Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 14, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 13 Options

Sean had set his phone to stop notifications from midnight to 6 AM. Only his parents and twin sisters and his twin brothers could call during that time frame and get through. That Friday morning his phone pinged rapidly just at 6. He woke realizing his phone was pinging and the doorbell was ringing. Sean smiled, "Somebody is up or wishes he was." He read the texts first.

They were all from Clay. 5:15 - WTF is this thing on my cock?!? 5:18 - How do I get it off? 5:20 - Answer me damn it. 5:25 - What game are you playing? 5:30 - Why are you ignoring me? 5:38 - Larry says there are now 29 Stallions locked in chastity! What the fuck did we do? 5:45 I'm coming over. I want this off. 5:50 Why aren't you answering the door? 5:55 Please Sean let me in.

So at 6:05, wrapped in his bath robe Sean opened his door to his future roommate. "Morning Farm Boy! Finishing your run?" He noticed Clay was in the same clothes as last night.

"There was no run! There wasn't anything but trying to get this fucking thing off! Unlock it Sean."

"No, that would be going back on your word,"

"What word? I don't recall discussing this thing."

Switching to Sir Mode Sean fixed his eyes on Clay and stared him down. "I told you I had a present for you. Do you recall that?"

Clay wasn't sure but he noted the aggressive stance Sean had assumed in body and tone, he nodded.

"You agreed I could put the device on your cock until I decided it was time for you to shoot. Do you remember that?"

Clay actually did remember it. It had turned him on that Sean would control his orgasm.

"Did we have sex? I smell like cum."

"Well I did. You just sort of laid there. I had to call your teammates to get you home before curfew."

"Thank you Chief. I appreciate your thinking about the team protocols."

"Not a problem. Do you recall I told you to sit to piss and be prepared to dry it off. Your jock will help conceal it in your package. It has other attachments Master Will showed me how to utilize which I didn't insert."

Clay nodded again.

"I have a class in an hour and a half. I have shopping to do, I also want to attend the meeting of the SG Senate today. Corabeth is introducing a resolution I want to hear her read."

He laid a passionate kiss with a lot of tongue probing on Clay and reached down to play with his balls. Clay moaned into the kiss.

Sean broke off the kiss, opened the door and pushed Clay out. "Let me know if you want to meet up after practice."

"You won't be there? Clay looked hurt.

"Nope. Not unless coach apologizes." With that said Sean closed the door.

He did have a busy day planned. He was going to turn the apartment into a home for Clay and himself.

The professor didn't show for class, so at 9:15 the class wandered off. Sean sent Clay a text.

"My class was cancelled. Going to clean the apartment. Do you want to use your room as a bedroom or are we sharing a bed?"

Sean decided to walk over to the library and study for a half hour. As he got settled in his spot on the 4th floor Antonio walked out of the john finishing zipping up his fly. He was followed by Joel Lillies, a senior in the College of Engineering, a twink who was renowned for his talented BJ skills. Antonio waved and hurriedly headed for the stairs. Joel was still wiping cum from the corners of his mouth. He came over to talk to Sean.

"How's it hanging man?" Joel asked.

"I'm kewl. I see you've been busy today, Sean commented.

"Yeah 4th floor is getting a lot of action today from the Stallions. My phone texts started last night. I was busy blowing guys every 15 minutes in my room. Today I moved here. Same schedule every 15 until 11:45. Then I need to be at the Senate."

Sean laughed as he said,"Guess there is something to be said for a liquid diet!"

Tommy Case, another Center, got off the elevator and headed straight for the restroom.

"Gotta get back to work," Joel said as he headed for his next load.

Sean packed up. He would ask Joel for a list another time. For now he just wanted to get the apartment shaped up. He was also perturbed that Clay hadn't responded. So he decided he would clean the room but not setit up a weight room as he had planned.

Rather than take the shuttle he decided to walk and enjoy the day. As he neared the reflecting pond he spotted Corabeth. She waved but was in a serious discussion with two other Senators. Sean continued down toward Alafaya Trail. As he was thinking about his plans, Clay responded to his text.

"Chief I don't know what to say. I want to sleep with you but I'm pissed off about this thing you locked on my cock. I'm confused and hurt. Do what you want. You will anyway."

Sean knew he had to respond but wanted to think it through first. By the time he reached the apartment he had a plan.

His text to Clay read:

`Dear Mr. Reed,

I am sorry to hear you are confused, hurt and angry. I understand you are having second thoughts about the chastity device you agreed to have locked on. I wonder if those feelings of remorse apply to our living arrangement and our relationship.

As I see it we have multiple options.

A- We continue or relationship as is. You move in and we share a bed. B- We continue our relationship and you move in and have your own bedroom. C- We continue our relationship and you remain in your current apartment. D- We end our relationship. At that point I would remove the device and we will cease any sexual and social contact. You would stay in your current apartment.

I cannot be less than I am. If you cannot accept that and are unwilling to explore and grow with me, then in my mind "D" is your only option.

In fairness to your team mate and me you decide before housing processes the changes you two submitted. You choose.

Fondly, Sean A. Walls'

He read it over twice and hit send.

Clay was having lunch with Steve in their apartment when he got Sean's text. As he read it tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks.

"What's wrong buddy?" Clay handed him the phone. Steve scanned it and whistled. "Did you piss him off?"

"Read mine above," he sniffed wiping the tears from his cheeks.

Steve whistled again. "OK stud. First off, even I know texts are a bad way to end things. Hell, there a bad way to fight. From what I see here, he asked you a simple question about your bedroom. You turned it into a feelings question and then got snarky with him. As far as the cock cage. You agreed to it. Hell everyone one of you agreed to it. It's like Coach says, `Keep your heads in the game.' You made a decision with your dick. Now you don't like the consequences. I think Sean has laid out the case pretty succinctly- and he's put the ball in your court. What do you want to do? What's your gut say?

Clay read his options. He thought about D first. Was he ready to give up? It would be admitting he had been deceiving himself that he had found love. He thought about his parents. They squabble and fought. Yet his father told him once that, "Arguing and fussing at each other was all part of building a relationship." He sighed and thought, "I do love him and I think he loves me. He has never done anything to me that hurt me. He even has asked permission before most of it. "

"Not D," he told Steve.

"Good that's a start. Now you have 2 more options that aren't in that text. First one is to sit here with me and pick from the remaining 3. Your other option is to walk your happy ass and unhappy cock over to Sean's and actually talk to him."

"I'll go talk to him," he announced as he stood up. 10 minutes later he was at Sean's door. He rang the doorbell. He heard Sean yell, "Be there in a minute."

Sean was finishing a call with Rickey Rivera. He had met Rickey two years ago at a modeling gig. He ran a company that rented furniture and props for shoots. He told him the dimensions of the common area and how he wanted an entertainment area with pit seating and throw pillows for the floor. He wanted the dining area divided off with a screen. He might also need a desk and chair as well as a large framed mirror and a weight bench and weights. The big deal was having it delivered Saturday morning.

"Sean I'm glad you like my tastes but you need to see what I put together. The delivery would be a $100 and they'll cart off the old shit for $50."

"I can come around 4." The doorbell rang. "Be there in a minute!" He yelled. "Rickey I like leather."

"Understood! See you 4.

Sean grabbed the door, "Farm Boy, I guess you're here for option D and to be unlocked." Sean felt dejected as he reached for his keys.

"No Sir. I'm here to talk."

"Very well Clayton, come in and have a seat. Can I offer you tea, coffee or water?"

"Nothing thank you." He took a couple of deep breaths. "Sean, I've told you I love you. In my heart and gut I know that to be true. So D is off the table. Of the other 3 I know which I prefer. But it's like today I don't know you. You're harder, colder, and I'm confused."

"Clay, I'm the same man I was yesterday except I'm a little bit older. I still care for you deeply. But I am a dominant in my sexual life. While I permitted you to nail it once doesn't mean I've become a full time bottom. As to chastity, I'll admit you were drunk as a skunk when we got home, but you still agreed to the device before your first beer. I know which of your options I prefer as well. You need to choose."

Clay breathed deeply three or four more times. "I choose A!"

Sean grabbed him and hugged him tightly, "I hoped you would! I'm doing stuff all day today. How about I fix dinner for the quarterbacks tonight here at 7? Then if you'll let me, I'd like to sleep with you in your bed in your room."

Clay hugged him back. "I'm not confused anymore. I still don't like my cock encased in this thing. Right now, in particular, it's trying to break free. Do you want to share what your plans are for this afternoon?"

Some of them, yes. I'm going to watch the Student Senate in action. The second part, no because it's a surprise for my boyfriend."

"Well I hope it's not a surprise like the one he got this morning." He gave Sean a sad puppy dog look with a pout to boot.

"Oh do you want a dog collar?"

"No Sir!"

They both laughed and Sean ushered him back to his room to start packing it up.

As he changed for the Senate meeting Sean sent Clay a text.

"Farm Boy, can you and your buddies haul your desk and chair over here after practice and before dinner?"

He got a "thumbs up" in reply.

He decided to tease Clay." BTW, It depends on your coach whether or not get you to nail it again," was Sean's response with a pic of his ass framed by the leather jock straps.

"Grrrr" was all Clay could say.

"You must be asking for a dog collar." was all Sean replied.

He got a "thumbs down," back from Clay . Sean joined about a hundred other students who were in the assembly hall at the Student Union. Reporters for 5 television stations were set up. Sean noticed the AD and all the football coaches were present. Lee Gabriel stood at the podium and called the Student Senate to order. A devotional was shared by a Hindu student in a beautiful emerald sari trimmed in gold. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Most of the matters were routine old business. They moved quickly through the motions. Then it was time for new business. Corabeth rose in her place.

Lee recognized her saying, "Senator Morgen, senior Senator College of Education, is recognized. For what purpose does the Senator rise?

Corabeth walked to the nearest rostrum. "Mr. President, I rise to place a resolution before the Senate."

"Has it been filed?"

"Yes Mr. President."

The Clerk will read the resolution.

Jackie Tubman was the Clerk. In clear high tones she read aloud,

"A Resolution Calling for the Dismissal of Coach Cross and A.D.Thad Merch" Sean glanced at where they had been sitting. Only Coach Lee remained.

The Clerk continued. "Whereas on Tuesday evening of this week, the ad hoc group known as the Filies changed their name to FWBs and maintained their purpose of supporting their significant others on the Golden Stallions Football Team; and;

Whereas, on Wednesday as the FWBs welcomed one of their newest member and announced the name change, their celebration was deemed disruptive and Coach Lee was dispatched to tell the group to settle down or leave the stadium, and;

Whereas, after practice Coach Cross took it upon himself to threaten the FWBs with the Athletic Director, and;

Whereas, on Thursday of this week, the said confrontation took place between the aforementioned Coach Cross and AD Merch and the FWBs and;

Whereas Coach Cross, Coach Lee and AD Merch failed to address the group as a whole by referring to them as Ladies, clearly ignoring their loan male member, and;

Further, classifying the decibel level of 26 people to be greater than that of the full stadium, thus causing the alleged disruption, Be it resolved that;

We the Senate withdraw that our support of the Athletic Director and Head-football Coach, and;

Be it further resolved that the Board of Trustee and Administration are urged to terminate the employment of both Coach Cross and AD Merch forthwith.

First Reading October 17

Motion for adoption by Senator Corabeth Morgen Senior Education

Second by Senator Joel Lillies Senior Engineering

There followed a list of Co-sponsors comprising at least 2 Senators from every college at the university.

It was clear it could pass. All they needed was one additional vote.

Lee took the Podium, "Senator Morgen has the floor.

"Thank you Mr. President.

My fellow Senators, this resolution serves as our own Me Too movement on our campus. Our Athletic Department is mostly white and male. Our university has never had a female athletic director. That these two men could compare the noise from no more than 26 people to be louder than a full stadium is ludicrous. If our team can't focus with noise from 26 students what does that say about them on game days. I yield back my time."

"Senator Mazie, the Sophomore Senator from Heath and Science is recognized."

"Thank you Mr. President. Will the senator answer a question or two."?

Corabeth returned to the rostrum.

"Thank you Senator. Is it true that the FWBs have stopped attending practices and are no longer having sex with their boyfriends?"

"Thank you Senator Mazie. You are correct the FWBs will not return to practices or games until they receive an apology in the Banner. As of the Noon edition today no such apology has been received. As to what happens sexually between consenting adults is not for public comment."

"The Senior Senator from Engineering Senator Joel Lillies is recognized."

"Thank you Mr. President. I move the rules be suspended and that the Senate take up this resolution for its second reading and proceed to the vote."

"Is there a second?" Lee inquired. Three hands shot up.

Lee continued, "The motion has been seconded. We are now voting on suspending the rules and holding the second reading today. All those in favor say "Aye."

"AYE!" rang loudly through the room.

Lee continued, "All those opposed say Nay."

"NAY" rang out through the room.

The Ayes have it. The Clerk will read the resolution a second time.

Once more Jackie's clear high tones sounded through the hall as she reread the resolution.

Corabeth and Joel both rose in their Seats. Lee recognized Corabeth first.

"Thank you Mr. President. Fellow Senators for too long we have sat back and let ourselves ignore institutionalized bullying. Yes, every institution needs rules and regulations. However it is a long held position in this country that its institutions serve the will of the people. Do you believe that parents send their daughters to this place to be referred to as Fillies? Or do you believe as I do that the culture of white male privilege is over. These two men chose to demonstrate their power over a group of fans, albeit fans dating players. Would they have been that bold if we were boosters or even parents? I doubt it. Let this body serve notice today, the day before a major game, to say enough is enough."

"The Chair recognizes Senator Lillies"

"Thank you Mr. President. Fellow Senators, I rise in support of this motion. As Senator Morgen has covered the position of the women on campus, I will address the homophobia. We all have heard of yesterday's Board of Review hearing and the results. Had not a gay man stood up for a straight one there would be one less student on this campus today. That same student was referred to by these two employees of this university as a lady. Not once, but twice! We live in and attend a university located in Orange County Florida, one of the first counties, in this state, to make discrimination against members of the LGBTQI community illegal. Yet here we have two employees involved in doing just that. I ask for your support for this resolution and I call the question. , Lee began, "The question has been called. All those in favor of calling the question say Aye."

"AYE!" rang loudly through the room.

Lee continued, "All those opposed say Nay."

"NAY" sounded out through the room.

"The Ayes have it! The Clerk will call the roll. You are voting on the resolution."

Fifteen minutes later Jackie confirmed her totals with the two assistant clerks. "Mr. President, the vote is tied."

Lee sighed, "The vote being split evenly between the Ayes and the Nays, the chair will exercise his right to vote." He paused for a full minutes. "The chair votes.," another pause, " AYE!"

Pandemonium swept the room. Some Senators cheered, others cried, others stormed out. Lee pounded the chamber back to order with his gavel.

"Other new business," Tthe Senate continued on but the drama of the day was finished. The media were quietly moving outside to set up for interviews or heading to the Administration or Athletic Office to get reactions. Sean quietly left and thankfully avoided the press.

He hopped a shuttle back to the apartment and sent Corabeth a text. "You nailed it Senator! I'm so of you! I'm so happy to call you a friend."

Next: Chapter 14

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