Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 13, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 12 Keys to the Kingdom

"Sean, I've had a brilliant idea, if I do say myself." Clay said as he led the way to the dilapidated beige couch. "If I can get it approved, how would you feel if I moved in here with you?"

Sean was stunned. He knew he was in love. He hadn't yet thought about living together. Clay was extremely far sighted in his vision of their relationship. He apparently took too long to respond.

"I'm sorry I freaked you out," Clay murmured as he let go of Sean's hand. He started to stand when Sean grabbed him his hand and pulled back into the couch.

"Clayton, yes, you never cease to astonish me!" Sean stated as he stroked Clay's face gently. I have just gotten used to having a boyfriend and not just a fuck buddy. Now we're moving to live in boyfriend in the space of 4 days. Can you blame me for being overcome?"

"Sean, I'm the marrying kind of guy. I've told you before, I want to learn ALL there is about being gay. However, it is YOU, to whom I want to come home to. It is YOU, with whom I want to grow old. But I will try to understand if you aren't there."

"Farm boy, yes, see if you can get it approved. Yes, I'm willing to walk the path with you."

Clay let out a whoop they could hear all the way to Tallahassee. He hugged Sean tight. "I will always work to make you as happy as you've made me."

Let's head to campus and I'll see about the switch. I know that the earliest we could do it would be Sunday though. Game protocols start at midnight."

Well let's get dressed and head over.

As they dressed Sean suggested texting his 3 roommates to gauge their reaction. Clay's thumbs flew over his keyboard texting the question. Initially there was no response.

"I'd feel better if you stayed put. Let's talk at practice to see if we can find a teammate to move in." Larry replied.

Steve was more supportive, "He'll yeah man. I know for a fact the CJ is breaking up with Susie. She wants a ring and he's not ready. We can talk to him at practice."

CJ Viskotski was from Punxsutawney. He was a Junior and the team's punter. Clay hoped he'd be a good fit. He didn't wait for practice. His text to CJ read:

"Hey CJ, would be interested in taking over my room. I want to move in with Sean."

"Hell yes Clay!"

"Can you meet me at housing in like 15 minutes?"

"Yeah, I'm on campus at the library. See you soon."

When the shuttle dropped them off it was just 3 o'clock. Sean led the way to the office and found CJ waiting outside of it.

Philyss greeted them as they came. Mr. Walls, how are you today?"

"Wonderful. Is there someone we can talk to about housing changes?"

Dr. Orrs came into the office just then. "Another issue Sean? She asked.

"No, I have a replacement for Al."

"Ok, come in and tell me what's happening." She led the three into her office. "Clay I'm please to meet you. I meant to say hello this morning but you two disappeared."

"Please to meet you as well. I'd like to move into Sean's apartment. CJ here would take my room. Is that possible?"

"I don't see why not. When would this take place?" Dr. Orrs asked.

"Game protocols start tonight at midnight. So we're thinking Sunday," Clay said.

Dr. Orrs asked CJ, "Where do you live now?"

"In a nightmare! I share a garage apartment with my girlfriend behind her folk's home. No lease. She threatened me a few weeks ago. No engagement ring I'm out by Christmas."

"Oh then this is a great opportunity," Dr. Orrs said pulling out to forms. "Fill these out in reception. Leave them with Philyss and enjoy your new places. Have a great afternoon. See you on the field Saturday!" The trio rose and left the office. After filling out the transfer, they headed for a shuttle to the stadium.

Sean thought about giving the spare set of keys to Clay but decided to wait. "Farm Boy what are game protocols?"

"Well Chief, I have to be in my residence from 12:01 AM Friday morning thru 6 AM. Then Friday night it runs from 10 PM to 6AM Saturday. Those who live in the Athletic Dorm are subject to room checks. Those of us off campus have to have our GPS on our phones. They want to sure we get our rest and aren't boozing it up."

When the guys arrived at the stadium, CJ and Clay headed in to tell the QBs. Clay also briefed him about the naked house rule. Sean headed to FWBs.

Corabeth greeted him with a hug, "We've been waiting for you. Gina, Roberta and Ashley are redoing Albert's new room. Gina told me this is a mini celebration this evening. So the lemonade special will be here soon as well as our homemade brownies."

"That's awesome. Thank you so much. I have a question for you." Corabeth raised her eyebrows. Sean continued, "Do you think the FWBs and their significant others would go to the Parliament House Saturday to dance and party? Y'all could even take in the drag show."

Corabeth laughed. "Are you trying to convert the team?" She laughed again.

"No I want you to see that LGBTQ folk are fun loving. We're really just like everyone else. Besides what other dance club in Orlando will let you in for a $10 cover?"

"Good point. After a brownie and a few lemonades we'll ask."

A few minutes later more members showed up and the lemonade started being poured. When the team started running laps Coach Cross and Thad Merch, the Activities Director, approached the FWBs.

"Ladies, Gentleman, we're here to discuss the disruption to our practice," Coach Cross began.

"Excuse me, I'm Corabeth Morgan, senior Senator from the College of Education. Are you aware how many seats are in this stadium? Our group was 20 to 25 people max. Your position is that our laughing and carrying on distracted your players. That is an asinine allegation. As I told Coach Lee, if they can't handle our noise how are they going to handle a full stadium?"

But I'm going to make this easy on you two. We discussed this last night as a group. So this is what we're going to do. Your boys are cut off. No more sex for them until you apologize in writing in the Banner! We're leaving now. However, you're going to love the resolution I'm introducing in the Senate tomorrow."

"Now ladies," Thad Merch began...

Corabeth cut him off, "Excuse you! You're ignoring our male member. Your big shot coach threatened us and here he is with you in tow just like he said. Maybe we need to do a resolution about you as well. You be sure to tell your boys the good news about Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters."

The entire group walked off. Outside the stadium, they had a brief meeting. "I'm calling for both of them to be fired in the Senate tomorrow. It might not go anywhere but bad PR in the media with alumni and fans is not something either of them are going to want. We have to hold tight ladies. Sean I don't know what your deal is with Clay but don't let him get off."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Let's leave now and let them come out to no one," Sally St. John suggested. Everyone nodded their agreement. They headed for the shuttle stop.

The players had noted that Coach Cross and AD Merch had gone to talk to the FWBs while running their laps. They also saw the group leave the stadium. At the 5pm break, Joey asked Coach Cross what was up.

"Damn it Joey keep your heads in the game. I'll explain at 6." The entire team we're surprised by Coach's tone. He wasn't looking forward to sharing the news. But he'd try to control the reaction. We don't need this shit before this game. Practice lacked energy after that. No FWBs to show off for and a meeting called for 6pm.

At 6 Coach Lee motioned them all to gather mid field. Coach Cross and Merch stood in the middle.

"Stallions, as you know our practice was disrupted the other day by the ladies. I told them we would be discussing this with the AD. Mr. Merch came out here to back up my position of no disruptions at practice. That discussion was one sided. Your girlfriends' have decided to leave and not return until I apologize. That's not going to happen. They have also decided that they are..." he looked at Merch.

The AD continued, "To quote the Senator, `tell your team to get real familiar with Rosie Palm and her five sisters."

A few of the guys laughed but the players with FWBs didn't.

"Keep both your heads in the game. Now hit the showers."

The team didn't run off the field. They meandered. Jeff Olsen, a wide receiver, was first to shower, dress and head out the door. He and his girlfriend, Brigitta Marsh, had a movie date scheduled. He came back in a moment after he left. Banging on the lockers to get his teammates' attention, he announced, "There's no one out there!"

Guys grabbed towels or pulled on shorts and rushed the door. There was indeed not one FWB waiting. Cell phones were pulled out and texts sent. Every text sent got the same reply, "Not until he apologizes."

Clay grabbed his clothes and headed for a shuttle. He was unnerved by what was transpiring. He needed to see Sean.

Sean was waiting with another gift for Clay one he might not like. He had told the FWBs where they could purchase cheaper one as well.

As he climbed the steps to the apartment, which he would share in just a few days, Clay was feeling sick to his stomach. By the time he rang the bell he was not sure he'd be welcome.

Sean opened the door, "Farm Boy practice over already?"

"Sir, I was afraid you were done with me," Clay cried as he hugged Sean.

"Now, now, Farm Boy, you run along to your place, dress to go out with me to a bar. We're going to be sharing this apartment starting Sunday."

"How should I dress Chief?"

"Dress as you would to go to any bar."

"Then I am ready Sir."

"Excellent! Let me finish getting ready. "Sean entered his room and stripped off his shorts while Clay ogled him from the door. First he pulled a leather jock, followed by white knee high socks, a red v neck T-Shirt that left the lower part of his abs exposed but hugged his upper chest tightly and a pair of leather pants that rode low to just above his pubes. He finished his look with a leather arm band on his left bicep and a pair of Harley boots.

"Chief you look so damn HOT!"

Sean smiled and gave Clay a few clues about how the night would work. "I will hold your hand. However if I let it go you will place both your hands behind you back as if they were tied there. Understood?"

"Yes Sir." Clay responded knowing Sean's leather side was on full display.

"I will refer to you as Farm Boy. You will only speak to others who have their hands behind their backs. You don't speak to those with whom I speak. Oh, I have a gift for you when we get back. It's device for playing with dicks. Would you like it on your dick until I'm ready to let you shoot?"

"Sounds Hot! Shire you may put it in me.

The couple started down the stairs to Sean's Supra. Their first stop was Frank's. As they entered, Sean let Clay's hand go. Clay put his hands behind his back. Sean ordered two Coronas and led the way to the back patio. There they walked up to two older leather men who were talking.

"Master Will and Sir Arn, you guys out on a work night?" Sean asked.

"Sir Sean! How has school been treating you? Master Will inquired.

"Same old same old. How are you and your husband?"

"Same here as well. Thought we'd get a few drinks before the place is too over crowded Friday and Saturday for the pre and post-game partying."

"I can't convinced him to brave the crowds." Arn chipped in. "And what is that you have following you?"

"Well not exactly a that Arn. Permit me to introduce my boyfriend, Farm Boy." Master Will and Sir Arn looked at Farm Boy then back at Sean.

"Well Congratulations Sean! He's a fine looking piece of meat. Are you going to break him in here tonight or just show him the ropes?

"Thanks Will. No tonight is a walk through. You may drink this now Farm Boy. Look around while I talk to Master Will and Sir Arn; but stay on this side of the bushes."

"Yes Sir." Clay had been watching men go behind the cover of bushes. He sauntered over and peeked as best he could. At one spot there was a guy with a funnel device on a hood sitting on the ground. Men were relieving themselves in the funnel and the guy was swallowing. Some just pissed on him. Further along another guy was giving a fat older guy a blow job and several others were fucking. Clay realized he was staring when a guy in leather chaps came up to him and told him to suck his cock. Clay started to walk back to Sean when the dude grabbed his shoulder and ordered him to his knees. Suddenly Sean was at his side.

"Well, well, if it isn't chicken hawk Gregson preying on the college kids again." Sean sneered. "This one is mine. Capeesh?"

"Fuck you Sean." Gregson yelled.

Sean ignored him and came back to Will and Arn. "We're heading to The Code. Will we see you there?"

"We have slave Sammie serving as a urinal back there tonight. But who knows. If it doesn't pick up here soon we may pop him in the trunk and drop over." Arn offered.

"That guy drink..."

The look from Master Will silenced Clay and Sean's hand slapped his abs hard.

"I'm sorry Master and Sir Arn. I assure you I did tell him the protocols.

Master commented, "I'm sure you did. As you said he's new. But perhaps you'll loan him to us for some training one day."

"I think he'd enjoy that as much as I did Master. See you later I hope. Finish my beer Farm Boy," Sean ordered as they walked out of the fenced patio, into the bar, where they dropped off the now empty bottles, and back to the bar. Once outside Sean offered his hand and Clay took it.

"I'm sorry I misspoke Sir. I had never seen shit like that before. I've got a lot to learn."

"Indeed you do Farm Boy." Sean started the Supra and headed South on Edgewater to The Code.

Clay noticed it was better lit. This time Sean didn't hold his hand. He ordered an Aperol Spritz for himself and a double rob for Clay. Drinks in hand, they visited the small leather shop before heading into the back patio. There was a line for the St. Andrew's cross where one submissive was tied in place and was being thrashed. Sean explained it was called flogging. He led Clay to the far end of the fenced area. They too were filled with guys engaging in outdoor sex. As they walked back to the bar they ran into Eduardo Castillo who was with an older muscled gentleman.

"Hello Sean and Clay! I haven't had a call from either of you," Eduardo commented. "Oh I'm forgetting my manners. Everett Steele please meet Sean Walls and his partner Clayton Reed. Sean and Clayton, meet my husband Everett." Sean shook hands. Then said to Clay, "Farm Boy you may shake hands as well."

Everett was tall and powerfully built. He wore a leather harness which showed his sculpted chest and abs, they were covered with a dusting of gray hair. His leather pants were cut just right to reveal a generous package with the cock dressing right. Leather armbands adorned both biceps. He also wore Harley boots. His close cropped gray hair went well with his Ernest Hemingway beard. His dark blue eyes were intense. When he spoke his deep baritone voice resonated. He addressed Sean, "You training a newbie?"

"Yes, I'm introducing him to our world." Sean continued, "You're amazing. How did you get so buff?"

"Twenty-five years in the Corp counts for most of it. Having a younger husband does the rest," he said proudly hugging Eduardo to his side.

Eduardo added, "Don't forget you've been voted the Best Personal Trainer in Orlando two years in a row!"

Clay said, "I've always wanted a personal trainer," as he gazed lustily at the vision of perfect manhood before him. He was startled when Sean clipped him on the back of the head.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth, follow the rules and finish your drink and mine," Sean growled. "Farm Boy has game day protocols starting at midnight. I'd love to stay and explore more with you both, but I have a scene planned back at our apartment."

"You two live together?" Eduardo inquired.

"As of this coming Sunday," Sean noted.

Clay had downed both his double Rob Roy and the Aperol Spritz quickly. He regretted not eating something before they headed out as the beers and the booze were getting him drunk fast.

Sean, Eduardo and Everett shook hands and hugged. Eduardo gave Sean a peck on the cheek. Clay felt left out and annoyed that he wasn't included. He started to try to hug the two, but they turned and walked away as Sean said, "Come along Farm Boy."

He dutifully followed Sean through the bar. Outside Sean offered his hand. Clay ignored the offer which earned him a pinched nipple. He took the proffered hand. He was having trouble with his emotions and understanding the role he had just played. He also was excited that Sean was going to have sex with him when they got back. The drive was a quiet one. Sean was miffed at Clay's reaction to Everett and that he didn't follow the rules. Clay was wasted having finished off most of the liquor Sean had ordered.

When they got back to the apartment it was just after 10. Sean had to support Clay up the 4 flights of stairs. Inside, Sean guided Clay to his bed and laid him back. He skillfully pulled down Clay's shorts and was delighted to see Farm Boy's cock was flaccid.

Opening the nightstand drawer he removed a black velvet bag. He poured the contents on the bed. Sean selected the largest of the rings and carefully fitted it over Clay's balls and cock. Next he took the stainless steel cock cage and rubbed lube inside it. He slowly slid it onto Clay's prick connecting it to the cock ring. Pulling out his key ring, he inserted the key and turned the internal lock sealing his lover's cock inside.

Clay was a sight to behold. Laying there with his shorts below his knees and his cock caged. Sean pushed his T-shirt up to reveal his abs and chest with their covering of red hair. He pulled out his phone and took a few pictures, including a close up of the cock cage. Then he dropped his leather pants, lowered his jock and started beating off. As his right hand did the stroking his left played with his balls, tits and ass. It didn't take long to feel the familiar churning begin in his balls. He thought about Clay waking up to his new toy and that sent him over the edge. Rope after rope of freshly churned semen pumped onto Clay's chest, abs, and cock cage. When Sean has recovered enough from his orgasm he pulled up Clay's shorts and lowered his shirt. His cum soaked into the material. Then he pulled out his phone and called Larry.

"Where the hell have you been? I've got like 15 guys that want to beat your ass right now!" the usually calm QB shouted. "Clay's not answering his phone either."

"We've been bar hopping. I never heard his phone ring. Maybe the battery is dead. Anyway, he's passed out here on my bed. I don't want to try moving him down the stairs. Can you guys come and help get him home?"

"We'll he right over."

Not 10 minutes had gone by when Sean heard someone pound on his door. He opened it and the three QBs rushed him.

"What the fuck did you tell the FWBs? At the last count we have 25 stallions with their cocks locked in cages!" Larry growled.

"Make that 26." Sean pointed to the bedroom.

"Oh fuck no." Larry sighed as Steve and Antonio rushed into the bedroom.

"To quote Glenda the Good Witch, "You're too late! There they are and there they'll stay!" Sean quipped. "Too many guys are content with Rosie and her sisters. The FWBs took that option and nailed it shut."

The guys came out of the room carrying Clay between them. Antonio tossed a phone to Larry. "Battery is dead. Let's get him home."

"Thus isn't over Sean," Larry asserted.

"I'm sure it's not. But ask yourself this Larry. Those 26 chastity devices weren't forced on those guys. Every single one of them had to have agreed at some point just like Clay did. Good night." Sean closed the door and headed to his room to do some school work and sleep.

Next: Chapter 13

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