
By Billy Bob

Published on Mar 18, 2002


Along with Nailed - Parts I and II, the following story is a continuation of the story of my coming of age. I hope you enjoy it. Of course, all of it contains descriptions of sex between guys. If you don't enjoy such stories or if you are under 18 or if such stories are not legal where you live, you shouldn't read any further. You've been warned.

Nailed - Part III

Things changed a bit when I started to drive in the fall of my Junior year of High School. My old man had given me an old '57 Ford pickup when I was 15. It needed a lot of work but I'd honed my mechanic skills as a kid in my old man's auto shop, so that was no big deal. Long before I got my license on my 16th birthday, I had that truck running like a top and ready to go. Once I was set loose with my own wheels on the West Texas landscape I had quite a bit more freedom to look for mansex encounters.

There was a bowling alley in the next town down the road. I'd long since discovered the glory holes in the men's room there but had never had the chance to go there alone before. Not surprisingly, that's where I headed when I started driving. It sure wasn't hard to find a cocksucker there so, needless to say, I got a few blow jobs. Though I loved sucking cock, I just couldn't bring myself to suck guys off anonymously like that so I stuck to being on the receiving end of that fun. It was nice getting sucked off though, so I played there on and off for about 4 or 5 months. I soon grew tired of the one-sidedness of that and was looking for more than just a quick blow job in some sleazy bathroom. That just wasn't for me. I wanted naked man- to-man contact and a helluva lot more than blowing. I just didn't know where else to go to find guys except that bowling alley bathroom, so that's where I looked for something more. Unfortunately that led to a couple of encounters where I quickly got in over my head and that scared the hell outta me. So I gave it up.

Without regular action, my dick began to try to talk me into all kinds of things. I was scared though so I just stuck around close to home and hoped for the best. I think I damn near wore my cock out jacking off over all the hot fantasies I had at that young age. I'd take turns, night after night, getting off over thoughts and dreams about getting it on with one hot man after another. This guy named Kevin from school started taking up a lot of my thinking and jacking off time.

Kevin was one hot guy. He had always been quite mature physically. I'd actually known who he was since Junior High but really didn't know him very well. I'd always thought he was sexy. Probably because he was! He could easily grow a full beard by the time he was like 15 or 16 and often had a couple days growth, which he got shit for from school administrators. They didn't like the awesome sideburns and moustache he grew either. With those ornaments, the face of a young man was highlighted perfectly, showing off his sexy fucking lips and brown eyes that seemed to bore a hole into my soul. He was just under 6' tall and I'd guess he weighed in at about 165 or so. Kevin had a hot and tight body including an ass that just wouldn't quit. The shape and the way his pants wrapped around it was awesome. Even though I didn't know him personally, I had learned from seeing him in Junior High gym class that he was uncut and that his hard butt was furry. Even at that early age, both excited me.

Kevin was a rowdy guy. Sort of a "bad boy". His parents were English I think, and he had a tiny bit of their accent. In small town West Texas, that didn't go unnoticed. I was 16 in the second half of my Junior year when he and I were in a Graphic Arts/Photography class together. He was a Senior and just a few months shy of 19. He'd obviously been held back a year somewhere.

One day late in the term we were all sitting around one of the worktables in our Graphic Arts/Photography class and talking as young guys will do. Not surprisingly, the conversation turned toward sex. Somehow it was mentioned that some guy in school had gotten a blow-job at some glory hole somewhere. No stranger to glory hole suck-offs, my ears perked up. There were lots of comments from the other guys like, "Oh, gross!" and, "How could he!" and lots of shit like that. Kevin had remained pretty quiet until all that started.

"You guys are too much," he stated simply.

"What?" one of the guys asked with surprise.

"You guys act so self righteous about who you'd let blow you and most of you haven't even had a blow- job," he said calmly. Nobody really said much. They all just looked around at one another. There was an uneasy silence.

"I have," one of the guys spoke up.

"Yah, but how many times?" Kevin asked.

"I dunno," he answered.

"Well, I'll tell you how many times. Not very many, right?"

"Well, yah," the guy said sheepishly. Everybody laughed again nervously.

"That's because not many girls our age are willing to suck dick," Kevin explained to some more uneasy laughs.

"I suppose you've had a lot of blow-jobs?" one of the big football players challenged.

"Lots," Kevin said simply.

"And I suppose you'd let some guy blow you?" the jock continued.

"Sure," Kevin said immediately to a chorus of groans. "Oh, get over yourselves, guys. What the hell do you care who's sucking on your dick?"

"It's so gay!" a shocked classmate said. There were a few nervous titters.

Kevin shook his head. "Just because you let some guy suck your dick doesn't make you gay," he explained. "HE probably is, but it doesn't make you gay!" he said with a smile. A roar of laughter followed. Our little chat about blow jobs was soon interrupted by the teacher. The whole conversation had intrigued me. I was especially interested in Kevin's contribution. All I could think about is sucking his uncut dick. It had been a long time since I'd seen it in P.E., but it was indelibly etched in my mind. Just about all the uncut guys we ever saw were Latinos, so an uncircumcised guy like Kevin never went unnoticed in our neck of the woods. Certainly none of `em went unnoticed by me.

Kevin and his comments were on my mind for two days between classes. It kind of drove me crazy. As chance would have it, Kevin and I were working together on a project together in class. That meant that we had to work in the dark room, where Kevin liked to smoke. Oh, yah. Kevin smoked too. It drove the teacher mad trying to figure out just who doing it. I'd just watch Kevin's hot body and try not to get hard. We were working side by side developing some pictures and the male scent coming from him was making me all hot and bothered. From the scent of him, I'm pretty sure the guy didn't wear deodorant. I wanted to talk some more about what he'd brought up in class to the other guys. I was so nervous about bringing it up that my mouth was dry and my fucking heart was pounding so hard in my chest I was sure he could here it.

I don't know how, but I gathered enough courage to say, "You know you freaked out those guys the other day,"

"Oh? How?" he replied innocently.

"When you were talking about blow jobs," I explained.

"Oh," he said, "that's no big deal"

"To you maybe, but those guys were a little freaked"

"Yah, well that's too bad," he said. "Fuckers sit around and talk shit about stuff they know nothing about. They're so fuckin' small minded"

"Did you really mean what you said?" I pressed on nervously.

"You mean when I said they'd never gotten head?" he joked.

"No!" I laughed. "That's a given"

"Have you ever?" he asked directly. I blushed with embarrassment. Nobody had ever asked me that before. My first blowjob was when I was 14. My family was on a camping trip and some guy coaxed me into giving it up to him through a glory hole in the camp bathrooms. He actually blew me twice that night. I wanted to run away at first but my dick did all the thinking for me. I stuck my dick through the hole and felt a mouth on it for the first time in my life. I was off like a fucking rocket! The second I felt that hot mouth on my dick I came. Torrents of cum shot out of me. The man swallowed it all and convinced me to come back later that night. When I did, he prolonged the next blow job by gripping the base of my dick and squeezing when he sensed I was gonna cum. That kept me from jetting for a long while. I'll never forget that. Thing was, I couldn't tell Kevin about that or the bowling alley guys that had sucked me off since. I would have died before I did.

"Well, yah," I answered sheepishly.

"Well, then you know," he said without challenging me. Smart guy, that Kevin. "You know what a blow job is. Those pussies out there have no idea. They're dicks and they'd rather talk shit about it than go out and get head"

"Yah, I guess so," was all I could mutter.

"So how many times have you gotten head?" Kevin asked.

"Just a few," I lied.

"Few more than 99% of the guys in school," he said, shrugging casually. Several minutes went by with us working on film and stuff before I continued the conversation.

"So, you get a lot of head?" I asked nervously.

"Not so much anymore," he answered. "Let's just say my connection dried up!" We laughed at that one.

"You'd really let a dude suck your dick?" I asked bravely.

"Shit yah!" he answered immediately. "Guys really are the best," he continued with authority. It was obvious he knew this first hand.

"Yah?" I asked, hoping he'd elaborate. He didn't disappoint me.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I love pussy but very few girls wanna put out. Even fewer will give head. I just gotta have it though"

"No doubt!" I laughed nervously again.

"I mean it," he said seriously. "Once you get used to getting it on a regular basis, it's kinda hard to go back to the teenage jack-off-when-you-can scene." Boy, I knew all the words to that song!

"So whaddya gonna do, Kev?" I asked.

"Look around for a new cocksucker, I guess," he replied sort of noncommittally. My heart started racing even faster. I couldn't help but wonder if the hunk had any special ideas about me.

"Yah? Where do you do that?"

"Oh, you'd be surprised," he chuckled. "You can find a cocksucker in the oddest of places"

"Hmmmmmm," was all I could say. A couple of minutes of silence passed.

"Like in darkrooms," he boldly continued the conversation as if there'd been no break in it. We were working side by side but not looking at one another. I swallowed hard as my heart leapt in my chest. Even as young and dumb as I was, it was pretty obvious to me that the guy was coming on to me. Still and all, I just couldn't let myself go in case it was some kind of trap. He just kept cool, so I kept silent. "Right?" he piped up a minute or so later.

"Huh?" I asked, playing dumb.

"I said a guy could even find a cocksucker in a darkroom." He just wasn't going to let it go. Not that I could blame him. I wanted him to press on.


"Oh, yah!" he stated matter-of-factly. Again, the air was thick with silence while we continued to work on our project. "So whaddya think?" he finally asked.

"About what?" I answered, trying to play dumb but hoping to God that he wouldn't drop the conversation.

"Jesus! Are you deaf or something?" he laughed. Looking at me straight in the eye he continued, "You gonna suck my dick or not?"

"What?" I asked with surprise. Surprised that he'd been so direct, yes. Disappointed, no. My head began pounding loudly to the beat of my heart. I sensed I was on the way to somewhere I definitely needed to be.

"Aw, c'mon, Dude!" he said with a grin. "I really need a blow job and you seem like you're just a little bit interested in helping a guy out"

"What gave you that impression?" I queried nervously.

"Oh, I dunno. Just a feeling I have in my h-a-r-d," he punned as he rubbed the front of his pants. I looked down. Right there before my eyes the guy brought himself from half hard to a full erection. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it.

"Gawd, Kev," I gulped. "This is just too weird"

"No biggee," he whispered, his voice heavy and raspy. "Either you want it or you don't. No harm in me asking, is there?"

"Naw, I guess not," I gulped.

"It's cool you know"


"Yah," he soothed. "It's cool if you don't want to. But I think you do. And I'm sure as hell not gonna say anything to anyone if you do," he assured.

I looked back up into his eyes. "Yah?"

"No fuckin' way," he whispered the affirmative phrase we all used back then. Having one last thought that it might still be a trap, I slowly stepped back from the action. But I couldn't keep my eyes off the hard bulge in his pants that he was slowly working. "It's cool, Dude," he soothed again. I was sensing that he was sincere. The fucker was just so goddamned cool and collected about it. I was sweating like a fucking pig and my heart was about to explode out of my chest. We just stood there like that. He was rubbing. I was staring. Without speaking, I communicated by looking up into his eyes again. He smiled. "No pressure. If you want it, it's here for you. If you don't, no harm, no foul, huh?"

"Yah," I croaked. He smiled.

"You want it though, don't you?" he cooed. I nodded my head. "Then don't be bashful. Come and get it, man. It's just you and me and the red light's on," he said, reminding me that nobody would open the door because it looked like we were exposing film. "C'mon, Sean" he finished, reaching for my hand. I let him grip onto it and take it to him. He guided my hand to his hardness. The heat coming off of it was incredible. Once again I looked up into his eyes. "Yah!" he purred as he removed his hand from mine.

Gripping onto his bone, I exhaled deeply and said, "Oh, man!"

"This is just what you've been looking for, isn't it?"

"Yah," I answered nervously. I was shaking a little bit.

"Then go for it"

"You sure?"

He nodded and smiled. "Just you and me, Dude," he sweet talked. He undid his belt and unbuttoned his 501s. All there was between me and his cock was the boxers he was wearing. "Go on," he encouraged, motioning toward his boner. I reached through the fly and carefully wrapped my hand around his hard on. Fuck! As soon as I did, my own bone belched a heady goo into my pants. "Ahhhh!" he moaned as I worked his foreskin up and down his shaft. He was wet on my palm.

I didn't really know what to do next but I needn't have worried. Kevin placed his hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me down. Not that it took much pressure. I went to my knees before him. He pulled his pants and boxers down, forcing me to pull my hand out of his fly. Right there in front of me a nearly 19 year old and hard 8 inch cock sprung into view. Standing at about a 75 degree angle, the head was almost completely covered with foreskin. The very tip of the head shown wetly in the low light of the dark room. His man sized balls hung low and were covered in the same light brown hair that exploded around his thick shaft. My mouth watered. Without much more coaxing I moved in. As I neared the target, I could smell the heady man scent wafting from his pubes and crotch. Even over the chemical smells in the room. I pulled his rod down to get my mouth around it. Just before I got down on it, I smelled that awesome scent of uncut cock. Right there at school, in the relative privacy of that dark room, with my classmates just 10 feet away, I fuckin' went down on Kevin.

As he slid his cock in my mouth, the foreskin peeled back and exposed his knob. Instantly the tangy taste of all the leavings trapped under his skin exploded over my tongue. My mouth watered and I got that almost painful tingling sensation below my ears you get when your taste buds go into overload. I was conscious of the fact that others may want to use the dark room, so I wasted no time in getting down to business. Covering my teeth with my lips I went to work on the guy that I'd lusted over since Junior High school. Based on the reaction I got from him, I confirmed my status as a good cocksucker. Hell, Leo had never complained, so I didn't expect Kevin would either.

"Oh, cocksucker!" he moaned. "You are fuckin' good!"

"Ummmmhmmmmmm!" I hummed on his hardness as I moved down on it and into my throat.

"OH FUCK!" he hissed. "You can deep throat that bad boy too!" He sounded amazed.

I gave it my best and, seeing as though we both knew that we couldn't take too much longer and the fact that he was almost 19, it didn't take all that long before he was locked and loaded. His balls drew up tight, giving the signal that I was all too familiar with. Before long he started breathing really heavy and ramming his cock all the way into me and down my throat. I reached up and held onto his ass as he face fucked me. My fingers luxuriated in the fur on his ass cheeks as he took his last few strokes. Suddenly, he froze in mid stroke and shot a healthy load of ball beer into my mouth. His cum was salty and strong tasting. I know now that it was probably because he smoked. He shot so much seed it filled my mouth before I swallowed hard and fast and drank every fucking drop of it. As many uncut guys experience, his cock head became super sensitive as he ejaculated and my swallowing motions were just enough to cause him to jerk and groan in a pleasant torture. I damn near came in my pants at the thought that I'd just sucked him off.

Holding my head completely still, he was spasming involuntarily as his orgasm subsided. My cock was so hard it was about to tear out of my pants. I regretted that I hadn't jacked off as I blew him. Before long, he pulled his still hard cock out of my mouth. I saw the foreskin slip back over the head and create an overhang about a half an inch long. With his pants down and his cock hanging out, Kevin leaned back against the work table to catch his breath.

"Fuck, Dude!" he panted. "Where the fuck did you learn to suck cock like that?"

"I dunno," I answered sheepishly, rubbing my boner through my pants.

"You are some fine cocksucker," he said smiling. Reaching down to pull up his pants, he continued, "I could get used to that"

"Cool," was all I could say.

"Yah?" he queried.

"Yah," I answered affirmatively.

"Fuck an A!" he said excitedly. "Let's get together again soon, huh?"

"When?" I questioned. I was ready to go. Remember, I had a neglected hard on in my pants and a serious ass case of blue balls.

"Any time you want," he answered quickly as he pushed his softening dick into his boxers. The foreskin overhang was over an inch long at that point.

"Ok. Where?"

"My Mom's home all the time. Is yours?" I shook my head. "Can we go to your house?"

"Yah." My Mom went to work when I was about 12, so nobody was home until 5:30. I kept gripping myself.

"Sorry you didn't get off, Dude," he apologized, motioning toward my obvious problem. If I wasn't careful I was about to cum in my pants. "Wanna do it today?" he continued. I nodded again.

That started a helluva run with Kevin. He was a no holds barred kind of guy. What started as a blow job between two High School buddies, quickly blossomed into some serious man-to-man action. I have to say that I quickly learned that Kevin was not a boy. Even though he was a Senior in High School, he was all man.

After that first blow job in the dark room at school, we quickly moved onto the more private setting of my bedroom. They say that the greatest part of a man's thinking time is about sex when he's 19. Kevin was nearly there and living proof that it was true. I started spending more and more time with him in my bedroom after school and less and less time in my Dad's shop. It was easy to do so and not raise any suspicions from my Dad because I just told him I was involved in projects at school If there was one thing that redneck fucker didn't care about---and furthermore didn't question---was school.

I learned to suck Kevin's cock just like he liked it. He was a patient teacher and I was an excellent student. It only took a couple of weeks before the guy was hooked on my awesome cocksucking skills. I loved everything about Kevin's cock. He wasn't big but it was the perfect size to go down on. And with him I was able to freely explore my love of foreskin. I loved the scent and the taste of his uncut cock. That man lay back and let me suck him off just about every day for weeks. I learned to love the sensation and taste of him cumming in my mouth and we all know that there's nothing like a man cumming in your mouth!

At first we'd just go into my room, Kevin would pull his pants and boxers down and I'd suck him while he was standing. As he began to last longer and longer however, he began pulling his pants down further and sitting in a chair. He had a hard and tight body that had hardly a hair on it above his waist but was pretty furry below. While he was sitting, his pants were down around his ankles and his legs were spread. That gave me access to his balls and the furry crack below them. One day I swooped down on his balls and couldn't get enough. While I jacked his foreskin up and down his shaft and over the super slick knob of his cock, I sucked his sperm factories and inhaled the heady scent of a sweaty young man. That led to exploration lower and lower until finally I was lifting his legs to get at his butt. That's the day Kevin took his pants completely off, something he did from then on. That's when things got interesting. From then on he'd get naked and lay on my bed as soon as we'd get to my house.

With just my pants undone enough to jack off, I sucked Kevin's cock and ate his ass for about a week before he told me to take my clothes off. One afternoon I had my tongue planted as far up his ass as I could reach when he spun me around into a 69 position. From there he didn't suck me but instead he proceeded to jack me off. Knowing he was going to get me off, I quickly swooped down on his boner and sucked him off. He kept up the hand job long enough for me to shoot my load all over his belly and arm. Right after that he froze in place and jetting his jizz in my mouth.

One afternoon, after we'd been fucking around for like 3 weeks, I was sucking his cock and he was especially aroused. He seemed restless and harder than usual. If that's possible for an 18 year old! Right in the middle of my blow job, he pulled me off his cock and spun me around so that I was face down on the bed. In a flash, Kevin was laying on my back with his hard cock running up and down my asscrack. Dry fucking my hard ass mounds, his breaths became hard and labored. The man was more hot and bothered than I'd ever seen him.

"You're a great cocksucker, you know that, Sean?" he cooed in my ear.

"Yah! I like sucking your cock," I replied.

"You just like everything about men, don't you?" he asked.


"In fact, you need a man bad, huh?"

"Oh, yah!" I groaned. I was totally getting off on him dry humping me.

"Can you fuck as good as you suck?" he hoarsed as he jabbed his jizz bone at my crack. Neither one of us had ever mentioned fucking in all the times we'd been together. I felt as if we'd crossed a line.

"Dunno, Kev," was all I could say.

"Betcha can," he encouraged, really getting into it. This went on for like a minute or more before he said, "Goddamn, Sean. You make me want to fuck you!"

And with that, I suddenly knew that I was about to be initiated into the joys of the most intimate act between two men.

As always, I love sharing my experiences with you guys. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact me at

Next: Chapter 4

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