Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 16, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 15 Public Sex

Sean turned on the 6 o'clock news while fixing dinner. The Student Senate Resolution was the lead story. It started with footage in the Senate chamber, outtakes from Corabeth's and Joel's speeches. The dramatic tie breaking vote and .several student were included. The reaction from the PR department followed. The reported noted that at 4pm both letters of apologies from Cross and Merch were posted on the Banner's website. Then at 4:30 the Office of the President officially responded with the course of action taken. It closed with Sean's reaction.

Sean thought to himself, "I'm glad this is over. I'll unlock Clay when he gets here."

All the stir fry ingredients were in ready. Sean pulled two folding chairs from the closet and set the table. He had a bottle of Saki in the fridge. Shortly before 7 the doorbell rang and 4 very tired looking quarteerbacks stood before him.

"Where is this fucking desk going?" Steve inquired.

"Put it in the other bedroom. I'll arrange things later." Clay wheeled the black and white game chair in. He gave Sean a kiss before following his teammates to the bedroom.

As they came out, Sean handed them all beers from the 6 pack Al had left behind. "Hope stir fried beef is ok with you guys? I'll be using peanut oil unless there's an allergy to it. No allergies? Good. Drink up."

Within minutes Sean and worked his magic and brought the brimming wok to the table with hot green tea and Saki. "I propose a toast, let's us say goodbye to the past and hello to the future." They clicked the small Saki cups together and downed the rice wine. "Dig in guys."

They didn't need to be told twice. After dinner there was another toast, this time by Larry. "For our gracious host who has provided us this delicious evening meal in anticipation of a victory tomorrow." Again the Saki cups clinked and the rice wine was consumed.

Larry reminded everyone of the bonfire at 9. Then he and his two teammates left leaving Sean and Clay alone.

"I'm excited about Sunday Sean!"

"I am as well. But first we have some business to conduct. Drop your shorts and your jock. Coach apologized."

By the time Sean returned with the key there was at totally naked quarterback standing near the dining table."

"You know we had a line up today before practice. There were a total of 31 in chastity, including Coach Lee! They make all sorts of models of these things."

"Do you want it off for not?" Sean asked as he pocketed the keys."

"Off for sure. It was hard dealing with it inside a cup. Practice was difficult. But it did prove I can go a day without JO. "

Sean inserted them key and turned it. He helped Clay maneuver it off. Getting the Cock ring off was challenging as Clay's prick sprang to its full 9 inches. But ice cubes in a wash cloth did the trick. Once the ring was off Clay's pole was erect again.

"Chief, can we take care of this before the bonfire?"

"Well Farm Boy" Sean paused, "technically it hasn't been a day yet. How about we take care of that after we get back to your place?"

"Ah I forgot you were spending the night with me Chief. I think it's going to be hard to sleep, but yes when we get back. Are you dressed for the bonfire? I still have to get into my black and gold," as he pulled on his clothes.

"Yes I'm going like this," he stated as he draped his rainbow FWBs sash across his chest. Clay planted a kiss on Sean's forehead. The two headed to Clay's.

The other quarterbacks were waiting. "Hurry your ass up Clay. We thought Sean and nailed it again." The two dashed into Clay's small room. Sean noticed right away that all the dirty clothes were in one spot instead of all over. He watched as Clay stripped and dressed. He picked a jock with a wide waist band. Seeing Sean watching he explained "It will keep my cock from poking out." Then he pulled on dress sock, black pants and his Gold `Stallions' Polo. Under the word Stallions the word Quarterback was embroidered. Slipping into black trainers he announced, "Ready!" Grabbing his wallet and keys he led Sean back to the commons and his mates. "Let's go!"

Larry asked jovially, "Who put you in charge of the Quarterback Squad?"

"My cock did. It has plans for after the rally!" was Clay's reply and they were out the door. A sports bus was waiting in the parking lot. Sean didn't realize that about a third of the team lived in this complex.

As they boarded they let Sean get on first. There were cheers and whistles for the newest FWB. Sean blushed. Clay was behind him and ushered him into the seat behind the driver. Steve sat behind them. Antonio was next. Finally Larry entered to the stomping of feet, clapping of hands and his name being chanted "LAR-RY, LAR-RY, LAR-RY, LAR-RY!".

He held up his hands and asked, "Who's gonna run wild?"

"STAL-LIONS, STAL-LIONS, STAL-LIONS, STAL-LIONS, STAL-LIONS!" The bus pulled out and headed for the rally.

Sean realized there was a lot of testosterone in the air. These guys were pumped. The rally was meant to pump themt up more. Then there was the team protocol kicking in at midnight. Sean wondered if it was designed to keep the testosterone levels pumped. He wondered if there would be a lot of guys fucking later or visiting with Rosie and her sisters. He knew whom he'd be fucking. He moved his hand to play with Clay's sensitive nipple.

"Chief, I'm a hair trigger away from bust'n a nut. Please don't." Sean withdrew his hand.

"Maybe we should have left it on till after the rally," Sean whispered.

Steve leaned forward, "I'd like to see how long I could wear one." Clay and Sean both turned around and stared at Steve then burst out laughing. Steve joined in but added, "I'm serious. Clay knows." Then he sat back.

"You nailed it? Sean whispered raising an eyebrow.

"Does a 69 count?"

Sean gave him the thumbs up gesture as his mind thought about how to involve Steve in their play.

They arrived at the pep rally. There was a large crowd being led by the cheerleaders and the band.. The partying had started earlier on Greek Row. The crowd eventually moved over to the bonfire. No alcohol was obvious to the eye, but college students had long been adept at hiding booze. You could also catch brief moments when the odor of pot was carried along on the breeze. The team went to their rally point and Sean went to the FWBs rally station closer to where the team would enter.

Gina was glad to see Sean was wearing his sash. "FWBs we want to welcome a new member to the rally, Lisa Bonett!" The group's cheers were drowned out by the rally noise. Lisa came up to Gina. To celebrate the expansion of our membership we've had pink sashes made for we straight members and rainbows for our LGBTQI members. She draped a rainbow sash over Lisa before donning her own pink one to more cheers from the FWBs.

Sean walked up to Lisa, hugged her and said, "Welcome to the family in more ways than one."

She smiled, "Thank you, I'm nervous. Joanne Rodriquez is my girlfriend. She's one of the cheerleaders. We talked about how open Clay and you are and decided to both come out tonight. She told the squad earlier."

A.D. Thad Merch was holding forth on what a great season the Stallions were having. He then introduced the coaching staff in reverse order ending with Coach Cross. In past rallies he had been cheered wildly, tonight there were very little cheering, some applause, a few boos and a lot of staring.

Undeterred, Cross took the microphone, "Thank you to all the fans of the Golden Stallions for the support you show your team and your coaching staff. I want to take this opportunity," he swallowed audibly, "to once again, this time in person, apologize to the FWBs for my insensitive and offensive remarks. I will do better."

The FWBs cheered loudly. That loosened up the crowd who also cheered. You could see the coach relax and take a deep breath.

"Don't y'all think it's time to meet those mighty, mighty Stallions?!?" Coach yelled into the mic.


And the bulk of the team came running out onto the field busting through a paper mural depicting the Team Mascot. The team formed two lines. The Coach went through the starting lineup. As he called each name the player would jog through the gauntlet slapping the hands of other players. Finally, please greet our starting quarterback and team captain, and his 3 co-captains, Larry, Antonio. Clayton and Stephen!

The crowd went wild, horns blared, people screamed and the chant began.


Larry reached the stage. With the image of the opposing team's mascot hanging above the wood for the bonfire, He held up his hands and asked, "Who's gonna run wild?"


"Damn right Stallions!" He yelled as he threw a torch into the faggots to set the bonfire ablaze. The crowd went wild. Players were now free to party until curfew. FWBs paired off. Clay found Sean and guided him to a secluded area,

"Thank you for sharing this with me. I can't tell you how important you are to me," he whispered as he nuzzled Sean's neck.

"Let's get back to your place for some private time before the others return," Sean suggested.

There were 20 shuttles lined up waiting for the party goers. The pair got in the first one. The driver started it up. "Why wait!" he hollered back at them.

"Indeed!" Sean thought. He reached his hands down to Clay's belt and undid it. Clay tried to push his hand away. "Try to stop me and I'll punch you in the nuts," growled Sean. Clay removed his hand. The zipper was next. The jock strap was harder to work down. Sean needed both hands. Finally Clay's prick was standing tall and proud as the night air whipped over it. Sean played with Clay's nipples circling one then other. Clay was breathing harder and harder. Sean wet his finger in his own mouth. Clay watched intently as his lover's wet finger left his mouth, rested on his own lips then traced from the base of Clays balls to the top of his prepuce. Clay shuddered. His balls were churning. He figured he hadn't cum in over 30 hours. Sean put his finger first into Clay's mouth, then his own. Once more he started rubbing the top of Clay's glans. Slowly, Sean worked his finger under the foreskin. Clay was bubbling over boy honey and Sean kept moving it over the glans. He noted that Clay's balls were moving up. . He judged the timing perfectly as he twisted a nipple with one hand and with the other pulled the foreskin all the way down exposing the plum colored head. Clay shot 10 ropes of thick cum which splattered over his shoulder, on his chest, on Sean and on the seat behind them. It was intense.

Sean whispered, "Your first sex in public, but not your last." Ten minutes later they hopped off the shuttle while a few others hopped on. Clay got a few stares at his stained polo shirt. If you got close enough you could smell cum. The Farm Boy was blushing.

They walked up the two flights of stairs holding hands. Clay wondered what was next. He need not have worried as Sean had it planned.

Next: Chapter 16

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