
By Billy Bob

Published on Aug 17, 1999


Back in the small town in which I grew up in there really wasn't much to do. Everybody pretty much knew everybody else and their business so there wasn't much opportunity to get into too much trouble. When I was a kid I hung out with the other boys my age doing all the things that country boys with time on their hands did. Sometimes that included some fooling around sexually----you know, just kid's stuff-----but nothing real serious. It seemed to me that I liked messing around a whole bunch more than any of the other guys, but I didn't give it too much thought at the time.

All of that changed for me when I entered adolescence. Once I got some hair under my arms and on my balls I began to take a whole new interest in other guys. My voice changed the summer between 7th and 8th grade. It was then that I discovered the joys of jacking off and shooting my load. Gym class took on a whole new meaning when we went back to school that fall. I was obsessed with other guys' bodies and how much hair they had on them. I was consumed with wonder at what was happening to my body and that of my buddies that I'd grown up with. It seemed that I always had a hardon. Few of the guys I saw in the showers at school were more developed than I and I found myself yearning to see what the guys in High School looked like. For the entire year of 8th grade I couldn't think of anything else other than getting to High School the next year and seeing 9th through 12th graders naked.

In due time I got my wish. High School gym class in our small town was a mixture of guys in every grade, sorted according to size and athletic ability. The array of guys----some of them fully developed men---- mesmerized me from the first week of my freshman year. I was in hog heaven while in the locker room before and after gym class and sporting events. There was simply too much dick around for a horny 14 year old homo like me. I can't say that there ever was a time when I was bothered by my obsession with the bodies and dicks of my friends and their older brothers. I guess I just listened to my dick. I pretty much just took the attitude that if it made me hard, it must be good. Of course I couldn't tell my buddies about any of that, so I kept it to myself.

Keeping cool about my desires wasn't always easy. As guys will do, we played football, basketball, wrestled and all kinds of other contact sports together. Even though I pretty much excelled at all of them, I looked at the game completely different than any of my close buddies. In those years of adolescence I discovered the fine scent of a man's sweaty body and the effect it had on my dick. Day after day I would find my jock soaking wet with precum after a long sports session.

As my High School years wore on my obsession with men's body hair grew stronger and stronger. To this day, the darker and thicker a guy's body hair is the harder my dick gets. That's probably because I never have been hairy. Since I've been 16 I've never grown any more body hair than the blond hair on my legs, under my arms and the small patch around my dick. To this day there's only a hint of a hair around my pink rosebud or on my high, bubble butt. Unlike many guys into guys, I was initially and still am more turned on by how hairy a guy is than how big his dick is. More than a few of the guys at school had hairy chests which I liked a lot. Nice to look at but I longed to touch. It was hairy asses that absolutely drove me to the brink in my youth. They still do. There were just a handful of guys in my school that had furry butts and I knew every one of `em. I loved every thing about their hairy asses. I wanted to touch them, feel them, lick them, smell them, eat them and-----yes, even at the tender age of 16----fuck them.

There were 2 guys in particular that I just had to get my hands on. One was a senior in my freshman year. He was incredibly cute and very hairy. He was one of the star athletes of the school, very popular with the girls and, despite the fact that his gym locker was 5 feet from mine, he didn't even know I existed. Over that one year that he changed next to me I stole 2 jocks and 3 pairs of underwear from him. My heart leaped out of my chest all the way home from school just at the thought of getting home and sniffing the scent of his hairy butt from them. At my young and tender age I would cream after just a couple strokes when I rubbed his sweaty undergarments against my face. To this day I can still remember the sweet smell of his butthole.

I said there were 2 guys. The first, although incredible, was 100% heterosexual. Despite every thing I did to hang out with him, he never took the least bit of interest in me. The second guy, two years ahead of me in school, changed my life forever. He was both part of my biggest fantasy come true and the worst nightmare of my life as well. Too this day, he is the epitome of the type of man that I want and need.

Leo and I met in a history class during the end of my sophomore year. His family moved from the south to our small town just before Thanksgiving in his senior year. He didn't know a soul at our school. We had similar interests so we fast became friends. Even though there was 2 years age difference between us we spent just about every minute of spare time together. I was enthralled with his dark haired, brown eyed, handsome looks. His strong southern accent was enough to melt me into submission. The hair on his chest was awesome as it trailed between his 6 pack abs and disappeared into his pants. The thick hair on his legs and lower back above his waist band gave promise to what I hoped would be a hairy butt. The high, tight and muscled butt mounds straining against his shorts when we played basketball were more than enough to keep my attention, but the thought of them being hairy was too much for me. When we'd sit around in shorts I'd carefully steal glances up his leg hoping to catch a glimpse of something. The 2 weeks that he was gone for Christmas vacation drove me crazy. I'd just gotten hooked on him and he was suddenly gone.

I was sure glad to see him when we returned to school after the new year. I was even more glad to learn that he'd gotten an old pick up truck for Christmas! With wheels we were free to explore everywhere. And we did. Leo was so fucking sexy that I had to wear a jock every time I was around him just to hide my throbbing boner. I loved the time we spent together. I can't tell you how many times I jacked off to the thought of his body and it's manly scent. In the few short weeks I'd known him I'd fallen hopelessly and madly in lust with him. So much so that I was constantly trying to devise a method of getting to see him naked. It's just that in January there just wasn't much of a reason to get naked!

All of that changed when Leo was put into the same gym class as me for the second semester. I remember to this day the first time I saw him naked! The first day of the new semester the coach really put us through our paces. We hit the showers dog tired and worn out. Despite the fact that my ass was kicked I was excited that I'd finally get to see Leo in the buff. It took every ounce of determination in me to not spring a boner at the thought. Our lockers were in different aisles so there was little chance of seeing him change. I stripped off my sweaty clothes and hit the showers in record time. Biding my time I kept a careful eye tuned to where Leo would enter the showers from. My imagination was working over time in anticipation. If I thought my imagination had been exciting the real thing was 10 times more so.

Leo sauntered into the showers in his totally natural and masculine way. Walking toward me but into a different set of shower stalls I saw the front of him, naked from head to toe, for the very first time. Even though I'd seen everything but his most private places before, the total picture took my breath away. Those broad shoulders and muscular arms merged with that hair covered chest never looked so good as they did right then. The wide swath of hair that split his six pack abs dove into the thickest pubic bush surrounding a buttfuckingly beautiful, thick and uncut cock that hung proudly over a pouch that looked like a hair covered sack of golf balls. I couldn't see his butt but the thick crop of hair on his legs and pubic bush thinned only slightly to cover the sides of him. He disappeared from view before I could get a look at his back side.

I stood stunned in the shower with my back to the rest of the room. All 7" of my cock stood stiff against my belly. In all of my 16 years I couldn't remember being harder-----or more afraid somebody would see me that way. I felt that tell tale burning in what I now know is my prostate, foretelling of an explosive orgasm. My heart raced, my face was flushed and I knew that if I touched myself I'd shoot a load of cum high into the air. For several minutes I concentrated on getting rid of my throbbing hardon. I closed my eyes, put my head under the water spray and thought of everything I could other than Leo. It was no use. All I could see in my minds eye was the incredible site I'd just witnessed. The warm water cascaded over my chest, down my belly and right onto my ultra sensitive cock head, sending me further and further down the line toward cumming. I moved closer to the spray so that it would cascade down my back, relieving me of the urgent need to cum. None the less the sensation of the warm water rolling over my ass pucker only heightened my excitement. My young prick throbbed familiarly, begging for attention at the same time my pucker's alternate dilation and tightening added a new dimension to sexual pleasure.

When I finally looked up I had a picture perfect view of the backside of Leo. He was standing at the edge of the tiled shower area drying off. The thick hair on his muscled legs didn't thin out a bit as it fanned out over two of the highest and hardest ass mounds I have ever seen to date. With one foot up on the wooden bench between the lockers he gave me a view that is permanently etched into my memory for all time. Below the dark, super hairy crevice of his ass crack I could see his ample balls and cock sway with his movement. The images that sight conjured up in my hormone crazed mind quickly converged into one giant, high voltage electrical jolt that shot straight to my groin at the speed of light. When it struck it ricocheted from my rising balls, to my asshole set aflutter to my white hot prostate deep inside of me. The nuclear melt down raging through my groin caused me to instinctively wrap my hand around my hard prick. My fingers moved up the rigid shaft. A nanosecond after the calluses on my hand rubbed over the underside of my dick head I lost all contact with the real world and slipped into the strongest and most violent orgasm of my young life.

The sensation was so incredibly strong that I involuntarily hunched forward and fell to my knees in ecstasy. My ears rang loudly, shutting off all exterior noise. As the water sprayed down on my back I remember feeling my balls snap tight as jism rocketed from my balls through the length of my pulsating pud and out into the cold, cruel world. Jet after jet of hot jism shot violently against my neck and face. As I gasped for breath more than one spurt shot past my open lips and into my mouth. Wave after wave of pleasure wracked my hard and muscular body as my balls flushed weeks of frustration from them. Every muscle in my groin was contracting involuntarily with orgasm. I distinctly remember hearing my butthole sucking loudly against the water pouring over it. I was lost in the most incredible sensations of my young life and oblivious to all that surrounded me.

When I finally came to my senses an undetermined time later I quickly stood again, hoping that nobody had seen me fall. A quick glance around the large shower stall confirmed that no one was immediately near me. I looked down to see the ropes of cum from my neck being washed down my belly to my legs and eventually to the drain. I hurriedly closed my mouth and pushed my face under the spray to wash my leavings away. Again looking around quickly I realized that nobody was paying any attention to me. With a grin I savored the slippery cock snot rolling across my tongue and basked under the warm spray in the after glow of that intense orgasm.

Yet later, I ran home and relived the images of naked Leo's face, chest, abs, cock, balls and hairy ass as I jacked off time and time again. The intensity of the shower jack off and each subsequent orgasm had caused me to hunch inward so strongly that by evening my abs were so sore and I was so tired that I just fell asleep before dinner. Even though I had never had sex with another guy, all night long I dreamed of sucking cock and buttfucking with Leo. There was no turning back from the events of that day and night. I awoke the next morning a 16 year old going on 30!

Over the next several weeks I enjoyed my daily fix of seeing Leo's hot and naked body in the showers at school. At 16, my sexual experience was limited to my hand and the one time I'd gotten blown twice in one night through a glory hole at a campground my family stayed at while on vacation. Even though I'd never really had sex with anyone I was consumed with doing all kinds of nasty things with Leo. More than anything I wanted to suck his cock. True to form though my thoughts got even nastier. Even at that young and tender age I fantasized about eating Leo's hairy ass. The scent of my own clean butt had always been an aphrodisiac so naturally I fantasized about Leo's. I wanted to taste him. I also didn't know much about buttfucking back then but I knew that I wanted to do it with Leo. I was consumed with thoughts about having sex with him.

One afternoon we'd played an especially hard game of one on one basketball at Leo's house. After a cold drink in the kitchen I took off for home. I'd only gotten a couple houses away before I realized that I'd forgotten my watch and house key in Leo's room where we'd changed. There was no answer at the door when I got back to his house but I could hear water running. I knew that he'd hopped in the shower, so I let myself in. I grabbed my stuff and started out the door of his room when the pile of clothes he'd just stripped out of caught my eye. Right on top was his jock. I was mesmerized by it. Without even thinking about it, I scooped it up and put it in my bag on my way out the door. My heart was pounding and my cock was hard all the way home.

When I got home I tore my clothes off, hopped on my bed and beat my wet weenie all the while sniffing Leo's scent from that soiled jock. He'd worn it several times so his man funk permeated the fabric. It was wet from his sweat. The pouch had piss stains and some crustiness that I could only assume was cum or precum. The straps were discolored from his man sweat. Their junction at the bottom of the pouch had obviously spent hours kissing his butthole because the scent poured from there. When I sniffed the scent of Leo's asshole I immediately shot my wad. Afterwards I just lay with that jock on my face and got lost in the smell of him. I lost count how many times I jacked off that night and the next several days while sniffing that jock. After a while it lost it's heady aroma which only drove me crazier to get into his pants.

I spent night after night devising more than one way of how I was going to get Leo naked with me away from school. I was so consumed with that mission that little did I know I was only too obvious to him. Leo wasn't exactly the brightest guy I knew, but I now know that once he figured out what I was up to he set about trying to confirm his suspicions. Because I was always thinking with my dick it didn't take him long to do so and before spring break he set me up for a confrontation.

We were at Leo's house one afternoon when it happened. His parents worked so we spent a lot of time alone there after school playing one on one and stuff. That was generally my idea because it allowed me maximum body contact with him and a terrific opportunity to take in his body scent up close. We'd both worked up a heady sweat after a particularly long and grueling session of one on one and were thoroughly kicked when we retired to his room. Leo said he wanted to take a shower so he stripped off his shoes, socks, shorts and underwear and headed for the bathroom. My cock throbbed as I saw those rock hard hair covered mounds disappear through the door into the bathroom.

As I laid there on his bed I couldn't help but stare at those steaming clothes laying there on the floor. My boner got the better of me and I had the overwhelming urge to sniff Leo's underwear. All I could think about was the jock I'd stolen from him and how hot that had smelled. Now I was faced with a pair of briefs that had lots more fabric that had wrapped around his cock, balls and ass. The thought of it drove me to the brink. I knew that even if I didn't steal the briefs I simply had to have a sniff. Listening to the muffled sounds of the water running in the shower and figured I was safe. Slowly I eased myself up off the bed and reached for the white briefs thrown carelessly on the floor. I picked them up and opened them up to view the crotch area. It was very damp and covered with several thick, curly hairs. If I was going to go through with my secret sniff I knew I'd have to hurry. I quickly moved the briefs toward my face and luxuriated in the super masculine scent of the sexiest guy I knew. I closed my eyes and drank in the aroma of his balls and butt while I wrapped my hand around my hardness. It was completely intoxicating. Though I'd been hard since I'd conceived the thought, the actual deed made my dick so hard it hurt. I pulled my cock and balls out in the open and worked them while I sniffed. Time after time I inhaled whole lung fulls of breath through those sweat soaked shorts.

"I knew it!" came the voice from the doorway.

My eyes shot open and I froze. FUCK! There was Leo standing naked in the doorway of the bathroom with his arms folded. He'd obviously never jumped into the shower. Sweat was still dripping off of him. His cock was full and proud but not hard.

"I knew you were a fuckin' fag!" he continued. Blood rushed to my face as it exploded in embarrassment. He'd caught me red handed! I was scared at the thought of what he might do. My knees felt weak. I wanted to barf.

"I-----uh, I--------well, uh-------" I stammered.

"Don't even start, Dude" he said with a hint of disgust, "Don't even start"

"Let me explain....."

"What's to explain?" he laughed. "You're a jock stealing, shorts sniffing, cock sucking faggot and that's that!"

There was no sense in arguing with him. He'd obviously figured out that I'd snatched his jock away from him and he'd caught me sniffing his shorts, what else could I do but admit it? My mind raced. I had to think on my feet. I felt stupid standing there with my hard dick throbbing out in the open.

"So you figured out the jock and caught me sniffing your shorts, huh?" I challenged.

"Dude, who else would've taken the jock? It was there when I hopped in the shower and not when I got out". He'd totally busted me.

"Whaddya mean by cock sucking?" I shot back.

"Oh, we're gonna get to that!" he answered walking closer to me.

"We are?" I asked, trying not to sound too scared.

"Oh, yeah! You don't think I'm gonna let a good source of head get away after catching you do you?"

This was getting better by the moment. "I wouldn't expect so!" I said brazenly. I was excited.

"Geez, Sean, if you wanted to get into my shorts all you had to do was ask. You didn't have to steal em or sneak sniff em. I woulda let you sniff and suck the real thing a long time ago if you'd just asked!"

"No shit?" I asked in amazement.

"Fuck yah" he shot back. "I've got no problem with that"

"Damn! All this time I coulda had some of that?" I asked pointing to his dick.

"Yah, and some of this too" he said as he turned around and showed me his furry butt. "I've seen you lookin' at me in the showers at school." My cock surged at the view. He ran a hand up and down, deep into his asscrack. Turning back toward me, he caressed his cock and balls with the other. His cock was jutting obscenely from his crotch, getting harder by the second. With a grin on his face he approached me. Without a second thought he held his hands up to my face.

"Knock yourself out, Dude!"

As shocked as I was I immediately held them to my nose and inhaled. From his right hand, the heady scent of sweaty crotch and balls filled my nostrils. Moving to the left the strong scent of sweaty male butthole permeated my being. I swooned.

"Fuckin' turns you on, doesn't it?" he whispered, standing close enough that his cock grazed against my belly.

"Oh, fuck!" was all I could say. A stream of precum flowed freely from my cock head to the floor.

"Yah, we'll get to that too, you sick Fuck!" he teased. "This shit is all new to me, Dude, so you're gonna have to tell me what you want"

I looked up into his eyes. He was serious. "You're not freakin'?" I asked.

"A little. But my cock says go for it and I never argue with him"

"Whaddya wanna do?"

"I think that's the question I should be asking you. You're the faggot with the bright ideas. I'm just along for the ride"

"I dunno where to start, Dude"

"Look I don't know how much I'm willing to do, but I sure as hell am game for a little fun if you wanna go down on me"

I took that as a cue and slowly dropped to my knees. His stiff rod was standing hard and fast against his belly at that moment. Reaching out for it I pulled it down gently and enveloped his bulbous knob with my mouth.

"Oh, fuck, Dude!" he rasped as I plunged my hot, wet throat down onto the full length of him. "I'm never gonna last long!"

I had to think quickly. I knew he was turned on at that moment, but had no idea how a big Stud like him would react once he shot his load. I wanted the moment to last as long as possible. Swirling my tongue all around his cockhead, I slurped up the copious amounts of precum while my brain raced. I knew that this may be the only chance I got with Leo, so I had to make sure I got as much as I could from him. Remembering that first glory hole blow job I flashed on how I'd shot my load within seconds of the guy sucking my cock into his mouth. I didn't want that to happen with Leo. I turned him around and sat him down on the bed.

"Lay back" I commanded. He did.

I continued sucking him for all he was worth while I circled my hand around the base of his cock and balls and squeezed hard. That's how the campground cocksucker had prolonged my orgasm when he blew me the second time. It had also worked in my subsequent jack off sessions. I could tell that Leo's urge to cum had subsided. The heady scent of sweaty crotch assaulted my nostrils and inflamed my balls as I plunged his stiff rod into my throat. I gagged repeatedly, but there was no stopping me. I worshiped his cock totally. I licked the entire shaft up and down while I played with his balls. The more I played with his balls the hotter Leo got.

"Yah, that's it. Play with those balls, Dude. Suck `em"

My tongue was everywhere on him at once. I lathed his balls with spit and sucked them into my mouth one at a time before finally stuffing both of them in at once. When I did that, Leo batted my hand away from his cock. It was apparent by the way his balls were climbing up toward his shaft that he was getting close to cumming. Another tight grip around the base of his cock and balls staved off his need to spew for a while longer. Through all of that I never let up on his `nads. He really got off on the ball work and I was up to the task. While he was thrashing about on the bed in ecstasy he pulled his feet closer to his butt, raising his knees. This only served to release more of the strong scent of his butt to my nostrils. My cock surged. I got braver. I licked down below his balls and followed the cord of flesh leading to his hole. Not wanting to freak him out I just kept lapping up and down on his balls, getting lower and lower with each lick.

Finally my tongue got close enough to his butthole that I figured he was going to stop me. He never did. Instead he shifted his hips so that I got even closer to his hole. My fantasies got the better of me and within a minute or so I was tonguing all around his hairy butthole. My cock was so hard that I didn't dare touch it or let it rub against the bedcovers for fear that I would spew on the spot. I finally reached up and pushed Leo's legs toward his chest and ate his butt ravenously. The taste and smell of my first butt feast was awesome. To this day it's one of my favorite things to do with men. Even though I was just 16, almost 17, at the time I took to his hole like I'd been eating them all my life. Leo flopped around on the bed and moaned loudly.

"Oh, you fuckin' faggot!" he cursed as he ground his butthole on my face. I lapped at his hairy orifice like a starving child. In a matter of minutes his hole was a gaping gash and I was running my tongue deep inside of him. He tasted awesome! Man funk and sweat enveloped my senses. Wild horses couldn't have dragged me away from Leo at that moment. In due time he pulled me off his butt and back onto his leaking log.

I sucked Leo for just another minute or two before I realized he was going to cum. Even at that tender age I knew that if I didn't get off about the same time he did, I probably wasn't going to get a chance to do so. So I grabbed my hard cock and stroked myself toward my nut. Leo was panting hard and pulling my head down hard on his pulsating cock. In an instant I quickly learned how to deep throat and breathe at the same time. My fantasy man was pretty much out of control and ready to spew at any moment. My cockhead was on fire as I rubbed the copious slick of precum over it. Then I felt the familiar buzzing in my prostate. The rougher Leo clawed at my head and the harder he rammed his cock in my throat, the more turned on I got. Suddenly, he froze and held my head still. His moans alone gave his orgasm away but the ropes of ball beer basting my throat confirmed it. With all my strength I pulled my head up to get some cum on my tongue. The second I tasted the salty spooge he fed me my balls snapped. Rockets of cum jetted out of me and onto the bedspread. Both of us were hunched over, wracked in spasms of ecstasy while we flushed our balls.

Just as quickly as he came, Leo's cock became too sensitive for my tongue action. Abruptly, he pulled my head off of his cock so I lapped at his balls and the hard cord below them. Even though he didn't stop me from doing it he just kept rolling his head from side to side saying, "No more, no more, no more". Finally he made me stop. Looking up at him, I leaned back, spent cock in hand and a smirk on my face. Leo propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me.

"Goddamn, but you're a sick fuck!". I took it for the compliment he meant it to be.

"Dude, I've been wanting to do that for so fuckin' long" I confessed.

"Shit! That's was the most awesome head I've ever had" he panted.

"You've had a blow job before?"

"Sure. Back home I had a girlfriend that like to blow the bone once in a while"

"Like I did?"

"No fuckin' way. Nothing could be as good as what you did" he laughed. "And eatin' my butt! What a sick fuck you are!" he said as he sat up and rubbed the top of my head.

"I've always wanted to do that to you" I said meekly.

"What's up with that?"

"I don't know. It's just such a fuckin' turn on to me"

"Sheez, Dude! I don't understand it but it sure feels good!" he said getting up. "Fuck, man, you fuckin' creamed my bedspread!" I looked down and saw what he was looking at. There were several globs of my cum all over the bedspread drop.

"Sorry, Dude" I said sheepishly.

"Just clean it up" he said. I looked up at him and saw a large pearl of cum leaking out of his half hard cock. In a flash I licked it off.

"Jesus, but your such a sick fuck!" he said laughing. He turned and walked in the bathroom as I watched those hairy mounds shifting about. All the while we'd been fooling around the shower had been running. I heard Leo step in and shut the shower door.

That was the first time I got into Leo's pants. What followed were several months of intense sessions that got hotter and hotter.

Next: Chapter 2

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