Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 12, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 10 Making Plans

Clay walked into his apartment to see his roomies playing poker. "Let me guess it's NOT strip poker!" He laughed heartedly as he stripped down to nothing.

"We didn't think we'd see you tonight Clay. Sean dump your ass already?" Larry quipped.

"Maybe he thought your abs needed more definition." Steve jabbed at his friend's abs.

"No he wanted a tighter ass!" Antonio threw in.

"Fuck all of you. If you must know his roommate caused some shit and there is a Review Board heading at 10 tomorrow morning. He showed me how to make his favorite drink then sent me home."

"That sucks man! Is his roommate an asshole? Sean seemed like a great guy." Antonio commented. Larry and Steve agreed.

Steve added, "And he has the body which a lot of guys would give their right nut to have."

"Thanks for noticing," Clay added smirking.

"I'm free tomorrow at 10. Those hearings are open. I think I'll go support him. "

"We can do that?" Clay asked.

"Sure can buddy. In fact, only Antonio has a class at 10. How about we all go?" Larry continued. "In fact let's put out a general call to the team."

Steve chimed in," Don't forget the FWBs. Corabeth will give them hell."

"Great idea, Antonio you use to bone Gina. Still got her number?" Antonio nodded he did. "Great, call her and tell her Sean needs as much support at the Administration Building tomorrow. We'll text the room number after I call Lee."

Larry pulled out his cell and call Lee Gabriel, President of the Student Government. After a few rings, Lee answered. "Hi Lee! Larry Schultz on this end. Yeah, we're ready for the big game Saturday. Coach has been riding our asses. How's Marjorie doing? She's due soon right? Really! Any time this week! Wow you'll be a Daddy real soon man, Congratulations!" He listened to a story Lee was telling him before getting down to the reason he had called.

"Lee, there's a Review Board Hearing tomorrow at 10. A couple of us on the team want to observe. Can you tell me where it's being held? Sure, I appreciate you checking." Larry gave the thumbs up. "Wow I've only been in there once in all the time I've been here. Oh you're going to be there too? Oh! It sounds like a bigger deal than my friend led us to believe. Yeah this is one to be at for sure. See you tomorrow!"

"Dish!" All three guys ordered together.

"First, the meeting is being held in the Board of Trustees' Dining Room. That's because it's a full board review. Present Clarke will be in attendance. The VP for Student Affairs, The Assistant Director of Campus Housing, The Dean of the College of Arts and Science, the chairman of the Board of Trustees is observing, the President of the Faculty, as well as Lee as SG President, and an attorney for the university. Sean is being represented by the LGBTQ+ liaison. The other guy will also have an attorney "

"Holy shit! My poor Chief!" Clay cried.

Steve puts his arm on Clay's shoulder. "It's going to be fine. They're not expecting a crowd."

"I've got Gina, going to speaker phone." Antonio stated.

"Hi guys! What the hell is happening?"

Larry explained the details. "Got all that? Can you get it to Corabeth too? Great! Try to get as many of the FWBs there as possible." Night, Gina," Antonio hung his phone.

Larry continued, "Now the team texts. We each do our year. But the text has to be identical. Ready to type as I dictate?

Attention Stallions! Sean Walls, Clay's boyfriend, (Clay used "my") has to go before a full review board tomorrow at 10 am in the Beard of Trustees' Dining Room. We need to show our support for Sean and Clay. Be there if you can without skipping class. We don't need any suspensions with the game we're playing Saturday. Thanks, sign your name."

"Ready? On three -1, 2, 3 Send!"

"Guys I can't thank you enough," Clay cried. "Group hug!"

And the 4 naked men grasped each other and held each other close.

"What do we wear?" Steve asked.

"Larry responded, I think we dress like we did for team announcements, slacks, button down shirt, sports jacket and tie if you have one. It's going to be a big day tomorrow. Let's get some rest."

The four men retired. A few minutes after Clay laid down there was a knock at the bathroom door. "Clay, may I come on?" Steve asked.

"Sure Steve."

"I wanted to make sure you were ok. "

"That is very kind Steve. I'm ok. I wish Sean had let me spend the night but we would have fucked the night away. Yet I'm glad I came back because you guys have helped create support for us for tomorrow."

"That's true. Ah there's another reason I wanted to talk to you. "

"Go on."

"It was the hug Clay. I really, really liked that contact. I would have sprung wood if we had held that hug a moment longer. I really enjoyed our 69. I need to be up front with you. "I was raped - gang banged in fact. I thought I was straight, then after the gang bang, I didn't know anymore."

"Steve, I don't know what to say. I can tell you that I wondered about it for the last 6 years or more. I was lucky that when I decided to act, Sean was my first. I intend to hold on to him for as long as I can."

"Well you weren't my first. But you were great."

"You know, when tomorrow is past us. Talk with Sean. "

"Sounds like a plan dude. Ah but if you don't mind, can I sleep in here with you?

"Not tonight Steve. Not tonight."

"Sleep well, I guess neither of us will be nailing it tonight."

"Wrong again! Sean and I took care of business before I came home. Now get your skinny ass back to your own bed."

With that he turned out the light and went to sleep dreaming of a future with Sean.

Next: Chapter 11

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