Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 19, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 18 The Game

Sean wasn't interested in the tail gating. He had participated at the first four home games as a freshman. He got so wasted he never made it to the stadium. Instead he moved the Blue-ray player out to the new smart TV. He left the modem attached in his bedroom. Then he brought out some of his porn DVD collection from bedroom and moved his chest of drawers so Clay's would be to the right of his.

Next he inventoried the pantry. It was pitiful. He pulled out his phone and opened his Publix app. He ordered what he thought they would need until they could shop together. He scheduled the delivery for noon. He carefully showered and dressed in black shorts, a gold Stallions polo and black trainers. Then he sat and waited for the shopper to deliver his order.

Pulling out his phone he dialed his Mom's number, on the 4th ring she answered. "Hello Sean! I see you've been shopping."

"Yes Mom! I finally got to decorate this place the way I wanted. I can't wait for you and Dad to see it. When will you back from Africa?"

"Two or three more weeks, I can't wait. Your father and I are going to take a break from Doctors without Borders. We've been doing it for 7 years."

"I know Mom but you do so much good. So Mom is Dad with you?"

"I'm here son; Mother just put you on speaker phone."

"Hi Dad! So Mom and Dad I have some news for you." Sean began.

"Oh, do you now," his mother interjected.

"You know how you've been urging me to reduce the number of one night stands? Well, I have. I have a boyfriend and he's moving in tomorrow."

Sean's Dad replied, "Are you sure about him Sean? Does he know about your trust funds?"

Dad, I haven't told him a thing about y'all or the money Grandma and Grandpa Lund left me. He's a sophomore and a quarterback for the Stallions.

His Mom suggested, "Honey, I'm proud and pleased you've decided to commit to a relationship. I would suggest you consider not being fully open about your finances till you know each other longer."

"That was my thought too Mom. I've already had that experience in high school where my friends only wanted me around so I could bank roll them. Listen we've got a big game today. I need to go cheer on my man and my team. I love you both see you soon! Bye!"

"We love you too! Bye!"

Just then the doorbell rang. Publix Delivery Service a woman's voice called out. Sean opened the door to the most dazzling red head he had ever seen. She handed him his bags and turned to leave. "One moment please. Sean reached into his pocket and took $10 from his wallet.

"Thank you but we're not supposed to take tips."

Sean said, "It's four flights up. The $10 will make going down easier. I insist." She laughed, took the 10 spot and started down the stairs. Sean put things in the fridge, freezer and pantry. Grabbing his sash and his pass he was out the door. He just managed to catch the last seat on the shuttle before it pulled away.

Traffic was horrible. What should have taken 20 minutes took 40. He rushed to his gate, flashed the badge at the guard, whose name he had learned was Leo Hoch. He made it to family seating and Lisa Grant and Gina waved him over.

Gina started, "You're late! Hope it was worth it."

Gina you saw my old place. Wait till you see the new! You'll pee yourself with excitement."

Gina pushed him away playfully. "That great huh? Well considering the junk you called furniture anything would be better. "

Ladies and Gentlemen please stand for the National Anthem. The audience rose. Sean placed his hand over his heart. He could feel it beating excitedly. After the anthem, he caught sight of Clay in his uniform as he advanced out to the center of the field with their team captain and the 2 other quarterbacks.

"There's our boy Martha! Number 5!" A gentleman behind Sean stated. Sean turned to look back at them. He saw a red haired woman looking down at him.

"And you must be Sean. Clay called us before the game to tell us." Martha said. Sean extended his hand and shook hers then turned toward Mr. Reed who also shook his hand.

"I'm pleased to meet you both. I just got off the phone with my parents telling them about Clayton."

"Heads was called its tails!" The referee announced. "Stallions elect to receive. "

"That's a good decision. Most winning teams choose to receive!" Mr. Reed noted.

"Sean my husband's excited and has forgotten his manners. I'm Martha and this is my husband Leon Clayton Reed III."

"I'm Sean Walls. Again, I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm going to get back to the game."

As he turned back to the game, Lisa leaned over and whispered in his ear, "in-laws." Then she giggled.

It was a tough quarter. Neither team scored. The Stallions scored first in the second quarter but CJ's punt missed the goal.

Georgia Tech scored and took the lead when they made their extra point. The Stallions fumbled the ball but recovered it. Larry's next pass was intercepted by the Georgia team but their player fumbled the ball. It was a comedy of errors until the Stallions scored another touchdown with just seconds left in the half. CJ made the punt for the extra point the Stallions led 13 - 7.

Georgia Tech's Marching Band took the field and did a tribute to David Bowie. Their final piece was `Georgia on my Mind.'

The Marching Stallions made it audience choice. Eight songs were placed on the Video screens. Four Fans were selected to pick a song for the band to perform. The first was Kashmir' by Led Zeppelin. That was followed by the Theme to Gilligan's Island.' The third selection was Mercy, Mercy Me,' and then the Florida State Anthem. Where the Sawgrass Meets the Sky.'

During half time Leon asked Sean to show him the nearest restroom. Gina leaned over to Lisa and whispered, "Set Up."

Leon and Clay waited for urinals to become available. Thankfully they weren't next to each other.

Leon waited outside for Sean. "I'd like to talk to you a minute, if I may?" he began. "Martha and I are on two different pages, hell we aren't even in the same book, with regard to Junior and you. I was expecting my boy to marry and produce more Reeds, to continue the name. And now you've turned him into, what's the word, a gay man!"

Sean bit his tongue. Thought just a moment and said very respectfully, "Mr. Reed, I didn't turn your son gay. I'll let him tell you himself about his struggles over the past 6 or 7 years. What I will tell you is that I met your son while he was cruising a men's room for a hook up. What has happened since has been driven by Clay. To quote him, "I'm the marrying kind." and he and I have started a relationship. I don't know where it will lead, but at this point we're walking the path together."

Leon looked dumbfounded. "He was cruising a bathroom? I can hardly believe it. Six or seven years?" He shook his head. "I had no idea."

"We have to hurry that's the State Anthem playing! We really need to hurry! Clay will be hurt if we're not there." He pulled Mr. Reed through the crowd and back to their seats. The band was just clearing the field when the slipped into place.

`Ladies and gentlemen we wish to acknowledge some very special people in our stands today. Without them, we wouldn't have these fine athletes on this field. Would the parents of the Golden Stallions please stand to be recognized? 45 couples stood in the family seating. Cameras scanned them. Clay beamed when he saw his folks. He was over joyed when he saw his mother and father had placed hands on Sean's shoulders.

The game resumed. The two teams kept each other in check for the first 10 minutes. The Stallions had possession and were at 2nd down and 3 feet from the next down. After the snap one of Georgia's players evaded the line and reached Larry just as the ball left his hands. He grabbed him and lifted him by his shoulder pads and threw Larry to the ground. Flags flew but Larry's pass was complete and in the end zone. Touch Down. Whistles blew. The Georgia Player punched Larry through his face mask.

Players flew from the benches. The coaching staffs from both colleges struggled to keep them under control. All the fans from both teams booed the offending player.

The Medical team rushed to Larry. He was unconscious. They stabilized his neck with a brace and slid a back board under him. They lifted him onto a gurney and then into an ambulance. Several people in the stadium started singing `Amazing Grace,' which quickly spread through the whole stadium. The Stallions, led by Clay took a knee. The Tech players followed suit.

The referees were in communication with the conference representatives in the announcer's box. Video was being reviewed. The head referee went to center field. Pass was completed. Touch Down stands. Unsportsmanlike conduct by defense #88, the player has been expelled from the game. Penalty declined.

Six Orange County Sheriff's Deputies entered the visitor's locker room. They saw the player and one of the assistant coaches sitting on a bench. "Elijah Daniels," a deputy asked.

"Yes Sir."

"Elijah Daniels you are under arrest for assault and battery against Larry Schultz. You have the right to remain silent.." When the deputy finished the Miranda script he asked Elijah to stand. He handcuffed him and led him from the locker room. Another deputy provided the coach with information about where they were taking him. The coach pulled out his phone and called Elijah's parents, then the GT Athletic Director, and then texted the head coach. He then returned to the field to find the score 20 to 7.

The Stallions were on fire. They focused their anger on being better players. Antonio was in. A bit lighter on his feet, he dodged a number of sacks. Just before the end of the third quarter he twisted his ankle and fell. He held onto the ball as two Georgia Tech players piled on top.

Clay pulled on his helmet and took to the field. Coach and told him to do his trick. It was a play he had learned from his high school coach in Arcadia. He had been sharing it with his teammates at a pickup game during preseason when the coaches asked him about it. He held a quick huddle simply saying, "Arcadia" and "for Larry."

"STALLIONS!" the team roared.

The team took their positions. The ball was snapped and just like that it disappeared. Everyone thought the ball had passed to the quarterback. In reality when the ball was snapped, Clay handed it back to the center. He pretended to have the ball as he raced backwards looking for a receiver. The man on the center was focused on getting to the quarterback. He didn't notice the center was moving toward the goal. By the time anyone on the Tech team did they couldn't catch him.

"Touch Down!"

The Stadium went wild. CJ made his kick count. They were up 27 - 7.

Georgia scored on its next possession bringing the score to 27 - 14.

The next two possessions were scoreless.

The 2 minute warning was given. The Stallions has possession. Clay laid out the plan to work the ball down the field. No huddles till after we score.

Sean was really into the game focusing on the graceful yet powerful movements of his Farm Boy. He watched as the ball was snapped and Clay fell back then launched the ball into the air. The pass was completed and the receiver stepped out of bounds.

GT called a time-out.

The announcer asked for everyone's attention: "We are pleased to announce the Larry has regained consciousness. He has facial injuries. He is in stable condition.

The stadium applauded.

After the time out, the Stallions took their positions in formation. The ball was snapped and while Clay repeated his fall back pattern he suddenly pivoted and launched the football to the opposite side. The pass was complete; again another first down.

The team formed up again ready to play and GT used their last timeout.

Once again Clay did his thing sending the ball down the center of the field where the pass was complete and this time it was run in for another touchdown - 33 - 14.

Coach opted for 2 point conversion. The teams aligned. The ball was snapped and in the ensuing melee, Clay leapt over the line and scored - 35-14.

The fans were wild. There was 54 seconds left. The ball was snapped. The GT quarterback threw the ball laterally. It was caught by a wide receiver but before he could step out of bounds he was tackled.

They tried again. This time when the player was tackled the football came loose. The Stallions recovered.

Coach sent Steve in for some experience. With 19 seconds to go the ball was snapped. Steve scanned and saw a free player in the end zone. He launched the ball. The pass was complete! 41 - 14.

CJ missed the extra point but it didn't matter the Stallions had won!

Mr. and Mrs. Reed were hugging. Then Sean felt himself being pulled into their hug. Sean heard Leon say, "We're on the same page." He hugged them both individually and in another group hug.

"Would you like to see Clay when he comes out of the locker room or are you meeting him at his apartment?"

"He gave us his keys and told us to meet him there."

"Let's go I'll show you what I've been working on today as a surprise for when he moves in tomorrow. Gina if you see Clay tell him to check his texts please."

The Reeds were parked in VIP parking so exiting the stadium grounds was far easier than regular parking. As they trio walked to their car, Sean texted Clay.

"I'm taking your Mom and Dad to see your new home then on to your apartment. You really nailed it shut with that first play you called. So proud of you! Love you, Sean"

"Was this your first game then?" Sean asked.

Martha answered, "Yes, last year he said it wasn't worth the drive as he probably wouldn't play. But this is the first game we could make this year. ".

"It was mine too." Sean admitted.

"Really! Why?" Martha asked.

"Long story short, I never made it past the tailgates. So I just avoided them. Even today, I cleaned and shopped before coming to the stadium." Sean shared.

"What's your major?" Leon asked.

Sean smiled; Clay's Dad was checking him out, "Interior design. My current GPA is 3.88. Turn left here. Just past that second light up there turn right into the complex. You'll have to park in guest parking which is central to the complex." A few minutes later they pulled into a parking spot.

At that moment, Clay sent a text to Sean.

"I'm going to be delayed. We're trying to find out if we can see Larry. Please entertain Mom and Dad for me. You're the best. "

"Clay is going to be delayed. So come on up and we can visit. "

Sean led the way. "We're on the 4th floor. I've been in this apartment since my freshman year. My first roommate graduated last year."

"Was he gay," Leon asked.

"No, Jordan is as straight as an arrow. In fact, I was his best man just 4 weeks ago."

"Y'all got along well?"


"Leon, enough with the third degree," Martha scolded him with a lifted eyebrow.

"I'm sure you're curious about me," Sean said as they reached the 4th floor. We're here at the end." Sean unlocked the door. "Remember Clay hasn't seen this yet. The last time he was here, yesterday, there were just a broken down couch and a table with 4 chairs. He opened the door and showed them in.

Martha and Leon stood there amazed.

"This is a college dorm?" Leon asked. "Sure has changed from my days at UF."

"No this is an approved apartment complex that has to meet certain standards to stay on the approved list."

Martha was running her hand along the leather coach. "So masculine, yet homey," she commented.

"Ready for the tour?" This is my, I mean our, bedroom."

"Someone is very fond of leather. " Martha commented.

"Wait till you see the view," he said pulling open the verticals and opening the slider.

"What a lovely view of the University!" Martha commented.

"Then of course we have our living area. The kitchen is the worst part of the apartment. It's just a small galley." Martha checked out the appliances. "This is dining area, again with a view of the university, and finally our office and gym."

"It's stunning Sean! Very sophisticated! Is this your design?" Martha asked.

"Not entirely. I told a friend what I wanted. He selected pieces for me from which I could choose."

"It must be lovely to have such talent at your age."

"Would you like to sit here at the table or would you prefer the living room?"

"The table will be just fine dear."

"Leon do you want coffee, tea, beer or wine?"

"What kind of beer do you have?"

"Actually we have 3 at the moment, Coors lite, Budweiser and an Angry Orchard cider."

"Bud for me."

Sean handed it over. "Martha?"

"Tea please."

"I have passion, peach and green,"

"Which is your favorite?"


"I'll try that please."

Sean hit the Keurig's button and moments later Martha had her tea, cream and Truvia. Sean brewed his and sat it on the table.

"So about me, I am the youngest of 5. If you will, I am the oops baby. My parents work in the medical field. They are currently in Africa but will be back in 2 or 3 weeks. My two older twin brothers and one sister are doctors and her twin is an attorney." He sipped his tea. I was born in Havana, Florida at my grandmother's house. That's just North of Tallahassee. I was raised in Miami and Jacksonville. My parents live in Orlando now."

"Do you love my son Sean?" Martha inquired.

"Now who's doing a third degree?!" Leon commented.

Martha gave him the look. He sipped his beer.

"Martha, Clay is special. There is a connection that I can't explain. We both feel it. So do I love Clay? If love is being with someone, caring for them, wanting to share moments of joy and sorrow, missing them when they're not with you then yes, I am in love with your son, Leon Clayton Reed IV."

Just then a text came in from Clay.

"Hospital says only family may visit. His parents are on their way from Leesburg. Where are my parents? "

"We need to head to Clay's; he's leaving the stadium now." Martha offered to wash the dishes. "No mam just leave it. I'll wash up later. "

"Taking them to your place now," Sean texted back.

"At least I have descent furniture for them to sit on. See you soon."

Sean guided Martha and Leon to Clay's apartment. A few moments later the parents we're reunited with their son. As they were hugging Clay, Sean started to slip out.

"Where do you think you're going Chief?"

"I have things to do remember. I've invited the entire football team to a dance party!" Can I pick you up at 7:30 or is 8 better?"

"You sure you won't join us for dinner?" Martha asked.

"I've still got a few things to get ready for his move. "

"How about getting a leather couch?" Clay threw in.

"Hey don't knock the furnishings."

"By the way CJ bought my bed"

"One less thing for you to move. I'll see you at 7:30."

Next: Chapter 19

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