Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 20, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 21 Bed and Breakfast

The bedroom was 2/3 the size of the main living area. The sliding glass doors were treated so one could see out but not in. A custom round bed adorned the center of the room with various lengths of industrial chain framing it. Two walk in closets were against the wall opposite the windows with two tall boy dressers between them. A statue of David filled the space between the dressers. Erotic art showing close ups of a penis being sucked, sounded, caged and jacked were mixed with those showing anuses being fingered, tongued, fucked and fisted. A glass table below the photographs contained condoms and cock rings. Various dildos were displayed on either side. Sean and Clay realized they were in a gay man's dream playroom.

Eddie and Ev had agreed earlier that their first scene with the two would be vanilla. Kinks might come later. The four found themselves on the bed playing with each other's cocks: Eddie on Sean, who was sucking Everett, who was sucking on Clay who was fucking his face with Eddie's. It didn't take long before Clay fired off first load; setting off a chain reaction as Ev shot into Sean's throat, he unloaded into Eddie and Eddie squirted into Clay. They each exchanged kisses afterwards. Everett hopped off the bed and brought the wine and Charcuterie into the bedroom.

"Snack time," he announced.

They each had a glass of wine and sampled the meats and cheeses Everett had put together. It wasn't long though until Ev was kissing Clay and Eddie and Sean had paired up. Everett used what he had learned from watching Sean and Clay to get Clay hot to trot. He briefly imagined himself breaking in that ass despite having agreed not to fuck it. Eddie was soon on Sean's cock. He wanted it hard and inside him. Ev, under Sean's watchful eye got on all 4s and invited Clay to rim him. Clay munched down immediately providing Everett more incentive to get into this boy's ass. Passion built quickly in the bed. Ev wiggled his ass seductively, "Fuck me stud!"

Clay got off the bed and grabbed condoms and lube from the table. He ripped open a magnum tossing the rest at Sean. Before long both their pricks had rain coats on. Clay sank into Everett with one strong lunge drawing a loud sigh and groan.

Sean took his time, teasingly entering Eddie's ass slowly. Half way in Eddie grabbed Sean's ass and pulled his cock all the way in. They soon set up a fuck rhythm mirrored by Clay and Ev.

Clay thought this man hole he was plowing was eating his cock alive. Everett kept working his muscles to milk the boy cock in his ass.

Eddie was driving up to meet Sean's thrust as he riveted in and out while alternating between playing with Eddie's balls and cock. Eddie called, "Time out!"

He crawled under his husband do they could 69 while being fucked. This new position gave Sean and Clay the ability to watch each other perform. They started long dicking both studs which drew groans and moans for the couple sucking cocks. In no time they were all approaching orgasm. Eddie shot first, which triggered Everett. As their asses tightened Clay shot followed by Sean. The foursome collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

Sean woke to find Clay spooned into him. No one else was in the bed. He could smell coffee so he carefully moved away from Clay so as not to wake him. Getting out of bed he saw that it was nearly 11. He leaned back and shook Clay awake. "Farm Boy, we got to get our asses in gear! It's moving day!"

"Wh, what?"

"It's almost 11 sleepy head. CJ is coming at noon to move you out and him in. Get a move on." He padded naked out of the bedroom toward the smell of coffee.

"Good morning Everett!" Sean greeted his host.

"Morning Sean! Would you like coffee, orange juice or something else?"

"Coffee please. What are you cooking? It smells fantastic."

"Nothing special. It's just a frittata made with 12 eggs, spinach and feta cheese," he explained.

Clay walked out naked and semi hard, "Morning."

"Morning stud. You want coffee or orange juice?"

"Both please Sir."

Both Sean and Ev noted his choice of word.

"Breakfast will be ready in just a few. Clay will you please go into the studio and knock on the darkroom door? That will let Eddie know we're ready to eat." He finished the last of the toast and took it to the breakfast table he had set on a secluded portion of the balcony. The area was surrounded by trellises with a yellow alamanda filling them.

Clay returned carrying their clothes. The trio sat down at the breakfast table and began their meal. After a few minutes, Eddie, dressed in a lab coat, joined them carrying two 24 by 48 frames. He set the frames down and began his meal.

"I can't begin to tell you how marvelous last night was for me! The images are stunning." He took a few bites. "I've decided I want to build a show around the two of you."

Both guys' jaws dropped.

"My God, Eddie!" Sean managed. "That is so awesome!"

Not only the show but you Sean will be Mr. September and Clay you will Mr. October in next year's `Bums Rush! I'll have the releases prepped and ready for signature in a couple of days. "He took another bite and smiling at Everett said, "Lover this is really tasty!"

Turning his attention back to the two young men he said, "I have a couple of things for you both. First, I have your sitting fees. He withdrew two checks from his pocket. The first went to Sean the second to Clay.

"Holy Shit! Thus is for $1000 bucks!" Clay jumped up and hugged Eddie, then Ev and finally Sean. "I'm going to try and buy a dresser to match yours Chief. I really liked their set up. Maybe even a David."

Sean smiled, "Thank you Eddie, very generous of you."

"You earned it. Now, are you ready for the big surprise?" He rose and picked up the first frame. "Clay this is for you." Eddie flipped the photograph around to reveal a nude Sean, sporting a semi hard cock, kicking off his underwear. It was printed in one of Eddie's trademark blue washes. The three men gazed at the image as it captured Sean's playfulness and sexual yearning beautifully.

Clay just sat and stared. Finally he managed to get the words, "Thank you," out of his mouth.

"And for you Sean," Eddie continued, "I have an image of Clay. This one was also from their second sitting and done with blue wash effect. Clay was stripping off the wife beater. And was about 3/4 of the way to a full erection. The desire and lust in his eyes for Sean was ferocious and palpable. His muscles pumped.

"I am speechless. I've nothing to say but thank you." Sean hugged Eddie.

Everett spoke up, "I too have a gift I'd like to give, if I may? Clay, you said you wanted an 8 pack like mine, I'd like to provide you with FREE personal training for 1 to 2 hours per week to help you achieve that goal."

Clay hugged Ev. Both Sean and Eddie thought to themselves, "What's he up to?"

"Guys, Clay and I need to beat it back. He's moving in today. Hate to pose, suck, fuck, eat and run but we're on a schedule today." As they dressed, Eddie wrapped the two photographs. He slipped in the certificates of authenticity and brought them to the lovers.

Sean spoke for them both when he said, "We can't thank you enough for including us in your family. I'm looking forward to a profitable business relationship with you Eddie and a friendship with you both." Clay simply smiled and nodded in agreement then hugged Eddie.

Everett sat at the table while goodbyes were being said. He thought, "I've nailed it! Now all I have to do is implement my plan.

Next: Chapter 22

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