
By Billy Bob

Published on Feb 21, 2002


Along with Nailed - Part I, the following story is a continuation of the story of my coming of age. I hope you enjoy it. Of course, it contains descriptions of sex between guys. If you don't enjoy such stories or if you are under 18 or if such stories are not legal where you live, you shouldn't read any further. You've been warned.

Nailed - Part II

I told you earlier that Leo was both part of my biggest fantasy come true and the worst nightmare of my young life as well. Too this day, he is the epitome of the type of man that I want and need. All of that is true. Before I get too far, I have a confession to make. In Part I of this story, I said several times that I was 16. I think that's because when I wrote it, I was embarrassed to say that I was actually younger. I was 15. Like being 16 sounds so much better, huh? Whatever. The truth is that I met Leo at the beginning of my Sophomore year in High School. He was 17 and a Senior. I started messing around with him after the new semester started at the end of January. Anyway you look at it, I was still 15. I was 15 going on 30 in my desires for mansex.

After that first time when Leo nailed me, we had a short run of hot times before things took a decidedly different turn in our friendship. It's the hot times I remember very well. Leo continued to want head from me and, for a young man-lover like me, that was a very cool thing. After all, I got to blow my fantasy man often and perfect my cocksucking skills which came in handy later on! I quickly learned the wonders of cocksucking and swallowing a man's nut cream. That he let me eat his hairy fucking ass on a regular basis was an added bonus. Given those, things were pretty cool with Leo and I. Because both of his parents worked, we had run of the house. So we hung out and played one-on-one basketball at his house after school. Even though I worked for my Dad in his shop, I was able to take a days off after school here and there. The only interest my old man ever seemed to take in me were the beatings he gave me on a fairly regular basis. So he never questioned me when I told him that I had after-school sports. So, you see, wasn't a total lie! Leo and I would play long and hard at the hoop in his driveway before retiring to his bedroom with our asses kicked.

After that first blow-job, Leo was a bit nervous asking for another. I made it easy for him by telling him that anytime he wanted another, all he had to do was whip it out. So he did. In fact, Leo wouldn't just whip it out in the privacy of his bedroom. He actually got pretty brazen about whipping it out for head. The fucker whipped out his cock often and I took to it like a starving man each and every time. He took great pride in showing off his manhood to me. More than once he pulled out his cock for me to suck when we were in his pickup truck. Usually it was while we were sitting somewhere, but once in a while he'd whip it out while we were on the road. Once, we were sitting in his truck during lunch break in the parking lot at school. He'd pulled his cock out and, after looking around cautiously, I went down on him. Thoroughly into it, I gave him my best. We were both so into the blow job that we never heard a buddy of ours sneak up on the truck. Leo was lost in ecstasy and only saw Ron just about 2 seconds before he popped his head up to the window. Fortunately, the windows were up due to the chilly weather. Leo pushed my head away and covered his exposed dick in just the nick of time. It was a horribly close encounter, enough so that we never fooled around much outside of the house again.

So, for a few months I was in total mansex heaven. Leo was getting his cock sucked and ass eaten like he'd never had in his life. But let's face it, how much experience at either could a 17 year old guy like him have? It was totally one-sided of course, as Leo never reciprocated but, hey, I was doing all the nasty things I wanted to do to my fantasy man so it was way cool to me. Life was pretty awesome during the winter and spring of my Junior year in high school.

Just after Leo graduated, things took a different turn however. Leo started avoiding me. Because of my youthful inexperience, I just couldn't understand why. I had taken painstaking steps to make sure that I never went any further than Leo was willing to go and I constantly reminded him that he wasn't the gay one. I did everything I could to ensure I'd be able to go on doing the nasty with the man that I'd fallen head over heels for. As a guy on his way to becoming a master mechanic and very masculine in his own right, my appearance never began to hint that I was gay. So there was no way anybody outside of Leo or I would have known I was his cocksucker. In any event, when Leo stopped hanging around with me it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was pretty torn up about it.

Some weeks later he called me over for some one-on-one Basketball. Shooting hoops in his driveway got pretty physical that afternoon. Just bumping up against him again was enough to get me going. That I could smell his strong man scent as we worked out made things even better. I think we played for over an hour before moving to his bedroom afterwards. His room always smelled the same. It was a hot mixture of man smells. The scent of sweat and armpits and balls and crotch and butt all sat heavy in the air. I really got off on it. So much so that I flopped down on my belly on one of the beds in the room to conceal my growing hardon. Not that I was ashamed of my dick. At 7 inches, it's better than average and very presentable. I just didn't think Leo would want to be reminded that I too had one. It had been weeks since I'd seen my fantasy man and I sure didn't want to freak him out again, as I was convinced at that young age that I'd done something "wrong" to make him stop hanging around me in the first place. We just lay around for a while sipping on sodas and shooting the shit. It was like old times. There was a lull in the conversation and the silence was a little uncomfortable. It was for me anyway.

Finally, Leo broke the silence. "Um-----Dude," he started, stammering a little. It was funny to hear such a southern boy use the "cool" terms we did.

"Yah?" I answered, helped him along.

"Um-----I-----um-----well----um, I was wondering if..." he trailed off.

"....ifffff?" I coaxed a little, sensing where the conversation was going and wanting it to do so.

"I----um----was wondering if y'all still might wanna do what y'all used to do?" he asked sheepishly in that sexy fucking southern drawl so different from my West Texas twang. Straight guys are so weird about asking for head. As if just asking is going to "make" them gay. As if!

"What I used to do?" I asked, knowing we were on the same page.

"Um----yah," he hesitated. "Ya know"


"Yah, what?"

"Yah, I know," I said before continuing, "and yah I will." After all, what the hell did I have to lose? He already knew I was a cocksucker.



"Oh, man! I need it bad," he groaned, groping himself.

"Dude, I told you before to let me know when you want it!"

"Well, that's what I'm doing"

"Sure as hell took you long enough," I teased. This is the one place where I could turn the tide on him.

"Well, yah. Um..," he sputtered.

"So why'd ya wait so long?"

"Dunno. It kinda freaks me out sometimes," he confessed.

"But not now, huh?" I smiled.

"No," he said, smiling sheepishly. He was so fucking hot!

"Fuckin' whip it out, Dude!" I blurted, getting up to close the distance between he and I.

Leo didn't say much else, he just stood and pulled his shorts and briefs down to his ankles. Standing there, he was so fucking hot. He was, in every sense of the word, a man. I could clearly see that he had a man's body on him as well. His full and proud cock was half hard. It hung nicely over those large and pronounced balls of his. And everything was covered in that thick and luxurious dark hair that I'd lusted for from the first day I saw him. His foreskin hung just about a quarter of an inch below his ample knob and I could swear I saw a glisten of hump honey at the very tip. I moved to my knees in front of him.

"Sit down," I said, motioning to the bed.

He sat and his manscent got stronger as I moved closer to his growing hardness. Looking in his eyes the whole time, I ran my hands over his furry thighs. He obviously liked the feel of that. Spreading his legs was hampered by his shorts bunched around his ankles so I reached down and pulled them off. In doing so I could feel the heat coming from his briefs. On a whim, still looking him in the eye, I took them in my hand and held them close to my face and inhaled deeply. They were wet with his sweat and ripe with his scent. My boner bounced in my pants. I set the briefs aside with the shirt of mine that I'd tossed on the bed. There was no question they were leaving with me. Leo just chuckled, shook his head and gave me that look that told me he thought I was a sick fuck. I continued rubbing his legs and the look in his eye changed the closer I got to his cock and balls. As I moved my fingers closer to his prized package, his breathing got a tad bit more labored and his eyes closed a little.

"Lie back," I ordered softly. He complied.

A fucking god was laid out in front of me and I was going to get to blow him. From my angle on my knees between his legs, the sight was awesome. In the distance I could see across his rippled belly up to his hard pecs, capped by some seriously aroused nipples. Loving that he was covered in fur, I ran my fingers up his thighs and into his dense pubic bush. I could feel the sweaty heat of his crotch and when my fingers softly caressed his balls I found them hot and hanging heavy and low in their sac, wet with man sweat. His cock was standing straight up hard and proud out of the heavy pubic bush. There definitely was a wet spot at the tip of his foreskin.

"Oh, man, that's a hard cock!" I whispered as I closed my grip around it. He moaned quietly. Leo had a beautiful cock. It was meaty and thick and it didn't lack for length. Not the longest cock in the world, but it was sure better than average. And I was about to suck it once again.

I started licking his hairy thighs, alternating from one side to the other, and moving closer and closer to his prize package. The heady manscent of his crotch and pubic area got stronger and stronger as I neared my target. Pushing his legs apart even further, I moved in on that sensitive area surrounding a man's balls. Leo sucked air in noisily between his teeth as I licked his the sweaty flesh of his groin. Pulling his foreskin up his shaft as far as I could, his balls rose right in front of my face. They were certainly man sized and substantial. Churning with the activity of making billions of sperm, they moved in their sac and invited me to suckle them. The saltiness of his scrotum spread over my tongue as I took his right testicle into my mouth. I heard a large and relaxed sigh from Leo, telling me that he was glad he was a man. I sucked on those baby makers for several minutes, bathing them in the warmth of my ever salivating orifice. As he began to get more and more turned on I licked them with more force and moved on to the junction of his leg and groin. Jerking about as I tortured him so sweetly with my tongue, his head rolled around and he gripped onto the bedspread below him. Teasing the guy unmercifully, I licked and sucked all around his throbbing shaft. I worked the length of him without actually getting near the super sensitive head, now partially exposed because the foreskin simply couldn't cover everything when he was fully hard.

Finally, I couldn't stand the suspense myself so I licked right up the underside of his organ until I was at the tip. I think I might have stared at it for a few seconds before I peeled back his skin sock and exposed the angry red head of the monster. It was swollen and wet and the musky scent of uncut cock instantly shot through me. My cock surged in my shorts, reminding me to let it loose. Before I did, I closed the silky wetness of my cocksucking mouth over and down the shaft of his manhood.

"AW, GAWD, SEAN!" the aroused man groaned out loud.

I began slowly slurping up and down the full length of him as I reached into my shorts to free myself. My underwear were soaked the precum that had been flowing since I'd started bumping against Leo while we were shooting hoops. It didn't take long before my dick was very slippery in my palm, heightening my pleasure. For the next several minutes I worshipped at Leo's phallic temple with my mouth as my free hand massaged his balls. Tasting the nectar that was flowing from him, I squeezed his gonads to get even more. That awesome taste of cock and foreskin filled my mouth and drove me deeper into a cocksucker trance.

When I noticed that his balls were beginning to draw up tighter, I swooped down on them and sucked them into my mouth. Due to their size I had to really work to get both of them in my mouth at the same time. But, like a true man-loving man, I was able to do it. Sucking and laving both of his stones drew my face right up against him so that my nose was mashed against the hard shaft I was working with my left hand as I made music on my own with the right. That incredible fucking smell of male was strong in the thick and coarse hairs around his cock, a telltale sign that he'd sweated a lot that day. Because I knew it felt good to him, I tried to swallow his sperm factories. In doing so, I thrust my tongue forward, sticking out of my mouth and onto that hard cord of hair-covered flesh below his balls. >From there I savored the salty flavor of the man's crotch. Leo reacted to that action by pulling his feet up onto the bed, exposing more of his crotch to me. We were pretty in tune with one another at that moment.

Spitting his balls out, I quickly moved further down on that hard cord until the earthy scent of his butthole took control of my brain and my dick and my entire body. My tongue shot out, trying to get at his most private place. My nose was jamming against his balls and the base of his erect cock, preventing me from going any further. No stranger to that dilemma with him, I quickly let go of my manhood and pushed both of his thighs forward, driving his knees to his sides. In a flash, his butthole was exposed and in reach. Like a starving man, I wasted no time closing in on my new target. I licked and nipped all around it before closing in on his tight pucker. The tastes and scents of sweat and manhole consumed me, driving me madly forward until I licked right across his tightly clenched brown eye. Millions of tastebuds came alive as I savored that essence of man. To this day I have no idea how, at such a young age, I first started fantasizing about eating Leo's ass. I'd never even heard of guys doing it before. However, from the first time I saw his hairy man-ass, I lusted after it and wanted to eat it. And eat it I did!

"UNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" he moaned as I licked and sucked his manhole. The guy was lost in another world.

Probing inside of him with the tip of my tongue, I slowly worked him open. The wonderful earthy tastes and musky smells consumed me. My cock was so hard, I thought it would break as it rubbed against the bedspread when I lunged to get my tongue deeper inside the guy. The thick and curly hairs of his hard butt cheeks pressed against my smooth face. My nose was pressed against the very base of the hard cord of flesh running from below his balls and into his asshole. The texture of his flesh on my tongue changed from the roughness of hair-covered flesh to wrinkled asslips stretched so tuat to finally that smooth and tender flesh as I was able to push deeper inside of him. Gawd, even at 15 I knew that there's nothing like eating a guy's ass! While his breathing got harder and harder, he allowed himself to open up more and more, surrendering his most private inner flesh to me. And he fucking loved it. Hell, what guy wouldn't?

I went into asseater heaven and licked and probed as deeply as I could inside of the man that turned me on so much. Knowing that he really wanted head, I paid attention to his bone by working the foreskin up and down the shaft, alternately covering and uncovering the throbbing knob at the end. From all the heavy breathing and moaning and groaning coming from him, I could tell it all felt good to him. He allowed me to chomp and slurp away for god knows how long before pulling me off and sitting up again. His hands were planted on the bed to the side and a little behind him, letting him lean back a bit. From that more relaxed position, the young man's cock was standing straight up at attention. Completely lost in listening to his dick, he guided me to his rigid rod. It was clear he was ready to be sucked off.

Once so ordered, I took the entire length of him in one swoop and began trying to get him into my throat. Although I have since learned to swallow a man and work his knob with my throat muscles, at 15 I was still trying to figure out how to impale myself on the cock that I loved so much. Up and down I worked the length of him and, despite my limited experience at cocksucking, I sure as hell wasn't getting any complaints from Leo. A constant flow of precum coated my tongue and I reveled in the flavor of it. I gave him my best by swirling my tongue all around the sensitive flesh of his naked knob. Then I thoroughly cleaned every square inch of the inside of his foreskin before plunging down the shaft toward his pubic bush, trying to get as much of him in my throat as possible.

I'd like to say that I enjoyed blowing him for a long time, but being 17---almost 18---means that while you may be good to go several times a day, you sure as hell don't last very long. And Leo was no exception. It seemed like only a few minutes after I started sucking him in earnest that I noticed the tell tale signs of his balls tightening up toward his shaft. No longer was the hairy sac hanging low with heat. As I massaged it, I felt that it had carried it's precious cargo north and retreated into a tough and leathery pouch at the base of his turgid tube. From the looks of that and the sounds coming from Leo, it was pretty clear we were on a course toward liftoff. More and more dick goo flowed out of the young man and I lapped up every bit of it. His groans got louder and louder and I felt his rocks nearly disappear as they snapped tight against the bone I was furiously working.

I could tell he was just seconds away from cumming. Holding his cock still, I ran the flat top of my tongue up and down the sensitive underside of his manhood. All the while I was rubbing up and down his lower shaft, over his balls and reaching with my fingers into that dark and dusky hair covered canyon to his butthole. That set him off. Predictably but suddenly, he raced to the finish line. I could feel the first spasms of his ejaculation and I knew I was about to get my tonsils painted with about a gallon of jizz. I knew it was time I got off so I reached down and wrapped my hand around my steely erection and jacked myself toward an orgasm.

"OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he groaned as the first jet catapulted through him and out into my mouth.

I locked and loaded the second I tasted his semen. Strong spurts from him exploded into my mouth. One after another filled me up. The wonderful nutty, earthy and slightly salty taste was almost as awesome as the knowledge that I was about to swallow that sexy fucking guy's rock sauce. As I did, I felt the slippery stuff slide down my throat. At that very instant my prostate exploded deep in my butt and I shot my own load. Shot after shot after shot jetted into my hand as Leo continued to pump his nut butter into me. I loved eating his cum at the same time my body was wracked in my own mind blowing orgasm. Even at that very young age, I was glad that I was a guy who loved guys. It was awesome and just like old times.

However, after it was all over it was anything but like old times. As soon as he'd gotten his nut, Leo jumped up and said curtly, "I gotta take a shower, Dude. Let yourself out." He walked right past me on his way to the bathroom, leaving me on my knees on the floor with a handful of my own spunk. A couple of seconds later I heard the water in the shower. To say I was a little stunned is an understatement. I don't know what I expected from him but being blown off like that hurt my pride. As I stood, I realized that I had a load of cum in my hand and, being a little pissed off, I reached for the shirt that Leo had tossed on the bed and wiped my hand on it. Then I gathered my own shirt, Leo's briefs, and high tailed it out of there.

When I got home I flopped myself onto my bed and reflected on the afternoon. All in all, it wasn't all that bad. After all, I'd been able to shoot some serious hoops with a hot guy, gotten into his pants, eaten his ass, sucked his dick and swallowed his cum. Just the thought of what I'd done made me hard. Of course, everything made us hard back then, didn't it! I quickly ripped off my shorts and briefs and lay naked on my bed. As I started thinking about what had gone on earlier at Leo's I played with myself. That's when I swear I could still smell the scent of his butt on me. With just the hot memory of it all, I jacked off for a while before reaching for the briefs of his that I'd taken. Though they were no longer warm, they were still wet with his sweat. Carefully placing the crotch of them over my nose, I inhaled the strong male scent of him from the cotton. It wasn't a minute later that rockets of cum shot out of my hard teenaged cock and up onto my chest, my neck, the pillow, the headboard and finally on my belly. It was a powerful cum that reminded me big time that I was a guy. Totally sated, I drifted off for a little nap while the ropes of cum I'd shot liquefied and ran down my sides where they would dry and flake. Not such a bad day for a 15 year old homo, huh?

Needless to say that I didn't hear from Leo for another couple of weeks. When I did we repeated the same scenario over and over again. We fell into this pattern where Leo would totally ignore me for a couple of weeks before he called me up. It was always on the auspices of wanting to shoot some hoops. We did that but afterward it was always the same. I'd blow him only to be dismissed for another couple of weeks. It was killing me. Things finally took on an ugly tone. Leo became very abusive and mean toward me. That was my biggest nightmare that I spoke of earlier. I just couldn't understand what was going on. I know now that my fantasy man was having a hard time with his masculinity. Leo and I have never talked about those days since. We've seen each other from time to time, but we just don't talk. It's a shame, but it's real. I still have the major hots for the guy.

I got over Leo that summer between my Sophomore and Junior years. I had to. It was made easier by the fact that he left for college in August. I missed him and I was jealous that he'd gotten away from that fucking dried up West Texas hellhole. I remember wondering if and how I was ever going to escape from there myself. I knew that my parents would never dream of sending me away to college as nobody from our family had ever been to college. Even though he'd treated me like dirt for months, I spent a great deal of that summer being so damned lonely for Leo. I spent most of the summer working out alone. I was very glad when school started again and I took to the new school year with a vengeance. Working, working out and schoolwork kept me busy and my mind off of Leo as well. It also helped to keep my mind off of sex with guys. That is until I started driving.

As always, I love sharing my experiences with you guys. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact me at

Next: Chapter 3

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