Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 12, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 11 Terrible or Terrific Thursday

Thursday dawned grey and dismal. A thunder storm was rolling though Central Florida. Sean was startled awake by a clap of thunder. He sat up and checked his phone and saw it was 8:15. He was surprised he had slept so soundly. He grabbed his bathrobe, a gold and black terry cloth robe, and went out to the kitchen. Albert was just finishing putting his dishes into the dishwasher. He bid Sean a good morning and went into his room. As Sean was eating Al came out dressed in a shirt and tie with a coat over his arm.

"See you at 10," Al noted

"See you at 10."

Sean finished breakfast. Showered and changed his mind on his outfit. Black half boots, navy blue slacks, a peach striped shirt. a navy tie and his black leather sports coat were his final selection.

He checked his phone. He had 7 texts. And 2 missed calls.

He scanned them and settled on the text from Clay at 6.

`Morning Chief! I love you and wish you well. See you later. FB'

Then he read the text from Steve Randall.

"Morning Sean, please be at my office by 9:15."

He texted back, "Morning Steve just got your text. I slept in. I'm dressing now and calling an Uber."

Sean pulled up the app and requested an Uber and quickly dressed. Within 10 minutes he was on his way to the Mr. Randall's office. When he arrived, Steve was waiting for him.

"There's the sleepy head!" Steve jovially greeted the young man. "I wanted to go over the process. Well leave here in 15 to 20 minutes to walk over to the Trustees' Dining Room. Dr. Orrs will read out the charge. She will ask you to share the note again. You did bring it, right?

"Yes it's here." He handed it to Steve.

"I'll hold on to it. Just answer any questions she asks truthfully. All will be well. "

Sean tried to smile.

"Has he harassed you at all since Tuesday?"

"No, we actually talked. He wanted to settle. I told him it would be settled here."

"Good call. I don't want you to be surprised; there is a second piece of evidence being produced. It will pretty much seal the deal as I understand it. If you don't mind waiting out with George in reception, I need to make a few calls and then we will head out."

"No problem, I appreciate your help. "

"You're welcome and by the way smoking hot outfit!"

"Thanks. See you in a few. "

George offered tea or coffee. Sean selected tea. As he sipped the passion tea he realized he was nervous. He kept reminding himself, "que sera, sera" what will be will be.

Steve came out of his office briefcase in hand. Together they walked to the Student Union building, entered the cafeteria and walked to the far end to the corridor which led to the Trustees' Dining Room. As Steve opened the door both Sean and he were stunned. The room was filling with students. Sean noted the football team as well as spotted Gina and Corabeth and a number of other FWBs. Then he spotted his boyfriend sitting in the front row with Larry and Steve.

Mr. Randall and Sean took their seats. Albert was seated opposite with a dour looking woman who was representing him.

At precisely 10 o'clock President Clarke gaveled the meeting to order. He thanked all for attending. "The purpose of our meeting today is to determine whether or not the University's Code of Conduct has been violated through the use of derogatory language and threats; in other words bullying. Dr. Orrs, will you bring us all up to speed on the case. "

"It is alleged that on or about the morning of October 13, that Albert Cassidy did, in writing violate, The Code of Conduct, chapter 7 paragraph 8. Further on the same day at approximately 10:15 am Mr. Cassidy filed an official request to end his residency with Mr. Sean Walls, once again utilizing disparaging remarks in writing." Dr. Orrs completed reading the case summary.

President Clarke continued, "I see both parties are represented. May we see the documents?"

Mr. Randall stood, opened his brief case and produced the original note, now encased in a plastic sleeve. He brought it to Dr. Clarke who read it to the assembly. Albert cringed as his words rang through the assembly. Dr. Clarke addresses him, "Mr. Cassidy, Did you write this?"

"Upon the advice of my attorney, I invoke my 5th Amendment rights," Al stated.

"Dr. Orrs," the President continued, "May we see the second exhibit?"

Dr. Orrs produced it, also in a plastic sleeve, and read it to the panel.

Dr. Clarke addresses him again, "Mr. Cassidy, are these your words?"

"Upon the advice of my attorney, I invoke my 5th Amendment rights," Al stated.

"Ladies and Gentlemen do you have any questions?" the President inquired. The attorney for the university raised her hand. "Ms. Rodriguez is recognized."

"Mr. Walls, are you gay?"

"Yes, I am!" Sean responded a little more forcibly than he intended.

"Have you ever made a sexual advance towards Mr. Cassidy?"


Mr. Randall interjected, "Given the number of rape cases reported on college campuses, I believe we would have heard by now if we had such cases on our campus."

The attorney turned her attention to Albert. "Mr. Cassidy are you gay?"

Albert startled and angered by the question shouted, "No way!" His attorney put her hand on his shoulder to calm him.

Has Mr. Walks sexually propositioned you or assaulted you?"

"Upon the advice of my attorney, I invoke my 5th Amendment rights," Al stated having been reminded of the script.

"Mr. Cassidy you did state in this document you didn't want raped. What caused that fear?

"Upon the advice of my attorney, I invoke my 5th Amendment rights," Al stated.

Dr. Orrs raised her hand and was recognized to speak. "Mr. Cassidy I see you took my advice to retain counsel. I don't see any point in dragging these proceedings out much further. President Clarke, I move that the Board of Review find Albert Francis Cassidy to have violated Section 17.4 by bullying Mr. Walls in writing by threatening him with being evicted as well as Section 17.7,2 on hate speech directed at minority groups."

Dr. Gambrelli, Dean of the College of Arts and Science, seconded the motion.

President Clarke began, "It has been moved and seconded that the Board of Review find Albert Francis Cassidy to have violated Section 17.4 by bullying Mr. Walls in writing threatening him with being evicted as well as Section 17.7,2 on hate speech directed at minority groups." Is there any discussion or questions?" He paused. "Hearing no other questions; all those in favor of the motion raise your hand." Every hand on the Review Board was raised. "All those against, same sign. The ayes have it."

There were cheers and applause from the students assembled.

Banging his gavel, "There will be no further outbursts or I will have the gallery cleared!" President Clarke thundered.

"Mr. Cassidy, you have been found in violation of the Code of Conduct. This Board will now impose a penalty upon you for those violations."

"Mr. President," Dr Gambrelli raised her hand.

"Dr. Gambrelli is recognized."

"Thank you. As Dean of his College, in fact as Dean for both of them, I am saddened by these events. I know that we have many options but it is my view that there is only one way to send the message that bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. I move that Mr. Cassidy be expelled from the university. "

Dr. Clarke stated, "It has been moved that Mr. Cassidy be expelled from the university. Is there a second?"

Dr. Asher Lee, VP for Student Affairs raised his hand.

"It has been moved and seconded. Discussion?"

Sean was on his feet, "President Clarke May I be heard?"

The President looked at the attorney for the university, who nodded in the affirmative. He said to Sean, "You are recognized Mr. Walls"

"Thank you. I appreciate the support the Board has shown to me. I appreciate Mr. Randall and Dr. Orrs for their understanding when I first brought this note to their attention. I want to thank my boyfriend and the obvious support from all of these students. However, I don't feel Al, Mr. Cassidy, should be expelled." He paused before continuing.

"Is what he wrote offensive? Yes. Was he trying to bully me? Most likely. Is it worthy of suspension or expulsion? Perhaps. But is it the right punishment? I say no. A university is place to learn and experience new views on life. I believe that is true in this situation for both Mr. Cassidy and myself. But to ruin his academic career because of several lapses in judgement is unwarranted. Rather, I suggest he by removed from our apartment and reassigned elsewhere. I also suggest he receive counseling about his obvious homophobia. Perhaps he should even be ordered to attend a couple of PFLAG meetings. But I ask you NOT to expel him. Thank you."

"Thank you Mr. Walls. Further discussion? Ms Rodriguez's recognized."

"In a court of law a victim's statement is considered in determining a sentence. While not required by university policy and rules it is good to hear from vistims. Mr. Walls, to his credit, bears no ill will. I believe we should listen to him."

"Further discussion?' He paused. "Hearing none. All those in favor of expulsion say Aye." Only two hands were raised. "All those opposed say Nay." Three hands were raised. "Motion fails." Lee Gabriel raises his hand. "Mr. Gabriel is recognized.

"Thank you Mr. President. Many students do not understand the consequences of their actions. I believe we should listen to Mr. Walls and make this an opportunity for learning for the entire university. I move that Albert Francis Cassidy be placed on Probation for 2 semesters, relocated immediately to an available dorm on campus and ordered to both attend three meetings of PFLAG and receive counseling on dealing with minorities."

Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion.

"It has been moved that Albert Francis Cassidy be places on Probation for 2 semesters, relocated immediately to an available dorm on campus and ordered to both attend Three meetings of PFLAG and receive counseling on dealing with minorities. Discussion?"

After a few moments the president continued. "All those in favor say Aye." All board members voted in the affirmative. "Opposed?" The Ayes have it. Dr. Orrs can you get Mr. Cassidy a place on campus?"

"Yes, we have vacancies in the Freshman dorms at this time. He'd be in a quad with three freshmen for the remaining time for this term. We'll look to other arrangements for the Spring."

"Mr. Cassidy please see Dr. Orrs after we adjourn. Ms Rodriguez, do we need to refer this to the State's Attorney office to comply with Orange County's Equal Rights ordinance?"

"Mr. President, we may. However, given Mr. Walls decision to be lenient, I suggest we wait and see If Me. Cassidy changes his behaviors."

"Thank you. Mr. Walls, you did the right thing in bringing this to our attention. I also want to commend you for your compassion for your fellow student. I want to thank you for giving this university the chance to grow as a place where all people are accepted and treated with dignity."

Applause filled the dining hall.

"There being no further business this Review Board is adjourned." The president announced banging his gavel. Clay moved toward Sean but Al got there first.

"Thank you so much Sean! I can't thank you enough!" He shook Sean's hand and headed over to Dr. Orrs.

Mr. Randall was next to shake his hand, opening his arms he asked, "May I?" Sean nodded and was engulfed in a bear hug. Randall whispered in his ear, "You nailed it Sean. I'm so proud of you." Then he stepped back.

Clay swooped in and wrapped Sean in his arms planting a deep and passionate kiss on his lover's mouth. The team and FWBs clapped and cheered.

"You did this for me?" Sean inquired.

"Truthfully, I wish it had been my idea. But it was Larry and the guys. Antonio would have been here too but classes. You know."

Sean walked up to Larry, "May I?" he asked, Larry hugged him before he could hug Larry. Gina and Corabeth were next.

"We need to party tonight!" Steve burst in giving Sean a hug and a peck on his cheek which drew looks from Clay and Larry.

"No, we need to help Al move. It's only right. But right now, can I have Clay to myself?" Sean grabbed his boyfriend's hand and brought him up to the tables. "Stevie this is my boyfriend, Clayton Reed. Clay, this is Steve Randall." They shook hands - as Sean continued, "I'd like to introduce him to the Board. May I?"

Stevie raised his hands, "Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention just for a moment. Mr. Walls would like to make an introduction." The room quieted.

"Thank you Mr. Randall. President Clarke, members of the Board of Review, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Clayton Reed. He and his team mates on the Stallions are going to whoop those guys from Georgia Tech this Saturday! Go Stallions!" The room broke into applause and cheers. Sean took that moment to lead Clay out of the hearing and onto the patio outside. "I'm taking the rest of the day off. I thought I slept well but I'm pooped. You want to tuck me in?" he asked with a wink, a raised eyebrow and a smile.

Clay responded, "That's the most enticing invitation I've had today. Let's catch a tram." They headed for the stop. They had just missed one and they had 10 minutes before the next one.

As they waited Albert walked up. "Mind if I wait with you guys?"

"Not a problem Al," Sean replied. "I wanted to offer to help with your move. How much time did they give you?"

"Not much. Dr. Orrs is a hard a.... one. She's sending some guys to move my things at 3."

"Four hours to pack. Damn. May I help too?" Clay offered

"I'd appreciate it Sean, Clay. I'm sorry about I all this, I was raised a Roman Catholic and y'all were just abominations. You're really the only gay man I've known until now. I've treated your offers of friendship badly. Today you saved me. If I had been expelled I would have lost my scholarship. Now you're offering help. I really can't thank you enough."

"I'm going to do more than help." Sean said pulling out his phone. He punched a few numbers and Gina answered.

"Where are you? We're all looking for you. We need to celebrate."

"Gina, we can do that at 4 at the stadium. Bring that special lemonade y'all make and the brownies. But we, Albert, Clay and I need some help."

"Albert Francis Cassidy - that Albert?"

"Yes that Albert. Listen I hate to see anyone in a bind. We need to help him out.

"Well since Dwayne and Larry have been tapped by Dr. Orrs to move his shit, I guess we can help too. How many you want?"

"Two or Three FWBs would be great. "

Gina responded, "There will be three of us."

"Great! Apartment 410 at noon; see you then." A shuttle pulled up just then. "Sit with us Al." Clay got in followed by Sean then Al. "The guys moving you are on the team. So they and 3 of the FWBs are coming to help you pack and move. We'll order pizza and beer for the packing party and I suggest you offer the same when you get to the new room. Have an unpacking party."

"Man, I can kick myself. If I'd just been more open we could have been friends."

"We might still be. Only time will tell." After a short ride, they jumped off the tram at their building.

The three entered the apartment laughing. Sean said, "Al I need some time alone with Clay." Would you please order 4 pizzas and I'll pay for them when they deliver them at noon."

"Will do, have fun!" Al smiled as the two entered Sean's room. He pulled out his iPhone and ordered the pizzas for noon.

Inside Sean's room the two lovers stripped and Sean pushed Clay back onto his bed. He stuck his finger in Clay's mouth and ordered, "Get it wet." Pulling it out he began finger fucking Clay. Each time he needed more spit he put his fingers back in Clay's mouth. With his other hand he stroked his boy's dick. As Clay got into the finger working his hole and being jacked, Sean started nibbling on his lover's right nipple.

Clay moaned, "Fuck me Chief, please!"

"Not yet Farm Boy," Sean stated as he stuck his fingers into Clay's mouth and worked two into his hole. The QB tried to grind down on the fingers working his ass. His nipple was sending shock waves to his cock and ass.

"Oh God Sir I need to feel you in me."

"Soon Farm Boy, soon." Then Sean switched to Clay's other tit drawing a protracted moan from the quarterback whose ass suddenly opened. Sean added a third finger then a fourth finger. He briefly thought about trying to fist Clay, but his need to be in him was greater. "Are you ready to have your field plowed Farm Boy?"

"Yes Sir Chief! Fuck your Farm Boy!"

Sean wasted no time. He entered the well opened hole with ease. Clay wrapped his powerful legs around him trying to pull him in further.

"It feels like you're bigger and deeper inside than ever before!" Clay gasped.

"I'll be deeper still lover," Sean told him. He gazed into Clay's lust filled eyes as he grabbed his legs and pushed them back with Clay's knees almost reaching his shoulders. He gloried in watching Clay's eyes widen in disbelief as he indeed was further inside. His own lust building as he fucked with abandon.

Clay's panting grew louder, "S..Si....Sir, it's fe.. feels like I've got a be... beer can up my ass."

"Oh you put beer cans up your ass regularly? Sean quipped while he kept plowing. His rigid cock did feel bigger. Sex with this man excited him. He plunged in and shot 8 or 9 ropes of his seed into his man. Collapsing on top of Clay he released the QBs legs. Both men were panting heavily. Sean rolled off Clay's chest. "Sorry man, I couldn't wait for you." Sean whispered.

"I beat you to it Chief," Clay glibly panted. Look at our chests. As Sean looked, he smiled at the cum matted red hair on Clay's chest and abs and the dampness on his own chest. "You really nailed it good Chief!"

"Let's get dressed, the FWBs and the guys will be here soon."

"Should we shower?"

"Nah!" Sean responded rubbing Clay's cum around his chest and belly. Then he rubbed Clay's into that furry chest hair.

Dressed in shorts they entered the common area bare chested and barefooted.

Al had pulled his moving boxes from their storage room. He had them taped up and ready to go. He looked at the two men emerging from the bedroom, both still flushed from their sexual encounter. "You two had fun! Between the moaning, gasping and the headboard hitting the wall I was almost jealous." He laughed heartily, "Almost!"

Just then the doorbell rang. Clay grabbed it and Gina, Ashley, and Roberta walked in with Larry and Joey. The pizza delivery was there as well. Sean grabbed $45 from his wallet in the bedroom and paid for the pizza.

"Thank you all for coming. As I told Gina, Albert has to move out and I want to help him. What is past can't be undone. We can only build a better future."

Al added, "I too want to thank you. I've told Sean I'm sorry. I can't help the way I was raised. But I`ve learned a lot about Sean the past few days. I hope in the future we'll be friends. The Pizza and beer here are on Sean's dime. When we get me moved in my new room the pizza and beer, and it won't be this cheap assed stuff, are on me."

There were smiles all around as the packing began. As they finished the girls checked out Sean's bedroom. "Ashley, it looks like a scene from Aladdin," Roberta commented.

"It smells like sex!" Gina blurted out. They all laughed. When they came back out, Ashley asked Sean, "Why is your room so sumptuous and the common room so blah?"

Albert, who was sealing the last few boxes answered, "My bad! He wanted to fix it up but I stonewalled."

The ladies glared at him.

Sean intervened, "I bet you FWBs could fix up his new bedroom way better than he could. You'd like that Al, wouldn't you?"

Al took the hint, "I sure would. After we get this stuff there and unpacked, what say you three ladies go out and shop with me for things you think would add atmosphere to my room. Then we'll have dinner on me."

"Well we'd miss their practice, but what say you ladies?" Ashley asked. The other two nodded.

Shortly after the guys had the university panel van loaded with AL's gaming chair, full sized bed, desk, chest of drawers, boxes and suitcases. Al asked, "How many pizzas should I order?

"No more than two. We got practice," Dwayne answered.

"Will do. I've got the Coors in the trunk of my Supra. "He clicked his key fob and the lights on the yellow Supra at the end of the row blinked. "You girls want to ride with me?"

"Shotgun!" Ashley yelled as they ran to the car.

"Sean, thank you once more, for saving my ass. Here are the keys to the apartment and my room. Dr. Orrs said I should give them to you. See you around." They shook hands and Al jogged to the car to take off.

"Hey numb nuts! Where the fuck is your new room?" Dwayne yelled.

"Osceola Hall 251-C." Al said. "We'll meet you there."

Both vehicles started and in moments they we're gone. The two lovers held hands as they walked back to Sean's now empty place."

Next: Chapter 12

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