Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 20, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 20 Eddie's & Everett's Place

As the elevator doors opened Eddie and Everett met them; escorting them to their front door and into their home. Both collegians were impressed. Clay spoke up first, "Holy Shit! This place is fucking gorgeous!"

The entire Eastern wall was comprised of glass sliders providing an unobstructed view of the tree lined lake. The floors were done in a refinished pine that had been recycled from a tobacco barn in North Carolina. Soft lighting showed off the impeccably decorated room.

"This place is amazing! You two are very lucky," Sean said admiring the furnishings. The living area was defined by two cream colored leather sofas facing each other, two womb chairs flanked them. A large coffee table sat between the couches and a huge flat screen television adorned the opposite wall. The interior walls were dotted with landscapes and male nudes obviously all from Eddie's work. Behind the one couch was a couch table with candles and flowers on it. Beyond it was a large glass dining table surrounded by eight chairs. Recessed lighting glowed warmly in the area. Opposite it was an industrial kitchen.

"So glad you like it," Everett commented as he pushed buttons on a very expensive looking stereo system filling the condo with soft classical guitar music.

"Is that a Dynamikks?" Sean asked.

Impressed at Sean's knowledge, Everett responded, "Yes it is. It was an anniversary gift for our 5th anniversary."

Clay gushed, "This is the coolest place I've ever been in!"

"Thank you," Eddie replied stripping off his shirt revealing a leaned tone body. We'll show you around later. The hall there leads to our bedroom and bath. There is a guest bath off the kitchen. Next to it is Everett's home gym, followed by my studio and dark room. For now get comfortable. Ev would you open some wine please."

Eddie continued, "Let's get comfortable. House rules are no clothes unless women are present. Are there any vaginas in the room?" He asked as he slipped off his shoes and unbuckled his pants. We'll have some wine, and then we'll do the photo shoot."

Looking at his husband, he winked, "After that we'll `relax'."

Eddie approached Sean as Everett advanced on Clay. Eddie started removing Sean's shirt then his pants. As Sean stepped out of his shoes and shucked his pants, Eddie gave him a peck on his cheek which soon became a full tongue battling kiss.

Ev was stripping Clay and once he had him naked he ordered him to kneel.

Clay recognized the tone in Everett's voice immediately and knelt.

"Get my boots off boy!" he ordered.

"One moment there Farm Boy!" Sean shouted. Clay froze. Eddie and Everett stopped. "I want to be clear here. We came here to work. When work is complete, I don't mind playing. You both need to understand Clay is MY boy. I've nailed it and bred it."

"Is that so?" Ev challenged.

"Yeah it is." Sean picked up his pants and started to dress.

"Hold on guys. We're sorry if we got ahead of ourselves here. Everett and I are used to sharing models. This is the first time we've had another Dom and his boy as models. Ev, why don't you go and get undressed in our room. Clay, would you please join Sean and me in the studio? Sean, would you bring your clothes as well?"

Everett walked down the hall doing a slow burn at having his will subverted in his own home. He began plotting on how he could get back at Sean.

Eddie was put out at his husband. He had cautioned him on the drive home that these two were a couple. Now he almost fucked up the shoot and a possible 4 way afterwards.

"Clay I'd like to start with you. If you would kindly take off your shirt and shoes; we'll be starting with just the jeans."

"Eddie, could you give Clay and I a moment to talk privately before we continue."

Eddie nodded. "Sure, I need to chat a moment with Ev as well." He exited his studio closing the door.

"Clay, I'm sorry. I got a real bad vibe when he ordered you to remove his boots. Add to that my jealously of all these guys who want to have sex with you."

"Chief, I'm all yours. Remember we can play but we come home to each other." Clay kissed his lover tenderly.

"Well I have to tell you I don't trust that guy. He has shifty eyes and seems to be looking for any weakness or opening. So I have this to say. If we're asked to play, I don't mind being in a foursome. If we pair off I'm going to ask that he not fuck you. I am also asking that if he orders you around you simply say this, `My Sir has ordered me NOT to obey any Sir but him. If you want me to (whatever he orders) you'll need to ask his permission. If he forces the issue safe word out and leave or call me. Clear?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you for looking out for me."

In the bedroom Eddie was rounding on Everett, "What the fuck did you think you were doing? Oh I already know; you were trying to top the top. Those two don't know it yet but they're going to be the subjects of my next show. Their chemistry is palpable. You cool your jets and play nice. I'll try to get this around to a 4 way, but you need to be on your best behavior! Am I clear?"

"Yes Eddie. I'll fix a Charcuterie and bring it and the wine into the studio."

Eddie leaned over and kissed Ev. "I do love you."

Everett thought, "Yeah you love me because you got me by the balls."

Eddie bounded down the hall and knocked before entering. "Sorry, Ev will be in later with wine and a snack."

The studio was very plain. The floor was the same as the living area with stark white walls. Umbrella lights focused on an antique carved wood settee with red velvet upholstery. It stood in front of a crimson velvet backdrop.

"Put your shirt on but only button the bottom button," Eddie instructed. Everett entered the studio naked pushing a cart with the Charcuterie and wine. He came over and sat next to Sean who stiffened at his approach. Eddie continued to give directions as Clay posed.

Ev sat down next to Sean. "Sir Sean." he began, "ignorance is no excuse, I apologize for ordering you boy around. I hope you forgive me. I would like to make use of him with your permission."

"Sir Everett, I accept your apology. However you may never give an order to Clay. He may play with you if he chooses but you may never, ever fuck him. "

Everett nodded, but thought to himself this prick isn't ordering me around. "I accept your conditions," he lied.

Sean and Clay were both impressed with the man flesh before them. Eddie was well built, lean and muscular but without the bulk of his husband. He was 5'11" with thick curly hair. His hazel eyes had flecks of gold. His brown hair was cut close and he had a scrubby beard. His torso tapered to his waist. His pecs were flat with large areoles with small nipples. His six pack of abs were well defined. He was shaved close to the pubes but his balls were shaved. He was uncut with a grower not a shower. While he was working he was flaccid.

His husband on the other hand was everything one would expect in a retired Marine and a personal trainer. He stood 6' tall. Prematurely gray, he wore his hair in a military cut and also wore a full Ernest Hemingway beard. His pale blue eyes constantly darted around the room picking out every detail of his environment. He was massively built; his muscles were sinewy, more shredded as if every ounce of fat had been worked out of them. His hair curled tightly over his pecs spreading down over a chiseled eight pack before trailing down to his trimmed pubes. His cock was massive, about 10 inches, meaty and thick. He had even more foreskin hanging at the tip than Clay's.

Clay was slowly doing a sexy strip tease for the camera, removing his shirt, adopting the poses Eddie directed. He was slowly inching his low riding jeans further down his body revealing his meaty glutes in back and the shaft of his cock up front. He hopped around like a monkey doing his tricks for a banana

One particular shot had him lewdly straddling the arm of the settee with a backward glance that Sean read as, "Come fuck me!"

In fact the posing and posturing was getting Clay turned on. Just when he thought he'd bust a nut Eddie called, "Time out! It's time to switch models. Sean get dressed but please put these underwear on." Clay and Sean switched places. It was Clay's turn to boggle Eddie and Everett.

Clay thought he had died and gone to gay heaven. He was super impressed with Ev's body, especially the 8 pack abs and the meaty cock. Everett noticed the boy lick his lips.

Eddie started posing Sean, slowly exposing his body much as he had done with Clay. However his poses were more subtly seductive than the brazen lewdness of Clay's poses.

As Eddie worked Ev began putting his plan of getting into Clay's ass in motion. "You know Clay you have a beautiful body there. I can tell you put effort into it. You run don't you?" Clay nodded. "And do weight training?" Once more there was an affirmative nod from Clay, who was busy worshipping Everett's body with his eyes. "I bet I could get you to the next level to help you be more chiseled," Ev continued.

"To be like you!" Clay mouthed in awestruck wonder. "That would be great." Then he remembered Everett was a Personal trainer and Clay knew money was tight. "But I can't afford a trainer," Clay admitted out loud.

Before Ev could respond Eddie was calling him back into the shoot. He had Clay strip out of his pants and put on a wife beater. He started out posing the couple in some straight on poses. Then he got them naked and the chemistry between them became as palpable as when he had seen them in the art class. "For this next portion, I want you to enjoy foreplay with each other: Touching, licking, kissing, but no sucking or fucking."

"What about nibbling?" Sean inquired.

"Sure just no bruising," Eddie ordered.

The couple began to demonstrate what they had learned about each other bodies since Monday afternoon. Before long their breathing had become heavier and they were flush with sexual arousal. Both of their cocks were leaking copious amounts of precum. They began to jack each other's pricks.

Ev saw Clay's balls move up, "Stop!" Everyone stopped and looked at Everett. "That would have been a waste of man seed. Eddie do you have enough images?"

"I'm sure I do," Eddie responded.

"Then let's take this party to another room." The trio followed Ev out of the studio and down the hall. Their eyes were clued on Everett's ass.

Next: Chapter 21

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