See you at 1!"


Sean started piling clothes on the bed from his dresser. He had just finished the last drawer when the doorbell rang. Rickey arrived early.

After a brief hug, Rickey said, "Dish."

Sean explained the previous night's adventures. Then he produced the check. Pulling a pen from Rickey's pocket, he wrote, `Pay without Recourse to Rickey Rivera" and signed his name. Rickey took the check and kissed it.

"Now I'm sorry I sold you his photographs," Rickey stated.

"Well I need your help in placing two more," Sean giggled while guiding Rickey to the table.

"Joder! It's you and your boyfriend!"

"Sure is! Shot early this morning then printed, framed and certified by Eddie himself. Where should we hang them?"

Just then twin ginger hair men entered the apartment with a 6' replica of Donatello's David.

"Sean meet James and John." Sean nodded at them. "Guys put that over in that corner. Then take the dresser in the bedroom down stairs and bring up the high boys. "

Turning his attention back to the room he considered placement. I'd suggest here between your storage closet and your bedroom door. They mark your room and they, if you put them with yours above his it's a reminder of sexual positions." Rickey grinned.

As the twins moved the dresser out the door Sean said, "Speaking of sexual positions, sorry I interrupted whatever you had going this morning."

Rickey smiled, "I was hoping you'd make it up to us by let us join the two of you."

Sean thought a fewmoments. "You know me and gingers. But this is our first night in our apartment. Can we do it tomorrow night as part of Monday Night football?"

"Hot damn! You got it."

Just then the doorbell rang. "Damn it's 1! Oh well," Sean thought. He walked to the door and opened it a crack. "Well hello there! Can I help you?" Sean smiled at Clay and his three helpers. He unlocked the door and said, "Boys back up. I want to do this right. I've been very busy and I have a surprise inside for my boyfriend. I'll be back in a minute. He stepped back inside and went to his room and grabbed the blindfold from the nightstand. Then he went back out. He tossed it to Clay and ordered, "Put it on."

"Yes Sir!" Clay responded; his submission obvious to his friends.

"Rickey would you mind coming out and waiting with the others while Clay sees what I've been doing?"

Rickey existed and smiled at the men in front of him. "Hope you guys are coming to Monday night football tomorrow?"

Sean guided Clay inside kicking the door closed behind him. "On three remove your blindfold. One, two, two and a half, three!" Clay whipped the blindfold off. He stood speechless gazing around the room. His hands touched the leather couch. He saw the TV. He wandered toward the dining table touching its surfaces and the leather. Sean was just inches behind him guiding him to the office gym. As they entered Clay's eyes welled up. He had always wanted a weight set. Sean pointed to the free weights as well.

Sean suddenly felt himself being lifted up and tightly embraced. Clay's tongue plunged into his mouth. He returned the kiss as well. Then they heard Rickey in the other room asking, "Are you two decent?"

Sean extricated himself from Clay's hugs. Placing his hand on Clay he said stay here. Going to the door he saw everyone was standing in the door gawking. "Rickey, would you please place the last three items for me. We'll deal with the clothes later. Yell when it's ready. Thank you."

He went back to Clay and kissed away the tears that rolled down his cheeks.

"Only my Mom and Dad and grandparents have ever catered to me like this. Even then there were a number of us to do for. I can't put into words how I feel. But I'll say this, if I had any doubts that you cared for me they just disappeared."

They embraced again and just held each other until Rickey called, "Sean it's as ready as it can be."

Sean took Clay's hand and guided him to "their" bedroom. Rickey had done a little more than install the highboys. He had rearranged the bedroom completely; the bed now was on the far wall. The two highboys taking its former place. Between them Donatello's David separating then on a raised pedestal so he reached to just short of the ceiling. The light from the sliding glass doors illuminated him. Both men were speechless. .

Clay broke the silence, who is he?" he asked nodding at the statue.

"It's Donatello's David. I know you saw Michelangelo's last night, but this one has the helmet and shin guards sort of like a football player. If you don't like it we'll replace it." Sean offered.

Clay put his arms around Sean and whispered, "Its perfect. It reminds you of me and me of you." They kissed. "Let's go enforce the naked rule," as Clay stripped and Sean was close behind.

When they emerged Steve whistled before adding, "House rules must be the same here!" Then he stripped out of his clothes. Antonio and CJ followed suit as did Rickey, James and John.

Rickey took charge, Let's get things put away guys and mount these two new photos."

Sean and Clay directed 5 sets of hands as to which drawer or closet things were to be stored. Leather clothing and toys were hung on racks in the storage closet nearest their bedroom. Cleaning supplies and other stuff like suitcases and a cooler we're stashed in the second storage closet. By 2:30 the move was complete.

Clay asked, "Can I offer everyone a beer?"

Steve responded for the group, "For a sophomore you sure are dumb! You've just moved in with your boyfriend. You should be having `other' ideas! Come on guys, let's go order pizza and get drunk at our place. These two love birds need to be alone." The guys got dressed.

Before they left Sean added, "Please join us tomorrow for Monday Night Football." There was general agreement they would all return tomorrow.

As the door closed behind the last of their friends, Sean locked the door, turned the deadbolt and slid the safety latch into place. He smiled and said, "Catch me!" as he jumped up into the air. Clay caught him and carried him to the love seat where he gently placed Sean down before sitting next to him.

Sean stroked his face and told him once again, "You are becoming more and more precious to be. Yes, I did this for you. But again if there is anything you want to change, we'll change it together."

"Chief, I pretty much know who's going to be in charge here. I know all this was done because you do care for me. This is our first home together not our last. As we move up in the world we'll do it all together. Right now let's go embarrass David."

"Farm Boy we've been working, fucking, packing, moving and unpacking. Let's shower first." Sean said as he led the way into their bath. He adjusted the water and stepped in first. Clay followed. Sean soaped up the luffa and started scrubbing Clay's chest paying careful attention to his nipples, They stiffened with the attention they were being given as did Clay's prick. Sean used the luffa like a flesh-light to scrub Clay's cock. When he first slid it over the head, Clay grabbed his wrist and slowed him down.

"It's tender down there Chief!"

"Well we need to toughen it up Farm Boy! It's got a field to plow later and how many other fields in the future." They laughed. Clay grabbed a wash cloth and worked on Sean. As they finished Sean said, just one more thing. Turn around. He soaped up Clay's ass and nozzle of the shower shot. Next he inserted it in Clay's rectum. He turned on the diverter. Water flowed and Sean turned off the diverter. "Hold it in and sit on the commode." Clay did as instructed. "Release it." Water and fecal material gushed out. "Now look, obviously not clean yet. So flush and repeat." While Clay flushed, Sean began his own clean out. They've changed places. It only took Sean thee tries before he ran clear. Clay took four. Then they finished off their shower by washing their assholes.

Clay got out of the shower, grabbed a towel and dried off Sean. Sean returned the favor with a fresh towel. Going back into the bedroom, Sean laid down on the left side of the bed. Patting the right side he invited Clay to join him.

"Welcome to our bedroom and our bed Clay. What would Farm Boy like to do?"

In response, Clay executed a clumsy flip and started to tease the piss slit on Sean's cock. Sean grabbed Clay's prick and chewed lightly on the extra foreskin hiding the glans. Farm Boy moaned at the sensation. Sean then pushed his tongue under the foreskin laving at the glans itself before retreating to nibble once more at the prepuce. Clay reaction to the move let Sean know he had nailed it on the head, pardon the pun, when it came to working Farm Boy's foreskin.

What he didn't know was that Clay was fantasizing about doing that same move on Everett's foreskin if they ever played again.

Next: Chapter 23

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