Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 18, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 17 Game Day

At 7 AM the coaching staff issued a group text to all of the Stallions. Clay's phone chimed to announce the text. As he woke he realized he smelled coffee and bacon. Only then to it dawn on him he was alone in his bed. He sprang from his bed sporting morning wood and wandered into the common room. As he came out of his bedroom his roommates were exiting theirs. Before them lay a table set for 5, with coffee, orange juice, butter, strawberry jam and orange marmalade. A naked Sean was just putting toast and English muffins on the table.

"Good Morning Stallions!" Sean shouted. All four quarterbacks shot him a middle finger. Pointing around the room at 4 hard cocks he laughingly said, "I see y'all are really glad to see me. Anyway your breakfast is ready: 4 poached eggs each, 6 slices of bacon and the rest you see before you. Sean pulled open the oven and started bringing the plates to the table. He served the 4 quarterbacks and then brought his own smaller order to the table.

As they ate the quarterbacks praised his cooking and lamented he hadn't moved into their apartment. Sean nodded his thanks each time as they breakfasted together.

Antonia summed it up for all them, "Sean, you didn't need to do this for us, but we're damn glad you did!"

Larry threw in, "Just don't fatten Clay up too much with all the home cooking."

They all laughed.

Sean excused himself, "I have an appointment this morning. I will be at the stadium for the game. I've invited all the FWBs and their significant others to join me tonight, after the game, at the Parliament House. I'm hoping the 4 of you will attend as well. Now I need to get dressed." Clay went to join him. "I'm a big boy, I can dress myself. Finish your breakfast. By the way, I cooked so you guys do the dishes." He smiled and disappeared into the room. Quickly pulling on his clothes he put the gift box with one set of Clay's altered clothes on the bed. He smiled to himself at the surprise he was leaving. Then he left the bedroom closing the door behind him.

Clay stood and enveloped his lover in his arms. A deep kiss ensued which they help until Steve quipped, "Get a room." Everyone laughed.

Sean started for the door, "See you at the game!"

As he walked through the complex to his apartment he sent a text to Rickey.

"Morning Rickey, I'm heading back to my place now. I'll be ready when you are."

"I was just about to call. We moved you delivery up. We'll be there by 8:30. See you soon."

"Fuck good thing I left when I did," Sean thought.

He entered his apartment. Tossing his bag on the bed, he quickly grabbed the cushions from the old couch and stacked them near the door. Then he carefully looked in the creases around the foundation. He found $2.18 in change, 7 used condoms, and a refer Jordan must have stashed quickly as it was still in its baggie. He stacked the dining chairs by the door as well.

Promptly at 8:30 Rickey rang the bell.

"Welcome my friend," Sean greeted him with a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. "Why so early?"

"It's the big game today! Traffics going to be a bitch, so we wanted to get you moved in and get the truck back so we can come to the tail gate. We don't want to park in Bithlo!"

"Where do you want to start?"

"I thought we'd build out, so the office / gym first." he said walking to the far door. Two burly blond men carrying a weight bench came through the door. "Bring it over here. Set it down while we move this desk and chair into position. We also need to grab Sean's desk from his room." Within minutes the desks were in place. Next up was the weight rack and three boxes of weights. Sean started putting the free weights on the rack. Rickey set up the bench. The mirror arrived. Rickey positioned it so it leaned against the wall but would catch anyone on the bench or using the free weights. He stored the boxes for the weights in the closet."

"This room is done. Tony and Jon take down the couch this trip and the dining table next. We'll take the table and chairs back and restore them. The couch is going in a dumpster same thing with that hideous rug!"

"What do you think Sean?

"Rickey you're a genius. I was concerned it wouldn't work but it's perfect. You were right there is room for a futon."

Tony returned totting a rug and Jon had 2 chairs wrapped in plastic. Tony unrolled the blue rug and Rickey positioned it under the window and against the wall. Next up we're the remaining chairs. Rickey was unwrapping the chairs and stuffing the plastic into a garbage bag he had brought along. The guys bought in the table with its legs detached. Rickey pulled out a drill from his work case and handed it to Jon. Soon the table was assembled and in place. Tony brought in a box with floating candles. Rickey arranged it all.

"This apartment's measurements are a little different from what I wrote down two years ago. I must have been drunk or distracted."

"Or both!" chimed in Sean laughing. "The view of the University is breathtaking don't you think."

"Yes, the two apartments on this end are the best in the whole complex! The view and the privacy with no buildings facing you is very desirable."

The shag rug was next. It abutted the dining area and ran to within 4 feet of the door. Rickey pulled out his measuring tape. "Yes, the room is 25' x 15' I'm off 3 feet on each dimension."

The shag rug was pulled toward the door by 1 foot and 1 foot from the wall. The dining area was also adjusted away from the otter wall. The leather sectional couches, end tables, lamps and pillows followed suit. The entertainment center came in followed by the TV.

"I had a thought after you left. Bring up those last two pieces please." Tony and Jon descended again. "If you want then they are yours." Sean was intrigued. A few minutes later Tony and John each carried in a four panel folding screen. They were gold with a modern configuration to the stained glass like panels and frosted glass. Rickey explained, "They are by Duponte. I thought they could go along the back of the couch to separate or hide from view the galley kitchen."

"Brilliant! You really nailed it! Gold screens for the Golden Stallions'" Sean hugged Rickey. "Of course I accept your gift. Now we have only to place the two Castillo's."

"My question to you is do you wish to motivate or titillate?"

Sean thought. Then asked "Why not both?"

Rickey replied, "There are but two. To do both would require splitting them up."

"I see your point. Motivate then."

Please bring them into the office. On the wall usually reserved for the bed. Rickey hung the pictures over the desk. He turned on the mismatched desks light to showcase the art.

"I need to get matching desk lamps."

"Now Sean, you know better. Do the desks match, or the chairs or even the photos? The lamps are fine. It's 10:30 and we need to run. Will I see you at the game?

Hugging Rickey goodbye he added, "Watch for me when they ask the players' family and significant others to stand. I'll be one of the two wearing a rainbow." They both laughed and Sean watched them depart before closing his door and looking at his newly decorated home.

The quarterbacks had finished breakfast and were sitting around shooting the shit. Larry shared, "I've never seen a guy take 1 cock in the ass let alone two Steve."

"Well I've been taking them since I was a in high school. It started with the head coach. He caught me jacking off in the bathroom stall and told me he had a better way to get off. It started as a blow job. Then he fucked me. I had to go in, as both of our quarterbacks had been injured, I screwed up a pass by fumbling it and cost us the game. At the pity party afterwards, I was fucked by all 3 coaches and 39 other players. After that I was anyone's bitch. I wanted something different from college."

Antonio face reflected shock, "Damn dude I would have walked away. I'm sorry you experienced it."

"I'm not so sure how I feel except that I want to be the one deciding things." His teammates nodded in agreement.

"Clay that BJ was one of the best I've had." Antonio commented.

Clay blushed a bit as Larry added, "Your boyfriend has some serious skills too. It's a damn shame he's not moving in." They all chuckled.

Steve said, "Clay may be good Antonio, but I bet I'm better." He reached over and massage Antonio's thigh. "And I think you need to find out what it's like to suck a cock. In fact bothof you do. Antonio and I will 69 and Larry you and Clay go at it."

Soon there were sounds of slurping and moans filling the apartment. Steve got Clay's attention and formed an O with his thumb and index finger. Then he shoved the middle finger through it. Clay caught on. Steve wanted the two of them to fuck the ranking quarterbacks.

Almost in tandem they began lightly fingering the area around Larry's and Antonio's assholes. Moans emanated from the throats of both men. Clay pulled his cock from Larry's mouth as he slid back and pulled his ass down to his mouth and began what he thought was probably Larry's first rim job.

"Oh Fuck! Stop! No don't stop. Damn that that is so GOOD!" Larry bellowed.

Steve put the same move on Antonio! But his response surprised Steve. He ordered, Steve use your fingers and tongue man. Open up that hole." Steve obliged.

After 20 minutes of intense rimming, Clay and Steve ordered their roommates to follow us. They entered Clay's room. Steve and Clay opened the Magnums and rolled them on. Looking at the bed they saw Larry and Antonio kissing. They gingerly lifted their legs. Steve long dicked Antonio to the hilt. "Someone or something was here before me." He quipped.

Larry on the other hand was very tight. So Clay went slowly. When he was through the outer two muscles he told Larry to push out. Larry strained and as his ass muscles opened all 9" inches of uncut cock sank in."

Steve and Antonio were bucking away. Antonio was meeting every thrust in by Steve with a thrust of his own pelvis seeking to get as much cock into as possible. Clay was giving Larry time to adjust. After a few minutes the team captain ordered fuck him.

Balls slapping on asses, moans, panting, deep breathing filled the room. Antonio was beating his cock rapidly up and down. Clay was working Larry's balls when Larry started to jack off as well. The pistoning in and out of the asses of the older quarterbacks were building up loads in both Steve and Clay.

Antonio shot first 5 think long ropes which hit his nose, forehead and eyes. The contracting muscles around his ass pulled Steve over with him. He flooded the condom 7 times with his seed. They both turned to watch Larry being plowed by Sean's Farm Boy. Larry let go of his cock and after just a few more thrusts by Clay they both came at the same time. Clay shooting 6 times into the condom while Larry spewed 9 thick ropes of jizz all over himself, Clay and the nearby Antonio.

Clay and Steve pulled out and pulled off the condoms. They were about to toss them when Antonio said, "Stop! Why waste it. Larry you drink Clays while I do Steve's and they can lick up ours."

Clay laughed, "You know, I'm thinking that at least 3/4 of the quarterbacks have had man on man sex before. "

"You'd be wrong. It's 4 out of 4." Larry confessed. They showered with their suite mates then gathered to help Clay pack his clothes and the few things he was taking. He had sold his bed to CJ. All that he needed to move was his chest of drawers and clothing.

They had to report at 11. So they grabbed clean team clothes and headed down to catch the shuttle at 10:30. As they waited Larry commented, "Someone must be moving in. There's Rivera's Furniture and Props. They do a lot of business here.

As they rode to the stadium, Clay talked with Larry. "Who was your first?"

Larry looked around then whispered, "Steve's older brother Kurt. He was the senior quarterback my freshman year. He nailed it one day after practice in the showers. Kurt was handsome, built broader and fuller than Steve, intelligent, funny as shit and a real leader."

"Steve doesn't mention an older brother."

"That's because 2 weeks after graduation 3 years ago a drunk driver pancaked him on I95 near Ormond Beach. I've never gotten over him. I've never said anything to Steve beyond that his brother was my Senior Quarterback. Sex with Sean and you was my first time in 3 years. I came so hard because I imagined it was Kurt fucking me."

"Man that a heavy burden to carry. Keep your mind in the game bro. But afterwards, if you need to talk, you need stress relief. I'm here."

Larry smiled and rustled Clay's hair. "Thanks Man!"

Next: Chapter 18

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