
By Billy Bob

Published on Mar 28, 2002


Along with Nailed - Parts I through III, the following story is a continuation of the story of my coming of age. I hope you enjoy it. The story continues in Nifty's Military section in a series called `A Few Good Men'. Of course, all of it contains descriptions of sex between guys. If you don't enjoy such stories or if you are under 18 or if such stories are not legal where you live, you shouldn't read any further. You've been warned.

Nailed - Part IV

Naked as the day we were born, Kevin and I were on my bed. Two High School buddies that had found one another through their respective urges. Mine was for mansex and Kevin's was for whatever felt good. It was nearly the end of my Junior and his Senior year. There I was at the ripe young age of 16 with a hot fucking nearly 19 year old Stud on my back and I knew that I was just about to give my butt cherry to him. And I couldn't think of anybody more deserving of it than the guy that had spent weeks helping me perfect my cocksucking skills that lead me to be the awesome cocksucker that I am to this day. Jabbing his hardness at my butt crack, he'd just told me that he was hot to fuck me

All at once my ass relaxed and cock surged at the thought. It's the same reaction I've had toward hot men every since I've been sexual. Little did he know that I'd been ready to put out for him since I'd met him. "Oh, fuck yah!" I shot out.



"Wanna get fucked in the ass?" he panted.

"Go for it!" I encouraged by pushing my ass up to him. Though I'd played with my ass a lot, I'd never been breached by a man. But I was sure ready for it with Kevin that day.

"OH FUCK, SEAN!" he choked. Just the thought of it seemed to be turning him into a wild man. He started pushing his cock at my hole and, though it was slippery with precum, it wasn't going in easy. In my experimentation with my butthole, I'd learned that it took plenty of slick stuff to get something inside of me.

"Use some lotion," I said, motioning to my nightstand. In a flash the guy was off of me and digging through the drawer where he found some lube. Like any guy his age about to get laid, he was back in record time. Crawling up in the bed, he moved in between my legs once again. "Put plenty of that in me, Dude," I ordered as I pushed my butt up at him.

"No problem," he rasped.

By the sound of his voice I could tell he was rubbing the slick goo on his hard bone. He made good on his promise though and before long I felt the coolness of the lotion being poured right on my butthole. Like a pro, the guy spread it around before pushing a finger in me. It felt good. I'd poked and prodded at my own asshole many times, but nothing had ever felt as good as when Kevin did it to me. I wanted more, so I pushed up toward him, feeding more of my ass on his finger.

"Goddamn, but you're a hot fucker!" he hoarsed as he pushed another finger inside of me. Finger banging me, he waited for just a minute before crawling further up so that he could mount me.

I knew what was coming. I knew it was going to hurt a little, as it always had when I'd pushed something inside of me. I felt the heat of his cock at my back door. "Go easy, Dude," I admonished. He pushed and the head of his uncut cock popped inside of me. By the time he stopped, he'd pushed too far inside of me. "Easy, easy, easy!" I winced. Fuck, it hurt!

"Sorry, man. Never fucked anyone in the ass before," he apologized. The fucker was rock hard.

"Take it almost all the way out for a minute," I requested, tense with the pain. Kevin backed off and I thought he was going to pop out. "Not too far!" I quickly said. He froze, catching himself just before he would have pulled out completely. "Hold it there for a minute and let me get used to it."

It was just like when I'd fuck around with other stuff. I'd gotten pretty creative with some phallic shaped items around the house. Once I'd even tried a cucumber. Fucker nearly split me wide open. In any event, I'd learned that my butt eventually got used to the intrusion. I'd also learned that it started feeling good when that happened. Like a champ, Kev stayed frozen in place and I eventually relaxed. No dummy him, he caught on real quick and pushed a little more inside of me as I relaxed. There I was laying prostate on my belly with my buddy worming his hard cock into my ass. Once I started thinking about it and how good his hairy legs felt next to mine, I quickly relaxed. Before I knew it, I could feel his short curlies and balls on my butt. Once he'd pushed all the way in, he was in seventh heaven.

"OH, FUCK SEAN!" he hissed as he collapsed on my back. "Fuckin' feels so G O O D", he drawled as slowly as he was moving his cock in and out of me. Besides his young and hard cock inside of me, I could feel his hard chest and belly against my back. I knew at that moment that my life had changed. I was getting fucked in the ass by a man. That's when it all came together for me. I wanted nothing more than for him to crawl inside of me and fuck me forever. That's the way I felt. Even though it was still uncomfortable to me, I pushed my butt up against him and encouraged him to fuck me.

And fuck me he did. Gripping tightly onto me, the man rooted in my rectum and showed me that I was born to be bred by hot men like him. For a guy that was still in High School, he sure had some hot moves. In his time, he'd fucked more than a few girls so he had a little experience that showed. I can't tell you how awesome that first fuck of my life was. Like I said before, if I had to give my cherry to anybody, I was glad that it was to Kevin. He didn't say much, but he did me just fine. I remember being unbelievably excited at what we were doing. It was so nasty, so forbidden and so fucking awesome. I knew instinctively that this is what my life was going to be. I didn't care how or where, but I knew that I was going to live the life of a gay man that took it in the ass from others.

It didn't take long before the man was lost in the action and listening only to his cock. He used my ass for his pleasure and at the same time pounded me into the mattress. While he made his moves in and out of my butthole, my cock rubbed against the sheets below me, harder that it had ever been before. I was getting fucked by a man! Faster and faster he fucked. At the same time, he held onto me tighter and tighter as he fucked toward his nut. In and out, back and forth, he rammed his hard man root into me. I heard the telltale signs of heavy breathing that told me that he was probably going to blow soon. Sure enough, he fucked me faster and cried out.

"Fixin' to cum, Dude!"


"Oh, fuck yah!"

"Gonna cum in me?"

"OH FUCK SEAN!" he choked. "That sounds so hot!"

"Yah, man!" I panted as he fucked the wind out of me. "Wanna feel you cum!"

"Want my cum, Dude?"

"Fuckin' shoot your load in me!"

"Aw, yah! Here it comes, man!" he warned as he took another few brutal pumps.

All at once he froze balls deep as all men do and fuckin' came in me. Suddenly, I felt super warm inside and I knew it was his jizz. The guy was lost in his orgasm and seemed to be jetting a gallon of cock snot into me. The need to come came over me and, while he was still planting his seed, I reached under me and wrapped my hand around my raging rod. The fucker was so hard I thought it might break off. The head of it was also slippery with the hump honey Kevin had fucked out of me and all it took was a couple of strokes and I was off like a goddamned firecracker. Suddenly I was shooting rockets of cum all over my hand, my arm and the sheets below me.

"Oh, fuck Man!" he panted as my asshole spasmed around his super aroused cock, "That feels good!" The fucker was jerking around on my back like a fish out of water from the sensations my asshole was bringing him.

In a minute or so we both just collapsed in that position. I was on my belly, he was balls deep inside of me and I had a buttful of man cream in me. What the fuck more could I have wished for at 16 years old? It hadn't lasted very long, but that first fuck of my life was a winner.

That day opened new doors for Kevin and me. After he graduated and I got out of school that spring we continued to have fun. He aggressively pursued my ass all summer and I happily gave it up to him every chance I got. For weeks we'd go to my house, get naked and fuck like rabbits. The day we fucked more than once we discovered the added pleasures of sloppy seconds. I really got off on the fact that all he had to do was crawl on my back and push it home. No added lube was needed. Gawd, that was hot.

One day, Kev was dicking me deep for the second time. His face was planted next to mine as he drilled me like some fucking Texas wildcatter and I had the overwhelming need to be taken by him. I felt as though I wanted every orifice of my body filled by him. I turned my head to the side and our mouths were very close. I could feel his hot breath on the side of my face. Kissing a man had always been a hot fantasy of mine. Opening my mouth, I moved toward his. He was totally in fuck heaven and when our mouths made the connection he didn't hesitate. Suddenly we were locked in a deep and passionate kiss wherein I discovered a deeper intimacy with a man that I hadn't even dreamed was possible. I fuckin' kissed another guy! It ignited a flame in both of us. With him on my back, the angle of our kiss was all wrong. To compensate for that, we both moved slowly into a position that made it easier to explore one another's mouths. This led to moving me onto my side, where we continued to kiss and fuck with a new angle of penetration. Eventually, my need for even a better angle to swap spit eventually moved us to where I was on my back. From that position we both learned that we'd been missing something.

My legs were in the air, he was grinding his short hairs against my wet butthole and he was suddenly buried deeper than he'd ever been in me before. THAT felt fucking great! And all at the same time our mouths were locked together in a new and "forbidden" act that propelled us even further down the road. The heat of our fuck consumed us. The wetness of our first fuck soaked us. I hung on for dear life as Kevin managed to powerfully fuck both my hole and my mouth at the same time.

"Fuckin' kissing and fuckin' you, Dude!" he panted as his saliva drooled on me. The nastiness of what we were doing wasn't lost on him either.

"Unggghhhhhh!," I groaned as I sucked his tongue inside of my mouth.

I could tell he wasn't going to last much longer, as our new-found position seemed to take him right to the brink of blowing. Knowing the man was going to seed me soon enough, I reached up and grabbed a hold of my own randy rod and stroked myself toward what was surely going to be a mind-blowing cum. That action on my Jackson clamped my teenaged tunnel down onto the young man's cock. If he wasn't about to cum before that, he sure as hell got there quickly after.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" he moaned as his eyes rolled back in his head. "Too fuckin' good!" he drawled as his balls drew up tight.

"HUNNNNNGGGGHHHHH!" I yelled as I locked and loaded. I was a nanosecond away from loosing my load and Kevin was ramming his hammer rapidly over my prostate, swollen large and hard deep inside of me. His cock was hitting me at that whole new and wonderful angle and I just let go and basked in the sensation only a man who takes it in the ass on his back can know. The fucker fucked me off way sooner than I would have liked to blow, but cumming had never felt better. "AWWWWWWWW, YEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as my nut butter shot out all over between us.

"FUCKIN' CUMMINNNNNNNNNNNN'!" the man wailed soon thereafter as he began ejaculating inside of me for the second time that day.

For the first time, the two of us were cumming at the same time and all was right with the world. Nature took it's course and we got lost in unloading. Most men would understand the feeling totally. At that moment I was never gladder that I was a guy who put out for other men and Kevin was never prouder to plant his seed. Tongues, lips, mouths, hands, a hard cock, a wet asshole, sweat and cum were everywhere. When we were both shot out, we collapsed in a sweaty heap, ripe with the scent of man. My friends, that was the day we crossed the line into a whole new dimension of buttfuck. Compared to that day versus what followed, the previous encounters we'd had were just fucking around between two teenagers. As we lay there panting heavily from the activity we both realized that we'd just stepped into a man's world. And it was just the beginning. Those afternoon sessions took on a whole new sense of urgency after that day.

No longer just the hurried bump and grind sessions we'd experienced earlier, Kevin and I spent more and more time together both in and out of the sack. I guess you could say we transcended into a relationship of sorts. As much as you can with a guy who's really straight. Or primarily straight. Not knowing what was happening, I started feeling something deeper for Kevin than just wanting to put out for him. There were these strong pangs in my gut when I'd see him. My passion for him grew. I think I might have been falling in love with the guy. My Dad hated him though. He called him a trouble maker and made mention that his parents were "limies". Leave it to a fucking redneck to come up with that shit. Consequently, my Dad made me work at his shop more often, leaving Kevin and I less and less time together. That didn't diminish what I was feeling for the man though. In fact, it only made it stronger. Therefore, by the time we were able to sneak some sack time together we were hotter than ever for one another. We didn't get to fuck as often as we wanted to but it sure made it fun when we tore up the sheets. We made sure we didn't waste any time by getting naked as soon as we were alone together and crawling into bed where we'd kiss and suck and fuck `til our balls nearly collapsed. All through the late summer and fall I bottomed for Kevin and his skills as a top became better and better. And, conversely, mine as a bottom were honed.

I dare say that we'd become a couple. Well, you could easily describe it that way in the sense that we spent every spare moment with one another and had an adult sexual relationship. We had sex often enough that we didn't need to do so every single time we got together. It really pissed my dad off that Kevin, "the trouble maker", had become my friend. If the truth be known, the thing that really pissed my dad off the most was that Kevin's parents were "foreigners". They were from England and in the fucked up small West Texas town we were from that was a bad thing. I didn't pay any attention to the old man, however. I just kept on sneaking around with Kevin and putting out as often as I could for that 8 inch uncut wonder of his.

One day in the fall of my senior year we got together after over a week of separation. Both of us were unbelievably horny. As previously planned, I'd managed to beg off of working at the old man's shop after school and headed home as quickly as I could. Kevin arrived just minutes after I did and we were in my room and stripping naked just seconds after he entered the house. Knowing that we'd have the whole afternoon to fuck around, we were in a rush to get things started but new we didn't have to be hurried. If you can call a 19 year old man's need to get head as quickly as possible not hurried! As much as Kev liked fucking my ass, he still was hooked on my cocksucking skills. By pushing me down on to my knees and grinding my face against his rapidly growing hardon, he let me know in no uncertain terms that he wanted head. And I was more than happy to oblige.

The second we had closed my bedroom door there were jeans, T shirts, socks and underwear had gone flying. Now the two of us were naked as the day we were born. We were both hard and wet with precum instantly. Ah, youth! That wonderful tool of his was right in front of my face. Gripping his steely shaft, I peeled back the ample foreskin and exposed the wet and angry head of his one eyed monster. The heady scent of the treasures under his skin sock permeated the air and, as if in a trance, I opened my mouth and took him inside of me. It had been so long since I'd sucked his cock and so I made magic on his bone as if it were the last time I would ever taste it.

"AHHHH!" he purred as I buried the length of him in my throat. There's one thing cool about sucking a 8 inch cock on a regular basis. It teaches you how to deal with length and that can only be done by swallowing it. "Fuck, Sean! I fuckin' missed this!" he rasped.

"Ummmmmmmm!" I growled from my depths, sending vibrations up and down his leaky log. Clear goo was pouring out of him like sap from a maple tree.

"Damn, Dude!" he whispered. I felt his knees go a little weak before he moved to sit down on the edge of my bed. In no time, he was comfortably seated and I was in cocksucker heaven, working the entire length of the man. Rolling his rocks around in the palm of my hand, I fingered the hairy valley below them and breathed in the strong scent of sweaty male from his pubes. Moving up and down the full length of him I went from nearly choking off my breath as his knob plunged deeply into my throat to gently working its millions of nerve endings with my swirling tongue. Carefully cleaning under his foreskin, I let the tang of the leavings there slowly spread across my tongue, making my mouth water profusely. Mixing with my saliva was the sweet taste of the nectar flowing out of him. A steady flow of slick goo coated my tongue on my upstrokes. Fuck, it tasted good. Lovingly, I showed my Man just how much I enjoyed going down on him. Damn, I love to suck cock!

I'd like to say that I sucked him for hours that day. But, alas, the man was only 19! Sure he lasted longer than 90% of the guys his age but soon enough he was getting ready to paint the tonsils of this then 17 year old cocksucker. That was just fine by me. I knew I had all afternoon with what I'd begin to think of as "my Man". And at our ages we were good to go multiple times, so I knew his impending cum wasn't nearly the end of the fun. My sword swallowing technique had taken a toll on the guy. Kevin's once saggy and smooth scrotum had gathered his stones and pulled them protectively up next to his jutting hardness. Swooping down on his now leathery sac I suckled gently while moving his foreskin up and down the length of him, alternately covering and uncovering the business end of his cock. Feeling his cock surge in my hand and listening to his gasping breaths I knew I was pleasuring him.

Lower and lower I licked the man until I was past his balls and well on to closing in on his butthole. Still sitting on the edge of my bed, his position was keeping me from getting any further. I don't think he initially understood where I was going but as I continued to probe his hairy valley with the top of my tongue while washing the bedspread with the bottom, I think he got the idea when I pulled his legs up a bit. Laying back on the bed, he allowed me to push his legs up even further, exposing his most private place to me. Never looking up to him for permission, I probed lower and lower until my tongue was dancing all around his manhole but not quite touching it. In all the times I'd blown him I'd never eaten Kevin's ass, yet I had the overwhelming urge to do so that awesome fall day.

The moans coming from the man were getting louder and louder as I quickly closed in on the brown button. It was pretty obvious at that moment that despite Kevin's prowess and experience, he'd never had his ass eaten before. The strong scent of manbutt drove me further on like a wild man. If I thought I was aroused before, I goddamned near jetted as my tongue touched his pucker for the first time. If I thought he was loud before, I sure got an earful when my tongue touched his pucker for the first time. That gave me all the permission I needed. Pushing his legs up further, I brought his butthole right up to the best angle to feast on it. And feast I did. With broad swaths of my tongue, I worked at opening the man's gateway to his guts. A thread of expletives flowed from his mouth as I bathed his butthole in spit. The flavors and scents of the sweat and funk of the young man's clean butt exploded inside of me. Like a madman I ate his slot for all it was worth. Kevin was flopping around on my bed in awe as he surrendered his most prized possession to me. Before long, I was able to slide my tongue inside of him, tasting the slippery walls inside of his ass. I dunno how long it lasted but I do know that the man was about as excited as I'd ever heard him.

"OH, FUCK SEAN!" he wailed, "You nasty fucker!"

"Like that?" I asked, pulling off his hole for a second.

"Oh, man, you have no idea what you're doing to me, Dude" he whispered as he basked in the sensations of my tongue sliding in and out of him. He'd never been one to let me play with his ass before, but he was sure giving me full reign that day.

Suddenly he pulled me off of his butt, sat up, pulled my head toward his and deep kissed me hard. The man had never kissed that passionately before. He was out of his mind with lust and I was happy to be the recipient of his aggressive moves. "Oh, gawd, I can taste my butt, fucker!" he hoarsed as he buried his tongue in my mouth once again. We only kissed for a few seconds before he roughly pulled away and jammed my head down on his burgeoning boner once again.

Never had Kevin's cock been harder. With the strength and aggression only a young man about to get his nut can give, he moved me up and down the length of him. Suddenly he groaned loudly, forced his cock into my throat and jetted about a gallon of cum in me. It took nearly all of my strength to pull my head up out of his grip so that I could breathe, yet I was still able to swallow every rocket of his nard nectar. That it was one of his most explosive orgasms of his young life was apparent. He loosened his grip on my head as his cum subsided. He was frozen in place for a while before collapsing back on my bed while I finished cleaning his cock.

"Fuck, Sean!" he hissed as I licked his ultra-sensitive knob. "Where the fuck did you learn to do that?"

"I dunno," I shrugged.

"Yah, shit you dunno," he chuckled. "You fuckin' near turned me inside out with those moves, Dude!"

"Like that huh?"

"Fuck an A, Dude. That was awesome"

"Glad you liked that. I did too"

"Yah?" he asked, sitting up and looking me in the eye.

"Yah!" I affirmed.

"Well, fuck man, you can eat my butt anytime you want!"


"Oh, man! You're gonna make me hard all over again!" he sputtered, looking down at his spent serpent.

"I hope so," I said, taking his manhood in my hand.

"You want some more of that?"

"You know what I want"

"Damn, Sean! You lookin' to get fucked today?" he asked excitedly.

"You bet, Stud!"

"Just how fuckin' lucky am I?" he queried as he dropped back down on the bed. "Give me a few minutes, Dude and I'll be ready to put it to you"

"I'd like that"

"C'mere," he ordered, motioning next to him.

I quickly crawled up onto the bed next to him, laying my head on his chest. Wrapping his arm around me, he pulled me onto my side and closer to him. Mashing my wet and hard weenie against him, I snuggled up close and breathed in that awesome scent of a man after a hard workout. Some would say he needed a shower, but I just let his heavy scent intoxicate me further. If that was even possible. Did I say that I thought I was falling in love with the man? Looking back at that time, I realize that even in my extreme youth I felt feelings for Kevin that I'd never felt before.

True to his credo, it didn't take Kev long to recuperate from the awesome blow job I'd given him. In no time the man was again making his moves on me. Ah, the power of having the hole your man wants to fuck, huh? Yah, he was driven by his need to seed but something was different that day though. He was more forceful for sure, but he was also far more passionate than he'd ever been. The only time Kevin had ever really kissed me was in the throes of passion, after the action was hot and heavy. That afternoon however, he turned to me and kissed me deeply as he initiated what was to be a very hot lovemaking session.

I was stunned at the intensity of his kiss as he rolled on top and wrapped himself around me. True to form, my 17 year old cock had never really lost its starch while Kevin cooled off from the blow job. Now however, my boner was so hard it hurt as Kev explored not only my body with his hands, but my mouth with his tongue. He even had his eyes open!

"This is so fuckin' hot!" he whispered between kisses. The man was inflamed and I just knew I was gonna get a dickin' to remember that day.

He was a man on a mission and the ferocity of his determination to eventually penetrate me could be felt in every fiber of my body. We'd fucked enough times that we sort of knew one another's bodies. Like I said before though, this afternoon was definitely different. In his decidedly masculine way, he made his moves over my body with his hands and his mouth in a way he had never done before. Each time we'd fucked before it was just him moving me into position and penetrating me. That afternoon though, he was actually making love to me. I had no choice but to let the man have his way with me. Not that I would have even wanted to stop him. His tongue was everywhere. In my mouth, on my face, in my ears and when he swooped down onto my neck we quickly discovered an intense erogenous zone that is still the key to my guts today. Yessiree, that was the very day I learned that all a man has to do is work my neck to get what he's after. I know now that I need to be very careful about letting a man go there if I really don't want him to fuck me. Yah, right. As if I've ever let a man kiss me that I wasn't willing to put out for. Sometimes I fucking crack myself up!

Anyway, Kevin sure liked the reaction he got when he started kissing and sucking on my neck. Like a two- bit whore, my legs drew up and in no time the guy's manhood was knocking at my back door. The fucker worked me over something good and had me ready to fuck in about ten seconds. I don't even remember him reaching for the lotion on my nightstand, but suddenly I felt its coolness being spread over my butthole. Just a couple of seconds later, Kevin pushed his slippery knob at my gate and gently tore through my willing flesh. Sure it hurt a little bit, but it hurt so fucking good! Like the assmaster he was becoming, he worked me like a fine instrument. He'd poked just a couple of inches in me when he again swooped down on my neck. That did it. In a flash, the man was buried to the balls inside of me. And we were off to one helluva fuck!

Damn, he was a cock pro that afternoon! The guy had cum only minutes before and now he was rooting in my rectum with precision and a newly found confidence. Whatever the fucker had done to me to get me hot had sure worked wonders on relaxing my butt. I don't think he'd ever been that deep in me before as he was within a minute or so of penetrating me. All I remember is extreme lust for the guy. There I was laying on my back, my feet on his shoulders with the hardest 8 inches of 19 year old manhood deliciously diddling my assguts like no tomorrow. Guys, it doesn't get any better than that, huh? There was a party going on between Kev and I that afternoon and the fuckin' sparks were flying high. I don't have a clue how long we fucked that day. All I know is that the man showed me every aspect of his prowess as he deep dicked me. Of all the times we'd fucked before, it had never felt better. I was a lot more relaxed with him inside of me---therefore looser---and that was creating some very interesting sensations for both of us. While I'd really loved getting fucked by Kevin before, I'd be a liar if I were to tell you that it wasn't uncomfortable. But that afternoon as he deep kissed me while sawing into my white hot hole, there wasn't an ounce of discomfort. I'd reached some pinnacle where I could see without a doubt that I was capable of taking a man of his size inside of me and experience nothing other than sheer pleasure. And what pleasure it was.

Like a pro, the guy moved slowly in and out of me to make everything last so much longer. Each time he pushed into me my asslips gripped onto him, shucking his foreskin and exposing his naked knob to the recesses of my rectum. Instinctively he drove his hardness into me, raking over my butt nut that I didn't even understand at that point in my young life. All I knew is that when Kevin's cock slid over it I shuddered. When he finally bottomed out in my butt he pushed against something that I wanted him to touch over and over again. And each time he did I involuntarily gripped onto him tighter and tighter. Dudes, I was getting fucked! Moving in and out of me faster and faster, he fucked a steady flow of dick honey out of me. I was starting to feel that tingle in my balls that I always did before I came. Just as suddenly as I felt it ebb, it would subside as he pulled out of me. Over and over again, he was taking me to a plane that I'd never traveled before. Not surprisingly though, huh? I mean how many guys take it up the ass at 17?

Oh, to go back and live that moment over again! I can't tell you how exciting it was that afternoon to discover that the pleasures of buttfucking were even better than I'd imagined. As the moments wore on we began working together in unison. I gave and he took. I gave him more and more of my assguts and like a real man he took all of that and more from me. The fuck began taking on a new intensity and a greater sense of urgency. I didn't know where the man was taking me but I just knew that I wanted to be taken there, 8 glorious fucking inches at a time.

"UNNNGGGHHHHH!" I started moaning louder and louder. I couldn't help myself. And it seemed the louder I got the more encouragement I got from him.

"Fuckin' A, Dude! Fuckin' you in the ass!" he groaned. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth and he was drooling down on me as he put it to me.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" I heard someone yell. It wasn't Kevin. And it sure wasn't me. For a nanosecond my mind couldn't comprehend. Until I recognized the voice. It was my old man! Horrifically, he was standing in the doorway of my bedroom! FUCK! Completely involved in our fuck, neither one of us had heard him come in the house, let alone rip the door to my room open. All at once the old man went fucking berserk.....

Well, there it is guys. The naked truth of how I came out to my dad. Pretty fucked, huh? I'd rather not go into great detail about what happened immediately after that. Suffice it to say however, that I was in deep shit. This completes the Nailed series. This Chapter closes the gap between this series and my "A Few Good Men" series in Nifty's Military section. I think you can read between the lines as to where I'm off to next, huh?

As always, I love sharing my experiences with you guys. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact me at

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